Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 463: pass away

There is a light source in the deepest part of the fog, but Wang Xuan has never approached it. Now he turned into a source, and it was hazy, but as the ripples slashed out, he was extinguished here, and he couldn't see anything.

The present situation is different from the past.

As the soft light rippled out, what he felt was exhaustion, decay, and demise, which plunged his consciousness into darkness.

This feeling has never been seen before!

Wang Xuan's body is cold, not the experience of falling into the ice cellar, but like falling into the abyss, and it is also like the extreme state that deep sea phobia can experience.

Time seems to be frozen, it is dark, deep, silent, and lifeless. It is a world without perception, and everything seems to be moving towards eternal silence.

Even people's thoughts will be frozen, as if sinking, dying, falling.

"How could this be?" Wang Xuan's perception of his body was fading, as if he was standing at the end of the apocalypse, all things withered, the supernatural withered away, and even he himself would return to nothingness.

"Is the consumption of the foundation's super class? With the power of the ultimate true immortal, and I just triggered the super **** induction, I performed an unprecedented blow, and my spiritual consciousness is in a state?"

He was asking himself, but he was not panicking. Some were just waiting to return to normal. He didn't believe that such an ultimate blow would take him in.

The years are not normal here, time seems to stand still, no longer passing. However, if you go deep into it and observe it, it is like a vicissitudes of life, a vicissitude, a century after a century, this kind of experience is very strange. The transcendent center seems to be dying from the end of the darkness, and is going away, as if dozens of epochs have been barren and everything is decaying.

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Wang Xuan's heart is like still water. Only when his consciousness is strong can it be broken through thousands of eons and he can survive forever. It is useless to be afraid here. He feels everything in silence, as an experience on the extraordinary road.

Even in the eternal silence when time is decaying and all things in the deep space and all laws have passed away, he is still wondering what is going on outside. Has that cut worked?

The ultimate true immortal, logically speaking, has a dominant position here, and each "indicator field" will go to the extreme level, which can kill opponents.

The realm of Dao Xing includes a number of "indicator fields", such as: primordial spirit, fleshly body, spells, etc.

And in the depths of hell, the Avenue of Balance suppresses everything!

No matter how far your Primordial Spirit has been cultivated, how strong your body is, or how defiant your techniques are, you must obey the rules of **** here.

Inhumans are no exception!

Want to specialize? Then you can only revive yourself and show the realm of "super class", then you will naturally be targeted by hell.

Hell, in a sense, is also a big universe, and the Avenue of Balance is the highest power here.

Whether it is man-made or it was born by itself, the Way of Balance is the unshakable supreme will of the present hell.

Just like in Wang Xuan's mother universe, at the end of the era, the supernatural is far away, and the supreme will of the mother universe is "corruption", so that all laws are extinguished, and even the strange people have been severely impacted.

Zhiqiang Ru Wang Xuan's parents, Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun, have experienced terrifying lost years.

Even more strange, who once lost all extraordinary means, was bombarded by warships in the dreary years.

Finally, a little light appeared and reflected in Wang Xuan's eyes. His sense of spirit recovered, and he was able to capture the fog and the outside scenery.

Sure enough, it was so quiet and silent that it seemed to have experienced a special node like the old days, and the passage of time in the outside world was far from enough.

Because, Wang Xuan saw that the ripples only expanded to the edge of the fog, and had not yet entered the real world.

He frowned, what happened just now, was it caused by overload? Not like!

-In an instant, he had an epiphany, is that the power of "dead" that he has been studying and pursuing recently? Great feeling!

The light of his primordial spirit fluctuated violently, clenched his hands, firmly remembered that experience, and reminisced about that experience.

Outside the fog, the ripples are a little bit, light, hazy, and peaceful, but they are also approaching the extreme.

It is the strongest blow of the ultimate true immortal!

A ray of blood collapsed, and the aliens who were still talking about the general trend in the Guixu Dojo just now were smashed up in the light wave before they came back to their senses!

Wang Xuan's blow was unprecedented, more powerful than before, and improved a lot, without giving his opponent a chance to avoid it.

