Death Compensation

Chapter 931 Perfect Realm

Chapter 931 Perfect Realm

Exile dangerous research, this is the responsibility of the fourth-degree people to develop trade union agents.

They have mastered some kind of technology that can exile dangerous things, and they have exiled many things over the years.

Critical, undoubtedly, is in the sequence of being exiled.

It's just critical pollution, it's too terrifying, and it quietly infects the personnel of a top research institute into a group of anxious lunatics.

So Stick and other agents, they made the worst preparations from the beginning.

Not to mention stealing the switchboard of the research institute, but still turning off the suppressor.

Once the situation is not right, the entire city built on the mine of zero blue poison will be exiled.

They succeeded, but also failed.

Before, whether it was Lu Bai and the others wandering around in the research room, or killing a newborn Jiao Ling by means of the abyss, the original Jiao Ling never appeared, as if it didn't exist at all.

Looking at it now, it wasn't that Jiao Ling didn't exist, or that he didn't want to attack Lu Bai and the others.

It's just that it can't make a move.

Stick and Landis, after the two fled to the factory, found that the critical expansion speed was abnormal.

The two of them have the opportunity to fly out with the spaceship, but this planet will also be destroyed, and even the entire universe will be destroyed.

While letting those infected commit suicide by taking zero blue poison, they exiled Lantis into a special state.

And with a special device, the connecting belt invented by Adorahi, the two people are connected together, sharing the state of the two people, and helping Sticker not to be critically polluted.

Then Stick blew up the zero blue poison mine, using this time-space poison to exile this critically polluted city.

And Stick and Landis, who are also in this factory, chose to be a nail.

Stick is in the three-dimensional space, and Landis is in the four-dimensional time and space. The two merge with each other, merging the critical city and the city of zero blue poison.

Guaranteed that even if the City of Zero Blue Poison is exiled, there is no way to get out of the critical situation.

Of course, the price of doing this is that the two of them can only exist inside the factory, where the critical and real spaces overlap, and their activities are restricted.

Under such circumstances, Jiao Ling became the one who least wanted the city to be exiled.

It was actually interfering with this space before, preventing it from breaking away from the framework of this dimension.

As for the critical expansion suppressor, this thing was initially ignored by Jiao Ling.

At that time, the suppressor was turned off, and there was no obstacle to the critical expansion, so Jiao Ling was busy pulling more places in the entire city under the critical envelope.

Anxiously expanding its own territory, but when the zero blue poison mine exploded, it didn't even have time to go back to the research institute to restart the machine.

It can only sneak into the mine of zero blue poison, interfere with the spread of zero blue poison and the rejection of the city.

Before that, Jiao Ling was still at a disadvantage.

The newborn Jiao Ling didn't know all of this either.

Therefore, when Lu Bai came, everything seemed so peaceful.

If time goes by, this city of zero orchid poison will still be excluded because of the operation of the world, and it will no longer be able to threaten the current world.

Until, with the help of Adoraxi, Lu Bai opened the suppressor.

Jiao Ling received strong support, and someone helped him stabilize the critical space structure, giving him time to quickly clean up the influence of Zero Blue Poison, and return the city to their universe.

"It's too late now, no matter what!"

"In any case, you, the culprit, will have to pay the price!"

Both Stick and Landis had nothing but despair and hatred in their eyes.

They have sacrificed everything, and someone is not enough to make them sacrifice, but to destroy all their achievements.

Adorashi who got this answer was stunned in place.

He had almost split because of the conflict in his mind before.

According to Lu Bo's sentence, "A gentleman's deeds don't matter his heart", and he takes saving the world as his practical goal of action, ignoring ideological conflicts, and this stabilizes his own split state.

But now tell him that everything he did was not to save the world, but to bring the disaster back to their universe.

This kind of devastating blow to his mind was even more terrifying than before.

"Sure enough, did I make too many wrong choices in anxiety?"

"I should have thought more about it."

"I screwed up everything and am a disgrace and a sinner to the 4th degree."

Such self-deprecating words impacted Adorashi's heart.

"There is still a chance!" But at this moment, Lu Bai's voice broke through the outer darkness like a ray of light.

"The incubator from the outside world was distorted when it hatched the strange monster." Lu Bai said: "Zero Blue Poison, a space-time toxin, is also a deadly poison to the strange monster."

"That Jiao Ling is poisoned."

"Its strength will inevitably be damaged, and as the first strange demon who opened up this small border, once it dies, it will be able to close this border!"

