Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 568: bloody curtain

Part of Wang Xuan's soul was possessed, and he remained in the 5-break domain, reappearing outside the fog.

Even if he was in this state, Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada did not dare to act rashly.

Because Wang Xuan's avatar still puts a lot of pressure on them, and he stands at the end of the ultimate 5 break!

In addition, they knew very well that above the head of Hunyuan Shenni, there was another Lupozhen standing above him, looking down in the mist.

There were exclamations from the outside world. Just now, Kong Xuan and Chen Mu disappeared briefly, and the whole Xinghai was silent for a while, waiting for the result.

Now, the truth surfaced, the first genius who broke the limit before the 7th century was defeated completely, and was held in the hands of Kong Xuan, everything will come to an end.

In the Scarlet Battlefield, although the 28 members of the Four Religions had a premonition, there is still a buzzing in their heads, feeling like they are about to suffocate.

Chen Mu's capture also meant that they were defeated miserably, there would be no suspense, they would all be swept away.

"Kill!" someone shouted.

Now, they still have two taboo magic circles, which are their last trump cards. Although they have little hope, they still have to fight hard.

Chen Mu whispered: "Is it finally over? But, until now, I can't tell whether it was in the wonderland of dusk or came out? It is said that it is in the real world, and I did see the current people. But why when I look back, I found that my rotten body was still trapped in that big net, as if it had never left, and my consciousness kept going back and forth between him and here. Now, am I going to die, or am I going to be one with the rotten body? Slow decay?"

Chen Mu lost his mind and was extremely confused.

"I practice karma and destiny, but in the end I found that I was caught in the terrible net of karma and fate, and I couldn't break free. Is this a given? Sad, ironic." He shook his head.

For him, it was all over. The light of Wang Xuan's fist streaked across the icy universe. The first limit-breaker before the 7th century, like a snowflake under the bright sun, instantly melted, shattered, and evaporated.

The outside world is full of uproar, and the superstars who are watching this battle

Everyone stood up abruptly.

Defeated in the morning and evening, this epic character who came from legend to reality was known throughout the ages. He was extremely talented and extremely powerful, so he was killed just like that.

"This is a bright pearl in the era when superpowers emerged in large numbers, when the stars were shining. There are rumors that one of his defeated soldiers later became a true saint."

"After a lapse of 7 centuries, he reappeared in the world. He is still extremely powerful. He almost possessed the ultimate 5-broken double body, superimposing karma and destiny, but in the end he died in battle!"

Many people sighed, their moods were complicated, they didn't know whether to say that it was not the right time for him to return, or that Kong Xuan was too domineering.

Even such a person was killed by Kong Xuange!

In the eyes of many people, this is the imprint of a great era being erased. Even Chen Mu, an incomparably brilliant and fierce man, has blood splattered in the starry sky, which is quite cruel.

The character recorded in the extraordinary history book, a true ultimate limit breaker, was pierced by that unparalleled fist light in front of everyone, blasted, and bloody.

At this moment, this scene is quite shocking.

Chang Sheng, an old foreigner who lived in the 6th century in the field of aliens, and the not-so-old Guanzhu, has complicated feelings.

"It's the 7th century. I saw him appear again. I thought he could continue the myth. Unexpectedly, he was defeated and died here."

After Chang Sheng was connected by the platform, his inner emotions were truly revealed, and he had endless feelings. Before the 7th century, he was not a stranger. Like many young people, he looked up to Chen Mu, the number one limit-breaking genius at that time.

After many centuries, he saw Nagu again, still standing in the center of brilliance, and attracted the attention of the entire starry sky as soon as he appeared.

But this was the curtain call battle for that person, and it withered away.

In fact, many people looked at Chen Mu and felt a little bit like the return of the king. Judging from the real situation, he does have this kind of combat strength and qualifications, which is stronger than back then.

Another platform party connected to Yiren Xuyan and asked him to comment.

