Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 494: Jiang Qingyao, the first person in recent times

The gourd produced by the Chaos Immortal Vine in Buzhou Mountain is so famous in the Immortal Realm that few people have encountered it since ancient times, let alone possessed it.

The high-level spiritual world produces strange things, but the danger level is also terrifyingly high, and even the peerless experts dare not easily set foot in the no-man's land there.

Fairy Jian successfully found and picked a purple-skinned gourd, flowing with chaotic energy. This is definitely a priceless good thing, more precious than many peerless treasures.

"Give!" Seeing Wang Xuan's fascination, she reached out and handed the gourd again. The word "give" was simple and pure. There was no other emotion on her beautiful face.

This is a real fairy, not worldly, very pure, with a heart to the Tao, she is ice-skinned and jade-boned, clear and untainted by fireworks in the world, like detached from the world, and like a person who can only appear in the picture scroll .

Wang Xuan came back to his senses and said, "Ah, no, I have all kinds of strange things. It's not easy for you to pick this gourd, and you took a lot of risk. You can keep it for yourself."

"You're a little dumb." Fairy Jian looked at him, the young man and the little thing didn't match the character she said when communicating. .

Wang Xuan: "..."

In his eyes, the reduced version of the Sword Fairy is very cute, and the adult Sword Fairy is arrogant, a very pure practitioner, and even a little cute.

As a result, she turned and said that he stayed!

Fairy Sword laughed. Her beautiful face, clean smile, and clear eyes were as fresh as flowers and trees piled up with snow.

"I'm not suitable for this kind of treasure made from strange objects." Speaking of which, she turned her head and motioned him to look at the fairy sword she was carrying, and said, "Well, I only need this fairy sword."

Then, she stuffed the famous gourd from the no-man's land of Buzhou Mountain into Wang Xuan's hands.

"Okay, I also have something for you." Wang Xuan said, he came to see Fairy Jian, and he was also somewhat prepared, and took out a silver long sword.

This is a weapon seized from a super peerless dragon, a terrifying immortal sword that can temporarily freeze time and space.

He has already removed all the marks left by others with the treasure health furnace.

"Time Zhankong Sword? I like it very much, but it's too valuable. I don't have any other strange things to give you." Fairy Sword said.

She knew that Wang Xuan didn't seem to be lacking in everything, and there were all kinds of scriptures. It was a pleasure for the little things to communicate with her. In turn, they sent a pile of scriptures to the big screen, saying that they were all passed down by Wang Xuan.

"You're welcome, I have all kinds of weapons." This time, it was his turn to put it directly into Fairy Sword's hands, and he asked with a smile, "Do you use a knife? There is also a long golden knife of amazing quality, no weaker than This sword."

"Don't have a long knife." Fairy Jian shook her head, and then took the fairy sword, very simply, without any twisting, and said, "Then I will help you cut a few more enemies in the future."

It could be seen that she liked it very much. She took out the silver and white fairy sword. The sharp sword body reflected her beautiful and flawless face, showing a smile, and began to refine it.

She took out the immortal sword she was carrying. It was a weapon that she had cultivated for 500 years to help her break through the world. It has long been turned into a unique treasure.

She has stopped for a long time in the field of the eleventh stage of the Ascension Realm, suppressed it for so many years, and has been raising her sword all the time, just to break through the shackles and break the levels in one fell swoop.

The two swords were placed together, attracted to each other, and then blended together, emitting a brilliant fairy light. The sword of the sword fairy was actually absorbing the regular texture of the Time Zhankong Sword.

"You are..." Wang Xuan was taken aback, he found that the silver-white immortal sword was a little dim and shortened, as if something had been taken away.

"Yangjian, this sword of mine was just an iron sword at first, it was a bit ordinary, but, nourished by my sword energy, it was constantly integrated into various strange things, it continued to transform, and later it was able to be directly extracted from his other weapons. Absorb the essence and make up for your own deficiencies.”

Wang Xuan was deeply surprised, chatted with her briefly, and learned a lot of her past.

A small town not far away, with bluestone paved roads and a river running through the town, has a small population. During this period, many people knew what they were facing. The whole town and the whole world seemed to be sullen.

It takes a certain amount of time to absorb and integrate the well-known Time Zhankong Sword. The immortal world has the most suitable rules to interweave, but it will be difficult in this world.

