Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 319: ?Calm looking down

The Zhanshen Banner is as big as the palm of the hand, with a golden surface and fine texture.

The silver animal skin roll is one foot square, with a faint silver glow, and also has a fine texture, and there are hundreds of strange characters, which are very textured.

Those characters are not written with pen and ink, but engraved with a knife. They are very artistic and full of beauty.

Both the flag surface and the animal skin book have a radiance, and the two add radiance and beauty to each other, and they have an indescribable charm.

Wang Xuan caressed it with his hand, whether it was the flag or the silver scriptures, the touch was very comfortable, and those natural and mysterious patterns attracted people's attention.

Wang Xuan held the God Slaying Banner and poked the animal skin scroll, but it didn't respond.

Then, he made a bold attempt, waving the Zhanshen flag gently, spreading a golden texture, and entering the animal skin scroll, but... it still didn't move.

He frowned, he had some thoughts in his mind, but now it seems to be falsified, which makes him quite regretful.

"According to legend, there is still a flag of beheading in the world. It seems that this is not its flag. I think too much." He stroked the silver animal skin scroll that was one foot square.

Although its origin is still unclear, this thing must be no trivial matter, and being able to enter his life soil indicates that it is extremely difficult.

Seeing him recovering and his spirit returning, Aoki asked, "How is it?" He also wanted to know what was the use of the strange objects that he had studied for half a year.

"No clue." Wang Xuan shook his head, ready to ask for help. Now that Lao Chen has been abandoned, he is no longer an encyclopedia. He has a better goal.

Not long after, he and Aoki appeared again in the barren mountains 800 kilometers away from Ancheng, and went to ask the sword fairy for advice. It would be too wasteful to leave an ancient sword fairy for use.

The reason for the non-stop and hurrying is mainly because Wang Xuan felt that Yin Shu was unusual, and wanted to figure out the background as soon as possible to avoid missing something.

What made him and Aoki speechless was that the shrunken Sword Fairy actually had the air of getting up.

After being tossed and awake for two consecutive days, she was lethargic, and yawned one after another, saying, "When I'm growing, don't affect my development."

"I have something good to bring here this time, wake up quickly and see what it is." Wang Xuan sent the silver book to the ground.

The miniature Sword Fairy stretched out a small hand of Bai Shengsheng and took it in, quickly sinking into the depths of the ground.

"This word spans several eras and is older than oracle bone inscriptions. I don't know it either. It seems that people have mentioned it briefly. I don't think many people in the immortals know it."

She held her gleaming white chin in one hand and the silver animal skin book in the other, frowning slightly, thinking about something.

"Only those old guys, the robbers who wandered around the world's scriptures, may have studied this kind of word." She said helplessly.

"Like what?" Wang Xuan asked.

"That monster in red." Fairy Jian opened her mouth and said.

Wang Xuan and Aoki looked at each other, every time the Banshee appeared, it was misty and rainy, her red clothes were all over the city, she was extremely stunning, and it was the first time someone commented on her like this.

"Forget it, if I go to her, it won't be a sheep into a tiger's mouth." Wang Xuan dismissed his thoughts.

"Otherwise, you can find ancient people in the pre-Qin period, such as those alchemists, who are very knowledgeable, especially in special eras. Someone should know this word." After saying this, she stopped moving, and her eyelids sank.

Although she has icy muscles and jade bones and is shrouded in fairy mist, her mental appearance is indeed as old as ten years old, and she needs to make up for sleep. She is slightly delicate, not like a sword fairy.

Wang Xuan waved his hand and took back the silver book. In the near future, let this "little thing" sleep more. He and Aoki left here silently.

"A female alchemist?" On the way, Wang Xuan thought, a peerless figure among the pre-Qin alchemists, who has read various scriptures and may know this kind of writing.

He has entered the strange interior scene of the female alchemist and saw various virtual scenes, such as her study, which is really rich in collections, including golden bamboo slips.

