Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 30: ? Failed to ascend to immortality

Over the years, relevant departments and various organizations of Xinxing have not unearthed strange objects from the old soil, but the golden bamboo with a diameter of one meter is unprecedented.

It was cut open from it and made into a small boat, which was probably a great deal in the pre-Qin period!

In the past, Xinxing's major organizations fought fiercely to compete for a few golden bamboo slips, but now there is a living bamboo with a vigorous vitality.

There were more than a dozen branches on the bamboo boat, all with leaves, and from time to time a golden light rain fell on the body of the alchemist who was as quiet as a sleeping woman.

The female researcher from Xinxing explained that the bamboo branch that was brought to the surface just now was cut from the boat.

"You mean, she still has the possibility of surviving?" The man wearing black-rimmed glasses called himself Qian Lei, and understood the situation carefully and carefully.

The people above attach great importance to this place, but anything related to longevity is a major event, not only the chaebol of the new star care about it, but it is also the same in the old land.

"It is impossible. She has been dead for thousands of years. Self-consciousness, which is the most essential feature of human beings, has long since disappeared, and the bioelectricity in the brain has collapsed."

Zhou Yu, one of the project leaders, knows better than anyone that the female alchemist has been dead for at least three thousand years. The only thing that is puzzling is that her physical activity is still there.

Later, after testing, testing, etc., they agreed that it was related to the golden boat and her own supernatural power.

"Let's talk about it in detail." Qian Lei asked for advice. He needed a detailed understanding, and the old soil would definitely participate in the follow-up research work of this underground test site.

Several researchers from Xinxing explained, from the discovery of this underground relic, to the direction of their research in recent years, and the preliminary results obtained so far, they briefly introduced.

Zhou Yu, one of the project leaders, added that she clearly knows what some people in the old land care about most.

"After testing, her biological age before her death was about twenty-five years old."

"So young?" Qian Lei was taken aback. Being in a special department, he knew far more about pre-Qin alchemists than ordinary people. He became a top expert among alchemists in his twenties, which was unheard of.

"No, to be precise, her twenties are just her active age. After various methods of testing and analysis, we have scientifically calculated that her actual age when she died was about two hundred and thirty years old. I have to say that it is very It's amazing, from the number of cell divisions to the consumption of telomeres, her indicators are far beyond ordinary people."

At this age, he still maintains a young state, making Qian Lei look extremely serious. He adjusted the frame of his glasses and asked, "Is the data reliable?"

Zhou Yu knew what he or the people behind him were hoping for. From ancient times to the present, the topic of longevity can be said to be the most mysterious.

Many people are exploring, from the pre-Qin period to the present, they are constantly repeating the old things of the past, which really attracts countless heroes to compete.

It's just that the chaebols of this era are more direct, open to the public, have invested massive resources, and have already achieved initial results.

Zhou Yudao: "The cause of her death is unknown, but it is definitely not a natural death. According to her physical activity, in theory, she can live to at least 700 years old, and the upper limit is about 950 years old."

Qian Lei's heart is very uneasy. He knows what this means. Once he reports it upwards, this underground experimental site will become one of the most important laboratories in the old land from today, and the security will be upgraded to the highest level.

Several researchers in the old soil were looking at some data reports and kept nodding their heads. They were quite excited. This underground laboratory has done many experiments using the female alchemist's blood, bone marrow, muscle fibers, etc. The data are detailed and the conclusions are credible.

Wang Xuan listened and observed carefully. The 230-year-old female alchemist still maintained the physical activity of her twenties. It was really amazing. He knew very well that alchemists with such great achievements must have been to the interior scene.

"Her telomere length is much longer than ordinary people, which means that theoretically, the upper limit of her lifespan has been greatly increased."

Several old-fashioned researchers were eager to get involved in this project immediately.

Zhou Yudao: "We extracted a magical substance from the blood of the female alchemist, which can prolong a certain lifespan for ordinary people."

When Qian Lei heard the words, he looked solemn and said, "Do you have any phased results? I'm asking about clinical trials, etc. Are there any real cases that extend the lifespan of normal people?"

"Yes, Xinxing has a very important client of ours and is also one of our investors. Thirty percent of the funds for this underground laboratory are provided by him, and we will extract it from the blood of the lady. After more than two years of follow-up observation, it was found that he, who had already had little life expectancy, could theoretically live for more than fifteen years."

When Zhou Yu said these words, several people in the old land were extremely surprised.

