Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 500: Aliens are coming

The aliens in the Dou Beast Palace were cut off from the palms that covered the sky, and the dark and huge flesh and blood fell to the sea of ​​​​tidal waves.

The whole world was red, like a downpour, extremely terrifying. Not to mention other things, the true blood of foreigners alone is doomed to be catastrophic and will destroy many strong people.

In the depths of the sea, on the blue water, an island glowed, transpiring the texture of the imperial road, intertwined in the world, there was a broken arm that seemed to traverse the past, the present and the future, connecting and cutting hands, wanting to continue.

Moreover, the blood was flowing backwards, and a terrifying figure suddenly appeared, huge and boundless, towering from the sea into the sky, breaking into the starry sky.

This boundless body and majestic Dao rhyme made many people tremble, and many true immortals were directly paralyzed on their seats, unable to escape even if they wanted to.

The alien from the Beast Palace is born!

In an instant, the wind and clouds were turbulent, the sky and the earth changed color, the sun, moon and stars were shining in the sea at the same time. .

Yun Shuhe soared into the sky, undisguised, and also burst out with a strange aura, and the yin and yang flowed, and the black and white light transpired.

That is the fusion of the extreme yin and the extreme yang. After the collision between the two, the original light of chaos is emitted. This image of the sky cuts off the entire space and time, imprisoning the big hand for the first time.

With a snort, most of the dark palm was torn apart, and only a small part was continued on by the broken arm, and the bright red alien blood splashed in the sky was ignited in the aura of extreme yin and extreme yang, steaming. done.

Blocked by Yun Shuhe, both the VIP seats and the extraordinary people in the ordinary seats can move, which is extremely scary.

"You're not leaving yet?" Yun Shuhe said calmly.

Even though he was once abandoned by the whole world, his spiritual sense was suppressed by the texture of the Royal Dao that could not see the light of the sky, and his body was occupied by Shang Yi, and he was in darkness, but he always had a bright mind and retained a peaceful goodwill.

Now, instead of indiscriminately attacking and releasing the texture of the Imperial Dao, he helped these people block the powerful coercion in the depths of the Beast Palace.

"Thank you senior!"

"The alien was born, run away!"

No one thought that the young man who went to rescue the little white tiger didn't tell a lie, he really dared to break the beast fighting palace, and he invited an alien.

Moreover, he has now revealed his identity. He is the Monkey King who disappeared for about 150 years. He came from the Huaguoshan Dojo where there was a big storm.

The aliens are detached, and they are not of the same order of magnitude as them. Who dares to stay? Even if the super peers are fleeing, they quickly rushed towards the outside of the Beast Fighting Palace.

"It turned out to be a foreigner, you invited such a master..." The round-faced white tiger girl was in a daze, and then, extremely excited, she saw the dawn of hope.

"Don't worry, don't worry at all tonight, there won't be any accidents." Wang Xuan comforted him and rubbed her head.

He has a killing array to protect his body, even if the blood of foreigners falls, burning, etc., it has no effect on him. When the big hand approached earlier, he was calm as usual.

Wang Xuan said: "Okay, you hide first, the next is the real battle, the blood of foreigners will dye the whole beast fighting palace red!"

"Okay!" The little white tiger nodded vigorously, although there were still tears in the beautiful "tiger eyes", but she was full of joy.

Years of bitterness, suffering, and helplessness for so many years are now all gone and broken, she is full of hope.

Wang Xuan put her in the Fudi Cave Mansion that he carried with him. As long as he doesn't die, the little white tiger will be fine.

"Escape!" Baidu search: the fastest update on the other side of deep space! .

In the Beast Fighting Palace, a large number of spectators scrambled and fled with all their strength. The aliens were shopping here. Who would dare to watch in such a close range?

An extraordinary person of that level would pierce through the sky at every turn, making a starry sky dim, fragments of planets shattered, and the immortals could be crushed to death with a flick of a finger.

Fang Yuzhu was also "following the flow", following the crowd out, and then she quietly guarded the key node at the exit of the Dou Beast Palace.

Ready to attack.

The Dou Beast Palace is indeed extraordinary, with boundless oceans and a splendid sea of ​​stars. This is not something that ordinary people can move, and it has been refined into a battle scene.

Now, the two aliens have already erupted, and the battle has begun!

Those who escaped a little slowly almost exploded. They coughed up blood and their bodies were tattered. Under the super pressure, they rushed out.

