Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 460: Pay off debts for father and brother

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Who is this? With a strand of white hair on each side of his temples, he must have been very handsome when he was young, but he is also outstanding now. There are no folds on his face, and his eyebrows, especially his eyes, are very deep.

However, his eyes are not so friendly now, at least in Wang Xuan's view, he was a little...disgusted earlier.

Now, he is staring at him again and again, and after examining it, he is thinking, and then his complexion is a bit complicated, as if he is reminiscing and thinking.

Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and he rushed to Wu Liuji's low profile. Leng Mei, who had a cold temperament, was smiling brightly, and he had a bad premonition.

Shouldn't this be one of Yaoting's talkers, and most likely the one who speaks the loudest? !

You know, he is not rude, not only calling the other party's old man, but also making two gestures with a heavy mace, wanting to beat the other party.

He was suddenly a little numb, and he said in his heart that his father, Lao Wang, and his elder brother, Wang Yusheng, all stood up and took their own blame!

However, he thought about it again and felt that something was wrong. The true saint is supreme, will he really go to hell? Even if it comes, will it be this kind of aura?

He believes that if the supreme powerhouse of Yaoting is present, and seeing his true appearance and the abnormality of his primordial spirit, it is probably not this attitude.

It can be said that during the ups and downs of a thought, the spiritual sparks in Wang Xuan's mind flashed out in groups, with many thoughts. At the same time, he didn't forget to perform, pay attention to expression management, put away his mace quietly, and squeezed a smile on his face, which was as bright as the flower bones blooming in the first ray of the morning sun.

He hadn't taken the initiative to show his favor to others for a long time, and he kept his profile as low as possible. Although he felt that it was unlikely that he was the true saint of Yaoting, he still took it seriously.

Wu Liuji, who is an extraordinary person, loosened Wang Xuan's neck and still laughed. Although he didn't give a big gift when he walked over, he also showed great respect to the handsome uncle.

Wu Liuji's Primordial Spirit's light shone, obviously, he was communicating with the man and informed him of some situation.

Obviously, after hearing this, this handsome old man with outstanding temperament opened and closed his eyes, and his aura became stronger and different. He looked at Wang Xuan more carefully.

Leng Mei also stepped forward with a smile and shouted, "Senior Brother."

Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He wasn't the real master. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

Then, with a warm smile, he shouted, "Elder Brother."

However, when the "big brother" heard his name, his eyes opened and closed, and two thunder beams suddenly shot out, making a roaring sound.

There is no doubt that the old handsome guy has just stepped forward. Although his face is a bit complicated, he thinks of coming closer, and now he has directly withdrawn his steps.

"I'll go first." He said, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and when it reappeared the next moment, it reached the end of the mountain range on the horizon and quickly disappeared.

"What's your name? That's your uncle!" Wu Liuji said.

Wang Xuan grinned, not knowing what expression to show, and felt a headache, how should I explain this? Next to him, Master Zhang was stunned. Although he had already received Wang Xuan's "advice", he still felt messy when he saw the complicated relationship between him and Yaoting.

Fu Dao Niu obeyed his heart, just a word, lowered his head, and wanted to find an orange fairy grass to eat.

"Also, he's not just as simple as a senior brother." Leng Mei said.

Soon, Wang Xuan learned the origin of the old handsome guy!

In the past, Yaoting Zhensheng had five sons and one daughter, but the eldest son, the second son, and the third son all died in the terrifying blood chaos, leaving only two sons and one daughter.

It can be seen how cruel the extraordinary world is. Once the darkest moment comes, when the true saints are powerless, even their children may not be able to save.

The true sage of Yaoting respected the eldest son very much, but he died in battle. In addition to missing his thoughts, the sage of Yaoting stood in the place of his demise all year round, splashing ink and painting, and did not hesitate to expend the light of the highest primordial spirit. , and even used anti-sky means to capture the last ray of "thought" that may remain in the world and belong to him.

Then, the eldest son of the demon saint, Su Yun, reappeared because of this. He walked out of a picture scroll, with flesh and blood, and possessed the "mind" and "spiritual charm" of the past.

He exists because of the vision of the true sage. He has an alternative resurrection. From a certain perspective, he has an inexplicable relationship with the true sage.

Even Wu Liuji couldn't parse it out. What is Su Yun's state? It's possible that he was completely resurrected. This involved some kind of avenue of his master, and he couldn't see it through.