"That's right, I'm going to take a walk in the fairyland to see if there are any specialties, and buy some to go back." Wang Xuan said, he really wanted to take a walk.

This is an immortal world, who doesn't have a dream of becoming an immortal? However, their generation's life was at the wrong time, and when they first entered the transcendent, it was about to end together.

Even the immortal world is going to be destroyed and extinguished, which I never dared to think about in the past. There is no such saying in the myths and legends of the human world. This era has undoubtedly subverted cognition.

Since I can't become an immortal, I can't live here for a long time, then I will finally appreciate its wonderful rivers and mountains, and its infinitely beautiful scenery.

"Okay, I'll take you for a walk to see the fairyland. I actually can't bear it, after all, I've lived here for many years." Fairy Jian said.

She put the two immortal swords next to each other, walked with the swords in their arms, and let her sword absorb the regular textures, etc. The sword raising was already taking place automatically.

There is a peerless master by his side, there is a treasure in Wang Xuan's body, and the evil dragon is gone. If he is careful, the current fairyland is not very dangerous to him.

The two went all the way, soaring into the sky, flying over the boundless land, overlooking the magnificent mountains and rivers, and enjoying the boundless scenery of the fairyland.

Especially seeing that although many people in various towns are alive, they are a little numb, and the hearts of Wang Xuan and Jian Xianzi have become heavy, and they have lost the mood to travel again.

"Recently, many extraordinary people will be sent out and enter various extraordinary planets, but after all, many people will stay behind. The fairyland is vast, there are many big scenes, and countless creatures..."

Fairy Jian informed the situation that the major sects have made some moves recently. After negotiation, they will be divided. After communicating with the major extraordinary planets, some people will be sent out.


"Qingqiu, are you really going to marry the person you hate the most? Didn't you say..."

"Love can't save my life, I can't eat it, I want to live. Now there are fewer and fewer places to leave, it's okay for high-level monks to say, but we are only at the level of leisure travel, and we are still far from the health care master, and the normal way will not Take us away."

On the way, there is more than one example of such a scene, such a scene that makes people stop, and life is full of life. When the fairyland is about to decay, all kinds of stories are being staged.

There are also brothers and sisters who depend on each other for life. They are humble to each other, and they all want the other party to get the only place and keep it for themselves.

There are also elderly parents, kneeling outside some large religious dojos, just asking for a pass for their children to leave alive.

Every time at this time, Fairy Jian would come forward and negotiate with the Great Sect, asking them to bring a few more people. However, can she manage one person, ten people, a hundred people, and ten million people?

"Intentional but powerless." Wang Xuan was not in a good mood. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't bear to witness all this.

It is said that the collapse of the supernatural world is the arrival of the worst era. However, compared with the separation of life and death in the Great Barrier, people in the real world are like living in heaven.

"Being in this world should be satisfied. Looking at other people's stories, those sorrows, those hardships, it's like the world of people in the painting, but it's actually happening."


"It's you, the youngest quasi-peerless, Jiang Qingyao!" While traveling through a vast group of waterfalls, a gray-haired man rushed out of the black pool. At first glance, he looked like a demon clan, and his demonic energy was soaring into the sky, tearing the sky apart.

Wang Xuan also only knew the name of Fairy Jian, and he never asked before, so he said to himself, "Ting Ting Ming Gan Zhao, Luo Luo Qing Yao Liu, the name is nice."

Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao glared at him, then looked at the tall man with the knife, and said, "You are the eldest disciple of Yaozu, what's your name?"

Sword Fairy, known as the first person since ancient times, is also known as the strongest emerging sword fairy in the past 800 years. Naturally, there are opponents and hostiles, and the person in front of you is one.

This is the eldest disciple of the demon ancestor, known as the first demon saint, and one of the most promising figures to become a peerless powerhouse, but since ancient times, it has been said that he is not necessarily a rising star Jiang Qingyao.

"Since we met by chance, let's discuss it." The first demon saint rushed up, and the endless waterfalls, all the waters flowed upside down to the sky.

The demonic energy in the sky scattered the clouds in the sky and blocked the sun. It could be seen that he was very combative, and his strength was very strong, infinitely close to the peerless level.

It's a pity that he met Fairy Jian, who broke through the shackles with eleven stages of feathering, standing in the peerless realm, she lightly flicked her fingers, the sword light was like rain, and suddenly this person made a puff, covered in blood, and her body and The primordial spirit almost disintegrated, fell into a deep pool, and never came out again.