Lu Bo's words made Adoraxi regain hope.

But there was no way to impress Stick and Landis on the opposite side.

And that's actually normal.

The two groups of people who are fighting for life and death, just because of some words of the other party, let go of their hatred and scruples to trust each other.

Where did you get such a big face?

Not to mention, both of them are not familiar with Lu Bai, it's not like Adorashi has seen Lu Bai's ability and believes in Lu Bai's judgment.

These two are pure fourth-degree people, with the arrogance of fourth-degree people.

What kind of rubbish is Lu Bai, why we have to give up his two or three sentences and die together!

And Aduraxi is the chief culprit of everything, he messed up everything, in this situation, how can they trust Adoraxi.

"This is troublesome." Although Lu Bai said so, Lu Bai still looked very leisurely.

"Since you don't listen, then I can only kill you." Lu Bai shook his head.

Until now, all the enemies he encountered were actually weakened enemies.

Although Stick and Landis have obtained special abilities because of this way of linking, their strength has actually been greatly weakened.

Lantis has been transformed into a state outside of time and space, which is better than Adoraxi, but only auxiliary abilities remain.

Stick is a whole body of technical equipment, all of which are transformed into other machines in the process of blasting the mine of zero blue poison, nailing the critical and exiled city.

He even only has some simple attack abilities left now, and he has to move slowly.

This kind of four-degree person is unhealthy.

And now, Lu Bai is more and more clear.

The so-called monthly, star-level, and daily-level divisions are not entirely based on destructive power.

For example, in the subsidiary dimension of the Star Cave, many races have star-destroying cannons, and even several major forces have star-level star-destroying cannons.

But no knowledgeable person would regard the Star Destroyer as a powerhouse of the same level.

What these weapons can represent is only this level of attack power.

The moon level is promoted to star level, and then promoted to day level. The biggest enhancement is not the improvement of energy level, but the "perfection" of oneself, possessing the so-called "realm".

If it’s really just about energy levels, give Lu Bo some time, and with the method of the heavens and the earth, he can transform a lot of ghost power into a living planet with terrifying vitality. It’s not a big problem.

It's just that this energy level has no meaning until it reaches a qualitative change.

And qualitative change also requires a certain 'perfect state' support.

Otherwise, the stronger the energy level, the more self-destructive it will be.

This is the enlightenment given by the big brother Gargoyle with his life when Lu Bai was in the dirt.

As for these fourth-degree people in front of them, they may have had star power in the past, and with the cooperation of various technological equipment, they are also extremely terrifying.

Because their equipment can be reorganized into their bodies in absolute time, even if it is mainly equipment, they really had a star realm at that time.

But with the loss of their equipment, they have the risk of going backwards.

The current Stick, at best, they can only be regarded as surface-level individuals with a star energy level and a certain level of star power.

That's right, not even Lunar Grade.

A 'flaw' caused by the four-degree human power system.

Their bodies, if they have not loaded and reorganized any technical equipment, are extremely fragile, and their life level is not high.

And this kind of individual is not difficult to deal with.

After a few rounds of probing, Lu Bai swung his knife.

The space resonance deflection blade waved in the air, blending into the space and becoming invisible.

Afterwards, the knife in Lu Bai's hand disappeared, and when it reappeared, the knife had pierced Stick's body and the connection between him and Landis.

"An attack that uses time-space traction to land? It's a pity that our space-guiding equipment has been used elsewhere." Stick looked behind him, and the connection between Landis and himself was rapidly being reduced, and he said unwillingly.

Landis kept trying to interfere with Stick's body, but became powerless because of the cut in contact, and could only watch Stick's life wither.

They turned themselves into nails and nailed the city of criticality and zero blue poison. This behavior also caused a certain degree of solidification of time and space.

As long as you attack along the direction of time and space, the attack will always reach the solidified place.

A fourth-degree person in a complete state has a variety of technical equipment to deal with various situations.

They even store parts and processing workshops in their bodies, and when necessary, they can use their own technical strength to rub out the corresponding equipment.

Unfortunately, all of these fourth-degree people are incomplete resource-poor states.

This made Lu Bai feel a little ashamed of bullying the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

But soon, Lu Bai joyfully went to touch the man's body.

Although Adoraxi is the inventor of this belt, the belt on Lu Bai's body is only an original research version, and originally only had collection value.

The one on Stick is the latest version of the belt.

At this time, Landis also became more blurred.

He will also be completely excluded from this world.

Second update.

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