Death Compensation

Chapter 933 Alienation of Existence to Thinking

Chapter 933 Alienation of Existence to Thinking

"Zero Sansan, it's really you." Adorashi also sighed after seeing the exoskeleton insect man.

"Adorashi, I wanted to say it a long time ago, my name is not Zero Three Three, I am Otokli!" said the person known as Zero Three Three.

This person does not have the characteristics of a fourth-degree person. According to the information obtained before, this person may not be a fourth-degree person, but another intelligent race in this dimension.

This is a very strange thing, of course not so strange.

Autocle, a genius of another race in the universe, but his genius has 'hit a wall' with the people of the fourth degree.

The unique four-degree people have the unreasonable ability of absolute time.

The best among them can use this talent to obtain superb scientific research ability.

Therefore, the fourth-degree people are called the race of gods, and they are the greatest members of this dimensional universe.

For other races, as long as they can get the name of a fourth-degree person, they can all consider it a great honor.

In this case, Otokli wanted to play catch up.

However, the phenomena he devoted himself to observe and study, as long as the fourth-degree person enters the absolute time, he can analyze its essence, and the analysis will be more comprehensive and real.

There are too many gaps here.

Others basically give up the idea of ​​continuing after encountering this situation.

From then on, following the research direction of the fourth-degree people, researched some outdated technologies of the other party, and became a porter of the fourth-degree people's technology.

But Autocle was different. He chose to let go of his dignity, voluntarily became an experimental subject, and entered this research institute, research number 033.

From then on, no one cared about his original name anymore, and basically only called him Ling Sansan.

And Ling Sansan also took the initiative to cooperate with various experiments, helping Adorashi and the others to research a lot of techniques.

As an experimental subject, he became a half researcher.

Before that, Adorashi was thinking about the critical invasion, who would become the critical accomplice for the sake of 'profit'.

Although people of the fourth degree have a fanatical research desire, and have the mentality of abandoning other things in pursuit of glory.

But the fourth-degree people themselves are the top race of this dimension.

Because of Ludu Sada's behavior before, many people came to check their mental state.

Although they were anxious at that time, they definitely had no intention of destroying the world.

Because of this, as an experimental subject, he was not in Zero Three Three of the review sequence but became the most likely one.

Although he let go of his dignity and voluntarily gave up his name to become a test subject, he is the one who most wants to pick up his dignity.

He has a strong dissatisfaction with the people of the fourth degree, wishing that all the people of the fourth degree can die suddenly.

That kind of deep jealousy towards people of four degrees was something they all knew before, but people of four degrees didn't care at that time.

After all, he is just an experimental product, half a researcher's identity, and it's just that other researchers saw him cooperate, so they gave him a little permission.

Arrogance and arrogance collide.

Under the variable of criticality, all these disasters were born.

Under what circumstances Ling Sansan hooked up with Jiao Ling is unknown.

Even before the disaster broke out, Adorashi was not very clear about the existence of Jiao Ling, but only knew that there was a certain mechanism in the critical state that was conducive to the acceleration of thinking.

Therefore, Ling Sansan's behavior during that time had almost no flaws in Adorashi's eyes.

After all, anxiety is prone to mistakes, and most people at that time were in that anxious state of being desperate for results.

Of course, there is a high probability that 033 did not hide the truth from those who were not too deeply infected. Some of his actions were eventually discovered by the agents of the trade union, and they realized the danger.

So Stick, Landis, and his student Rhoda, the three agents came up with the act of closing the suppressor and blowing up the zero blue drug mine.

"You're wrong, Autocle." If Adolahi had been before, he would still call Autocle Zero Three Three, but now he let go of his arrogance and said.

"Critical, it will not bring anything beneficial, it will only alienate all thinking."

"So what?" Zero Sansan didn't care when he heard Adorashi's words: "Critical is just a more powerful group, using their power to distort our cognition."

"However, if there is no criticality, will all this change?"

"How many people are there in this dimension whose cognition has been distorted by the existence of the fourth-degree people?"

"Living under the brilliance of the fourth-degree people, all technology, culture, and even racial images and aesthetics are moving closer to the fourth-degree people."

"It takes a long time to get the name of a fourth-degree person, and it is a lifetime honor."

"Didn't the existence of the fourth-degree people alienate and distort the thinking of other races in the universe?"

"No, things have influence as long as they exist."

"It's just a difference in size."

"Since thinking must be distorted, why can't it be distorted by a greater criticality?"

