Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 94: Prosperous and bright, the moon falls silently

The angular face gives people a sense of toughness, and the physique is very strong, which should be in a state of excellent strength.

"Wu Ming." Wang Xuan had seen this person before. When he went to the secret place to pick up Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin home, he saw this person in Laohu's dojo.

The old fox also speculated later that this man of questionable origin was probably once a remarkable figure. After all, when he found him, he was in a mummified state, floating in the icy universe for many years.

Wu Ming had lost his memory for a long time, but he recovered a little and left the secret place without a trace.

In addition to this example, there are other speculations and records about the strange people in the handbook, such as their realm, retracing the path of the realm in the past, but the meaning is completely different.

Come back to the world, look at the mountains, look at the water or water, live in the world, return to the original.

For example, the leisurely tour is not only a spiritual tour, but also a physical tour. After revisiting and perfecting the old path of the ancient times, I will take the new path of my own life in this era.

Well-preserving master, that's really how to maintain health, and almost no longer take action... According to speculation, it may also be inappropriate to fight.

Wang Xuan pondered and watched for a long time. At this time, he had returned to the old land by downwind boat. Soon, his spirits became one.

"Dad..." The two little guys can call people, they are not satisfied with crawling on the ground, they can walk with their calves, although they often beat.

But with perseverance, they faltered, holding their pacifiers, stretched out their small hands, and rushed towards Wang Xuan.

"Hold." The boy's name was Wang Ye, and his flesh was whistling. There were tire treads on his arms.

"My dad!" The younger sister's name was Wang Xin, she was a bit strong, she looked at her elder brother with big eyes, and then squeezed over decisively.

Although half of Wang Xuan's primordial spirit had traveled far for more than half a year, the outside world didn't notice it, and all they saw was that he was living a peaceful life in Ancheng.

On weekdays, I accompany Zhao Qinghan to practice old techniques, and ask Chen Yongjie, Aoki, and Qin Cheng to have a drink. Regarding the fight in the starry sky, many people think it is the experience of infighting.

Occasionally, he sometimes takes a pair of children and flies to the night sky against the moonlight and walks on the clouds in this depleted era.

Therefore, these two little guys stick to him very much, always thinking about flying through the clouds, grinning every time, and smiling very happily.

Wang Xuan also fully satisfied them. He took the baby every day, traveled to the North Sea and Mu Cangwu, and traveled thousands of miles a day. Unfortunately, those sacred mountains and those ruins were silent and no one was there.

He is also disappointed at times. In this era of cultivation, it is really difficult to find similar people. It is no longer possible to want to communicate and witness a colorful and prosperous world of cultivation in this big universe.

The red dust is rolling, and there are many high-rise buildings. At night, he is standing on the rooftop of a skyscraper, watching the neon flashing, the bustling and bright modern city, when it is popular and noisy, but he still has a sense of silence.

In the age of mythology, the immortals fought fiercely, and the demons danced wildly. He looked forward to returning to tranquility as soon as possible, but one day, the extraordinary world collapsed, and no one could cultivate, and the feeling was different.

I don't know what happened to Lao Zhang, is the sect master of Mingxue still alive, have Fang Yuzhu and Fairy Jian crossed the sea safely, are Yan Mingcheng and the demon master okay?

Wang Xuan hopes that they will succeed and live in an extraordinary and prosperous world.

He sighed lightly, looking at the fireworks all over the city in the middle of the night, he shook his head, he actually missed the mythical years, when the extraordinary was visible, and a hundred schools of thought contended and competed for beauty.

"People can't be idle, and they will think more when they are idle. Isn't this kind of life very good now? In the past, many people worked hard for it, but after all, the chaos disappeared, and a series of demons, Mu Qing, and Lingling were sent away. Disaster, what's not to be satisfied with now?"

For this reason, he kept himself busy. The transcendent source under the Divine Travel Life Soil, the ascetic cultivation, was also traveling to the lost places such as Beihai, Penglai, and Guanghan Palace.

Even, he brought Zhao Qinghan and two children, drove the happy boat, entered the higher spiritual world, went on an alternative travel, and obtained the protection of him and the treasure, there was no problem.

The Yaochi was silent, and the pantaoyuan was silent. Wang Xuan kept his eyes on it, and when the two children happily called their father to hug them, and their mother was beautiful, he came back to his senses and smiled.

Zhao Qinghan yearned for this place very much, took pictures, kissed the baby and took a group photo, and then took a family photo, showing an extremely bright smile and joy from the heart.

But behind her smile, there were times of depression.

"In this era, I am a mortal. After all, there is no suitable extraordinary factor. I don't know how long I can accompany you."

"Don't think too much, if I can go on, I must find a gentle way and walk with you." Wang Xuan said.

"I'm very happy if you can say that, but reality is never the best vision in people's hearts. If one day I grow old and die in the years, you don't need to be sad, you don't need to have too many obsessions, I am complete After living this life, I am very satisfied with you and a pair of children." Zhao Qinghan said calmly.

