Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 533: appointed future

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In Wang Xuan's mother universe, there are famous high-level spiritual worlds such as Buzhou Mountain and Yaochi.

In the supreme spiritual world, the avenue of thunder and lightning is like a vast ocean, and powerful strange people will be smashed if they go deep into it, leaving only the most powerful real bones of the royal way left.

In the extraordinary central world, there is naturally a corresponding spiritual world.

In the past, when Wang Xuan was in Pingtian Academy, he also went deep with Yan Que, Qi Miao, An Hong and others, and met Wu Tian there.

At this time, in a place outside the world, several holy lights silently broke the material plane, and several true saints gathered in the supreme spiritual world to build the Dao Domain.

The sea of ​​thunder is boundless, and the supreme rules are intertwined, and they are not damaged.

There are several hazy lights, and there are figures inside, the highest and the strongest, affecting the stability of time and space. The past, present, and future are all illuminated by their holy light, presenting various wonders, as if all destiny has long been doomed.

In a sense, they are now the carriers of the avenue. At this time, if any real immortal enters by mistake, just take a look at them, and in the bright light, he will disintegrate inch by inch, evaporate, and the immortal bone will become ashes.

Because, digital true sages are not like the usual restraint of dao rhyme, now they are unreserved, and the supreme rules naturally flow, suppress time and space, and hang above everything.

It is the special lightning that can destroy all races, and the chaotic thunder that can penetrate the universe, leaving them a quiet area.

Even, there are 14-color spectacle and thunder that can threaten the true saint, but they have not approached there for the time being.

The number of supreme beings are connected with each other in Dao Rhyme, constructing an extremely mysterious Dao Domain, turning all dharmas into nothingness, and melting thunder into soft drizzle. Even the river of time can't get close, and evaporates in the distance.

It's all because they are discussing secretly and they don't want the saint to hear it. "Sacrifice the extraordinary with holy blood."

"It's on the list of the true saints of Wujie, it's time to go on the road."

"With a period of 800 years, the Mountain of Five Tribulations will fall forever, and the name will be removed from the world." "It's time for me to move."

They did not argue, the words of every true saint are very concise, intertwined with the highest line of cause and effect, the future is appointed, the destiny is determined, and it is difficult to change it.

"Thousands of years have passed since then, have there been any exceptions under the sect of the Infinite True Sage?"

"Kong Xuan."

"The name on the scroll of the blood-colored map is nothing but dust in the years."

Another round of short words, in the eyes of the supreme beings, the odd number is just a rootless duckweed, not worth mentioning.

Someone once said that there is no difference under the true sage.

"The true sage of Wujie, the highest Daoyun of the Five Periods, you and I bathe together." "Under the gate of the Five Tribulations Mountain, seven deaths and three slaves."


Near the Transcendent Cosmic Boundary Monument, a piece of black duckweed appeared. It is obviously also a means of transportation in the spiritual realm, carrying several figures across the boundless cross-sectional world.

On the black duckweed, the four creatures were all peerless, without saying anything, they just came towards Lu Renjia.

Here, it is difficult to bring in powerful weapons.

Except for a few rare objects, it is difficult for tangible objects to enter the birthplace of mythology, and only the spirit can enter.

Even the black duckweed they stepped on was a spiritual product, refined from the souls of many extraordinary death row prisoners, it was a consumable, and it would not be used a few times.

In the cold and lonely deep sky, Wang Xuan felt that he had gone 80,000 miles, and he had already obtained several holy objects, which made him feel both rewarded and nervous.

Is he close to the source of the birth of the primordial sacred thing?

The last time he "purchased" in this way, he was still in the depths of the world behind the wonders of **** at dusk, and met the supreme creature that makes mobile phones and strange things be treated with caution—Jiandao!

He was a little skeptical that if he was "picking up leaks" like this, he would suddenly encounter a more fierce existence. This time, he didn't have a mobile phone by his side. If he was really blocked, he would definitely end up in tragedy.

He has reason to suspect that the strange area where the primordial sacred objects appear may be similar to the world after the wonders of dusk.

At this point, he is already making divergent associations.

In the ruins of the old imperial city of hell, he once "traveled" into the old extraordinary center before the 23rd century


He found many primordial sacred objects in the place guarded by the knife, where there is a vortex refined by the armor of the tortoise saint, and it is connected to a mysterious and unknown place.

