Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 395: Red dust is destined

With the sound of Brother Zhang, Zhang Daoling suddenly got goosebumps, he immediately stared, and subconsciously grabbed his neck, wanting to pick him up.

Fortunately, Wang Xuan has reached the tenth rank, and his response is quite fast.

Lao Zhang stared and said, "Shut up, don't shout like that."

"Brother Zhang, Patriarch, please help me and give me the Dharma." Wang Xuan's eyes were eager, and he really had some bold thoughts in his heart.

"I gave you three supernatural powers last time!" Lao Zhang said.

Wang Xuan now has to have a sense of urgency. If he really wants to take a risk, why would he think there are too many supernatural powers?

He whispered: "Last time, wasn't that what I exchanged with you for the supreme scriptures that only mental patients can practice?"

Hearing the words, the other three turned their heads silently and looked at Zhang Daoling. .

"If you can't talk, don't talk!" Lao Zhang wanted to beat him.

Fang Yuzhu opened his mouth and said, "In a while, you can ask Zhang Daoling for a mirror light technique, or the life-saving Dragon Tiger Pill, that's almost it."

"Thank you Zhang Jiaozu!" Wang Xuan immediately saluted.

Lao Zhang touched the mirror with his hand, but resisted not smashing him. He glanced at Fairy Fang, thinking that you all made arrangements for me in advance.

"Mingxue, what do you think?" Yanyan in red smiled.

The Underworld Blood Religion nodded and said, "I think it's possible, Zhang Jiaozu has great powers, and if he gives the law, it must be a peerless technique."

"Am I complimenting you? The point is you!" Lao Zhang glanced at him.

Then, the ancestor of the underworld blood found that the three of them were looking at him, it was impossible to escape, and he was also urging him to give the law!

"Since that's the case, I'll give Xiaoyou Wang Xuan three ray of immortality!" Ming Xue gritted his teeth and gave it away. Whoever called Zheng Yuantian pretended to be him and stood in line for the time being.

The silver moon hangs, and a few people sit cross-legged on the lawn by the small reed lake, carving fine and intricate peerless runes.

In the real world, there are no extraordinary rules. Otherwise, these runes would be as easy as tearing a piece of paper.

Wang Xuan feels that now he is like a great wizard, chanting incantations, he can borrow external mighty power, and he can cast forbidden spells!

Old Zhang sneered and said, "Forbidden spell, summoning meteorites from outside the sky, and slaughtering the city? Forget it, if our magic technique erupts, if supported by the order of mythology, it will be easy to pierce the sky and burn hordes of witch gods to death. "

Looking inward, Wang Xuan saw that all parts of his body were small clusters of light, which were the unique texture of these people's seals. They could be easily mobilized, swimming in flesh and blood, and resonating with the primordial spirit.

He silently sensed and thought to himself, if he really wanted to activate them, mobilize the power of that series, maybe he could really kill someone!

Now, he has all kinds of considerations. Should he carry the stove cover and smash people quietly, or wait a little longer and wait for a better opportunity?

"No, I'm a little off. It's a peerless creature, and it's the main body that can explode in an all-round way. I have to be quiet, I can't go up, think clearly before I start."

Then, under the moonlight like water, Wang Xuan went to "clean up" the huge Peng's egg, preparing to entertain the four peerless masters. There is no regret, the high-end ingredients are just for eating.

As for raising a pure-blooded Dapeng, he doesn't have that idea for the time being. At this stage, even he is being threatened, and he is still fighting over it. How can he have the energy to raise such a bird of prey.

Besides, Fairy Fang said that this Peng egg has obvious defects, and there is a high probability that it will not hatch.

Wang Xuan set a goal for himself, live well, and don't be killed by the peerless murderer in the big screen. In the process, he must work hard to find a new way and create a myth again.

The golden eggshell with stripes is very hard, and ordinary supernatural beings may not be able to break it.

Seeing that Wang Xuan was about to take out the flag of Zhan Shenqi and smash the egg shell, Fang Yuzhu took over directly and handled it simply in the kitchen, frying and frying, and then served with some other side dishes.

Wang Xuan brought tables and chairs, placed them by the reed lake, brought all kinds of ingredients, and sent them to the gods.

The red-clothed demon master Yanyan looked at Fang Yuzhu's back in the kitchen and said with a smile, "It's rare, my sister cooks and cooks by herself, alas, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"It's a good thing. This is a delicious dish made by the fingers of the final demon emperors. It has great luck. Well, I can boast for a long time that I have eaten the dishes made by Fairy Fang." However, the flattery is delicate and colorful.

"Peng egg, I haven't eaten it in 150 years. There are fewer and fewer birds of prey. Well, it tastes really good." Zhang Daoling moved his chopsticks and put it in his mouth to taste it. Golden light shone from his nose and mouth. An unforgettable look.

Aoki lives in the manor. There is such a big movement tonight. Naturally, he is paying attention to several mythical characters, and now he has found that they are preparing to eat.

What is that? The plates on the table are all glowing. Is that fried gold, boiled gold, steamed gold? He is suspicious.

Then, Aoki hurriedly brought a food truck in person, including sauce-flavored, marinated, fresh, melons and fruits, various platters, and a pile of good old wine.

"The egg of the Golden Winged Dapeng?" Aoki was dumbfounded when he learned what was on the table.

"Make up for one." Wang Xuan beckoned him to sit down, but Aoki didn't stay. Sitting with several big figures in mythology was under great pressure.

Jinpeng eggs are big enough to make more than a dozen ways to eat them. Wang Xuan asked him to take away a plate of glowing food, which made Aoki ecstatic for a long time.

"I want to save some for my master." He held it in both hands, lest he accidentally miss.

"There are still some in the kitchen, you can take them away." Fang Yuzhu smiled and waved.

