Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 504: The Beast Palace is destroyed

The Imperial Dao Spear was very polite, and then, it flew away in such a graceful manner that it did not stain the world's fireworks.

Who wants to thank you? ! Li Lin almost couldn't hold back, if it wasn't for a very perverted prohibited item, she would have wanted to come over.

"Fellow Daoist, you can't do this, please raise your hand!" On the other side, the very powerful alien being targeted by Wu Liuji actually had a death talisman refined by a true saint on his body. However, this only delayed him. time of death.

Now, the death talisman was directly pierced by Wu Liuji's fist like a scorching sun, and a dazzling royal road texture erupted there.

Then, the whole world went dark.

The alien was pulled into his domain by Wu Liuji, silent, pitch black, and there was no sound at all.

"I'll help you!" Li Lin rushed over.

However, as she approaches, the battle is officially over.

Tuan Liuji is really strong and somewhat terrifying, with both hands clasped together, like turning into the earth, this boundless, like two galaxies spinning.

That alien became incomparably small, and between the palms of his hands, he was worse than an ant and worm, and it was broken inch by inch. Any of the aliens struggled hard, and the light of their spirits shone, but they could not change their destiny.

With a puff, he was like a light in the depths of the universe, which went out instantly and was crushed.

Wu Liuji was surprised and looked back at Li Lin. He just killed an alien. Does he need help?

Li Lin retreated silently, it was so difficult to grab someone's head!

At the same time, she was quite uneasy in her heart, and there were indeed few rivals under the True Sage Wu Liuji.

Whoa! Baidu search: the fastest update on the other side of deep space! .

It was the sound of the waves rising and falling. It actually originated from the deep space. The endless red color and the dazzling blood light formed a vast sea of ​​blood. The monsters of the Beast Fighting Palace were returning and approaching the world.

You can see its hazy outline, like a beast but not a beast, like a human but not a human, human head, animal body, octopus tentacles, and pimples all over.

After everyone looked away, they quickly closed their eyes again

Staring at a true saint like this, his mind is very uncomfortable, and the true immortal can't stand it.

Although the aliens could look at it, they also felt extremely dangerous.

The supreme monster of the Dou Beast Palace returned from the sea of ​​blood. It had endless murderous intent, and even the must-kill list couldn't help it, and it survived twice.

Now, someone took the initiative to provoke and pierced through its nest, which is unbearable or unbearable!

"The Tao is dead, the emptiness is gone, who are you?"

It broke through deep space and drilled out of the time tunnel.

The huge body, the terrifying tentacles, squeezed the starry sky, and it was very shocking. Suddenly, its existence made the real world tremble and roar, Dao rhyme was everywhere, and rules were intertwined.

There is no doubt that the City of Beasts has long since fallen into ruins.

Now, the disciples and disciples of the Dou Beast Palace, even if they were hiding under the ruins, couldn't bear it any longer.

In the sound of puff, many true immortals burst into pieces. When the true saint was angry and released his domain with all his strength, he could kill all spirits even through space.

"A lot of things." The strange thing on the phone didn't respond, it was still the same trick, ready to banish it, and at the same time, it was paying attention to cover up the secret.

On it, there is a large golden chain hanging, thick enough to tie a dragon, flowing chaotic fog, covering up the fluctuations when it casts spells.

"There's no more Qi, you shouldn't be... \"No\"?!" The true saint of the Beast Fighting Palace was completely horrified, and was terrified of that name.

It has been guessing that the other party is a monster left over from the old holy period. Now that he changes his mind, will the other party be a famous banned item that has always existed in the world?

At this moment, the Dao rhyme of the supreme monster is like starlight, everywhere, and it is as grand and distant as deep space, shrouded in the whole world, and it is too unfriendly to the remaining disciples in the City of Beasts.

This is its habitat, but it doesn't care about them. Almost all the true immortals exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and their body and spirit were destroyed.

In fact, it only regards this place as a place to eat. Except for a few aliens, it does not care much about the life and death of other beings.

Even if it is a heaven-level master, many have fallen.

When they go, their bodies are tattered, their primordial spirit is dim, and in the place where the true saint hangs high, they will even lose the meaning of their own existence.

"No, several centuries ago, I vaguely saw the back of 'No\', not in this state. "The monster behind the Colosseum stepped back.

"Om!" Baidu search: the fastest update on the other side of deep space! .

Even so, it shot at the right time, and being able to reach this height and be listed in the top half of the must-kill list is naturally a stubborn one.

However, it found that its spells and offensive methods were all in the opponent's forecast in advance, and when it cast the supreme rule, it was tantamount to actively triggering a fixed time and space trap by itself.

Then, it fell again and again and fell into a huge chaotic vortex.

"Before the 23rd century, in the old saint era, one of the top five supreme saints is suspected to have revived from his corpse?" This is the latest guess of the monster behind the Dou Beast Palace.

With a thud, it fell into the sea of ​​extraordinary light again, and this time it almost fell into a vortex of avenues, almost hitting that area.

The county entrance is open, and it is well dressed. Because, it is hitting the road reef in the sea, and it is struggling to get rid of this area.

At the same time, Yu Dao Spear silently hit the road.

The mobile phone strange thing met its requirements, sent it over, and then sent the flag.

For the mobile phone, maintaining the status quo and stabilizing the situation is more stressful than anything else, and that is the advice given to it from a mysterious letter in the pot.

"I'm here to help you!" Li Lin came, swooping from the starry sky and approaching the ruins of the Beast City.

The void trembled violently, Wang Xuan's killing formation map, and Fang Yuzhu urging the Mutian Bracelet to shake the flawed treasure in the alien's hand.

After the aliens lost the forbidden items, they were swept away by the killing array of the mother universe.