"It can only be said that the world of great conflict, the age of heroes, is quite tragic. Even Chen Mu, who returned from the blessing of the **** ring, died in battle. It is indeed a bit sad.

pity. "

Xuyan organizes the language and speaks out the current situation in a calm tone. The great era is coming, and anything can happen in the years to come.

"The original **** battle is just the prologue of this era. It starts with the death of the gods and men in history. It is unknown what will happen in the future."

The starry sky has already boiled, whether it is on the platform or in the real world, a large number of extraordinary people are discussing it.

"It can only be said that Kong Xuan is indeed ridiculously powerful, and his light has covered the demeanor of the first limit-breaking genius before the 7th century."

People were talking about it, and agreed that it was worth seeing this battle, and the wait was not in vain.

Because, throughout the ages, it is difficult to see such a battle situation.

"It is very difficult for two ultimate limit breakers to meet together. Everyone, in the early stages of this era, we have witnessed the war of wizards between different eras. It can be called a battle of gods. It is fortunate."

Some people expressed their opinions excitedly, which was echoed and recognized by many people.

"Kong Xuan became a **** in the first battle, and won the ultimate limit-breaker duel in different eras!" Someone lamented.

There are countless bullet screens on all major platforms, and they are simply swiping the screen.

Kong Xuan's record is brilliant, and he is currently unmatched in the same field, and has been widely recognized, but there are also some discordant voices.

Undoubtedly, these are transcendent beings from the Four Great Dao Fields outside the world.

Now, they are in a bad mood and have prepared four taboo magic circles meticulously. They also invited the first limit breaker 7 centuries ago, but they were all broken in the end.

Especially in the **** battlefield, the final battle will probably be over.

"There is a problem with Kong Xuan. Can he really defeat Chenmu by himself? He disappeared suddenly in the fierce battle. Is there someone secretly helping? I suggest that the higher-ups intervene to restore the truth and give everyone an explanation."

They took advantage of the rhythm and used the psychology of a large number of extraordinary people who wanted to know Kong Xuan's secrets to make various provocations, trying to get the strong to intervene and uncover the real details of Kong Xuan.

"The scum of the Four Religions, you can't afford to lose, can you? A bunch of scum, as soon as you talk to me, I know what kind of footwash you are going to spray..."

Although Wolverine is in the heavenly battlefield, he can still use the extraordinary communicator to curse directly. Immediately, people from the Four Great Daoist Temples rushed to attack him on Chaofan.

On the edge of the **** battlefield, Fei Yue, Cheng Hai, and Wu Mingxiu all looked at Wolverine, and found that his fighting power was beyond the charts, and he opened up a second battlefield on the Internet alone.

"I'll scold whoever is against us!" Wolverine said, and then he added: "Whoever scolds us, the second king will beat him!"

His division of labor was quite clear, leaving everyone present speechless.

In the outside world, the people in the four major ashrams were really in a hurry, because in the **** battlefield, the battle was overwhelming and uncontrollable. For them, it was extremely tragic.

After Wang Xuan solved Chenmu, he absorbed the precious Taoist rhyme left by him, and then formally faced the 28 members of the Four Religions, and began to deal ruthlessly. He would naturally not show mercy.

The funnel of returning to the ruins and the hole of time are spinning and blending with each other, exuding the power of taboo. A single taboo magic circle rushing towards him can check and balance the ultimate limit breaker, but two are not enough for now!

Wang Xuan showed his combat power just right, without going too far, and sacrificed the 6-breaking formation map, let it resist the two formations, he marched forward, and began to kill.

The 7 members of the Tattoo Palace are displaying tattoo patterns, all of which are engraved in advance. Some are on the face, some are on the arm, and some are on the armor. For a while, it was dazzling, with various pictures, there was a picture of aliens beheading immortals, there was a picture of extraordinary decay, and the most powerful one was the picture of the incomplete true sage leaving the customs...

It can only be said that the background of a dojo is indeed very strong, but it is not very effective at the moment. Even the holy city of tattoos has been breached, and even the map of the old holy study has been torn up, let alone these?

