Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 691: mythological upheaval

But all the 5 breakers, as well as the true saint, heard the heavy footsteps.

Some of them were watching the night scene in the city with neon lights, and some were cultivating among the fairy mountains hanging from the divine waterfall. At this moment, they all stopped all activities in shock, looking nearby, and then looking far away, their hair stood on end.

Who is this, where is it, the sound of its footsteps seems to sound in my own heart, approaching with the light of their hearts, when will it appear before my eyes?

This group of people represented the future potential giants of the extraordinary world, and they were already strong enough. But now they can't find the source of the footsteps. Looking around, some planets have soft nights, and some areas are sunny and sunny, and there are no dangerous creatures approaching at all.

"I'm a little ox, what kind of cow head and horse face wants to come out of the dead and want to enter the world?" In the demon court, a layer of cowhide appeared on the cow's cloth. He thought for a while, the giant green bull mentioned by Boss Wang was calling him? He shouted in his heart: "Niu Zu, is that you?"

Then, he felt that the footsteps seemed to be getting closer to him. In an instant, his hair stood on end, and he was horrified. As a 5-breaker, especially the creatures who had been combed by Wang Xuan's imperial path pattern, his perception was keen.

He felt that he needed to hide, otherwise something might happen. However, the footsteps did not stop, and they still walked towards him, as if there was a layer of fog surging in the unknown deep space, approaching Ruo present world.

"I might die?" Niubu realized the essential problem, and immediately became anxious, and roared, "Don't come here!"

However, it was useless, this drum-like sound resounded in his heart, very rhythmic, it made his soul light resonate and tremble violently, and it might collapse if it continues like this.

"Go away, grandson!" He said indiscriminately, blocking the voice, as if a shadow of death floated over.

It wasn't until after he fought fiercely that he quickly let go of his mind, the sound of footsteps went away and it was the same as before. Stepping out of the unknown, the sound echoed constantly in Niu Bu's heart.

Really evil! He touched himself, the bottom of his clothes was soaked and he was covered in cold sweat.

At the same time, Leng Mei of Yaoting, her mother Lorraine, and her elder brother Mei Yunfei also experienced dangers and gradually regained their composure.

It's not just them, the 5-breakers and aliens from all over the world are like this. There is also a commotion in Yuesheng Lake. Li Xu woke up with a start, ran out of his retreat and shouted: "Auntie, I almost died, what the **** was that just now?" Fortunately, I broke free, otherwise my life would be in danger, and I saw a thick fog rolling over from afar.”

Li Lin also had heart palpitations, staring at the end of the void for a long time without saying a word.

"Is this my chance? I am willing to give everything, anyway, I have nothing, the tattoo palace is gone, please accept my worship to the supreme powerhouse!" Someone was also shouting, looking almost crazy For example, Cheng Dao knelt on the ground on one knee at this time, but the surrender of his crazy behavior did not have any effect. On the contrary, the light of his mind was dim, and a mist drifted over, approaching him.

It wasn't until Cheng Dao's back was cold that he realized that some existences are terrifying and unsolvable phenomena, and you don't accept them if you are willing to get close to them.

The light of his mind was dim, and he had been seriously ill for a while, and then began to weaken. From the current point of view, he needs to recuperate for at least half a year.

The souls who are walking the true holy road in the extraordinary center are not sure about the situation, and the sword immortal Wenming said coldly in the secret room, "Are you aiming at me?"

"Who is it?" White-haired Vero sat in a high-end club, stopped the beauties who were singing a cappella, and put down his glass with a serious expression. Listening carefully to the sound of footsteps, his heart resonated accordingly.

The creatures from the Jedi are greatly disturbed, because their real bodies are the supreme beings, they think highly of themselves, and want to thoroughly investigate the truth, but in the end they have to be vigilant and decisively cut off that part of the light of the soul. Loss no longer actively explores.

"The true body of the Jedi should send the truth to warn us, what it is, I should know soon." Wanfa Spider King stood on a stone in the middle and let Xinghui sprinkle on his body, shrouded in a hazy divinity Light.

But his heart was cold, and he almost suffered a big loss just now.

This is because the 5 breakers and other people have sensed it. A small number of people have suffered a lot because they approached the source of the sound actively. They are mentally weak and need to be raised for a long time.

The "Shou" who stayed to watch the house stood on the 36th floor with a dignified expression and a tense expression. He heard the sound of footsteps in the distance and finally left. He was ready to go shopping, but in the end there was nothing. See.

"What is it? The sound of footsteps makes me so uneasy, as if I'm being crushed by a boulder!" Even Quan, one of the three elders of the early days of the Old Saint, got up suddenly and stood in front of the French windows of a villa. Looking into deep space, but can't see anything.

Others are chilling from head to toe, and at his level, there will never be such an incomparable palpitation experience, which is absolutely serious to the extreme.

Sure enough, some people got feedback and received the latest news from the land outside the Extraordinary Center.