Here, he discovered some primordial sacred objects, and at the same time sensed the Dao rhyme of the revived universe before the 23rd century.

"In this comparison, the vortex guarded by Jie Dao shouldn't be connected to the big world of the old superhuman center before the 23rd century?" His heart throbbed, Jie Dao belonged to the creatures of the old holy era.

The "daughter" of the mobile phone wonder should have gone deep into that vortex. "The mobile phone once took a leap and plunged into it... 99 years ago, the mobile phone traveled far away. It may have a look at a place where there is no cause and effect, and no fate, or it may go to the old extraordinary before the 23rd century.

"It said that it was difficult to find the old Transcendent Center. All universes are changing, and the coordinates have changed. But now, it is clear that it may have been there already. Is it lying to me?"

Wang Xuan seriously suspected that the entrance guarded by the knife was the portal of the old superhuman center before the 23rd century.

"At that time, we were sent away. After the mobile phone was cut off, we must have encountered the knife. However, it doesn't look like it's been shopping. Could it be that the two talked about it in private?"

Of course, Wang Xuan also thinks that it is very important that the strange thing on the phone has no malice towards him. Its memory has problems, sometimes it is deep, and sometimes it is forgetful.

Perhaps, when it met with Jiedao, it woke up deeply and talked about business.

And after the reunification, it has become normal again, and it has indeed forgotten many things.

"I haven't seen Brother Ji for nearly a hundred years. I don't know if it is looking for an enemy, approaching a place without myths and causality, or heading to the extraordinary central world before the 23rd century."

Wang Xuan was a little skeptical. If he found his way here and entered the revived mysterious world, would he have a chance to reunite with the mobile phone?

However, it's better to be cautious. I think life-saving is the most important thing. If you find the way and find the portal, but encounter a stubble on the same level as the knife, then everything will be over.

Now, there is no need to think so much, he is still "purchasing" here, he just found four primordial sacred objects, and the news that it spread may be of the "big earthquake" level.

After all, this is an accompanying sacred object exclusive to the 5-breaking domain!

But these are not so attractive to Wang Xuan himself, there are only 6 pieces that belong to him, and these foreign sacred objects have little meaning to him.

He is so keen on picking up leaks, because he wants to give them out as gifts, such as Mechanical Bear, Aoki, godson Lang Tian, ​​etc.

Don't even think about it, the future will be cruel, and the fate of Wujie Mountain will not be very good. Taking advantage of the rare opportunity now, if he can find sacred objects here, he naturally wants to find more.

Not only does he want to arm a few old people, but he also wants to make deals with some of the true saints. Even their strongest disciples may not have such things, and it is estimated that they will be very popular!

Not every 5-break powerhouse will be accompanied by a primordial sacred object.

For example, Cheng Dao from the Tattoo Palace, Zhou Tai from the Paper Temple, and others, not to mention others, such as late bloomers, certainly not.

"Is there a Taoist temple willing to trade a piece of primordial sacred object for the freedom and lives of dozens of old people? If it can't be exchanged for dozens of people, then ten people, a few people, the head office?" He said to himself.

He traveled hundreds of thousands of li again, but stopped abruptly, not daring to move forward. Yes, because, ahead, in the dark depths, there is a silk thread, which belongs to the highest law.

His six-point background and perception are very real, they are as eye-catching as candlelight in the dark night.

When he extinguished the six-point perception, the front was as dark as an abyss, and he could not see anything, and no supreme rule appeared.

His heart felt cold, so he quickly backed away and left here. Although there was a gap, a big gap, etc., he could pass through, but he didn't want to take a risk.

He wandered sideways, looking for sacred objects in this area, with a super divine sense plus 6-break foundation fully opened, he didn't want to miss even a single sacred object.

He felt that this could be the "lifeline" in the future.

In fact, at this time, some people were talking about him.

Zhaohui, the magician's closed disciple, was chatting with a foreigner as peers.

Zhaohui was a white-haired young man. He put down his teacup and said, "I just got the news. The disciples of Guixu, Guangguangtian, Tattoo Palace and other ashrams may have received some oracle, and they must take action."

The other person's name is Chao Xi, with black hair, very deep, with an unfathomable Dao rhyme. At this moment, he said, "It's nothing more than that the rotten ship of Wujie Mountain will capsize and sink completely."