"Don't say such things, I am here, and you are here."

Zhao Qinghan looked at Pan Taoyuan and said, "The last way out is probably to enter another universe. But, have you ever thought about it, it seems to be very chaotic, it is an extraordinary prosperous age, and it is also an era of hundreds of battles, even the so-called 'common masters' They are all being hunted and killed, and the tribe may perish. What will happen when we go there, will two children also enter that world to live?"

Zhao Qinghan thought for a long time, then shook his head and smiled, and said: "Life is a hundred years, and I should be able to live longer, I hope our children are safe, even if they are just ordinary people, grow up healthy, peaceful and happy. , I don't want them to live a precarious life, fighting with blood and fire every day."

"I also don't want them to live a life where they are faced with a desperate situation at any time." Wang Xuan nodded, extremely solemn.

He sighed lightly, although he also thought about leading two children to the path of cultivation, but this universe will not usher in a turning point after all, and he has never seen the words of the extinguished gods will recover within a few decades. Thousands of years, even hundreds of millions of years.

And leaving this universe and entering the transcendent central world, what can he do to ensure the safety of his wife, children and parents?

There, it may not be a personal battle, but a confrontation between races, which can be praised as the mutual radiance and radiance of different civilizations, and can also be brutally and truly exposed as the struggle for survival of races and civilizations.

It is so gorgeous and magnificent, standing on the dimension of time and overlooking it from a perspective beyond history. And in the middle of the game, in such a big era, the real witnesses may not feel wonderful, behind the magnificent prosperity, there is endless fighting.

In the transcendent universe, a short hibernation might be fine, but any accident could be fatal, and Wang Xuan's strength was not enough to defend it all.

In particular, although the others have not passed, they have already been targeted by the "common master" family behind the experiencer.

This family will not give up his inexhaustible power space pool, and want to refine him as a puppet body, lead the enemy into this universe, and destroy the invincible opponents such as the mechanical family and the beast garden.

After entering the extraordinary universe, as long as he is forced to show the imperial spear, he will definitely be targeted, and it is too risky to bring his wife, children and parents into the extraordinary universe.

In fact, he has no way to open that road now.

Moreover, even if the channel can be opened, there will be earth-shattering movements that cannot pass silently.

"Two children, let nature take its course, don't force them to practice, just be healthy and safe." This is the joint decision of the husband and wife.

Wang Xuan suddenly thought of his parents, showing a strange look. He thought about it more than once, and naturally he had nothing to hide from Zhao Qinghan.

"You said, if my parents were a pair of strange people who never led me on the path of cultivation in the past, would they have the same mentality as us? I can't help myself, and the environment we have to face is not very good, and there are strong enemies. So, I just hope that I will grow up safely, get married and have children, and live a happy life."

"Ah, parents, they are strange people?!" Zhao Qinghan's beautiful eyes widened, she was quite surprised, she had never thought about this issue.

"I just said, maybe, not sure, sometimes I feel that Old Wang knows too much." Wang Xuan said.

More than once, Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun were able to say something about the strange man, and they pushed it to the "miscellaneous books" every time, which made him have to think more.

The most important thing is that the two of them once mentioned that the old man who sells wontons may be a strange person. They want him to pay attention to everyone in reality and don't be careless.

As a result, when he followed the footprints left by the ancients and the modern, and chased to Yuncheng, he really met the old man who sold wontons who lived in the historical time and space. He was suspected of being a strange person. Lightning struck.

"If your parents are strange people, then you may be much safer when you enter the extraordinary universe." Zhao Qinghan has been worrying about him.

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "It's not necessarily true. Even if they are strange people, their state is very special. I can't tell if they can make a move. Besides, at any height, there will be relatively equal enemies. If they are strange people. , and I didn't teach me to practice at that time, which itself is enough to explain the problem, my situation will not be very easy, it may be very serious."

Having said this, he smiled and said, "Perhaps, if I come from behind, I can help them. If our children are willing to embark on this road, I sincerely hope that they will surpass me."

"You said, did they put the peach here last time?" Zhao Qinghan began to associate Now, it is not certain that they are strange people. "

"Let them bring Wang Ye and Wang Xin more." Zhao Qinghan smiled.

Years are silent, and in a blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

It has been 17 years since the age of mythology. Wang Xuan lives a peaceful life, practices, and integrates into the world. The two children, Wang Ye and Wang Xin, are almost two years old.

Time cannot heal everything in the past. Many people have obsessions and are still looking for transcendence. Especially, they have seen visitors from outside the world and fought fiercely with Wang Xuan in the cosmic passage. This is enough to prove that there is a transcendent world outside the world.

In late autumn, old soil and a little coolness, thunder-like news came on this day.

In the depths of the starry sky, demon banners and immortal gathering flags appeared one after another, summoning the extraordinary people of the past in the land of immortality, the land of gods, and the land of life science and technology.

This news is earth-shattering, breaking the tranquility of this era. There are rumors that the Great Cosmos Channel is about to be opened, which can lead the immortals and gods on an expedition!

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