They were horrified, and they were not attacked at all, but the divine might that came from the depths of the ocean and the wisps in the starry sky was about to crush them.

"This is.... the sky has changed, they are attacking the Beast Palace, they want to kill foreigners, and even, there is a high probability that there will be a true holy war!"

People fled outside and stood in the brightly lit city, looking at the magnificent palace that was shaking violently.

A small number of people are daring, they peeped through the exit, and their faces turned pale in an instant. The aliens really killed their eyes, the outer space was broken, and the big stars were being destroyed!

"Everyone, why don't you run away? Don't talk about it here, the whole Beast Fighting City is going to have an accident!"

They had a premonition that the big event that happened today would shake the entire Transcendent Realm, and there had not been such a turbulent sectarian war for many years.

This involves the Taoism of the supreme creature, who dares to take it lightly? Once it ends, it will naturally have a certain amount of confidence, and there is a high probability that there will be a true holy blood battle!


Some instructors from this Beast Fighting Palace in the depths of the vast sea rushed out, and some people screamed in agony.

Wang Xuan did not retreat, but stood there, blocking the road!

He didn't want to let go of the "scavengers" in this beast fighting palace.

There is a super peerless rushing, although the body is covered with blood and the body surface is cracked, but temporarily resisted the pressure of the two aliens, and wants to escape.

At the same time, when he saw Wang Xuan, the original wolf's peerless grin actually appeared, and then he raised his hand and threw out a large net, calling at Wang Xuan.

He actually carried an alien-level weapon on his body, which was also the fundamental reason why he was able to lead the team to break through and escape. Otherwise, it would be difficult to escape so fast in the face of the double alien's imperial texture without being seriously injured.

Wang Xuan was extremely indifferent, and he didn't take him seriously at all. An extraordinary person who broke the limit once at the end of the sky, just stood in the super peerless realm, thinking that he could kill him by relying on treasures?

His face was expressionless, and when he saw the group approaching, the moment the big net fell, he waved his robe sleeves, urging the killing formation of the mother universe.

Back then, even the Imperial Dao Flag thought about it, and wanted to incorporate this pattern into the flag surface, which naturally had extraordinary power.

Sure enough, as soon as the alien's weapon, the big net flew over and touched it a little, it was smashed by the Imperial Dao Array, and it shattered, followed by this group of people, all screaming.


This is a massacre, one-sided crushing!

Among them, there are several super peers, and there are also heaven-level masters who are under the protection of them. In the face of Wang Xuan's mother universe's first killing formation map, it is not enough to see.

This group of people seemed to be throwing themselves into the net, jumping into the horror texture one by one, the flesh exploded, the primordial spirit extinguished, and they died extremely tragically.

Wang Xuan has no sympathy, there are executioners here, and the entire beast fighting palace is full of blood, providing ingredients for the supreme monster.

The most important thing is that the little white tiger has been beaten frequently here for so many years, and the wound on his face has not completely disappeared.

Now he does what he says, penetrates the Dou Beast Palace, vents his anger for her, and helps her get justice.

The second wave of people escaped from the depths of the sea, and their faces changed. They all had cold smiles. They wanted to give Sun Wukong a hard blow and kill him, but now after seeing his killing pattern , all numb.

"Your great grandfather is here to send you on your way!" Wang Xuanhan said.

The complexion of a group of people changed, and the other party carried a forbidden tier map. Who can stand this?

"Senior, please help me to leave!" "Ancestor!"

They turned to the stars for help.

In the vast sea, in the starry sky, the two sides fired real fire and used prohibited items. The Yiren here really had a slightly damaged treasure in their hands and fought fiercely with Yun Shuhe.

He has been practicing Dao for a long time, and his accumulation is deep enough.

He is actually taller than Yun Shuhe, but his prohibited items are not as good as Feathered Banners.

Now he divided his energy and used the forbidden item - Thunder Shuttle to cut through the void at a high speed, wanting to kill Wang Xuan instantly, because this person was really disrespectful to him.

However, contrary to his expectations, Wang Xuan was not afraid at all. He quietly released the health care furnace. Although the old furnace has been in the state of health preservation for so many years, it can live for so many years, and Taoism naturally accumulates. deep enough.

With a bang, a huge furnace appeared, wrapped around a large golden chain, covering the secret. It burst out abruptly, opened the furnace cover, and swallowed it towards the Thunder Shuttle at once. Imprisoned in mid-air.

At the same time, Yun Shuhe attacked, and after the blessing of the feathered flag, the light of black and white was released, and the two qi of yin and yang swept across the starry sky.


