Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 392: A total of 0 years of cultivation...

With the bright moon hanging high, Wang Xuan staggered and landed quickly all the way from the night sky. On the way, he almost fell into the small reed lake beside the house.

"Old Zhang, what's wrong with me? Could it be that my physical body in the room is..." Wang Xuan asked. Although he was very drunk, he was still slightly sober because of the stimulation.

"You're really floating!" Zhang Daoling looked at him, and then he was rude. He turned over a bronze mirror and wanted to give him a forehead.

He usually calls him Zhang Jiazu, but now this drunk not only said that he has three heads, but also called Lao Zhang directly!


A faint golden glow appeared, and a small flag appeared on Wang Xuan's head, which directly blocked the bronze mirror. The golden texture was intertwined, and the rusted bronze mirror could not be pressed down immediately.

Now, as soon as Wang Xuan's thoughts move, he can use the Slaying God Banner to make a big breakthrough in the sea of ​​​​supernatural light. For him, this is a qualitative change, which greatly increases his strength.

"Xiaoyaoyou!?" Lao Zhang was surprised. It's only been two days and two nights. Where did this kid go? It's a bit outrageous to have been promoted again.

Originally, regardless of Wang Xuan's strength, Zhang Daoling thought that he could still hold his neck, but now it's a bit hard to hold!

More than that, after Wang Xuan was attacked, out of an instinctive reaction, an iron drill appeared in his right hand, and he subconsciously wanted to give Zhang Jiazu a hit. .

This is not to say that he wants revenge, but an instinctive reaction after being attacked. It can also be said that his fighting consciousness is very sharp and powerful, which is very natural to use attack instead of defense.

Zhang Daoling looked down and saw such a long and thick iron drill, stabbing him in the lower abdomen, his face was slightly dark, naturally it was impossible for him to pierce, and he avoided it immediately.

However, Lao Zhang is no longer calm. He hasn't beaten this kid a hundred times, but the other party has turned his back on him, and the little chick will turn into an eagle!

"I'm sorry, Zhang Jiazu, I drank too much." Wang Xuan quickly put away the flag, put away the iron drill, and bowed his hands in greeting. He still had a lot of respect for Lao Zhang.

"Ten dan, it's a bit interesting." Zhang Daoling showed a strange look. People who opened a special interior scene in the mortal period were really "willful", and it was so "unreasonable" to be promoted! How long has it been?

He was a little dazed. Thinking of him, Lao Zhang, he was slaying demons and slaying demons, winning all kinds of good things, crawling out of the dead, and practicing in the era of the most intense super-material, it was not so fast.

"I'm sure, he is the same kind of person as the man 2,700 years ago!" The ancestors of the underworld blood had a sense in their hearts.

Even, he felt that this kid, in the era of exhaustion, was able to get to this point more fiercely than when that person set foot in the transcendent realm back then!

Landing from the moon sky, although Wang Xuan was not in a state of flesh and blood, he still had a feeling that his heart was beating wildly. Could this really happen?

"Dong, dong, dong..." The body transformed by his primordial spirit corresponds to the structure of the human body, and his heart beats like a drum.

"What do you think will happen?" Lao Zhang glanced at him and said with emotion: "Are young people today so big? They are so ambitious, they are actually thinking of the three thousand women's college students and ranking in the fairy class!"

"Old Zhang, I didn't, I was just guessing what happened, don't talk nonsense!" Wang Xuan quickly corrected.

The patriarch of Mingxue said with a smile, "As a male patriarch among the immortals, I think that the three thousand and a half men's colleges can share weal and woe."

As soon as Wang Xuan heard this, his heartbeat calmed down. He felt that Yanyan, the banshee, would not dare to mess around. With these two great patriarchs watching here, it shouldn't be a big deal.

However, when he came out of the window, his hair froze for a while, and there seemed to be two figures on the bed with their heads pressed together. !

However, this room was weird, and a magic circle was arranged to prevent the primordial spirit from exploring. He couldn't fully penetrate all his perceptions, and he was able to break through the flag to block it.

"This..." Wang Xuan was surprised. There were indeed two people on the bed, and they were about to sleep with their necks crossed. What kind of battle was this... that made the light of his primordial spirit tremble.

"Did you see that, elder sister? This little thief is so daring, his heartbeat is like thunder. Seeing how excited he is, he is really a thief."

On the big bed, when the magic circle was gone, there were indeed two people lying there, but a blurred male body revealed its true form, a red-clothed banshee.