Thinking about it carefully, his heart was a little big at the time, and he wanted to turn over the bamboo slips on the table, but as a result, everything dissipated with the wind and he couldn't touch it.

"It's hard to predict what it means." Wang Xuan didn't know much about the female alchemist, but she was really powerful and outrageous, and she was the only existence known to retain a complete body.

"And 'Old Zhang', but I can't see through it."

The few candidates he thought of had a lot of background, but they all had the same problem. He didn't want to approach them for the time being, for fear of being swallowed up by the leash.

"In that bar in Xinxing, 'Old Zhang' said that he wanted to give me the seeds of the Taoist ancestral garden. It's a pity." He was quite regretful.

But he didn't regret it that much either. The cause and effect of taking over "Old Zhang" is not so easy to pay back. Besides, he is not sure about the true origin of this person.

After returning to Ancheng, Wang Xuan began to recharge his batteries and adjust his state. The situation was extremely severe, and he was ready to explore the ethereal land again.

"Aoki, hurry up and practice with me, I'm going to take you closer to the transcendent!" Chen Yongjie called and asked Aoki to go over, but at the same time he seemed to be angry.

Aoki was very excited, is he going to enter the interior? Missing for a long time.

But at the same time, his eyelids jumped. What happened to the more and more demonic master? Seems to be suffocating fire.

"Old Chen, what's your situation?" Wang Xuan also heard it, noticed the abnormality, and immediately asked.

"That group of people is really aloof. Although they didn't say anything superficial, they didn't say anything vicious, but that kind of attitude was unbearable."

Chen Yongjie whispered, a flame was beating in his chest. Not long ago, the group of people came again and talked to him. They were very calm and indifferent. They asked him to gather practitioners from the old land, mobilize spaceships, dig the core of the earth, and bomb the Kunlun Mountains.

Although there were no humiliating words, the indifferent look down and the unquestionable orders still made Chen Yongjie angry.

The other party directly recruited him, no matter how he looked at him, he wanted to treat him as a coolie, he really didn't take the extraordinary people in the world seriously.

Wang Xuan's heart sank, these creatures walking through the big screen were obviously much stronger than those before, and the danger level was greatly increased.

He was worried that the other party's indifferent request might just be the beginning. If Old Chen Fu rebelled against them, he might have a life-threatening situation.

"Don't force it, dodge it first." Wang Xuan said in a deep voice.

Then, his voice was cold again, and he said, "Make all kinds of preparations. If this group of people is too much, then they will be sold out."

Not long ago, when they were on the new star, he and Chen Yongjie had just killed a group of demons, and there was no reason for them to be rubbed by others after returning to the old land, and they had no temper.

This group of people who came back has physical bodies. If they really dare to be unscrupulous, if they are too pushy, then blow up the battleship first and destroy their physical bodies!

"I've said what I have to say, the times are different, and modern mortals have the courage to fight against immortals. And they must have heard about the Nova battleship washing the ground, so they have some scruples and did not tear their faces. In the end, those people were cold. Face off, let me think about it and say win-win cooperation."

Chen Yongjie said that as the first person in the old land, he fought for the extraordinary with his life. In this era, he opened an interior scene. At this point, even facing Lie Xian, he didn't care too much, and even looked down at them in his heart. .

It is precisely because he has the heart and energy that he is looking at the patriarchs of the past dynasties, and compared with the legendary people, so after being despised and ordered by these people, he is angry in his heart.

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded, this guy was angry, that was just one of the reasons. The most important thing is that Chen Yongjie is too strong in his heart, and feels that he is like the king of beasts, but he is neglected and underestimated by a group of "sick cats" and "hyenas" who have soared ahead of time, so he is blocked.

"Xiaoyaoyou is amazing, when I get to that state..." Chen Yongjie sneered, if there was such a day, he would have a good talk with these people.

"Xiaoyaoyou is really amazing!" Someone said in the room, looking at him indifferently.

The reality hits the face so quickly, no matter how high-spirited Chen Yongjie is and how confident he is in the invincible way in the future, but now he is indeed being suppressed.