All are silent!

This time, people could see clearly that an alien was beheaded by Kong Xuan himself and "died" once.

At the foreigner who returned to the ruins dojo, the blood mist and the spiritual fragments resonated and crossed like a floating light, changing the position, and he wanted to reproduce it.

Following the rules of hell, his body and spirit are in the realm of real immortals, but he is an alien after all, and his accumulation is unpredictable, which is now reflected.

An endless stream of Dao rhyme surged out, helping him reshape his primordial spirit and body.

However, Wang Xuan's slash was too powerful, the ripples were not extinguished, and they were still expanding, chasing him forward.

With a puff, the foreigner in the Dojo of Returning Ruins evaded extremely quickly, but he exploded several times in a row, and he was beheaded many times in a flash of lightning.

As long as he reappears, he will be covered by soft light waves, and then be chopped up!

And if he doesn't reappear, even if he cuts off the connection with Dao Yun, he will really die.

He was like a wild elephant with rough skin and thick flesh, with severe wounds on his body, he was continuously slashed there with sharp weapons, even if it had sufficient blood, it could not withstand this consumption.

If this continues, the Dao rhyme of this alien in Guixu Dojo will be consumed.

The terrifying slash of the ripples made everyone feel it, the halo covered the alien, and it had already smashed him 5 times in a row!

All of these are completed in a flash of spiritual sparks. It's terrifyingly fast. The aliens in the dojo of the return to the ruins are "recovering". If they are stronger than him, they can't dare to waste their heritage, because the origin of Taoism will be seriously damaged!

However, the alien from Wujie Mountain has already started and cooperated with Wang Xuan tacitly.

Before Ripple's slash dimmed, the alien from Wujieshan attacked again with a knife, slashing into the blood mist and the fragments of Yuanshen.

The aliens of Time Tian are approaching, come to support, and take action, but he feels inappropriate.

The aliens in the return to the ruins dojo are very strong, and they are indeed recovering, but the process is blocked, and the realm does not climb so fast. Obviously, in hell, only the true sage can deal with the Dao. Under the principle of balance, the "return" of aliens cannot be completed in a single thought.

His alien aura radiated out, but he was interrupted by the alien from Wujie Mountain on the way, and was smashed twice in a row.

As for the aliens of Time Tian, ​​after feeling the breath of recovery, they resolutely ran away and could not continue to support.


Finally, the alien from the Guixu Dojo successfully recovered, but when his eyes opened and closed, he did not find Kong Xuan, and the alien from Wujie Mountain had already fled to the depths of **** and was about to disappear.

Then, the alien in the return to the ruins dojo was horrified, turned around and started to fly away, without delaying even a moment of time.

His recovery path was blocked, but the breath was released in advance at that time. Now that he is back like this, he just saw the "malicious targeting" of Hell's Balance Avenue!

More than one black shadow with a rotten aura rushed over, and three inhuman monsters rushed over.


He only had one thought left, to leave here alive. He was desperate, if he had not been stopped in the middle, he should have had time to escape, but it is hard to say now.

"Bang bang bang..."

Along the way, whoever gets in the way of his departure will explode, and some true immortals will explode directly.

"Wang! Wang! Wang!" A dozen mechanical fairy dogs disintegrated and turned into pain powder, provoking the furious scolding of inhuman-level mechanical dogs in the distance, and the bark shook the sky.

Obviously, even if he didn't die, he would also be held revenge by the mechanical dog. hum!

The alien-level rules swept across the vast void, and there were rule chains that transcended time and space, landed, and touched the body of the aliens in the return to the ruins dojo.

He was instantly horrified, and he was caught up.

There was no suspense in this battle. The three aliens attacked together. The alien at the return to the ruins was miserable. He was killed in a wasteland and could not escape.

This is the punishment of Hell's Balance Avenue, and the Inhuman-level powerhouse hunts him.

This time, people could see clearly that the main reason was that Wang Xuan's rippling slash had exerted a terrifying power, forcing the aliens in the Guixu Dojo to revive.