There is also a possibility that Su Yun is just a miss of his master, pinned on the picture scroll, that is Su Yun in the memory of the true saint walking into the real world. The surviving children of Yaoting Zhensheng believe that this is the eldest brother who has survived, because his character, way of thinking, etc., are no different from before his death and from the past.

"Eldest brother passed on the arts on behalf of the master, we all respect him very much." Leng Mei said.

"You have to recognize this uncle!" Lao Zhang smiled and patted Wang Xuan's shoulder.

"Don't mess with it!" Wang Xuan wanted to discuss with him the 2.0 version of the Dafa of Squeeze the Neck.

Then, as if he remembered something, he asked, "The Demon Court' the true saint here?"

"It may be coming." Wu Liuji's face was serious, and he secretly conveyed this top-secret news with the light of Yuanshen, and solemnly informed it.

"I'm so... honored." Wang Xuanyan was insincere, and even forced a smile, and the heart that had just let go was raised again, and said: "It's actually possible... to see the true self of his old man. ."

Wu Liuji said solemnly: "I'm not sure yet, but the senior brother said that he sensed a fleeting 'special rhyme' at the gate of hell, and thought that a supreme being came in, if other true saints entered In the field, there is a high probability that my master will also enter hell."

Wang Xuan's pupils shrank, his heart sank slightly, the scene of **** is a bit big, and the birth of half of the list may really attract the originator of each family.

In the depths of hell, the light of the rules came, like the undulating tides of mythology. Although it was very brilliant, it was also extremely intimidating.

Wu Liuji's complexion changed slightly, and he said, "It's the direction that Senior Brother is going, I have to go and take a look."

"I'm going too!" Leng Mei immediately chased after her. In the real immortal area of ​​hell, she, the "Double Sacred Artifact" who has broken the limit 5 times, belongs to the most high-end combat power - the fu that shut up and pretended to be dead. Dao Niu raised his head at this time and said, "Master Kong, let's go, the opportunity to show is here, go and help Master... that Master Su."

Wang Xuan glanced at it and said, "Do you know who is fighting in **** right now?"

Fu Dao Niu said, "You don't need to take a real shot, just rush over to cheer, and it's considered a favor."

"It's time to make a move or I have to make a move." Wang Xuan shook his head. He felt that this was completely paying off the debt for his father and brother.

He didn't know the grievances between Old Wang and Yaoting Zhensheng, but he couldn't ignore the fact that Chong Wang Yusheng married Yaosheng's daughter, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain to his eldest brother in the future.

Moreover, Wu Liuji and Leng Mei are now their own people, and they are quite good to him.

"There may be aliens on the battlefield ahead, and even... Supreme creatures." Zhang Daoling reminded him not to be careless.

Wang Xuan nodded: "I know, be cautious. Go over and take a look. This area is my natural home, the true saint... My dog ​​is coming, and I will give it a few slaps."

He finally didn't say that he wanted to slap the true saint, it was obviously a temporary change, which made Lao Zhang's eyes look strange.

Wang Xuan sat on the Fudao cow and said, "Old Zhang, come up." Forget it, I'm not used to riding with people. "Master Zhang refused, took out a broken mirror, and drove it to fly at a high speed.

Wang Xuan cast a spell, using Fu Dao Niu as a flying sword, attracting starlight and making it soar in a straight line. After becoming the ultimate true immortal, he thought it was too slow.

Fu Dao Niu is sad. Its owner doesn't care much about its double-enhancing attribute, saying that he can study it himself, and now even the attribute of hurrying is not valued, is it going to be "unemployed"? Gotta work hard! "You're stupid, after catching up with Leng Mei, you opened the door of time and space, who let you run away on the ground?" Wang Xuan patted its bull's head.

"Yes, Mavericks, I was confused for a while." Fu Dao Niu immediately regained his spirits.

Soon, they caught up with Leng Mei. Before opening the gate of time and space, an old man appeared and shouted from a distance, "Kong Xuan."

Wang Xuan recognized at a glance that it was an old stranger from Wujie Mountain.

"Don't go into the depths of hell, the situation inside is a bit complicated, and it may come... to a high-level mysterious powerhouse." The old Yiren from Wujieshan said.

He specially waited in this area, and after responding to Wang Xuan to prevent him from being ambushed after he came out of the twilight wonder.