Those few people went back and forth, just when they heard his words, they appeared silently, sitting on the sofa opposite, while others stood in front of him, looking down at him calmly.

"Everyone, if you want to hire people to dig mountains, you can recruit people and pay them, no problem. If you think you can rub me, you will tell me to assemble practitioners, mobilize warships, and even make me a coolie myself. , to serve you, I can't do it." Chen Yongjie said in a deep voice.

"Why don't we talk more deeply and talk about it carefully?" Someone said with a smile, as before, without any fierce words, but the calm looking down eyes and the invisible spiritual pressure were a bit pressing.

He seemed to want to mentally invade, suppress Chen Yongjie's thoughts, and make him change his mind, but when he encountered fierce resistance, the opponent's will was extremely strong.

His companions pulled him away and didn't let him continue, because at this moment, they had a feeling that their bodies would collapse!

"A battleship is locked here!" They communicated mentally, and their faces sank.

"It's too deceiving!" Chen Yongjie slammed the table violently, shattering the whole table, and said coldly, "You came back alive, just want to test the battleship with your own body? If you want to be smashed to pieces, you might as well give it a try!"

Ancheng, Aoki is restless, that group of people actually came again, forcing his master to this point!

Chen Yongjie didn't hang up, Aoki and Wang Xuan listened carefully.

"Everyone, the new star's demons are dying!" Wang Xuan's voice came over the phone.

In Chen Yongjie's room, there was a sudden silence. They had already heard about Xinxing. The demon was in a state of embarrassment and suffered heavy casualties.

Guan Lin walked in, dressed in home clothes, looking very peaceful, but her words were cold, and said: "The immortals from behind the scenes, I hope that from now to the future, we can get along in harmony. In the future, where will the immortals go? I don't know, but the human world will eventually return to ordinary."

After she finished speaking, the bodies of the masters in the free-roaming realm became more and more uncomfortable, and they felt locked by more battleships.

Their eyes were cold, a mortal woman could dispatch a battleship, and such an order made them feel complicated and strange.

However, now they really don't want to turn their backs. Fighting and killing is not high-end, and it is best to make people surrender, especially for the sake of the future, and it is not appropriate to fight now.

One person said with a calm expression: "We really want to cooperate and achieve a win-win situation. This time I came here not for persecution, but for new discoveries. I want to invite people from your side to participate, which may yield good results."

"In the process of digging into the center of the earth, our people dug up a jade house. There are people in it. We want to see if you are interested and study it together."

They know that the current life research institute is very powerful and can carry out various accurate tests and experiments, and hope to use the power to assist and analyze.

Guan Lin nodded and said, "Yes~ I will ask those research institutes. If any of them are interested, they will contact you."

Those few people smiled, left the phone and left.

"Old Chen, don't take it to your heart, practice hard, as long as we improve quickly and surpass the speed of the collapse of the myth, when we are strong enough, these conceited opponents will cry!"

Wang Xuan's voice came from the other end of the phone to comfort him.

Chen Yongjie said: "It's nothing, there is pressure to have motivation, and it will only make me work hard to become stronger. Today they suppress me in the spiritual realm, and in the near future, maybe their own Taoism will collapse with the myth, and everyone will be degraded. For mortals. We have a long way to go."

Speaking of which, he seemed to remember something, and said, "Speaking of which, the recent aftermath of the extraordinary has been shaking constantly, causing the realm of the creatures who have crossed over to fall again and again, just in time to catch up with your realm breakthrough every time."

Chen Yongjie paused for a moment, thinking it was a coincidence, and said with a smile: "Hurry up, you reverse indicator, go ahead and break through, and shake them all down from the 'ceiling'. If this group of people falls to the freewheeling realm, I will See how they dare to appear in front of me, sit and watch them cry!"

Speaking of the end, Chen Yongjie couldn't help but smile all over his face. These times are indeed too coincidental, and the reality is naturally not so outrageous and evil.

"Okay, I'll shake them all down!" Wang Xuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

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