Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 335: ?Lord Wang's hatred value is bursting

There are monsters, demons, and immortals. People and ghosts are all showing off. The murderous aura is like fog and awns, and the atmosphere is not harmonious. The small spaceships here are densely packed, filling this outer space.

To fight alone for an era, to penetrate all the creatures that came out from behind the curtain? How could it be, Wang Xuan didn't want to be so crazy, if he sat and watched the situation rise and watched others fight, it would be best for him to be aloof.

If he can't do it, he won't do it. It's good to take it directly. It's just a last resort to fight for your life.

Besides, so many people really want to hunt one person together, who can beat it alone? There are many broken creatures here, and they even carry rare treasures, or the true blood of peerless powerhouses.

"Am I pushing 3,000 enemies horizontally? I still need to improve the realm."

Although he was reckless if he didn't want to come up, and forced his way into the enemy's camp alone, his inner momentum could not be weak, and his belief was still... outrageously strong.

Wang Xuan left the small spaceship and looked forward. This is outer space. If an ordinary person walks out like this, the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the body will be huge, and they will definitely bleed, suffer various damages, and then be frozen by the extreme cold.

The front is densely packed, and a large group of people look at them. They are all powerful extraordinary people. Some of them were originally famous immortals and demons, but now they are "low-profile" crossovers.

What is a card face? Wang Xuan is facing so many strong people alone, and everyone is waiting for him. This is probably the so-called "high-profile".

Everyone is "expecting" him to appear. No matter how you look at it, he is a "god ring" cover, and of course it may be a very negative aura.

"Who are you?" asked a tall young man with a beard on his face, his eyes were not good, he felt that he was standing there alone, which was particularly annoying!

"It's a waste of emotion, I thought the righteous master was here." A woman with a hot body, wearing some armor and showing a slender waist was a little impatient, she waved her hand and told Wang Xuan to stay out of the way.

"Under Wu Chengsheng." Wang Xuan opened his mouth and greeted everyone.

Now he is wearing heavy armor, tall and strong, and his face has completely changed, like a heroic ancient general, holding a long black sword.

Knowing that he will be besieged, he is naturally prepared, and he must not become the target of public criticism as soon as he appears, so he is Wu Chengsheng now.

When he was in Xinxing, he got a lot of scriptures from the secret vaults of various houses, especially in Lao Zhong's study, and he knew too many secret arts.

Now, he has reversed the form of his physical body. The most important thing is that he used the primordial mystery method in the golden bamboo slips to construct a virtual primordial spirit, and his spiritual aura was completely different.

Of course, this also refers to the primordial spirit coffin method in Lao Zhong's study, covering up the original tyrannical mental imprint, dormant in the depths of the virtual spiritual body.

"It's only at the sixth rank, and you dare to come here. Hurry to the side, don't get in the way!" Someone scolded him, seeing him as not pleasing to the eye.

The so-called open speech in outer space is to communicate in spirit.

"I thought Wang Xuan, a big man, was here. I've been waiting for a long time. As expected of a giant who has left his name on the new oath, he hasn't appeared yet." With a radiant radiance and super-material permeation, he is indeed very strong, and he is actually "broken"!

Wang Xuan was alert, the people who came here this time are a bit outrageous, just pull out one of them, they are all very strong, and they all have a great background. It is estimated that there are not a few illegitimate children of ancient real immortals and disciples of demon saints.

"If he really wants to show up, I'll slap him directly!" said a scarred-faced man, holding a white bone flag, and the evil spirits were flowing, quite fierce.

"Vulgar!" Some supernatural women despised him and actually said such a thing in public.

There are indeed many people nearby who don't like to see him. As the descendant of the fairy, he doesn't pay much attention to his words. He looks like a vulgar savage.

Wang Xuan's face almost turned black, did he provoke you? Such a slaughtering person, completely remember this person, must kill him!

At this time, Chen Yongjie was hiding in the crowd, and he also "changed his face". He was smiling unkindly. He knew that this was Wang Xuan's real body.

"An extraordinary person in the world, but he was born in the right era by luck, and he picked up the banner of God Slaying, why can he put his name on the golden scroll? It's shameful to leave your name on the oath!"

A purple-haired woman spoke, with a good figure, with a fairy mist, and a fairy rope wrapped around her lotus arm.

In fact, this is also the reason why most people are dissatisfied. Which of them is not a creature above the roaming scene behind the scenes?

Many people here have Earth Immortal-level Dao Fruit, but as a result, they have to abide by a new covenant drawn up by a small human monk who needs them to look down.

"As long as he dares to appear in a while, I will kill him immediately!" A white-haired man said, not old, very young, but his hair color was the same, shaking a painting fan in his hand, in which was a majestic landscape of mountains and rivers.

Another shattered creature made Wang Xuan both grit his teeth and be on guard. No matter what, these men and women who opened their mouths all owed a knife to them.

"Hehe, I want to know, when the 'big man Wang Xuan' is beheaded, whether it is necessary to keep his name on the golden scroll, to see who is embarrassed, and why should he be signed?!" The blue-robed man spoke, but there was no "quietness" in his words, ready to watch the good show after Wang Xuan was hunted.

