Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 619: match made in heaven

Two true saints from the same universe, no one is more refined than the other, big brother don't laugh 2, one has Wang Lao Liu, and the other has a little padded jacket that leaks air.

Obviously, Mei Yukong's counterattack could not have any influence on Wang Zesheng. On the contrary, he laughed.

That is to say, the occasion was not right, otherwise he would have to put his arms around the old demon's shoulders, the hero was wrong, and with emotion, toast, a thousand cups of wine is too small to meet a bosom friend.

As for now? Wang Zesheng can only express his emotions with the light of his heart.

He didn't hesitate to use beautiful words, and said: "Brother Mei, don't tell me, you really know how to give birth to girls. This girl is beautiful and has icy muscles and bones. She is truly magnificent and transcends the world of mortals. It's really amazing."

However, facing his compliments, Mei Yukong's nose was not his nose, his eyes were not his eyes, he didn't give him a good look at all, and he didn't want to talk to him.

Wang Zesheng said: "Old monster, we haven't seen each other for several centuries. The friendship between us has not been cut off by the years. On the contrary, I think it is like that old wine, the longer it is, the stronger it becomes."

When Mei Yukong heard this, he immediately became vigilant. He didn't speak, and looked at him, obviously he was on the embankment.

Wang Zesheng was very enthusiastic, and said: "Brother Mei, look, we have such a good relationship. You are old and have a daughter, and my family happens to have a very outstanding youngest. This is a match made in heaven, and we can get closer!"

While talking, he also materialized with the light of the soul, appearing in the old demon's heart, and Mei Yukong's face darkened when he slapped the old demon's letterhead there. Know that his smile is aggressive.

He already had a daughter who was abducted by Wang Yusheng, and now there is another youngest member of the Wang family. Although Wang Yan is very talented, he is actually the son of the old Wang. No more surnamed Wang? !

"Brother Mei, although we had some misunderstandings in the past, it was all old sesame seeds and rotten millet. Now, we are in-laws, and we can also kiss and get closer. Be open-minded. If you feel uncomfortable, wait and find a place where no one is around. , I don’t fight back, so it’s okay to let you beat me twice?” Wang Zesheng said, with a sincere look.

Mei Yukong looked at him and said, "I'm not a person who cares about every detail, you bully, if you really want to ease the relationship, it's not difficult for me to let you go."

Let me relax, it's actually not that hard. The figure of Wang Zesheng's spiritual light manifested immediately said: "You tell me, who do you want me to cut? I will greet him with the eternal black knife. I don't believe his head will always be stronger than my knife, harder than my fist."

Mei Yukong looked at Cao Mang Laowang and said: "Although I have an enemy, but after entering this discipline, I have some insights, the problem is not serious, and there is no need to ask you for help."

Wang Zesheng said: "Well, after this era, after the next supernatural center is changed, you will be the true saint of the fifth era, should you be targeted by the must-kill list? I will help you overcome the calamity. But depending on your level, the lonely road Parallel with the path of the Extraordinary Center, I reckon that in the next era, you should be able to resist the past."

"It's not about these things. My request is very simple. It's okay to have more kisses. You can get closer. I mean, you have a daughter and marry my future son." Mei Yukong said.

"I... hiss!" Wang Zesheng gasped Dao Yun, this old demon is much more difficult to deal with than before, obviously "evolved", and wanting to have Wang Laoqi in his family, isn't this a difficult thing for someone to do? The current Wang Laoliu is already an accident.

Obviously, Mei Yukong was dissatisfied, feeling that he was being targeted by the surname Wang in this life, and he wanted to save the situation, so the old **** suggested this.

It was rare that Wang Zesheng was defeated and retreated in despair.

The true sages of each religion personally received the amazing successors, etc., all the 5 breakers of the true immortals came, the strongest line of heaven-level transcendents appeared, and the famous super peers would not be absent.

Now, the highest spiritual world has suddenly become a gathering of geniuses in the extraordinary world.

It is not a grand event, but because of the primordial sacred object, this kind of large-scale gathering of wizards has rarely happened in the past.