Of course, the aliens of the Five Tribulations Mountain also cooperated tacitly, which seriously interfered with the opponent.

Wang Xuan was in a trance, this slash was very strong, and he was also reminiscing about it. It was indeed his strongest attack method.

That's all, he didn't use other spells, sacred objects, etc., to cause such terrible consequences.

But he sighed: "It's a bit hard to kill aliens."

He walked out of the fog and looked at the end of hell. The main reason was that the opponent's massive background had been transformed into a resurrection pool, which was difficult to kill directly.

His words were heard by people in the distance, and the superhumans of the opposite camp wanted to grab him and slap him a few times, causing the aliens to die tragically. Is it too slow?

"True sage, prohibited items, it is estimated that it cannot be killed." Wang Xuan felt that the road ahead was difficult, he did not go to the end of hell, but stopped here.

Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to find the old true saint of Wujie Mountain, to see the scene of the holy war, and to gain some knowledge, but now, he should not approach it.

Although he caused the tragic death of the alien, he saw the crisis, and the other party had the strength to break the net.

Without the cooperation of the foreigners from the Five Tribulations Mountain, the foreigners in the return to the ruins dojo would not necessarily be wiped out.

The most important thing is that he is worried that the true saint can see through the fog and find him.

After the alien from Time Tian retreated, he didn't dare to approach this area again, and was extremely jealous of the true immortal Kong Xuan. If it was spread out, it would definitely make the outside world stunned, and then it would be a sensation.

"Guixu Dojo, you are sick, slaughter our descendants... Wang Wang!" The mechanical dog was barking.

It didn't come to Wang Xuan's area to make trouble, and ignored him, which made him startled. It turned out that the vengeful dog didn't go all the way to the end.

In fact, there is no stranger who doesn't care about their own heritage. If the real immortal area of ​​hell was not emptied, it would have to pay a heavy price to enter the depths of the real immortal area. If the same level cannot be unbeaten, the rhythm of its own - "Resurrection Pool" will naturally die once it bottoms out. .

"The old true sage really came in?" Wang Xuan asked the stranger in Wujie Mountain who had a tacit understanding with him.

"Probably come in!" The alien replied, he is currently free, and he has no opponents for the time being, and is ready to assist his own masters.

For the old true saint, this is the last chance, but at present, it seems that he has no way to change his fate.

The true saints of Guixu, Shi Shitian, and the Tattoo Palace should come along with them. Once they are discovered and encircled, the true saints will surely die for five calamities.

Several dojos would not let him get the list, for fear that he would continue his life, and even more afraid that he would rewrite the name on the must-kill list.

"I really can't stop it." Wang Xuan didn't have any joy in beheading aliens, but felt that his heart was heavy. If it went on like this, a tragedy was inevitable.

"The situation is very unfavorable for us now. Don't waste your time. Find a chance to leave. Hell may really be bloody."

Even, he thought that once the old true saint died in the process of competing for the list, none of them would be able to go back, and the true saint would surely obliterate everyone.

"Hell accumulates The death has occurred more than once." Wang Xuan said.

But he also knows that the true saints can fight against the Dao, and at a critical juncture, even if they recover and go against the supreme will of hell, if several true saints join forces, there is probably a chance to retreat.

The foreigner of Wujie Mountain went away with a heavy heart.

Wang Xuan disappeared into the mist and disappeared again. He kept in mind the experience of decay, deepness, and eternal silence just now, and prepared to continue to ponder while the feeling was still there.

"Have I entered a misunderstanding? Every time I chase the light source in the depths of the fog, is there a way to go in the opposite direction?" Wang Xuan looked back, turned his direction this time, and walked forward, as expected, the fog was surging In the meantime, as he walked, a mysterious area appeared in the direction he was facing!

There is nothingness, dimness, decay, and the end zone, as if to swallow everything, pitch black to the extreme, the sense of **** extends, but disappears and cannot be sensed.

"I cut out the rippling light, so my own place is extinguished and darkened. If I go forward from here and evolve the means of transcendence and decay, will there be light around me?" He stepped forward quickly.

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