Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 57: what is the end of the enemy

Miaoguo tried his best, and the 6 pairs of pure white feathers shone dazzlingly, but he also tried to rush to the end of the deep space many times, but was caught back by a big hand through the void, and then exploded.

Standing at the end of the alien domain, he is infinitely close to the sanctuary and is about to set foot in it, but now even if he escapes with the 6-breaking forbidden method and flies to the sky, it is still difficult to break the shackles of fate. He falls again covered in blood, and then shatters collapse.

"Senior brother!" A woman felt severe pain in her heart after seeing this scene, and rushed to the battlefield with tears on her face, trying to get close to the **** Miaogu.

Before the 23rd century, many people in the old supernatural center were screaming and rushed out of the new world to rescue them.

Their hearts were heavy and it was difficult to accept that Miaogu in the six broken domains had been defeated, and they were so thorough that they were about to die soon.

Miao Gu tore open the deep space, making time chaotic. He used this to rush to the ancient times, but a big hand cut off his way, and he fled back but was still held down by that big hand.

Five pages of a black celestial book rushed out of his body. It was dark and deep, densely covered with clear textures, while the sixth page was broken and blurred. The black book was one with his flesh and blood, protecting his life and preventing him from dying.

In this brief moment, Miao Gu Lian Wang was pressed four times, 6 pairs of snow-white wings turned into bright red, the hole on his forehead could not be healed, and his soul was extremely dim.

He couldn't break free from this sky, to be precise, he couldn't get rid of that big hand, as if he was imprisoned in the cage of fate and couldn't change the trajectory of this life.

The superhumans in the old center before the 23rd century all had heavy hearts, and Miaogu was the strongest alien in the superhuman world behind them in this era, with unparalleled aptitude and no one could match him.

However, even he was so powerless in front of Wang Qingzhou, and there was a big gap.

"God, don't good people live long?" An old stranger growled.

"What a big devil, the field he stepped into is a bit incomprehensible, even Miaogu is far inferior!" In the old center before the 23rd century, many passionate young people, as well as the disciples of Miaohui and his senior brothers, were in tears. They all rolled out and rushed out together.

In their eyes, Wang Qingzhou is the villain. In their eyes, the handsome gentleman, the handsome brother, who experienced **** ordeals in that world, soared to the sky again and again, but was pushed to the ground. It is so pitiful.


A large group of people rushed out of the new world. Although they knew that they would probably be defeated even if they joined forces, they couldn't help but kill them all.

"Handsome guy, how strong is he? This should already be a double 6 break?" Gu Hong asked.

Yu Yan was quite shocked. Seeing Miao Gu being **** four times in a row, his entire spine was tense, and cold sweat broke out.

"Yes!" He responded with certainty.

Because Wang Qingzhou is too strong.

Then, he realized that his fatal friendship with Wang Qingzhou was saved by the other party, so he didn't need to be brought into the emotions of the group of people in the old center before the 23rd century.

"Why do I feel that the real saint is here, and he dares to try to slap?" Gu Hong whispered.

He was really scared. Thinking back to the time when he came to the other party's dojo with a high posture, and then was kicked out of the mountain gate, now that he came to the other party, he was really merciful.

Before the 23rd century, a large group of people from the old extraordinary center rushed to see Miaogu, who held a high status in their hearts and many people were willing to die for him.

Among them, the silver-haired alien was the fastest and the most eager to rush to the scene first, wanting to save her life regardless of her life.

However, the vicinity of Wang Xuan is like a forbidden place, whether it is the ever-burning flames left by his feet or the escaping texture of his own imperial path, it is very frightening.

Together, they formed a field, and when those masters approached, they were all blocked by the intruders, even strangers, all showing pain, being imprisoned in mid-air, with distorted facial expressions, and their bodies were about to be torn apart .

A group of people were blocked, and some rescuers forcibly moved forward. They all flew like small insects trapped in a net. They all lost the ability to move and had painful expressions, showing signs of bursting and blood spattering into the deep space.