However, the birth of the must-kill list this time is too important. Those hostile dojos have not left terrifying high-level figures here, so there is no turbulence. Wang Xuan instantly understood the situation and had some feelings. He felt that Wujie Mountain was really good and kind. Under such a tense situation, there was another person who was sitting in an external area and specially responding to him. This dojo can really get along.

It's a pity that he doesn't have such sky-defying strength, he can't change the general trend, he can only do his best.

"I'm fine, senior, go ahead and do your work. If I encounter danger, I can hide at worst." Wang Xuan nodded.

The old man's name is Wu Kong. Seeing him like this, he didn't say much. He threw him a knife and said, "This is made by Zhensheng himself."

"No, I have it!" Wang Xuan declined.

"Your thing is a bit sensitive. If the old zombie finds out about it, I'm afraid he will hunt you down." Wu Kong secretly used his Yuanshen to transmit his voice and warned him seriously.

Unless it can be silenced, it is indeed a huge risk to use six regular copper spears.

Wang Xuan was stunned, obviously this was what Qingtian told the old Yiren, and it was enough to show that the old Yiren and Qingtian were very close.

"I and the aliens of the Black Peacock tribe are sworn brothers. When we were young, we were friends of life and death." The old alien Wu Kong said casually, and the clear sky called him Grandpa Wu.

After he handed the knife to Wang Xuan, he immediately opened a small teleportation formation, went straight away, and entered the depths of hell.

Wang Xuan looked at this long sword made of ink gold, it was pitch black, with icy killing intent, as if it was taken out of the abyss, it was truly extraordinary.

He looked solemn, what series of **** battles will take place in **** today? All parties ended, making him feel that the atmosphere was dull and depressed to the extreme.

"Five Tribulations Mountain, Lao Yiren is really good, but his time is really short, it's hard to endure it." Leng Mei said, obviously, she had heard a lot of secrets in the demon court.

Old Zhang sighed: "Brown, back in the day, I was also the patriarch of the party, and I could stir up the world, but now it's... all over again."

"Let's go!" Wang Xuan carried a long knife on his back.

Fu Dao Niu opened the door of time and space, and the group broke in directly.

The streamer flashed, and when they reappeared, they saw the magnificent city, saw the fierce battle, and the rules burned into pieces.

Deeper hell, although it still belongs to the real fairy area, it is really dangerous and terrifying.

There are broken jade boxes here, and there are fierce battles near this kind of thing. People want to deduce the real whereabouts of the "half list" based on the breath left by the jade box. There are many pieces of jade shards, but the one here is slightly larger, causing several parties to fight. "

Yao Ting's elder brother Su Yun is very strong. Although he has no hope of breaking through to the supreme realm in this life, his resurrection experience is very mysterious and belongs to the strongest group of people under the true sage. Some people also call this transcendent quasi-holy.

However, even if he was stronger than him, he had not seen the must-kill list yet, so he met his opponent right here, and fought to death with a mysterious master, which was extremely intense.

You can imagine what kind of characters came from all sides!

There is no doubt about Wu Liuji's combat power. He is so strong that he has no friends. In the demon court, there is only one special born of Su Yun. He is not weaker than him. .

But now, he was actually blocked and encountered a vicious enemy! Wang Xuan thought it was outrageous, it was incredible, he didn't know Su Yun, but, how could Wu Liuji have an opponent in the True Immortal area?

"Don't come here, this is a foreigner who once wanted to break through to the real holy realm, but failed." Wu Liuji secretly transmitted his voice.

Wang Xuan was moved, and dared to forcefully break through the level, and the monsters who broke through to the realm of true saints were definitely the most ruthless people, and if they failed, they would die 90% of the time.

Even those who survive will be insane, have problems with their primordial spirit, and have serious sequelae.

Sure enough, that person is extremely dangerous, and at the same time, his mentality is a bit abnormal. Everyone is murderous, and he looks like he is going to destroy the whole world.

Such dangerous characters have all been released by certain factions, and today's **** is destined to be bloody, tragic and terrifying. "Senior brother!" Leng Mei was very worried. Those two senior brothers, who seemed omnipotent to her, met both today.

Incredible opponent.

"It's okay, this is the real immortal area." Wang Xuan took a deep breath and directly took out the relatively special sacred artifact. He set up a short cannon and aimed it ahead.


It is said to be a short shot, but the ones that are shot are all boiling extraordinary factors and terrifying Dao rhyme, etc., which are extremely rash.