Now she sat up lazily, still dressed as an ancient immortal, with a very long red dress, which was dragged from the bed to the ground. When she got up, her blue hair was scattered, and her fair and moving face was smiling, with long eyelashes, seductive eyes, and **** red lips.

"I've seen the demon master." This was the first time Wang Xuan had been in contact with her at such a close distance in the old land, and he had come to his room. If Fang Yuzhu and Lao Zhang were not here, he would have smashed a flag pole on it. !

"Well, it's fine." He mumbled again.

"What are you looking forward to?" The red-clothed demon master Yanyan covered her mouth, yawned a little, stretched her waist a little, she was really selfish, and didn't care what other people were watching.

But she didn't lose her graceful demeanor, with a slender waist, a slender figure, a very beautiful curve, and a very attractive look.

"Yanyan!" Fang Yuzhu's primordial spirit returned to his body, and he also sat up from the bed, wearing soft white pajamas, so that the demon master would not be "tossed" in various ways.

"Where's my body?" At this moment, Wang Xuan noticed that he didn't sense the body, where did he go?

"It's under the bed." The red-clothed demon master Yanyan said.

"You are in the demon clan, and you are also respected as a generation of demon masters, so..." Fang Yuzhu groaned.

There were two people on the bed. One was dressed in white as snow, and was as beautiful as the dust.

Wang Xuan's skin moved a few times. People are really different. Someone was lying comfortably on the bed, and he was thrown under the bed?

At the same time, he was very uneasy, and he absolutely did not want others to touch his body!

The demon master Yanyan gave him a sideways glance and said, "Why, I'm not satisfied, I'm trying to protect you. Don't you know that without me, Zhang Daoling would have to study your body."

Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat. There were too many secrets in him. For example, in the life soil, there was a treasure buried in it - a health care stove. If anyone saw this, it would probably be gone!

"Demon Lord, don't slander me, it's you who want to study him. Besides, you have to study Fairy Fang's body and put them both on the bed!" Zhang Daoling entered the room and refuted it, saying it was him Stop the demon master.

Wang Xuan pulled his body out from under the bed, no wonder he didn't sense it in advance, it was sealed and covered with yellow paper talismans!

Half of it is from Taoism, and it should be posted on a regular basis.

He is not a zombie, nor is he a ghost, as for sticking him like a zongzi?

"I was preventing Zhang Daoling's primordial spirit from entering your body, so I protected your body and sealed it completely." The red-clothed banshee sat on the bed, with her beautiful white and slender legs down, shaking there, Xiu's small toenails are dyed red, with a crystal halo

Zhang Daoling retorted, saying, "Is it okay for me to seal his body first, so as to prevent a strand of your primordial spirit from entering his body."

Wang Xuan ignored it and pulled out all the talismans. It was really painful. It seemed to be growing on the face. He returned quickly and felt complete in an instant. , the flesh is sublimating along with it!

Because, his primordial spirit has reached the tenth stage, and the flesh and blood have not yet caught up, and now it begins.

During this process, he looked at the life soil inwardly. Fortunately, the health furnace was still guarded there, and no accident happened.

He reminded himself that it can't be like this next time. Although Lao Zhang said it was good, when it comes to the treasure, it's hard to say. Characters at this level, who are not ruthless, and whose hands are not black, are estimated to have died long ago and will not be able to live at this rank.

As for the red-clothed demon master Yanyan, not to mention, if Lao Zhang is not present, let alone turn his life, it is estimated that he will be hanged and beaten.

"You'd rather trust Zhang Daoling than me? With your elder sister, you forgot to make a promise with me. Don't you want to see me perform a fairy dance in front of you? Now you are doubting me."

The red-clothed demon master Yanyan, now every frown and smile is full of amorous feelings, her languid demeanor has a bewildering charm, and her appearance as a fairy is too outstanding.

Fang Yuzhu started directly, placing one hand on her shoulder. Although she smiled, it put a lot of pressure on the demon master.

Wang Xuan looked at the nose, nose and mouth, ignoring the conversation between her and Lao Zhang, only caring about the transformation of his own body, and constantly improving his strength to make it perfect!

But in the bottom of his heart, he was still afraid of the demon master. Although she was generous and didn't care about what happened back then, it didn't mean that she wouldn't enter his life if she had the chance. Fortunately, Lao Zhang is here, even though both sides have thoughts, they cancel each other out and maintain a balance.

