Death Compensation

Chapter 927 Get Everything Anxiously

The so-called Jiao Ling, the word Jiao means anxious.

It is an urgency for time.

It symbolizes the urgent thinking of the living body about the lack of time.

Wanting to achieve more results in a short period of time, this kind of thinking of pursuing efficiency and pursuing results is the foundation of Jiao Ling's breeding.

It is also because of Jiao Ling here that the number of strange demons can have such an abnormal breeding speed and number.

Moreover, because of being too anxious, Jiao Ling also has the ability to interfere with time to a certain extent.

In this case, combined with the innate ability of the fourth-degree person, Jiao Ling's interference with time is further increased.

Their extra phantom arms are extra due to the interference of time ability.

"Are they all Jiao Ling?" Lu Bai looked at the incubators hiding in the distance, feeling extremely troubled in his heart.

From the database of Nether, Lu Bai was able to find a piece of information about Jiao Ling.

Jiao Ling can speed up the efficiency of something by interfering with time, and when the number of Jiao Ling increases from one to two, and even more Jiao Ling is derived, the disaster begins.

Plural jiao ling's interference with time increases exponentially.

Time will be accelerated to the limit.

Therefore, the battle with Jiao Ling was the most troublesome.

You have to pursue speed, and end all this before Jiao Ling is bred on a large scale.

But no one can compete with Jiao Ling in terms of speed. They are all year round, do not need to sleep, focus on achieving results, and interfere with time with all their strength.

Normal people take two days off a week and work five days a week, eight hours a day.

People under oppression work seven days a week and work overtime into the night.

Occasionally there are some holidays, and the time needs to be adjusted in exchange for more overtime work.

Jiao Ling works nine days a week, they have no concept of overtime, and even in that situation, they would like to use time interference to allow them to work a few more days a week.

This multi-handed Jiao Ling had obviously just been conceived.

Lu Bai even observed some undried black shadow mucus on the opponent.

Before Lu Bai finished his observation, more blades from the opponent stabbed at him, and Lu Bai was dismembered in an instant.

It's just scattered corpses that only existed for a second before they turned into endless ice mist.

From the fog, Lu Bai picked up the space resonance deflection blade, blended into the space with a strange angle, and stabbed at the newborn Jiao Ling.

However, at this moment, the other party was already impatiently waving his arms, and slashed at Lu Bai frantically first.

Under this crazy swing, the wind pressure carried by the blade sliced ​​through the ice and mist.

A knife is always the last to come first, and under the time interference ability, the opponent has an absolute upper hand, and Lu Bai can only continue to resist with the deflected blade.

Moreover, the Jiao Ling visible to the naked eye is growing rapidly.

It is growing, from a newborn toddler, towards maturity.

A strange monster like Jiao Ling will be born with a certain phenomenon as an incubator. After birth, he will gradually absorb everything in the incubator. After absorbing it, he will be considered a mature stage.

But this time, Jiao Ling's incubator was not some kind of phenomenon, but a fourth-degree person.

Every fourth-degree person has at least the ability of a star, although this ability is more achieved by the technological equipment reorganized into the body.

The rapid growth of Jiao Ling in front of him shows that he is frantically absorbing all the technology and equipment of the fourth-degree people.

It will instantly become a star monster.

A star monster with wisdom, Jiao Ling's special ability, and fourth-degree human technology!

Faced with this kind of monster, Lu Bai could only choose to flee.

"It must be killed before it matures!" This urgent thought naturally arises.

The thought drove Lu Bai's movements, making him instinctively eager to launch a fatal attack on Jiao Ling.

The more so, the faster Jiao Ling in front of him will grow.

Because all anxious and urgent thinking will only make him grow.

This kind of thinking monster is the most difficult to fight against. Under the other party's thinking mode, you have no way to fight against the other party.

Similar to the previous Yuling.

Under the rules of Yuling, you will only be domesticated, and if you are not willing to obey the other party's rules, you will be directly attacked by Yuling and directly abstracted by that dark ability.

The same is true for Jiao Ling, who has been growing at an abnormal rate.

If you want to deal with the other party, you must solve the other party as soon as possible, but anxious thinking will only become the nutrient for the other party's faster growth.

When it comes to efficiency, people will never be able to compete with Jiao Ling.

Unless you have the ability to crush the opponent from the beginning, you can crush the opponent to death with a random palm.

This is the only way to get out of this kind of 'efficiency' competition.

But under the situation of being evenly matched, Jiao Ling could be called an unsolvable monster.