Even Wang Xuan was secretly amazed. The female alchemist has been dead for more than 3,000 years, but she still has some longevity attributes hidden in her body.

Qian Lei's expression changed immediately, and he said, "Do you still have such clients? How much of those active substances did you extract from the female alchemist?"

Zhou Yu replied: "There are still some big customers who are waiting for our samples, but we don't want to waste the water. We have been trying to cultivate the female alchemist's cells artificially over the years, but the results are not satisfactory. For example, her blood contains supernatural power. Outside the body, it is extremely unstable, and there have been many laboratory explosions."

"We also have an experiment, we are going to try to upload the thinking memory of a volunteer of the new star into the brain of the female alchemist, and reactivate the bioelectricity in her brain to see if we can use her extremely powerful physical activity to make Another person gets a new life."

"No way!" Qian Lei became anxious, and protested loudly with some gaffe.

Wang Xuan was also in a daze, how could there be such an experiment?

"On Nova, this kind of technology has accumulated to a certain extent. In the eyes of our researchers, everyone is actually no different from a robot, but we are more delicate. Human brain thinking activities are just a set of complex programs. , theoretically can be replicated.”

Qian Lei said solemnly, "The experimental project you said is suspended, you can't do it."

Then he asked, "Who is that volunteer?" He felt that ordinary people would never get this opportunity. This was because he wanted to use the female alchemist's body to revive and live for hundreds of years without dying.

"It's Ms. Zheng, the founder of our Institute of Origin of Life." Zhou Yu calmly informed that 60% of the funds for the construction of this underground experiment field came from Ms. Zheng.

Qian Lei said: "Since we want to cooperate, we need to discuss the most secure plan. This experiment of yours is too risky and should not be carried out at this stage."

"Actually, I personally don't agree with the resurrection of another person's thinking memory on her. I prefer the latter plan, which is to fully dissect the female alchemist and record and decipher her with the most advanced life equipment on Nova's side. The genetic information of the body, in essence, comprehensively analyzes and compiles the microscopic structure of this kind of person who breaks the ceiling of human life..."

Wang Xuan was quite speechless after hearing this, and mourned for the female alchemist. He had been dead for thousands of years and could not live in peace. He was often drawn for blood, and now he is going to be dissected.

Qian Lei was taken aback, this very quiet woman was so crazy, he hurriedly said, "Don't act rashly, some experiments must be shelved first, and we will discuss it after our plan comes out. Since we want to cooperate, we naturally need a win-win situation. "

"This kind of bamboo contains supernatural power and has very strong activity. After we refined it, we found that it contains no less life factors than the body of a female alchemist."

When talking about the thick bamboo that was made into a boat, the female researcher Zhou Yu came to the fore again.

After hearing this, Wang Xuan couldn't help but ask a researcher next to him, "Is there no bamboo slips and other discoveries in this underground cave? It's impossible for such a powerful female alchemist to leave other things behind?"

The researcher shook his head, UU read and said, "No, when we came in, there seemed to be a big explosion in this underground cave, many places were charred black, and even bamboo slips were turned to ashes. "

After the scene he described, whether it was Aoki, or the two masters of the old army, or Qian Lei, who was very strong in his own right, his expressions were extremely serious.

Aoki said in a deep voice, "According to what you said, this is very similar to what was recorded in the bamboo slips left by other alchemists in the pre-Qin period."

"That's right." The master of the old soil army nodded and said, "This is very similar to the description of a big explosion caused by the failure of the feathering."

As for Yuhua, later generations have been arguing. Some people think that to embark on that road is to burn yourself with the help of supernatural power when you know that you are going to die.

Some people also believe that feathering is the embodiment of immortality, pushing the level of life to the extreme, and from then on, it is possible to truly achieve immortality.

It's a pity that for a long time, there has been no proven successful person. When all the people related to feathering are discovered, they are definitely dead.

Even the "archaeological team" dispatched by the chaebol of Xinxing once dug up the human-shaped ashes of such a person in the old soil, and the death was not very decent.

The woman in front of her has been mentioned in other pre-Qin bamboo slips. She is considered to be the top powerhouse among alchemists, and she has aspirations to become immortals. Naturally, she has to take the path of ascension to immortals.

It's a pity, now it seems that she also failed, so it can explain why she died when her body's lifespan was still very long.

From the perspective of scientific testing, no injuries were found, and the cause of death was unknown.

But the argument from the old way is that her spiritual will was dissipated and completely wiped out at that time, and this kind of person can't live again.

Wang Xuan listened in a trance, another case of failure to ascend to immortality!


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