The alien screamed, his body shattered, and suffered fatal injuries, but this kind of creature is difficult to kill, especially since he has special life-saving means. When a **** skeleton exploded, another body appeared. , instead.

"Thunder Shuttle is back!"

He shouted and resonated with the prohibited item, resonated, and merged with it with difficulty, just wanting to break through.

However, at this moment, Fang Yuzhu made his move, and suddenly threw the ultimate treasure - the curtain of the sky.

With a humming sound, the void was penetrated, and the slightly damaged curtain sky bracelet when crossing the extraordinary sea of ​​light directly hit the Lei Heng Shuo, and the rays of light instantly lit up the outer space, and part of the sea area was evaporated to dryness. .

The alien groaned and vomited blood. Although the Thunder Shuttle blocked the curtain of the sky, his way forward was blocked, and he was hit by a fiery beam of light from the health furnace.

At this moment, he and the Thunder Shuttle in his hand were blocked by the treasure.

He once again smashed the slightly damaged prohibited item in his hand - Lei Heng Suo, also shaking slightly.

"Where to go!" Yun Shuhe held the feathered banners in both hands and chased him down to kill him.

"Old Ancestor, the supreme true saint, please wake up, save me and wait." At this moment, even Yiren no longer cared about his identity, and shouted for help.

He was also a little numb. In an instant, three prohibited items were dispatched on the opposite side, killing his body twice in a row. Who could stand it?

Two or three more times, even if he is immortal, he will die without a doubt.

At the same time, in the vast ocean, the last group of masters rushed out with alien weapons.

However, when Wang Xuan stood there, one person blocked the road, which was equivalent to cutting off the lives of all of them!

The killing formation was spinning above Wang Xuan's head, and no one could pass this level. "kill!"

Wang Xuan pointed with one hand, and the formation map flew out, covering the sky and covering the ground, covering the sky directly.

There is no suspense at all. Under the forbidden-level killing array, they all shattered, turned into blood mist and spiritual ripples, and then remained silent.

"Ah...." Baidu search: the fastest update on the other side of deep space! .

The alien was so embarrassed that he couldn't even care about his face, shouted for help, and fled into the starry sky.

All of these battles actually happened in a short moment, and it wasn't long before those superhumans who were watching the beast fighting here escaped.

However, in an instant, Wang Xuan wiped out several batches of masters in this Beast Fighting Palace.

Moreover, the aliens here are going to die!

The city of beasts is huge. There are many beast fighting palaces here, and at least three aliens are sitting in the town. At this time, a dazzling light erupted in the distance, and other aliens rushed up.

And just at this moment, there are waves of light that shake people's souls, and there is a terrifying supreme breath. Under the abyss next to the giant city, there are true saint-level veins lit up.

"Who dares to come to my Beast City to make trouble, and the true saint leads the team? It seems that I have kept a low profile for so many years, and many people have almost forgotten me."

The supreme monster behind Beast City has awakened and is officially born!

"Listen to my order, children, don't go to sleep, kill all outsiders." Outside the city, under the abyss, there were violent energy fluctuations.

"The tone is not small, who do you want to destroy, have you asked me?" The strange thing on the mobile phone appeared, suspended above the abyss.

"The supreme originator is awake, children, it's time to come out and move your muscles and kill the enemy!" There were two beast fighting palaces emitting a dazzling light, and the other two aliens walked out!

Not only them, but there are also helpers. I have a good relationship with them on weekdays. After hearing the words of the supreme monster, walked directly, and naturally it was speculative and wanted to sell well.

However, the next moment his body froze, and when he was on the road, he was stopped by someone.

In the dark of the night, Wu Liuji was sitting in the sky garden drinking alone. The big golden chain wrapped around his hand slowly spread like a river of stars, and he had to tie him up!

What a joke, he is an extraordinary person, known as a quasi-sage, with magical powers that penetrate the sky and the earth!

Although Wang Xuan said that if there is no accident, he will not be let off the court, but as an "uncle", how can he sit still? After discovering the enemy's trace, he immediately started.

In the distance, on a skyscraper, Li Lin was dressed in a black dress, wrapped in a beautiful curve, and blended with the night. She found the situation at Wu Liuji and clenched her fists anxiously.

In her opinion, it would be better to pay the debt if the alien was handed over to her. Boom!

In the city, the aliens from the other two giant palaces were killed. This night, a **** battle that shakes the supernatural world is destined to break out.

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