"Brother, did you send someone to deal with Lu Renjia?" Zhaohui asked. "Well, don't worry about it. Anyway, the few people who went there are all insignificant peripherals who have invested in it. It doesn't matter whether they live or die and succeed."

Zhaohui said: "Maybe Lu Renjia is Kong Xuan" Well, I read the files, one of them disappeared in the early years, and the other came out. It was more like a deliberate arrangement for them to meet at the Tianwaitian Changsheng Fruit Fair. There are several kinds of precious materials that can be refined for incarnations that can escape the eyes of strangers, such as the Dao of Life Lotus, which is produced by the demon court, and Leng Mei has such a second body that is equivalent to the real body. Another example is the Hunyuan Shenmu. Coincidentally, during the Longevity Fruit Fair, the Haohua Garden that the Wei family was in charge of was stolen on a large scale. Afterwards, it was found that a mature Hunyuan Shenmu was born there.

"Interesting!" The magician's closed disciple, a white-haired young man, smiled at Zhaohui. They are all senior brothers, one is an extremely different person, a quasi-sage, and extremely powerful. A baby with a mysterious origin was fished out by the magician from the river of time, raised by himself, and accepted as a closed disciple.

In the place where they drink tea, Taoism is lingering, and there is a Shenchi in the Pupin clothes, and there is a nine-life soul lotus planted with nine blooming flowers.

Some flowers are pure and flawless, while some petals have dots of soul fire swaying, representing the life status of their subordinates.

Wang Xuan was quite satisfied. Although the number of sacred objects he found was not as many as he had imagined, he found several pieces one after another, which was quite amazing.

No need to think too much, if any one is released to the outside world, it will cause people to fight over their heads!

He was going to go out to see what happened to the others.

He returned along the original road, and then extinguished the light of Lu Breaking Foundation. quickly emerged in the real world.

Then, he saw the four primordial spirits in the distance at a glance, burning like a divine fire, each stronger than the other, and a person with a transcendent peak. Is this the new transcendent?

Soon, he realized that something was wrong, his perception was so keen, he immediately sensed the malice, and sure enough, someone was coming towards him again. "Brother Lu Dao, please, we have something to discuss." One of them smiled."

Wang Xuan Lu recovered after breaking through the foundation, then dimmed from here, and disappeared quickly. "Chasing!" The four rushed over immediately, not believing that he could escape too far. However, for a moment, they felt palpitations, oppression, and they couldn't move. What's the situation? There are invisible enemies.

In Wang Xuan's eyes, there was a big hand with white bones, the flesh and blood seemed to have just fallen off, and it was still stained with a lot of blood, and it suddenly protruded into the real world.

He fled at top speed, and then sank into the depths of the Poof!

Although the four super-peerless people were also flying away, it was too late, because they realized it later, when they were terrified and their hearts were strongly disturbed, their bones and big hands approached.

However, they didn't see anything. In silence, they exploded at the same time, and the primordial spirit quickly went out.

Wang Jie ran wildly in the mist, fleeing far away, and after getting far enough from there, he couldn't help but want to wipe off his cold sweat, even though he was in the state of primordial spirit. "Can intervene in the present world, can kill life!" He looked back at the blood-stained big bone hand that faded away, and disappeared.

In the magician's dojo, Zhaohui and Zhaoxi looked at the Nine-Life Soul Lotus in the Divine Pond at the same time, and the four soul fires on one of the petals went out at the same time.

"Dead so soon? Calculate the time, it shouldn't be long before they entered the birthplace of mythology.

"There are ways."

"I'll send another alien-level puppet spirit over there. If something happens again, it means that he has a lot of secrets!"

One night later, including the time spent on the road, the soul fire of the Yuanshen puppet suddenly went out on the Nine-Life Soul Lotus, proving that it was completely dead.

"There's a lot of secrets in him. You can't use any lethal weapons there, and you can't bring them in." Xiao Hui frowned.

Chaoxi warned: "In the past, Gujin delayed the time and refused to let the person he chose fight with you. Now the situation has changed, they agreed, and you don't want to fight Lu Renjia for the time being."

In front of the Transcendent Boundary Monument, Wang Xuan's face was gloomy, and again and again, even the alien-level puppet Yuanshen was dispatched, and the other person would probably die here.

He had a premonition that a storm was coming, and many things might come together.

"After about a hundred years of stability, will my peaceful life be broken again?" He was very dissatisfied.


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