"Ten Dan, yes, as expected of someone who wants to see me dance, but ordinary people don't have such a blessing. If you say this, you will be killed by the great cause and effect. You are still a little different." Yanyan smiled and pulled her hair together. She was very charming. She really had no taboos. It didn't matter, she dared to say anything.

Every inch of Wang Xuan's flesh and blood is glowing, quiet and motionless, holy as an old monk, facing the peerless banshee, he is temporarily ignorant.

The Netherblood Patriarch is more and more certain that this is a person who opened an interior location in the mortal era!

As for the other three, of course, they knew it for a long time, and they were the first to know about it. In the past, they all dealt with the interior scene.

Finally, Wang Xuan's flesh and blood promotion ended, and like his spirit, he reached the tenth stage of perfection.

He obviously felt that there were some flaws in the old road in the past, but this time they were all made up, and he had no regrets and was in its most prosperous state.

At the same time, after returning to his spirit, his perception is now extremely sharp, and he can smell a faint fragrance. Isn't this the smell of Fang Yuzhu? It actually pervaded him!

"This..." He frowned again, the demon master was restless, he probably did something.

During this process, Fang Yuzhu has been secretly fighting with the demon master!

Her spirit was suppressing the demon master Yanyan, and a hand was placed on her shoulder, emitting a faint light, and she did not want to let her go.

"Sister, don't get me wrong, it's really nothing."

"Sister, I'm worried about you. I've been with you for so many years, and I don't want to be separated from you. I always feel that when the myth disappears, you will also go away, never to be seen again. Do you want to be almost self-destructive to penetrate the truth? Domain? I'm afraid of losing you. I think that you are too far away from the world, so why don't you get married and have children, and keep your heart in this world."

"Oh, don't worry, I haven't done anything yet, it's just the beginning, I just had this plan!"

"Sister, cherish the present, mythology is just a big dream, we are still living in reality, we are only part of the spiritual fragments wandering in the big screen, in fact, the red dust is the real place, grasp everything in front of you!"

"I'll help you think about it, this Wang Xuan is okay, so-so!"

"Sister, if you get married and have children, you have a concern. You may feel that the real world is so beautiful and close. Stay, don't die, don't leave."


No matter how soft she was, Fang Yuzhu didn't let go, her eyes were radiant, turned into runes, and she wanted to suppress the red-clothed demon master Yanyan.

"It's a big deal, I'll be with you, okay?" The red-clothed demon master Yanyan jumped out of character, she climbed up on Fang Yuzhu's body with one hand, placed her beautiful chin on her shoulder, and said, "Do you want to Do I travel with you, or do you want me to live in the world with you? Either way!"

Zhang Daoling, the ancestor of the underworld blood, and Wang Xuan all went out, and they couldn't hear their spiritual voice transmission, but they felt that electric sparks were splashing between their eyes, and they didn't want to suffer a disaster.

Especially Wang Xuan, he is also one of the parties. He smelled the fragrance on his clothes and immediately wanted to talk to Lao Zhang about the scriptures. He quickly followed him Zhang Daoling glanced at him and said: " You talk to me about Mao's Taoist scripture, isn't it only ten paragraphs, and you're floating? What, want to pass on the top-secret scriptures by word of mouth? Then you and Fang Yuzhu will ask for it, and study it with her."

Old Zhang said again: "Okay, I've guarded your body for two days and two nights, hurry up, take out that Peng egg, fry it, cook it, and drink a little bit of drunkenness, it's a so-so wine and dish already."

However, this late night is doomed to be unsettled, and a hazy big screen emerges, infinitely approaching the manor, which brings great pressure to people.

"Zhang Jiazu, are you here too? Why don't you leave." In the big screen, there is a figure with a faint chaotic air, holding an ancient flag, with the grand momentum of swallowing the stars!

Hengjun is here, the first peerless powerhouse to get the treasure, he is holding a feathered flag, and now he is almost incomprehensible, no one can resist him!

Beside him, Zheng Yuantian was wearing black armor all over his body, even his face was covered!

Wang Xuanhan's hair stood on end, is he going to tear his face and come at him? Big trouble!

However, his eyes are cold, who is afraid of whom? If it is really dead, it is not necessarily who will die and who will live. The big deal is that he will expose the treasure health care furnace. He also has four peerless masters on his side.

Of course, at that point, the health furnace is known to most of the world, and it is probably difficult for him to keep it at this stage.

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