Death Compensation

Chapter 921 Events related to soul games

"To be able to create this kind of force field that suppresses power, the technology and personal force of this alien race are not weak." Lu Bai scanned some details of the city.

For example, certain facilities are capable of bearing huge forces, so as to prevent the other party from accidentally causing huge damage.

Such small details can show that some people who take to the streets on weekdays have at least reached a certain level of strength.

However, in such a large city, all the people disappeared in a short period of time.

"This kind of danger is not even something I can deal with." Lu Bai wandered around the city, and soon discovered the information channel for the race here.

A button-shaped artificial object can be attached to the temple to construct an information box on the retina.

This thing is much more convenient than a mobile phone, and you can check all kinds of information in it with a single thought.

However, because Lu Bai is an alien, he can't register an account, so he can only observe some basic news information as a tourist and know the general information here.

"The city of zero orchid poison."

"A person with four degrees."

"Multiverse Exploration Project!"

From this information, it can be known that this city is located on a special planet, known as the city of zero blue poison, and the main race is the fourth-degree people.

As for whether this planet is in the star cave dimension, Lu Bai is not quite sure.

After all, the information seen as a tourist is limited, and they may or may not be there.

In short, the civilization of the fourth-degree people on this planet has reached an extremely developed stage.

As a tourist, Lu Bai was able to see some of the 'achievements' of their fourth-degree people.

These achievements are regarded as honors by them, and they are extended to any life that can touch them.

They can transform an uninhabited planet at will, transforming it into a state suitable for life.

It can also open the pocket dimension, and act as the so-called "creator god", gestating life in it.

Some of the traits displayed even made Lu Bai think that this race has a Japanese-level existence.

But then Lu Bai discovered that the problem was wrong, and they made a mistake that the Japanese class would never make.

After reaching the day level, you can leave the original dimension, go to the dimensional membrane, and have the ability to survive in the dimensional membrane.

It's just that if you enter other dimensions, you will be affected by the rules of other dimensions, and your strength will be suppressed.

This mainly depends on how much universal ability this day level has.

But no matter what, as long as you reach the day level, you can observe some information of this large multiverse relatively clearly.

They can clearly know the general composition of the dimension, and how to explore the outer dimension is 'healthy'.

But this fourth-degree person, they didn't.

Lu Bai took a brief look at their so-called multiverse exploration plan.

Many of the features inside seem to have been polluted by the real dimension.

So it is very likely that their so-called exploration is actually more likely to be door-to-door delivery.

In this way, Lu Bai was able to confirm that this race did not have a life body that reached the Japanese level, but relied on the special racial talent to complete these special things.

It can even be determined that this fourth-degree person and this city of zero blue poison are not in the star cave, but in another dimension.

"This is interesting." Lu Bai thought, and then looked around the empty city again. The reason why the city is empty is most likely because of this exploration operation.

"In addition, is it because of my identity as a traveler that this kind of event was arranged for me?" Lu Bai walked towards the experiment site while thinking about the arrangement of the star cave.

Normally speaking, the pollution of the real dimension is something that the star cave race rarely touches.

Because of this, they are so nervous when they encounter real dimension pollution.

This event is estimated to be a rare event in the Star Cave.

"So which real dimension is the real dimension pollution incident this time?"

"Will it still be critical?" Lu Bai had various thoughts about this.

"If this is the case, then the pollution of the real dimension that appeared in the cemetery before is probably not an accident, but an internal cause."

"It's just the star cave, what kind of state is the pollution of the real dimension?" Lu Bai frowned.

The Star Cave is definitely a powerful cosmic spectacle, and there are so many abilities inside it. For this alone, Lu Bai feels that the Star Cave itself is not inferior to any large natural dimension.

"Here we are, right here, the Four Degrees of Time and Space Research Institute." Lu Bai stopped his footsteps.

As soon as he arrived here, Lu Bai vaguely felt that his thoughts had been affected to a certain extent.

Regardless of the specific situation inside, at least from this point, it can be determined that the pollution here must be critical.

"Could it be a foolish spirit again?" Lu Bai turned his desire to resist the alienation of thinking brought about by the critical pollution.

There are various types of strange demons, from wild spirits, colorful spirits to foolish spirits, etc., which are only one ten-millionth of the strange demon race.

And strange demons are also one of the most difficult sources of pollution to detect real dimension pollution.

Because after the strange demons come to other dimensions, they will attract the power of the critical point and open up a small critical point in the local area.