In such a large-scale gathering, it was naturally extremely lively, and even the patriarchs of various schools brought some promising juniors and disciples to increase their knowledge.


There are no primordial sacred objects, and there are many people who appear here, such as superhumans who take the path of late bloomers, and are reminded by the elders that this is an opportunity to open their eyes.

It was originally a plan to "remove evil" and act to "remove trouble", but the wind direction has changed somewhat, and it has become a place where geniuses "compete for beauty".

Afterwards, even the affiliated sects of the True Sage orthodoxy, some outstanding disciples of the great sect, etc., were allowed to bring along, in order to gain experience and gain knowledge.

For example, the friends Lu Renjia met when he was re-fishing in different seas, the white turtles, black cranes, and golden feathers he had "fake fights" with, and even the cat he caught from Jiuling Cave all appeared.

Of course, there are also some enemies of Wang Xuan's bitter days, such as the super peerless Cannon Sea of ​​the Candle Dragon Clan, and Yuan Sheng, the sky-level extraordinary man of the Long-armed Ape Clan.

Among them, even the net red crow, the green crow with the power of a crow, also caught up with the last train, mixed in with the crowd of Dajiao, and followed.

Wang Xuan met too many acquaintances, such as Lu Renjia's half-disciple—Lu Fafa.

There were even Yan Que, Qi Miao, An Hong, his friends whom he met at Pingtian Academy under the name of Qin Cheng, who attached themselves to the University.

Some people haven't seen each other for hundreds of years. Wang Xuan really wanted to go over and have a chat, but he had to hold back.

Lao Zhang was also among the crowd in Jiuling Cave, which made Wang Xuan's hands itchy. He wanted to have a friendly exchange with Master Zhang, but he could only restrain himself at this time.

In addition, he looked at Fang Yuzhu in Sansou Palace, Sword Fairy in Chongxiao Palace, etc., but he was also helpless, there were too many people, and he couldn't talk deeply.

"Well, true immortal, heavenly, super peerless, let's do it in different regions at the same time." The number one survivor of the old camp is suffering, the 5-breaker under the alien, or the genius who accidentally obtained the sacred object, even if No matter how super-class, the realm is here, and it is difficult to change.

"That woman is Wu Mingxiu, with flawless white clothes and outstanding demeanor. She gained a great reputation in the middle and late stages of the primitive **** battle. Now she is beyond peerless."

"Well, that's Cheng Dao, the former 5-broken disciple of the Tattoo Palace, who should be considered a casual cultivator now.

This person was also considered to be unlucky. He was originally the chosen one, the most important disciple of the true sage orthodoxy, but he was defeated by his own bull first, and then lost consecutively. He was used as a bargaining chip by Wu Mingxiu on the **** battlefield to negotiate with the four sects . "

Extraordinary people talked a lot, and there were too many Tianzong characters here, and they were recognized from time to time.

"Hiss, that's Lu Yun, a disciple of 36 Chongtian. Her master is a big shot named in the first half of the must-kill list. The most important thing is her herself. Peerless, utterly terrifying, who will compete with you?" Everything you see here is extraordinary.

When the robot Qi Yuan appeared on the stage, it also elicited exclamations, because it was rumored that he was the younger brother of the mechanical King Kong, the disciple of the ancestor of the machine.

His senior brother, Mechanical King Kong, has disappeared for a long time. Some people say that in Nirvana, he may be transforming into a true saint.

Even the superhuman beings who were brought to grow the world have good backgrounds. However, they found that they are really nothing. Today, the stars are shining, and there is no ordinary one in what they see, which is quite shocking.

Chaojueshi came here, if there are too many people, activate the primordial sacred objects in three batches.

The Heavenly Level is over there, and the True Immortal is in the square behind. Even the ones who maintain the order are aliens, leading the extraordinary people with holy objects to enter the arena.

The descendants of the super-transformed prohibited item "Heng" lined up dutifully, and the descendants of "Shenzhao" Li Hongchen also walked forward quietly.

When the identities of the descendants of those supreme beings in the 36th Heaven were revealed, a group of people immediately became the focus and caused a sensation. Among them, there were embers, empty sands, disciples and grandchildren who went back to ancient times, and even descendants of survivors and Wangyou .