"This picture of home is really rare. Maybe there is such a line that may make my sister fall into the mortal world. Now it looks like it." The demon master Yanyan held her snow-white chin, and did not look at the food on the table. She has been observing the kitchen. Fang Yuzhu, showing a strange color.

"This is a good thing, we can come here often to eat in the future." The ancestor of Mingxue smiled and held a wine glass. After drinking the fairy, he was covered in glow, and he seemed to be flying again in the middle of the night.

"Demon Lord, won't you stay in the red dust? Or show us your hand." Zhang Daoling naturally dared to speak, and suggested that Demon Lord Yanyan also cook.

"The person worthy of my cooking hasn't appeared yet." She was holding a luminous cup, her posture was lazy, she was drunk with a light drink, and she was charming.

However, when the corners of her eyes and brows were slightly raised, she was not all charming. She also had the power of being the lord of the demon clan. Under her soft beauty, there was a supreme power that overlooked the world.

This night, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves. Wang Xuan sincerely thanked the four masters and toasted frequently. During the banquet, he took out the scripture left by the severely mental patient and showed it to a few people.

"I'm thinking, since Teacher Zhang has practiced without incident and is still highly respected, then it shouldn't be a big problem." Wang Xuan said with a big tongue, he didn't want to drink too much, but that kind of liquor could bring down the immortals.

Lao Zhang suddenly looked bad, and he fully understood that he was using him as an experiment.

In the middle of the night, the red-clothed demon master flew away as a fairy, with a soft figure and light rain. Is this human flesh and blood bathed in the moonlight and flew away? Wang Xuan was surprised.

"Leave temporarily, I'll be back soon." Her voice came from the sky.

Zhang Daoling and the ancestor of Mingxue also left, first walking on the moon, and soon after driving the bronze mirror, they also left the ground, hazy and ethereal.

Wang Xuan sighed: "God, it's a pity, the one-year deadline is approaching, and in the future, there may be no more handsome people who can fly in the sky."

He was lying on the bed, at this state, he didn't need sleep at first, but today he was drunk and his eyelids became heavy.

He slept with his clothes, and before going to bed, he smelled the fragrance on his clothes again. The demon master Yanyan really dared to mess around. What did she do?

It seemed that he and Fang Yuzhu had been put together by her and slept in the same bed.

The next day, Fang Yuzhu went to Ancheng University early in the morning, and regained her student status. It took ten days and a half to experience the university for a short period of time. She wanted to read all kinds of books from ancient and modern, throughout the entire history.

The immortals entered the world and suffered the impact of the times. Whether it was Zhang Daoling, the demon master, or Fang Yuzhu, they all had their own considerations.

Some people do accept the cruelty of reality and want to integrate into the world, such as the ancestor of the blood. But there are also people who walk through the red dust, still with high fighting spirit, in the tranquility, accumulate strength, prepare to shoot Xiao Han directly, say goodbye to the world!

Wang Xuan saw clearly and sighed: "Some people have to adapt to the ups and downs of the world and live in the moment. Some people want to leap away from the world, prefer to disappear, still want to shine in the myth, and don't want to put out the faith in their hearts. That is pure and prosperous. The fierce light of immortal soul is just dormant for a while, waiting for the moment when the sky breaks, either a new life or eternal silence."

In the next few days, Wang Xuan was studying scriptures and practicing. Recently, his strength has risen too fast. He wants to accumulate his own background and deepen his various insights.

He is not desperate to smash someone, but is preparing seriously and trying to make himself stronger.

"All the extraordinary things in this world are almost invisible, why are you still fighting?" Wang Xuan sometimes wonders if all this is meaningful.

Mainly, some people are ambitious and want to survive the extraordinary cold winter night, but they want to build on the bones of others, so he can only fight.

When others want to attack him, he has no choice, so he can only be more "active"!

"Wang Xuan, how are you and Xiao Fang?" When Wang Xuan was standing in reality but wandering in the supernatural realm, his father's phone came.

Xiao Fang? At first, Wang Xuan didn't react, and then quickly corrected, saying, "Dad, don't shout like that, Sister Fang is a practitioner."

"It's called elder sister. It seems that there is a show. Xiaofang is very good." Wang Ma said over there, looking very happy, obviously watching the phone.

"They are extraordinary people!" Wang Xuan quickly reminded, lowered his voice, Fang Yuzhu is next door, she will come back every night, she has learned to I know, I checked with Aoki again, she is Immortal, wouldn't it be better, son, work harder and marry a fairy to be your daughter-in-law! "

Wang Ma lowered her voice and looked even happier. She was not at all embarrassed, and she was actively cooperating. She could not wait to help out.

"Mom, don't say it, Sister Fang might be able to hear it!" Wang Xuan thought that, with Fang Yuzhu's strength, living next door was no secret.

"It's nothing to hear. Now, I know it all. I won't be extraordinary in the future. I don't need to be an immortal. Do you want me to help you?" Wang Xuan's mother asked.

"Don't, Mom, don't leave, I know everything!" Wang Xuan immediately stopped him.

"What do you know? You don't even know how to grasp it. Immortals are also human. Meeting in the mortal world is fate!" Wang Ma hated that iron could not become steel.

Next door, Fang Yuzhu was reading a book. The focused and quiet woman was the most beautiful, elegant and beautiful, her long hair naturally fell on the side of her beautiful white face. She put down the book and heard those conversations, smiled lightly, but was not angry.

Then, she heard Wang Ma's more radical words.

"Son, wait, your dad and I will go over immediately and go to Ancheng to help you. We have identified this daughter-in-law!" The two of them actually wanted to come over.

Thanks: GD ghost knife, the most hated person ugly_ the most hated, dydydyd, thank you for your support!

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