Many people have this kind of thinking. If Wang Xuan is killed and the number of participants in the New Covenant is reduced, it will be interesting. Some people have malice towards the New Covenant.

Not far away, there was a three-headed, six-armed, red-haired Blood God Ape, with a divine ring behind each of the three heads. He was grinning and said nothing.

Qi Chengdao and Ming Xi stood side by side, and the two of them gave the impression of being born in the world.

Behind the two, Qi Chengdao's maid said, "It seems that many people are going to kill him. If the son wants to suppress him and take away the God-killing flag, he may have to face a lot of obstacles."

"Come here and let me see." At this moment, a handsome young man smiled and waved to Wang Xuan, looking a little thin and weak.

However, many people's faces changed, and they recognized him as the fourth-generation core figure of the famous Demon Cultivator. If he continued on the normal trajectory, he would be the future Demon Lord!

Originally, Wang Xuan had transformed into a member of the melon-eating crowd, but now he is alert, is there a possibility of exposure? This young man is too sharp!

Mo Si was just a little skeptical, because he also practiced the Yuanshen coffin coffin method, and Wang Xuan used this method this time, which made him feel a little strange.

"Are you here?" At this moment, someone from the descendants of Li Xian whispered. A small spaceship appeared in the distance, and no one came out, but a signal was sent.

In this area, all the small ships received the message, and Wang Xuan's figure appeared on the screen.

"Everyone is watching, are the wolves welcoming the king? You are so polite. You don't have to, let's go each other, it's important to enter the garden of gods to explore fortune."

Wang Xuan stood in the spaceship, the corners of his eyes and brows were glowing, his expression was high, he was extremely confident, and he looked like he was pointing the way.

Naturally, this is Aoki's disguise. He didn't come over, and stopped in the distance.

The faces of many people turned cold, and they were originally hostile. Now seeing him like this, they are even more unkind. Do they really think that he is "Lord Wang"?

"For a while, you don't even know how to die when you die, and you still dare to act in a complacent manner? I'll type your brains out for you!" Someone indifferently transmitted the voice.

And, at this time, someone started a small spaceship and wanted to rush directly over.

Wang Xuan's real body sighed secretly, it seems that he can't be detached from the outside world. If that's the case, then let's follow the script he left behind!

"Wang Xuan, who gave you the courage to speak like that? Come here, I'll kill you with one hand!" Even the Blood God Ape spoke up. As the illegitimate son of the Demon Sage, he has always been strong and invincible with terror.

On the big screen, Wang Xuanhan, played by Aoki, said, "You guys are forcing the palace, and many people want to target me? As you wish, I will be whatever you want me to be!"

At this time, he was very imposing, grinned, and said, "How about I singled out the whole world?!"

This kind of remark made many people stunned. I really didn't expect that he would dare to be so assertive and overconfident!

Here, who dares to say that a single person fights a group of heroes?

"Oh, 'big man Wang Xuan', you are crazy, dare to say such a thing!" The purple-haired woman said, the fairy rope on the lotus arm glowed, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of mockery, thinking that he was trying to survive .

"This kind of person is reckless and unrealistic. He dares to offend everyone, and he deserves to be named on the golden scroll? Death is not a pity, kill it!" It's time to kill Wang Xuan.

"As you wish, what if I push three thousand enemies horizontally today?!" Aoki Huacheng's Wang Xuan, behind the big screen, looked down at everyone with his hands on his back.

When some small spaceships started and rushed out, on the opposite side, Wang Xuan, who was transformed into Aoki, also slammed down his right hand, his voice was low and powerful, and said, "Kill!"

On the back of the moon, a large warship appeared as a huge figure, like a continent floating there, cold and intimidating.


The light beam flew out terribly, and it opened fire directly, causing some small spaceships outside the nine hazy doors to explode on the spot, especially the shadows of the boats that had just rushed out, all shattered, and the flames shot into the sky.

There is no doubt that some, some descendants of demon gods, some great masters, could not resist this power, and their bodies were shattered.

Of course, there are also people with super-sensitive senses, who get their senses in advance, rush into the distance, and quickly escape.

Everyone's scalp was numb, and they felt like they were locked by the **** of death. At the first time, they all rushed towards the nine ancient portals standing in the void.

There was a terrifying explosion here. The flesh and blood of immortals and demons exploded, the legs of elephants flew out, and the heads of beautiful women fell. It was quite tragic.

"You are... unruly, there should only be an extraordinary battle between us!" Some people were extremely frightened and fled quickly, extremely embarrassed.

Wang Xuan's eyelids also jumped, and he said in his heart, although it's according to the script, but Aoki, please take it easy, your master is also in the crowd, don't let you kill it!

"You have your swords, and I also have mine. In this world, it's not you who have the final say, this is one of my secret treasures!" Wang Xuan, who became Aoki, said quietly.

In the void, blood mist filled the air, stumps floated, and Wang Xuan, who turned into green wood, swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger, standing in front of the big screen, looking down at everyone.

At this time, his eyes were deep, and he really looked like a big devil, very indifferent, and said: "As you wish, if you force me to be what you want to see, it's okay for Wang Jiazu to single out the whole world! "

Next, I'm going to write the second chapter. It's mid-month. If you have a monthly ticket, you can cast it.

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