Therefore, most of the time, the pollution brought by critical strange monsters is a change in the thinking of the living body.

And the alienation of the real environment, because all of them are in the small threshold, so it is difficult to detect.

In this regard, Abyss is similar but different.

The real pollution of the abyss will cause the desire valve of the living body to get out of control, and thus become "follow one's inclinations", and then the living body will quickly deform into a demon under the influence of desire.

Compared with the types of strange demons, there is no such thing as a type of demons at all, and they are completely classified by desire and race before the fall.

The response of desire will be reflected on the living body very quickly, so the abyss and the border are also mainly the spirit that pollutes the living body, but the pollution of the abyss is not so hidden.

Because they are also robbing the spirit of the living body, the abyss and the borderline are also very difficult to deal with.

There is mutual restraint between demons and strange demons.

The strange demon called the demon as brainless and full of desires.

The devil called Yimo no JJ, and his whole body was full of brains.

Between the two, as long as they meet, it will be a thunderstorm.

After all, a person's spiritual output is only so much, either the thinking is alienated and becomes "inspiration" and is eaten by strange demons, or the spiritual desire is out of control and swallowed by demons.

Lu Bai and Abyss do have some connections, if there is no Nether, then it would be a good choice for Lu Bai to go to Abyss and become a devil prince.

After confirming that the four-degree people provoked the critical point, Lu Bai had some guesses about the disappearance of all the people in the city of zero orchid poison.

"The high probability is that the pollution has reached a certain level, and reality has been included critically." After resting for a while with his eyes closed, Lu Bai suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils of his eyes shattered at this moment, like a broken mirror.

The movement of the world is shown in Lu Bai's eyes. Through this kind of observation, it can indeed be found that the movement of space is not smooth.

It's as if there is another large celestial body orbiting nearby, and the 'yang energy' of the two forms interference.

This is the danger of critical development. After reaching a certain level, the critical will turn from imaginary to real.

And its original dimension will be replaced in this process.

"Then it's not easy to solve." Lu Bai felt that the difficulty of this incident was too high.

The criticality has developed to this extent, and there are probably more than one strange monster inside.

Even the lives of the local people have collapsed, and it is only right that they have begun to transform towards the critical mass on a large scale.

Even if Lu Bai reached the moon level by relying on the energy and blood martial arts obtained from this star cave, it was still only the moon level.

If he wants to resist this level of critical coming, then Lu Bai can only have a certain resistance ability by making sacrifices on the spot, summoning the gate of the abyss, and using magic to fight magic.

"Unless, the resistance force in this dimension is not completely extinct, and can provide me with a fairly reliable help." Lu Bai flipped through the achievements of the fourth-degree people, and had a deeper understanding of the fourth-degree people.

Four-degree people, they are born with the ability to feel the fourth dimension, that is, the fourth dimension of time outside the three-dimensional space of length, width, and height.

Relying on this fourth dimension, each of them has the ability of 'absolute time'.

At the moment when absolute time is opened, the three-dimensional space of length, width and height will disappear from their world, and only the passage of time will remain before their eyes.

With the permission of time, they can ignore space and do many things limited by space.

Such as teleportation, passing through walls, reorganizing matter, etc.

It is also because of this that the culture of the fourth-degree people develops extremely fast, and they are like natural gods, able to change most things in the material world.

This ability is also unique in research. They have not developed their own 'practice system', but are similar to the starry sky races in the star cave, developing various equipment called black technology to strengthen themselves.

Because of the ability of absolute time, they can directly reorganize this black technology into their bodies and integrate it with themselves.

No need to practice, as long as the technology is in place, you can reorganize the technological equipment and your body according to the absolute time, so as to ascend to the gods in one step.

The fourth-degree people are a race of "everyone is like a dragon".

Based on this, the fourth-degree people controlled the star field of this dimension and became the "race of gods" of countless races.

They did not exterminate other races, nor did they enslave them.

Because they are too powerful, all they need is the admiration and fawning of other races.

Therefore, any foreign race can observe their achievement wall as a tourist in their communication equipment.

However, being too advanced is not entirely beneficial, and none of them has really reached the Japanese level.

Although each of them is extremely powerful, they know too little about the dimensions beyond.

This is where the disaster begins.

Standing outside the laboratory, Lu Bai had a certain understanding in his heart.

So he pushed open the door of the laboratory.

It was at this time that a phantom appeared in front of Lu Bai.

"Outlander, I need your help!"

The second update, 3000 words, good night everyone.

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