"Niu Ben, I thought that the 5 breakers in the other world, Li Xu, Fu Qingming, Ye Jingxu, etc., were already out of line. Now it seems that the 36 heavens seem to be even more dazzling."

Surrounding the huge arena, there are all extraordinary people. While watching the three groups of wizards in the square, the super peerless, the heavenly, and the real immortals, "Let's start!" Some supreme creatures spoke up and made their own moves.

First of all, the super-peerless area was shrouded in holy light. As a result, most of the holy objects in the first batch were silent, and only a few of them recovered and glowed.

! "What is that? It hurts my divine eyes so much that I can't stand it. I'm crying!" Some people exclaimed.

Among the few luminous holy objects, there is an ant, which seems to be made of gold, with a pair of dragon horns, only the size of a palm, but it collapses time and space, which is terrifying.

The most important thing about the door is that it is still in the process of transformation, it no longer looks like an ant, with a scorpion tail growing out of its tail, and its hook is terrifying.

Heng's descendant, Balance, is a little confused, why is his primordial sacred object different from before, from ants to scorpions? !

In the ensuing battle, he, the host, actually lost to the primordial sacred object that had undergone a strange change, and it was a disastrous defeat. If there was no real holy supervision, he would definitely die, and he would be killed cleanly.

"I'm going, Kinkou is defeated. He is a descendant of Heng from the 36th Heaven. According to legend, he is a pseudo-extreme Taoist in the 5-break domain. He is a rare opponent at the same level. He was defeated by his own holy object!" Many people dare not believe.

"My sacred object is abnormal. It has temporarily transformed." Balance was severely injured, covered in blood, his forehead bone was shattered, and he was pierced by the golden scorpion tail behind the ant. If he was not decisively stopped by someone, he would have died God is gone.

"Have you seen it clearly? The legend reappears. The primordial sacred object before the 17th century is indestructible. It came to the world again, and it can change its master. The holy insect "Golden Scorpion Ant" revived, which is amazing! "The person who spoke was a true saint, and even he looked solemn, so this matter is naturally no small matter.

Historically, there have been such instances, but not many, quite rare.

For example, Karma Silkworm and Destiny Sheet appeared in an extremely ancient era before they were owned by Chen Mu, the number one prodigy before the century.

"Let me go, there is also a terrible spectacle in the sky-level area, and another primordial sacred object is activated and transformed on the spot."

"Hiss, this holy butterfly has passed nirvana in public. It's so fierce, it's very belligerent. It's really scary to hit many wizards in the field."

After being confirmed by the true sage, this is another holy object that once died and is now reborn, which is quite terrifying.

Afterwards, the holy butterfly took the initiative to attack and swept away the first batch of heaven-level masters here, and no one could check and balance it.

"Some outrageous primordial sacred things are reborn and revived, and they are so powerful!" I have to say, the unexpected makes all the saints look serious, the famous holy thing before the old holy period Reappearance is very abnormal.

"This means that some anglers have lived for at least 10 or even 20 centuries, and they are still there today. It's terrifying to think about, and it's very annoying!" Even the highest creatures looked solemn and whispered in the giant palace.

"Is Kong Rong here? Why didn't I see him? Did I miss this person?" Someone asked in the square, reminding the stranger who maintained order.

"Kong Xuan is here, but he didn't appear in the first group of people, what's the hurry." The deceased responded in secret.

Immediately, people's hearts were shaken, and heated discussions began. Kong Huang is the ultimate limit-breaker with 5 or more collars. Many people are waiting to see the performance of him and the sacred object.

"I want to ask, is Sun Wukong from Huaguo Mountain here?" The person who asked was a beautiful woman, she was Ling Qingxuan's schoolgirl and sister—Xiao Yue.

Ling Qingxuan was standing in the genius camp of Xuankong Ridge, and she didn't have the nerve to come out in person, but she really didn't think about it, she couldn't let it go after so many years, and wanted to take this opportunity to ask if the hateful Monkey King was there, and why he beat her four times in a row. times sap.

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