"This...isn't it invincible?" Fortunately, at this time, Adolaxi understood Jiao Ling's ability from Lu Bai, and sent out the best assist.

Adurahi couldn't help but recall his previous behavior.

Exploring criticality and opening up other multidimensional universes are the next development direction of Sidu people.

Because the fourth-degree people find that in this dimension, their development direction is getting smaller and smaller.

The fourth-degree people who attach great importance to honor frequently resort to this method.

In order to study the criticality, Adoraxi was filled with urgency during that period of time.

Even now, he couldn't tell how much of it was caused by Jiao Ling's interference, and how much of it was caused by his own urgent emotions.

Pursue results, obtain honors, and achieve the best results in the shortest possible time.

He can be said to be crazily squeezing the working hours of his researchers.

Before that, I was able to play games with Ludu Sada and the others in the game room.

But in the later stage, he stayed in the research room all day long.

Now it seems that his students have also been persecuted by him crazily, forcing the other party to give various research data.

That impetuous anxiety now seems to be frightening.

Perhaps his student was not a technical spy at the beginning, but chose to escape under his own persecution.

At that time, I was already in the state of a madman, desperate to produce results.

"So that's why Ludu Sada found out that my student was making small moves in my laboratory, and didn't stop him?" Adoraxi was a little stunned.

Ludu Sada is not a researcher, and the other party's responsibilities are more about security and administrative issues.

At that time, in the eyes of Ludu Sada and others, experimental researchers such as Adorashi had entered a state of madness because of their research criticality.

They didn't care about anything, just working crazily in the research room.

Compared to Adorashi and the others, Luduzada was the first to notice the critical problem.

Now that Adorashi remembered, many people came to the research institute to observe the mental state of himself and other people, either explicitly or secretly.

This was probably sent to review himself and others for Ludu Sada's upward reaction.

It's just that the critical problem is only reflected in their thinking. They seemed to be a little more urgent at the time. Other ways of thinking and logical expressions are very normal, which completely fits the image of a mad scientist who wants to produce research results.

Therefore, critical research has not stopped.

"Perhaps Ludu Sada was also affected at the time. He was too eager to restore us to normal. After the normal review could not find any problems, he let my students secretly behave."

"It ended up triggering all of this."

Adoraxi looked at Jiao Ling at this moment, as if he saw something extremely terrifying.

This kind of monster makes everything go on a galloping road, and then makes everything faster and faster.

Eventually it all goes off the rails, causing all the disaster.

It was precisely because he had deeply felt the state of extreme anxiety that Adorashi sighed that he was invincible.

"Lu Bai, wake up quickly, don't continue to worry!" Adoraxi called Lu Bai's name anxiously, and then reacted, and became anxious.

Even if he was outside of time and space, that anxious emotion was still constantly infecting him.

Lu Bai kept attacking and attacking Jiao Ling.

However, the knife Jiao Ling wields can always attack Lu Bai first when he intercepts Lu Bai's attack.

In a short time, Lu Bai was covered in injuries.

"It's okay, don't worry!" Lu Bai said at this moment, cutting into the space with a wave of his hand and going straight to Jiao Ling.

Jiao Ling still didn't care, but the blade that he swung obviously later appeared in front of Lu Bai, and slashed at Lu Bai's head.

As for Lu Bai's knife running towards his body, it always missed Jiao Ling's body by a hair.

"It's the time gap." Lu Bai no longer distracted himself from attacking, but focused on defending.

And summarize the information about Jiao Ling that he has obtained.

I have attacked several times, whether it is distance, attack angle or other aspects, I have achieved perfection, but I just can't attack the opponent.

This also allowed Lu Bai to detect some specific abilities of the opponent.

Jiao Ling seemed to be in the same space as himself, but in fact his time moved forward a little bit.

Therefore, no matter how you attack, you can't touch the opponent.

Unlike the previous Korodong team member Yasa's ability to go to the past, Jiao Ling's defensive ability is a little anxious to reach the future under the interference of time.

In this case, normal attacks cannot kill Jiao Ling.

"I was deliberately infected by Jiao Ling before, and my heart became more and more anxious. Using the same emotion to simulate Jiao Ling's efficiency still can't achieve the effect of interfering with time."

"There is always such a gap between me and the 'time and space' where the real Jiao Ling is."

"So, it is impossible to attack the other body in the same way, and we can only change the method!"

"What...method..." Adorashi asked, but found that the more he said, the slower time became.

Suddenly, everything around stopped.

The sand in your eyes, keep calm and watch, change!

And a slack, lazy breath filled everything around.

Even Adoraxi outside of time and space was affected.

Second update.

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