"Let them go!" After Miao Gu rushed to the sky for the fifth time and was crushed, he saw handsome brothers and sisters and his own disciples, so he stopped and did not run away.

"Everything is coming for me. Our decisive battle has nothing to do with them." He said in a deep voice, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, his body was as dim as a candle in the wind, and the big book reconciled with him.

The combination of the black heavenly book and him, together with the 6 broken domains, allows him to have 6 true lives all year round, and as long as he holds on, everything can be restored to the original state.

"You all stop, don't come over!" Miao Yuan's body and feet were covered with blood, and there were some injuries on his body, even he couldn't recover now.

Wang Xuan stood still and said, "How can you make me look like a villain when you are so sad? Should I be dealt with by the same enemy?"

A group of people in the old extraordinary center before the 23rd century were silent, but they thought so in their hearts, and they all wanted to say it, didn't they?

"Did he just realize that he is the biggest villain in this world?" Ling Han said secretly and complained to his colleagues.

"Shut up!" Fairy Mingxuan told her to be more honest, she was a bit active recently, which didn't match the aloof image she maintained when she was outside.

In fact, many extraordinary people in the new world are more sympathetic to the weak at this time, whether it is the aborigines on the other side or the people in the old center before the 23rd century.

Or the monks from the super mythical world behind Yihui were shocked by Wang Qingzhou's strength.

In their eyes, even if he is not a big villain, he is definitely not related to Gentle and Pure Kindness. The main reason is that he is too powerful and his methods are very tough.

Wang Xuan was surprised that a lot of people risked their lives to save Miaogu, who was so arrogant.

He thought that this kind of bad-mouthed and domineering strongman would be beaten by everyone if he was in trouble, but a group of people saw tears in their eyes, and they really dared to rush over like moths to a flame.

He said, "What bet has not been left yet!"

Miao Gu was in a daze for a moment before he came back to his senses. He really wanted to say that I didn't want to escape. You acted like you wanted to kill me completely for a few stones?

Wang Xuan seemed to know what he was thinking, and said, "Otherwise, what do you think?"

Miao inherently had a sense of absurdity. He and the other party were very discordant, and the two hated each other and pushed each other away, so after the big defeat, he wanted to escape immediately.

No matter how strong and conceited he is, who would risk his life if he could live?

So, he tried his best to change the trajectory of his destiny, but now the other party tells him that if he doesn't escape, nothing will happen, and he was wiped out 5 times in vain?

Wang Xuan really didn't like him, maybe Mingxuan's evaluation was in place, he saw part of himself in Miaohui, and he himself disliked those shortcomings.

At this time, transpose and correct it and repair it severely, it is impossible for him to destroy Miaogu directly.

Because I felt that this person had some relationship with Hongxiu and others, so there were many things I wanted to ask.

"We also have fragments of the secret stone of Dao Ze here!" The silver-haired female alien was the first to wake up, and quickly evaporated her tears, feeling that the sky was clear and not dark anymore.

"No need, I only take what I should take." Wang Xuan said

He extinguished the immortal flames left by his feet, and restrained the realm of the royal way, so that all imprisoned aliens could move.

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for your mercy!" A group of people thanked from the bottom of their hearts.

Miao Gu took out the pile of fragments of the secret stone of Dao from the six pages of the black book in the first place, the number of which was doubled obviously, and also took out all the remaining ones on his body.

In fact, there is no need for this. Wang Xuan said that many people in the new world breathed a sigh of relief, especially those who lived in the old extraordinary center before the 23rd century.

His impression of Wang Qingzhou skyrocketed, and he was considered a principled villain.

Wang Xuan's 6-break perception in the whole domain is so keen, it has captured the mental thoughts of many people, and he immediately wanted to slap them.

Is he still a villain after all?

"My brother-in-law has a cold side and a soft side, he's actually pretty good." Ling Han said with a smile.

