Death Compensation

Chapter 941: Dragons Are Naturally Powerful

Chapter 941: Dragons Are Naturally Powerful

According to the previous knowledge of the Book of Changes.

The Qian Gua describes the philosophy of changing the world with the change of yang energy and the symbol of the main body with the dragon.

But in fact, the dragon is a creature at the upper level of yang energy.

Yang Qi, the power of movement of all things in the universe.

Everything has yang energy, and the path of mythology is to collect faith and yang energy, and combine with each other to become the "universal" divine power.

Then, with the power of divinity, combined with the view of the universe of mythology, the path of mythology is formed.

But in the operation of all things in the universe, some creatures have far stronger influence on the outside world than others. Such creatures are born with sufficient yang energy.

And the natural creatures with this characteristic can be called dragons.

The reason why the ancient Emperor Tianzi was called a dragon is because the Emperor Tianzi became the leader of a social group, and the leader has a huge influence, and this influence also has a certain inheritance attribute, and his heirs are born to be able to Inherit this influence, so the emperor can be called a dragon.

The existence of things will cause extrusion to external objects, and this extrusion influence will promote the operation of things.

Dragons are born strong beings, that is, the so-called upper-level creatures with yang energy, and have a natural ability to oppress the outside world. This is why dragons have dragon power, and the dragon's blood has a strong appeal to other life.

In this regard, it is possible to write down a definition for a dragon: those who are born strong are dragons.

"So I'm a dragon!"

Lu Bai's understanding of himself is unprecedentedly clear.

When I was born, the power of qi and blood far exceeded that of normal humans.

When the earth was still in an era when there was nothing extraordinary, it had blood like a dragon.

Lu Bai is also born strong.

If the environment were changed to Lu Bai, then Lu Bai might not just be as bloody as a dragon.

Instead, there will even be a vision of a dragon when it is born, and it is born with something like a dragon body.

Taking this natural essence as the development direction was the most suitable strength for Lu Bai at that time.

"If I hadn't died unexpectedly, sunk into the Netherworld for seventy-seven years, and hadn't obtained the Ring of Life and Death in the Netherworld."

"Then, the power I am most compatible with is actually the way of the dragon."

"And even if I deviate from this natural path, when building powerful and destructive skills later, even if I use the original sin of the abyss as my power, I instinctively use the big red dragon as a template instead of other demons."

"Dragon and I do have an inseparable fate."

This impulse to understand the origin caused Lu Bai to be shocked to a certain extent.

And a thought rose from the bottom of my heart.

That is to change the foundation, and use the dragon as its own essence from now on.

As a creature at the upper level of yang qi, dragons are born with powerful influence. They only need to constantly strengthen themselves. Even if they don't follow the path of mythology, they still have the possibility of becoming a sun-level with yang qi and leaving the world.

The dragon is naturally powerful, but it is not just talk.

Most natural dragons, as long as they develop according to their own nature, have the possibility to become a day-level dragon.

Although it is only possible, it is also much stronger than other creatures.

Mythical species are not necessarily as convenient as dragons.

This is a broad road, and there is no saying that there are no traps or no traps.

The way of the dragon does not conflict with one's own desire and soul, and the dragon also represents lust.

Therefore, the path of desire can be easily integrated into the path of the dragon.

That is to say, on the path of life and death, certain sacrifices are required.

After all, dragons basically have a long lifespan, and their vitality is also terrifyingly tenacious, so they don't really have much to do with life and death.

Therefore, there is a certain conflict between the path of the dragon and the path of life and death as the body and desire as flesh that Lu Bai is taking now.

Moreover, even if there is no conflict, this behavior of changing roads will also bring certain problems.

"At least, my traveler system is going to have a problem." Lu Bai frowned, letting go of the throbbing in his heart.

"Although with the degree of fit between me and the dragon, even if I change paths, the traveler system can continue to go on. At most, the increase in resonance rate will be slower."

"If you start with the big red dragon and continuously improve the dragon element in your skills, this effect will be further reduced."

"It's just..." Lu Bai seldom hesitated, he was not confused about his choice.

But everything today is not a right and wrong choice, but a right and another right choice.

And because there is not enough information on the road ahead, even Lu Bai can't see clearly what the consequences will be if he chooses this road.

At least in Lu Bai's current line of sight, both roads are correct and can lead to the exit.

"Although the road to life and death will be smoother, and there is still the crown of the Nether Crown Prince, the ring of life and death, but this may be the biggest problem."

"Crown Prince of Nether, is it really that easy to be?"