"Don't try to get close to the source of the footsteps, it's a big problem!" This is "Quan", the feedback he got, the broken hourglass vortex behind him is turning, revealing the blurred figure of "Yuan", leaving a message across endless time and space through the supreme secret method .

"The avatar is in the Jedi, and even we heard the other's footsteps. It is very mysterious and dangerous. You should be cautious when you are in the extraordinary center." The above is the news from the Jedi passed through a special channel, so that some re-walking true saints The creatures on the road don't pay much attention to it.

"What did you see, there is a strong person in the extraordinary center asking the source of the footsteps of the supreme beings outside, what monsters or extreme phenomena are there?

In fact, in the state of a young man transformed from an old boy, he used the treasure "pool" to monitor the world, trying to find the monster that made the footsteps.

"Pervert!" Wang Xuan was afraid for a while. As a 6-breaker, he heard the footsteps more clearly, but they were also quite dangerous.

when he probed. He clearly saw the thick mist rushing towards him, almost engulfing him completely, but luckily he entered his own thick fog in an instant.

Suddenly, the fog stopped and did not invade.

The heavy footsteps seemed to linger nearby for a while, then went away, and then returned to the normal Transcendent Center.

Some witnesses told the story, "Indiscriminately affects all 5 breakers and aliens, etc., and it is not aimed at a certain individual."

This is a bit disturbing, it was Da Fan Guying who influenced the Supernormal Center, causing everyone who passed by to be terrified for a while, the most important thing is that the footsteps are still there, and there is no sign of stopping. What big event is going to happen?

The whole Transcendent world was shocked by it, and the other people who couldn't hear the sound felt even more shocked! Don't they even have the right to hear that kind of footsteps?

After carefully browsing the latest news on the communicator, Wang Xuan frowned deeply. Why are there more and more weird phenomena near the extraordinary center?

Every time before, there was a sound of iron chains during the shock, which made him feel depressed, but now it happened again, and the sound of footsteps in it was so shocking that the impact of the iron chains stopped.

"Tell me the details of what you saw in the specific scene!" Quan couldn't help it, so he had to Cui Yuan and Qi in the deep sky.

In addition, those aliens who have returned to the path of true sages also sent messages to the outside through special channels to ask the truth about the footsteps.

The Yan Qiang who stayed behind in the Transcendence Center are all in the process of being investigated!

The appalling upheaval happened, and at this moment, suddenly, even those who broke the limit 4 times or even those who broke the limit 3 times could hear it deafeningly.

Then it became more and more serious, and ordinary people would not realize it tomorrow.

But as long as the transcendent can hear it, what is going on, and what kind of great changes are going to happen to the mythology today?

Dongdong was a very powerful running sound, it was so terrifying, it felt like the sky was falling, it seemed to be stepping on everyone's soul.

It made many extraordinary people pale, and some couldn't bear it, as if something broke into the hearts of every extraordinary person, and everyone couldn't stop it.

"What kind of monster is that? If you want to feel numb, get out!" Many people shouted with bloodless faces.

"They're all threatening our sect?" The expressions of the evil gods and sages lying in the supernatural center have changed, and even their minds are being invaded?

Boom, there was a terrifying collision sound outside the Extraordinary Center, and the impact of Taoism was too great.

The supreme beings outside should have made a move, and even vaguely heard the source and inspiration through their own broken hourglass.

The roar sounded, this is a super big event, his pupils constricted in shock, is there a fierce fight outside?

"Shou" looked solemn like never before, and the Yuanshang Zhibao pool in his hand was shaking violently, sparkling with phosphorescence.

He saw a lot of light spots on the Jedi, extremely bright, those supreme beings were recovering quickly, and then there was a beam of light rushing towards them to shoot?

At the same time, the sound of the saints attacking in the deep space was also heard. It was rippling from another Then the water surface suddenly burst into waves, breaking the picture all at once, and nothing could be seen, as if there was a fog expanding.

His basin is dimmed, nearly extinguished!

At this time, all the top figures knew that there was a shocking change outside the Extraordinary Center, and it was very chaotic at the moment, and the supreme beings were doing it, which seriously threatened the stability of the source of the myth.

What's going on outside? It seems to be an extremely terrible upheaval. At this time, I prefer to replace the Transcendent Center quickly and make a big migration. Hurry up and leave this abnormal environment!

Many strangers in the Transcendence Center couldn't stand it anymore, and they felt a sense of shock and pleasure when the Shaftless Light was impacted and flashed violently, and their own Dao fruits were not stable.

Wang Xuan stood in the deepest part of his own fog, and the 6-break domain was fully open. He saw many small boats moored at the edge of the deepest light source closest to him, and the lake below was slightly rippling. This has never happened before. !

It's messy outside the hypercenter! He felt that something big was going to happen today, and it might have an extremely far-reaching impact.

And he can't see anything at the moment, only to wait quietly.

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