She didn't hide it this time, it wasn't a secret voice transmission, in the eyes of her fellow disciples, Zhuo Yuehui An Sheng and others, it was a flattery.

"Big Sister's future Taoist partner is so strong." Gu Hong, who had broken the Dayuan Dojo, was also talking in a low voice.

All of a sudden, except for Ning Yan who nodded, the rest of his classmates all complained about embarrassing you?

He was blasted by him earlier, and this battle directly made Wang Qingzhou famous in the new world.

There was much more movement than the confrontation with Yu Yan in the depths of the universe on the other side of the universe. Many people wanted to get close to him. Many powerful sects had direct descendants of the 6-broken dojo, and they all wanted to get acquainted with this suspected double 6-broken monster. .

All parties are both curious and afraid of him, until now they still don't know where he came from, but all parties guess that there must be a top 6-breaking dojo behind him.

Perhaps only Miaoguo guessed it. Although the scriptures used by Wang Xuan have lost their original traces and integrated them into their own system, Miaoguo can still see familiar areas.

In a short moment, Wang Xuan had already received voice transmissions from dozens of dojos, all wanting to visit his mountain gate or entertain him.

Wang Xuanjie responded and did not refuse people ten miles away, but right now he definitely wants to discuss with Miaogu.

Soon he received a warm reception from Miaogu Tongmen, who welcomed him into a magnificent dojo in the new world, and the entire continent was their territory.

This time Miao Gu transformed into a rather handsome black-haired man. Although he was cold and conceited, he still remembered the grace of not killing, and he couldn't be more mad with his words.

Wang Xuan sighed that it was really difficult to connect the low-key man in front of him with the bird man who used to be so flamboyant.

It seems that the friendship of death is more convincing. The bright moon fruit that matures once a thousand years in the quiet room is placed in the fruit plate, and the hazy area reflected here is like a large piece of bright moonlight wine.

Wang Xuan ate one and sighed in his heart, the aura here is still rich and strange, fairy grass is common, but many big universes outside are cold and rotten for hundreds of millions of years.

"Are you speaking yourself or?"

"That's I had the honor to listen to the lectures of those seniors, but not many times, not many times." Miao Gu nodded solemnly, and then he took the initiative to mention many things and explained some situations.

He already felt that the Great Demon King should have a deep relationship with those people.

Wang Xuan accidentally learned that Hongxiu was called his uncle when he came back to discuss the temple from his seniority. He had seen Duo Huanji and was personally instructed by him.

"Come here to pay respects, and also call out to find the uncle." Wang Xuan said, there is a life-long friendship and the relationship between the nephew and the teacher has been strengthened.

Miaogu is in a bad mood, right? Let him lose face, it's nothing more than a fiasco, and this will kill a master uncle?

Wang Xuan said, "Hongxiu is my senior sister. Ma is one-third of her body and I am also a teacher and friend. You can do it yourself! You can call me whatever you want?"

Miao Guo was completely lost, even his uncle was not enough to see him, and he was going to be the same generation as Ma Du. Earlier, he thought this person was extremely unpleasant, and wanted to educate him!

Now that he needs to call his elders, he really can't stand it, but there are signs that all of this is true. The former opponent needs him to call him nice.

The end of the enemy turned out to be the uncle, who turned the enemy into an elder. For a moment, he opened his mouth, feeling extremely painful.

I really can't shout at the moment! It was so embarrassing that I couldn't hold back my face at all.

Wang Xuan said, "What happened to the old center before the 23rd century? Why can it be revived? And now you are using the modular Yudao source pool as a form of numbness, said, can the red sleeves be more refined and try to call them? I'm looking for them something happened!"

Miao Guo was not forced to call his elders, so he was somewhat relieved, and hurriedly said, "I have the module components they made by themselves!"


Wang Xuan was taken aback, originally he just mentioned it casually, but now there is a glimmer of hope.

He immediately warned, "If you can call, you are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

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