"Would you like to kill it? It feels like a dragon. The meat is good, right?" Wang Xuan asked, he was short of local specialties.

Under the deep pool, the demon saint's scalp is numb!

Fairy Jian shook her head and said, "Forget it, I haven't heard of him doing any wicked things, so let him die. Besides, he's so old, and the meat is so bad that it doesn't taste good."

The demon sage shuddered, and then became cold again.

The two went away.

"Do you know Qitian's old lair? Go to his dojo and see what you can get." Wang Xuan didn't give up, thinking that since he was here, why should he pick some wool from the enemy.

"It's very dangerous. His realm, beyond the peerless level, can trace back to the source and find out who did it." Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao shook her head there.

"It's okay, I have some good things here." Wang Xuan took out two armors, which were carefully selected, including the roots of the magic flower in the void, and the real crystal of good fortune. The last time he came to the fairyland to kill Zheng Yuantian and poach Heng Jun The first immortal tea tree is wearing this kind of armor.

But that one was destroyed. It was re-refined. This time, he was well prepared. After Wang Xuan explained in detail, Fairy Sword was an actionist and said, "Let's go!"

She is beautiful and refined, and she is empty and out of the dust, but she does things unambiguously. With Wang Xuan, they fly together and go directly to Qitian's current cave.

After being resurrected again, Qi Tian was so confident that he was not afraid of anyone's challenge at all. In addition, with the treasure in his hand, he was not afraid, and his cave was no longer hidden.

Half a day later, Fairy Jian and Wang Xuan went anonymous, concealed their real bodies, and went straight in, grabbing Qitian's cave, all kinds of strange objects, and filled them with fragments of blessed land.

In the end, he couldn't hold it any more. Fairy Jian and Wang Xuan worked together to refine the purple-skinned gourd. With the space it could swallow, the entire cave was emptied.

"In addition to rare treasures, scriptures, and weapons, he actually has real dragon meat, peng meat, phoenix eggs, and various fine wines. It's a luxury."

Wang Xuan exclaimed, unexpectedly, he had all the local specialties he wanted. Qitian's Dongfu collection is so rich, it can be said that it has everything.

Fairy Jian nodded and said, "Of course, when Qi Tian invites guests and invites his followers, there must be corresponding entertainment. At that level, how can ordinary delicacies be obtained? Naturally, they are all top-notch, and the drinks are also nectar. Jade liquid is a rare divine product."

As she said, she ate a bunch of kolong meat, very satisfied, and said, "I haven't eaten it for a long time. My craftsmanship is very good. The roasted skin is crispy, and the inside is soft and tender. It's delicious."

Wang Xuan said: "Since the craftsmanship is so It would be too unprofessional not to bake a few more skewers for me. Come on, let's bake, um, let's have a drink and celebrate that we are about to get out of the cage."

"Shh, keep your voice down, let's pack up and run away, it's time to leave." Fairy Jian suddenly became a little nervous, and her slightly playful face was filled with solemnity.

Then, she ran away with Wang Xuan, escaping all the way, rushing to the dark area on the edge of the fairyland.


In the distance, terrifying blood swept up into the sky, and the dazzling sword light ripped apart the sky. The sight was so terrifying that it had never been seen before, and the shocked Wang Xuan was stunned.

"A hundred thousand miles away from us, he is practicing swordsmanship, and his natural blood and sword light can kill all enemies. The place where he stands is the restricted area, no one dares to approach, and the peerless powerhouse will die in the past." Sword Fairy said.

"That madman from ancient times?" Wang Xuan thought of this person for the first time. It was rumored that he had refined the most precious treasure -- the sword of the world, but he kept it outside.

In fact, his record not long ago also confirmed this, and the horror was unparalleled.

The two originators of Gouchen Emperor Palace and Chaojue Palace are both extraordinary, relying on the blood and scriptures left by the dead super civilization, they approached Xiaoyaozhou and Yuhuafan, and succeeded. As a result, the two of them held the treasure and led a large number of strong men to besiege them. They were killed and run away by the ancient lunatic alone. On the way, Zhen Chao, the originator of the Chaojue Palace, was attacked by the evil dragon Qitian and took the feathering banner.

"Why is he so strong, and what is his identity and origin?" Wang Xuan asked.

"The origin is very big, and the years of life are extremely long. Back then, I dared to challenge the first person who opened up a special interior..."

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