The - sound, start asking. Killed, tattered, and then exploded into a cloud of blood.

His Primordial Spirit wanted to escape, and Fang Yuzhu played the Mutian Bracelet at the right time.

The alien screamed, and most of the light of the primordial spirit went out.

He tried his best to escape, but the expansion of the screen bracelet was like a cosmic black hole, sucking the primordial spirit into it.

Then, the Mutian Bracelet shrank and returned to a ring shape, wiping out the Primordial Spirit of Yiren.

Wang Xuan blocked the incomplete and prohibited items that flew away with the array diagram.

At this point, the battle here ended completely, and all the aliens in the Beast Palace were killed.

"There are still some people, I'll do it too." Wang Xuan's head was suspended with a killing formation chart, slowly turning, overflowing more than 20 mysterious factors.

He was hazy all over, like a **** of killing, and he didn't want to let go of those instructors, as well as the Beastmaster, and the gold medal fighters of the Beast Fighting Palace.

"Sun Wukong, can you dare to fight me fairly?" said a Beastmaster from the Beast Fighting Palace. This is the Beastmaster in the Heaven-level Realm with a record of 1,000 consecutive victories.

"Noisy!" Wang Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to him. He even killed the strongest disciple of the True Saint Dojo. In the battle at the same level, he still cares about a beastmaster? He didn't want to waste any time at all.

"Huh?" But at the end, he was also a little surprised that there were special powerhouses with extraordinary strength in a **** place like the Beast Fighting Palace.

He guessed that when this person was in the real immortal realm, he should have broken 4, or even close to 5, which is indeed far better than other heaven-level masters.

But this means nothing to him. His other identity, Kong Xuan, once killed 5 real immortals in a row. 4 Broken Transcendents belong to legends everywhere, but to him, they are nothing at all.

"Everyone, your hands are **** and bloody. The Beast Fighting Palace is just a place for the monster to eat. You wait for the tiger to rely on it. Now, I will send the price to the road and give you a decent way to die."

After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he took out the formation map, ignoring the beastmaster and some gold-medal fighters who were not satisfied, and the entire map covered the front.

There are not many people here, the main thing is that they were all crushed by the rhythm of the high-level monsters just now.

In the shrill screams, the remaining figures in this area were all shattered, and the primordial spirits also exploded, and the entire Beast Fighting Palace became a cloud of history.

The huge city with an extraordinary population of more than 50 million has become a ruin. A large number of true immortals and heavenly masters have already fled in advance, and this place has been completely wiped out.

There is no longer the power of the Beast Palace.

In the distance, Li Lin couldn't be happy. Of the people who came, she was the only one who failed to kill a stranger, and all the others were captured.

God doesn't want her to pay even a cent of her karmic debt? To be precise, it was caused by the broken gun, and she was a little unhappy.

However, in an instant, her eyes showed a radiance. This Kong Xuan is also Wang Xuan, and he is also Sun Wukong? Only exposed today.

You know, one of her clones, Jing Qi, was deceived.

On the other hand, Wu Liuji sighed, this "nephew" is really cautious, and has multiple identities, is it just for the convenience of tossing so hard?

"It's outrageous. It was the supreme powerhouse of the Evil God's Mansion who rushed into the Yellow Immortal Cave and was hit by a chaotic thunder light from Huang Lao Zhensheng. Why is this the situation?"

"There is news that something has happened to Tianwaitian!" In the outer world, there were waves in the various avenues. 50 million superhumans fled the Beast City, and when they stabilized a little, the news naturally began to spread.

For a time, the entire Transcendent Realm was shaken.

The Dou Beast Palace, a **** and terrifying place, was attacked by people, and some people threatened to destroy it.

The top major forces all know how terrifying and evil the monsters inhabiting Beast City are, and they have escaped the must-kill list twice, how would anyone dare to provoke them?

Where exactly is the sacred place to destroy the Dou Beast Palace? !

"It's certain, it was the Huaguo Mountain that appeared 152 years ago. This Taoist person was angry and said that the Dou Beast Palace had harmed the people of their mother universe, and they wanted revenge and bloodbath there."

"Outside the number, outside the number, in recent years, the missing person in the mouth of the people, Sun Wukong, has reappeared in the world, and it is crazy to lead people in the Beast City!"

The news spread on the extraordinary network, which is no less than the outbreak of super-transformed prohibited items in the mother sea of ​​the avenue, causing a huge storm.

"What, Sun Wukong appeared?" In Xuankong Ridge, Ling Qingxuan, who was beautiful and out of the dust, suddenly stood up and couldn't sit still.

In the past, she was beaten 4 times successively, her head was broken and bloody, and she was extremely embarrassed.

"Miss, calm down!" Ling Qingxuan's schoolgirl, also her good sister, Xiao Yue, quickly stopped her.

Otherworldly There are waves in the true holy dojo. People already know that there is an accident in Tianwaitian, and the Dou Beast Palace is being attacked by Huaguoshan.

At this moment, even some of the true saints who had retreated came out.

In the sea of ​​​​supernatural light, the most advanced monsters are huge, and when they wave their tentacles like octopus, they imprison the sky, lock the outer space with their tentacles, and struggle to break free from the "road reef".

However, at this moment, its cold hair stood upright, and a dazzling spear cut through the universe, appeared suddenly, and stabbed straight at it.

Dodge, or resist? This is to make it collide with the avenue reef, or even force it to fall into the avenue vortex on the side.

Its whole body is densely textured, and the supreme Imperial Dao pattern is intertwined, and it is hard to shake with the Imperial Dao Spear, and the earth-shattering waves suddenly swept the sky.

Then, it feels dark, and there is a prohibited item? It was attacked again, and a flag was swiped on its body to drive it into the vortex of the avenue!

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