Following Ling Sansan's words, a little bit of black light gradually appeared on his body, and his exoskeleton armor echoed the critical moment at this moment.

At this moment, his thinking and cognition reached the critical standard of cognition.

And his previous words are actually the core rules of criticality.

As long as things exist, they will have influence, and this influence may be physical or mental.

This kind of influence can even be exerted actively, such as the remote livestock breeding work that some countries are very good at.

Criticality is the real dimension that symbolizes the influence of thinking.

"So, is that how you look at people of the fourth degree?" Adorashi didn't know what to say at this moment.

The contradiction between the two is fundamental.

That is, 033 does not recognize the influence brought by the fourth-degree people.

This disapproval has caused everything that is now.

"Then, let's go together, Lu Bai!" Adorashi said, his phantom suddenly turned into light.

This kind of light does not aim at time, as fast as the light is, then the speed of its attack is as fast as it is.

Ling Sansan didn't have time to react, and was directly hit by this beam of light.

Saving the world and preventing critical thinking rushed into Ling Sansan's mind at this moment.

At the same time, there is a kind of arrogance shining in it.

"I am the genius of this universe, the Otto family, and I have the duty to protect this universe!"

"The threshold of greatness is where this universe belongs!"

"I want to kill these obstacles, let Lord Jiao Ling rule the universe smoothly, and kill all the fourth-degree people."

"No, this kind of alienation in thinking will only give birth to new life. The degree of alienation is too high. Once the critical expansion spreads, not only the fourth-degree people, but also the Otto people will all die under such circumstances. .”

"Death is the higher birth..."

"Everything is at the critical point!"

The battle started in an instant, but it was a mental battle.

After knowing the influence of the fourth-degree people on other intelligent races in the universe, Adorashi has no guilt towards Zero Three Three, he only has a naked killing intent.

He was willing to talk to Zero Three Three only because Adorashi was doing the final adjustments on the machine that transformed Zero Blue Poison.

Through the transformation of the machine, it turns itself into an energy state and blasts into the target's body.

The interference of thinking is realized through the interference of energy.

This is the inspiration that Adoraxi got from Lu Bai before.

After all, before, Lu Bai used the lazy pollution of the abyss to fight against the critical pollution.

This made Adoraxi understand that the only thing that can resist thinking is thinking.

Of course, his thinking interference ability is far from critical, so this trick can only be used as an interference ability.

Although Ling Sansan's thinking is a little confused now, he can still maintain a certain state of his own.

After all, he has recognized the existence of the threshold, and can see the threshold directly through the naked eye, just like Lu Bai can see the Nether even without other extraordinary abilities.

But now, the home court here is critical, and Adolahi's thought interference is just a negative state for him.

His eyes were cloudy, but he was able to raise his arm immediately.

The sturdy exoskeleton arm guards produced spatial fluctuations, which precisely protected the deflecting blade in Lu Bai's hand.

"I have observed you, lackey of the abyss!" At this moment, Ling Sansan turned his attention to Lu Bai.

"Slave to base desires!"

He waved his arms, and the exoskeleton armor was generating waves of interference, and then formed an effect similar to the empowerment of heaven and earth.

Eliminating the interference in thinking, Zero Three Three was the first enemy he faced in this incident, with complete technological equipment.

The explosion of the star's powerful strength only relies on its own energy level to continuously reshape the surrounding space.

With pure energy and technology, it has achieved the high-dimensional interference power that can only be achieved by the absolute time talent of the fourth-degree people.

"Aren't you the same?" Lu Bai stepped back, his whole body was blessed with qi and blood mixed with yang qi, ensuring that he would not be decomposed and reorganized along with the space.

"You also did all this out of arrogance and jealousy of these desires."

"Even now, you are still moving closer to the fourth-degree people. You are obviously leaning on the critical point, but you are not good at thinking attacks, but to imitate the absolute time ability of the fourth-degree people!"

"I guess it wasn't the fourth-degree people that you were resenting all the time, but why you are not the fourth-degree people, right?"

Compared with talkative talk, Lu Bai has never been afraid of anyone.

A stabbing knife pierced Ling Sansan's heart, coupled with Adorashi's thinking interference, the other party's reshaping of the space became obviously violent.

"Go to hell!" As if to refute Lu Bai's words, the surrounding space changed rapidly under Ling Sansan's control.

And at the same time as this change, a force also wants to rush into Lu Bai's thinking!

Second update.

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