Especially now, Wang Xuan injected a full 20 kinds of mythical substances, mixed together, and the performance was particularly terrifying.

He didn't provoke the crazy person who was mentally abnormal, he opened fire at the mysterious man who was fighting with Su Yun.

To normal people, he is quite a deterrent in this area. After all, he just emptied the high-end creatures in the True Immortal area, and half of the list was born because of him. However, there is a high probability that the lunatic does not feel that he will ignore it all the time and slaughter it indiscriminately.

Sure enough, the complexion of the mysterious man who fought with Su Yun changed, especially after trying to distort time and space with the spiritual realm and change the trajectory of the beam shot by the short cannon, his pupils shrank sharply.

In the realm of true immortals, he is as powerful as him, facing one after another "gunfire",

It all feels very tricky.

Moreover, Wang Xuan was carrying a mace, and while firing, he killed him at the same time. In that state, the image of the king of the mountain was simply unreadable.

In another place, this alien really wanted to grab him to death, but here, he had no better way. In the face of Su Yun, he felt extremely exhausted. His blood was churning, and his spirit was like being burned by a furnace. Now there are powerful external factors joining in. Kong Xuan, who emptied the hell, was intervening, which made his heart sink, and then he decided to retreat. . Wang Xuan was deeply surprised. He thought that the other party was in a hurry and would use special items refined by the true saint. In that case, he could only avoid the fog.

"Special weapons can be used for a limited number of times. He will not activate them easily until he finds the kill list." Su Yun said.

The mentally abnormal insane alien was also called away by the strange spiritual light in the distance, and did not continue to fight with Wu Liuji.

Su Yun got the jade box fragment, looked at Wang Xuan with a complicated expression, and said, "Wang Xuan's nephew, are you complaining about your father's injustice?"

As he said that, he came over and touched Wang Xuan's head.

"!" Wang Xuan's mood fluctuated violently, does he really have to pay his debts in hell? He hurriedly avoided, at most the same generation, he could not be a nephew here. "Don't talk nonsense." Leng Mei came over and reminded Wang Xuan in a low voice, for fear that he would call out another senior brother.

In the distance, the light of the primordial spirit rushed into the sky, splitting the sky, and the battle was extremely fierce. Wang Xuan's heart sank.

Wu Lindao once gave him the "Sutra of Four Tribulations", and he read it and knew the characteristics of some techniques of Wujie Mountain.

"I have to go and help!" He took this opportunity to get rid of the embarrassing situation, turned into a streamer, and violently killed it, not very far away.

"Where did the thief come from, dare to provoke Wujie Mountain!" Wang Xuan shouted and shriveled in Yaoting, and he vented all on his new opponent.

Sure enough, there is a female alien from Wujie Mountain who is playing against people here, and the opposite is a very powerful opponent who is using the law of time. There is no doubt that it is a high-level figure in Time Tian. In an instant, the light of Wang Xuan's fist drowned in front of him, his mace also smashed over, and an hourglass also appeared, wanting to strangle the aliens!

Shi Shitian's alien is furious, even a true immortal dares to show his teeth and claws to him? He actually attacked him with a downward attitude. Speaking of which, there is indeed a great threat to him here.

But in the end, he endured it. Before seeing the "half list", he couldn't use up his cards and use special items.

However, Wang Xuan slammed his **** and chased him out for hundreds of thousands of miles, until he disappeared through time and space, and the other party stopped cursing.

"I....!" At this moment, the aliens of Time Sky are spitting out fragrance, Ping

The Japanese self-cultivation, the work of cultivating the mind and calming energy, etc., have all failed.

He couldn't swallow the bad said: "I will bear with you for the time being! I don't know if the master will come to hell. I hope that the saints will come and solve the immortality of Wujie Mountain as soon as possible. The rest are easy to solve!"

At the same time, he decided to obliterate Kong Xuan when he used special items!

Su Yun naturally saw the scene of Wang Xuan chasing him out with a mace with a mace. He felt touched and walked towards him, solemnly reminding that this place is very dangerous, don't mess around.

The female alien from Wujie Mountain also nodded and whispered, she once discovered that the prohibited items were suppressed into the real immortal domain and entered hell!

"Hi!" Wang Xuan sucked in the mythical factor, this **** is getting more and more chaotic, and on weekdays, those supreme beings that cannot be seen may come quietly.

"Your grandfather... may also come. If you really want to meet, I will help you speak." Su Yun said.

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