Wang Xuan held the ancient bronze sword of origin left by Chen Mu in his left hand, and the Dahei Tian Dao in his right hand, which was extremely fierce, and the light of the sword and the light of the sword combined, invincible.

In front of him, those vivid picture scrolls, such as the recovery of aliens, the birth and death of the extraordinary universe, and the remnants of the true sage's enlightenment, all depend on who cast them. Right now, they are all pierced by his sword.

Slashing and blasting, destroying the dead, just swept past.

As for the millennium **** battle reminded by the deceased 10 years ago, he now chooses to forget and fight face to face. It is really a deadly battle, so he doesn't care so much.

In the blood splatter, Wang Xuan pierced through the 7 departments of the Tattoo Palace. This is not a duel, but a massacre, and no one can stop him.

During this process, random arrows flew towards him like rain, and each arrow could explode meteors, etc., which was extremely powerful. This is a group of **** shooters wearing centipede armor. They once shot wolverines and caused many troubles outside, such as instigating the followers of Wujie Mountain.

Holding a long knife and a long sword, Wang Xuan rushed towards them. He had already killed most of them earlier, but now Yilong was still shooting cold arrows.

In an instant, the sword light in the sky and the earth, with the meaning of immortality, freezes this piece of time and space. He slashed across the front, and with a puff sound, all the shooters were cut off at the waist, and then exploded as a whole.

The **** shooters on the sky-level battlefield are all wiped out!

"Did you see? The transcendents in the four great avenues are all my mortal enemies. In the future, if you see them, just shoot them. There will be no mistakes." Wang Xuan was pointing out Karma silkworms and fate while killing 28 people. cicada.

Generally speaking, this is a guide battle, revealing the enemy for the two holy insects, and showing his fighting style in a more comprehensive way, so that they can imitate them later.

As for attack methods, etc., he believed that with the background of these two holy insects, there would definitely be no shortage, and they could well reproduce the same demeanor as him.

"Look, this is a person from Guixu Dojo. He is good at space magic. I like to break spells forcefully, so I just bombard them directly."

As Wang Xuan said, he swung the ancient bronze sword of origin, and in an instant, the sword energy burst into hundreds of thousands, intertwined like a galaxy of stars, and pierced through the group of opponents in the middle of the puff!

In the sword glow, the seven members of the Guixu Dojo were broken in groups, unable to block the dense sword light at all, and were quickly strangled.

Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada could see that this six-breaker is both the sixth and toughest. For example, when dealing with this group of people who don't need to use their hole cards, he really didn't hide it.

"There are still more than a dozen black and gold lions left, and none of this group of traitors will be left!" Wang Xuan said, this time he was even tougher. He raised his long knife and stretched out his right hand. The lion, which was as huge as a mountain, was immediately crushed by him. up.

He didn't grab them all at once, but grabbed them one by one. More than a dozen sky-level black gold lions roared loudly and resisted fiercely, but it was useless. They exploded into blood mist in an instant.

"There are also the Hedgehog clan and the two-headed human clan. You two clans should pay the price, let's end here." Wang Xuan said, using the ancient bronze sword of origin this time.

He didn't slash but smashed it with the back of the sword. Burst the void.

The Tianhog clan and the two-headed human race quickly disappeared from the **** battlefield, and were killed by Wang Xuan in one go.

"The 7 members of the Paper Temple will be handed over to you two, let's take over." Wang Xuan said.

The spoils he confiscated—the Bronze Sword of Origin—was prepared for the two holy insects and the Primordial Mud.

What else can Karma Silkworm and Destiny Cicada say? I can only do it silently, and I really became the supreme worker!

As for Wang Xuan himself, he began to collect Dao rhymes in this **** battlefield, which came from 28 tribes and came from the Four Great True Saints. They are invaluable and will be of great use to his practice!

This ending battle was not a duel, but more like a one-sided bloodbath, with the 28 members of the Four Religions falling apart.

"I'm going to kill him!" In the otherworldly place, the eyes of the supernatural beings in the Four Great True Sacred Dojos were all red.

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