Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 565: I am in the field of six broken

Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada just want to say one word: Rubbing!

This ultimate limit-breaking body is simply too bad, they keep sending out dao rhyme ripples, wanting to rub off this body's layer of flesh and blood, a layer of old skin, and baptize this body clean and thoroughly.

They didn't even pay attention to what Wang Xuan's real body said.

Now, they only feel that this physical body is a big hole.

To be precise, this ultimate limit-breaking body is a bottomless pit, entangled with great cause and effect.

They have never seen such a thick causal line in a baby's arm. This kind of line is too "thick" and it is too outrageous. How big a cause and effect has it formed?

This kind of causal line, if you don't approach it, you can't see it if you don't investigate carefully.

Even though the causal silkworm is the best at this field and can be called the originator, it is only after entering this body that it becomes aware of it.

The fog is isolated from the outside world. In fact, the causal thread behind the Hunyuan Shenmu has been broken, but the flesh and blood are densely entangled with residual causal threads.

"Supreme being, the top true sage of the Royal Dao, the taste of resurrecting the dead? Hateful! We want to live with him, fate is entangled, I...!"

The mentality of the two extremely special Primordial Sacred Objects was a little bit broken. They originally wanted to enter a young body that was expected to be 6 broken, but it turned out that it was a mass of "blood mud".

They are carefully distinguished, and they are really broken. This is the remnant of the supreme creature, which belongs to half-rotted flesh and blood. It has been kneaded and reshaped into a body.

In the depths of their consciousness, this is an area that must be avoided. It will be extremely dangerous to enter this level before they grow up and reach the highest stage.

After several attempts, Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada discovered that the contract had already been reached and could not be undone at all. Back then, they didn't have a locked-in symbiotic relationship with Chenmu. Today, when they saw this young man who broke the limit anomaly and might be expected to break 6, they became impulsive.

In fact, whoever waits for the 7th century and above will be extremely excited after seeing the real hope, but it turns out to be such a pit, no matter how you look at them, they all seem to be "carrying a big pot".

Moreover, we can't blame others this time, they themselves are extremely excited and actively enter the game to memorize it. Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada have tried dozens of times, using various ancient methods, some of which are unheard of and unseen, and they are all shocking masters.

However, they can't undo this relationship, they are completely bound to the Primordial God Mud, karma and fate are entangled together, locked up, so it's chaotic.

"Young man, what's your name? Kong Xuan, you're cheating us?!"

The two special Primordial Sacred Objects stopped, emitting ripples and fluctuations. It was a very dangerous aura, extremely terrifying and rash.

At this moment, Chen Mu knew that earlier he had experienced stronger Taoism than before. When he performed the "Destiny Cicada Sutra", he made a rapid cicada cry that was more than half the sound of the ultimate 5 break, shattering the starry sky, and its power was incomparably powerful That's not the surge in his Taoism, but the credit of the holy object.

At this time, even he could hear the voices of the primordial spirit of Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada, they were questioning Kong Xuan! "Be quiet, you two. It's best not to intimidate or threaten me." Wang Xuan didn't care.

"Take him down and let his real body and mixed blood mud merge into one, maybe it can be hedged, reduce our entanglement of cause and effect, and even transfer it back to his body." Karma Silkworm said secretly.

Wang Xuan's face is dull, this is his real body, based in the 6-break field, he can even see the truth of the birthplace of the myth, and his perception is far more sensitive than other 5-breakers, especially at such a short distance, he even Can intercept the conversation of two holy insects.

He realized that he was completely cut off from the Hunyuan Shenmu, and he didn't need to pass on any cause and effect in the future. The two holy insects happily went to possess the body, took the initiative to become the master, and silently carried everything.

Of course, the body of Hunyuan Shenmu is actually very powerful, and Wang Xuan is not willing to give it up after he has made great contributions. Now if he surrenders the two holy insects, it would be good to leave this body for them.

He just needs to borrow it once in a while.

"From now on, it will be called 'worm tank'. "Wang Xuan said to himself.

A cicada chirped, causing the fog to churn and life

After Yun Chan called 5 times in a row, it didn't stop, and let out another high-pitched, half-short and rapid call, leading the trajectory of the Tao, which is the cry of fate, which can really kill the ultimate limit-breaker By!

It didn't underestimate the enemy, and tried its best to shoot. Because, it is very clear that the person who can defeat the morning and evening is definitely called the most brilliant era, and it deserves its high attention. It is using the strongest means to suppress it.

The karma silkworm was also in trouble at the same time, and it also made a hasty call. It was the karma Tao Ming. After the 5 karma silkworm shadows, there was another extremely terrifying but somewhat vague karma silkworm flying out, rushing towards Wang Xuan.

Obviously, this is also a short-term sublimation after the ultimate 5 break, Karma Silkworm is following up to suppress Kong Xuan with all its strength. However, all of this failed.

The young man in front of him is very has a mysterious halo flowing around his body, he doesn't have any terrifying killing moves, he listens to the cicadas very calmly, and gently touches the causal silkworm shadow with his fingers, all of which are naturally blocked by him up.


And, with a flick of his fingers, both holy insects were hit.

At this moment, they all seemed to have encountered a lightning strike from the Lu Breaking Domain, like a terrifying catastrophe, and the two holy insects were shaking with thunder light all over their bodies.

"What? This is...!"

"Who are you and what's the situation?"

Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada were shocked. Deep in their hearts, they both had a premonition of something, but they couldn't believe it.

Chen Mu was also stunned. Someone actually wounded Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada, two very special and terrifying ultimate holy objects, with a flick of a finger? !

"Haven't you been exploring the 6-point break? I am a person who stands in this field." Wang Xuan told with a smile, with a calm expression on his face.

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