"Elodos, the Eye of Thousands of Eternal Sleep may not mean to harm me, but some things, just exist, will have a huge impact on the latecomers."

"Turning into a dragon may be the best way for me to break free from a certain 'fate'."

"And this trip to the star cave, I can get some kind of deep feeling, I have to do something."

"If there is no accident, the star cave is related to many real dimensions."

"It is also for this reason that He can gain the power to break free from fate to a certain extent."

Thoughts swirled in his mind, and then returned to calm.

After all, it is not high enough to stand and not far enough to see, so there are so many troubles.

Lu Bai didn't continue to think. When he couldn't see the way ahead, thinking about the right or wrong of a road was actually a gamble, and the dog who gambled would die.

"So it's better to improve yourself to a certain level first."

Lu Bai soared towards the next event on the third floor of the Star Cave.

"However, it can be seen from this incident that the power provided by the star cave is, to a certain extent, biased towards the day after tomorrow." Lu Bai recorded this information.

The ability provided for the first time was actually plant life, a factor developed from the Sutra of Kurong.

Lu Bai itself doesn't have much compatibility with plants, and he chose Kurong Sutra at the beginning, only because this martial art has the possibility of developing life and death.

As Lu Bai became a sage, he transformed the Sutra of Dry Glory into the Mysterious Book of Infinite Nether Nirvana and Returning to the Hanguang Cave, and the plant factor has almost been eliminated.

However, the Kurong Scripture, after all, has been the foundation of Lu Bai's power for a long time, so plants, which are acquired by Lu Bai, occupy a very important position.

"It's just that if this is the case, wouldn't life and death have more weight?" Lu Bai frowned. Life and death are also factors involved in the day after tomorrow, right?

As a result, in the Sutra of Kurong, the factor of plants is ranked first, but life and death have not been selected until now.

"So, what kind of perspective does Star Cave look at me?"

Lu Bai knew very well that when he entered the star cave, some of his own essence was reflected by the star cave.

In other words, the star cave has been observing itself time and time again since he entered.

Star Cave is providing power for you to choose in a way that is good for you.

However, because there is a huge gap between the individual and the star cave, there is a certain difference in understanding of whether it is suitable or not.

It is said that there is such a school in the Star Cave, and it is said that the highest order recommended by the Star Cave is their most suitable strength.

Acting completely according to Xingcao's recommendation is the key point of clearing Xingcave.

However, many people disagree with this statement.

If this is the case, then after entering the Star Cave, you only need to remember the power you acquired for the first time, and then constantly correct this power.

But if this is the case, then how could the clearance rate of Star Cave be so low.

"Or, I still have some kind of plant factor that I haven't discovered." Lu Bai thought of this.

He can be sure that there is no plant-related information in the Youguang Collection, and the way to get started is to go straight to life and death.

The plant is the most wrong thing. The blood and dragon after that are all factors that Lu Bai had before he gained extraordinary power, so the order is not a problem.

"Wait, Lu Bai?" Lu Bai was taken aback suddenly, thinking of his own name, his father named himself and his brother Songbai.

They are all of wooden characters.

"Is it because of this?" Lu Bai felt that the reason was a little ridiculous.

But when I went deep into the investigation, I found that under the ridiculousness, there might be something terribly hidden.

"The real name may concern more things than I imagined."

Lu Bai was thinking like this while wandering through the third floor of the Star Cave.

I have had an experience before, the difference between the third floor and the second floor of the Star Cave is that the number of enemies has changed from singular to plural.

This plural is different from the previous dragon with a group of dependents.

Under the mechanism of Star Cave, dependents and their masters are regarded as an individual.

For example, now, the self and the light hole in the body are also regarded as the same individual.

Therefore, the enemies in the third floor may sometimes even be easier to solve than the second floor.

Because when enemies become plural, the relationship between them may be addition or subtraction.

And in this layer, Lu Bai also saw many different 'dragons'.

Of course, it's not just dragons, but all individuals with great influence seem to be involved in the events arranged in the star cave.

Lu Bai can learn from it how to better use his own influence.

It's just because of the influence of evil dragons, even though he has a dragon coat, Lu Bai still fights more with these dragons.

But now, Lu Bai ushered in another choice.

【Sins of Sins: Going deep into it, you will be burned by thunder and fire, and you will be added with swords. From this, you will forge the body of a holy dragon, and you will be able to better control the rules of the universe. 】

This is the land above the clouds that Lu Bai arrived at after jumping out of a river with infinite pressure.

There are white clouds floating around, only this white cloud has such a pond.

And this is also Lu Bai's way to get rid of his evil dragon identity.

Second update.

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