Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 122: Be careful

The galaxy is splendid, a spaceship is floating, there is a meteorite zone in the distance, and there is cosmic dust. From a distance, it is silent and deep.


Life Pond was not calm, it was listening to the news secretly here, but couldn't help but speak.


"You have some contact with him?" Wang Xuan turned to look at it.


"Almost became a passer-by in my life." The pool of life sent out a wave of consciousness.


The "passengers" it said generally refers to the owners of the past generations, and the lives of those people are very short for it.


Those passing by, no matter how amazing and brilliant, it is difficult to break free from a mythical age, which will end from five to six thousand years to ten thousand to twenty thousand years.


This period of time seems to be very short in some fairy tales, but in the real world, the ancient civilization of the old land is only thousands of years old.


If you think about it carefully, in fact, this period is not too short.


"Back then, he took some maps and said that it was the refining method of the lantern and the sky mirror. They have their supreme core texture, which tempted me..."


Criticism of the Life Pool, it has been with Wang Yusheng for a period of time, and found that this person is indeed very powerful. However, after Wang Yusheng studied for a long time, he wanted it to go to the Thunder Sea outside the highest spiritual world to transcend the calamity, and try to transform into the Burning Dao Pool, it ran directly road.


It suspects that Wang Yusheng wants to transform it into a helmet, it should be preparing for the long journey.


"Then how did my brother go?" Wang Xuan asked.


Wang Zesheng said: "He got a paper-cutting knife that was suspected to be from the Old Holy Era, and he also had a strong armor. Later, he set up a super teleportation array and went away along the extraordinary sea of ​​light."


In the past mythology era, although it is impossible to prove that some people have successfully left, but the disappearance of some strong people, there is no evidence that they have failed completely.


When talking about these things, Jiang Yun helped Zhao Qinghan to refine the shard of the Dark Heaven's Heart to make it more beneficial to her.


"My grandfather and grandmother are strange people, and they can't hide it anymore." Wang Xin laughed.


Wang Xuan looked at his parents and said, "Am I a person with great roots? However, I really don't realize the origin of family education, and I'm more like a wild cultivator."


If it is written in the old-world shocking style, it would be: My parents are bosses, Ye Xiu's counterattack, and coming to the world was just an accident...


Wang Zesheng admitted that back then, they let nature take its course and did not take the initiative to guide him on the path of cultivation, because the period of mythology was coming to an end, and it was difficult to do anything.


Later, the couple were surprised to find that he was on the road by himself, and it was very special, and he no longer interfered.


"Since you have set out on your own path, then follow your own path. If we get involved, it might be a bad thing."


They believe that Wang Xuan's approach is effective and bizarre. In a sense, he is also a strange person in the initial stage.


From the point of view of the two of them, Wang Xuan follows his own trajectory. Once he reaches the top, he doesn't need to revisit the world. He doesn't need to practice repeatedly, and there may be the possibility of becoming a master of Taoism.


Now that they have made it clear, they will no longer hide it. The two gave Wang Xuan something this time, including their practice experience and some of the old holy books they obtained after killing the exotic "tattooers".


These are all extremely important, and now they have turned them into a store of consciousness and gave them to Wang Xuan.


But the two suggested that at this stage, Wang Xuan should not go to see it, and he doesn't need to study it, unless one day he has nowhere to go.


They advocated that Wang Xuan should walk at his own pace at present. This is what they said from the bottom of their hearts, and it is also the reason why they have become observers over the years and have never corrected his practice trajectory.


Wang Xuan nodded. Looking back now, many things have answers. Not long after Wang Ye and Wang Xin were born, Robot No. 81 sneaked up, but was struck by lightning inexplicably and fell from the clouds. This is what Old Wang did. .


Today, they also admitted it.


More than that, there was indeed an old man who sold chaos in Yuncheng. He was a strange man, and he was the enemy's subordinate. He was killed by two people.


The death of the Wolf Emperor was also related to them. He was killed by Wang Zesheng.


"Why don't you guys want to leave this universe?" Wang Xuan asked.


It can be seen that Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun have stayed in this universe for more than one mythical era, and they have no intention of traveling far.


"We have our own path and path, and we just need to sharpen the problematic bones in a harsh environment. We have gone all the way to this day, and we don't want to change the path."


It is conceivable that if they enter other universes after Consummation, they will adapt to being in a foreign land.


The one who has left the road is the king, and it has consumed the two of them for a long time. Some strange people who were unimaginably strong in the past all fell on the way.


"Some people just talk about combat power, and it's hard to find an opponent, but at a certain stage, they get lost, seriously degenerate, and become ordinary people. They only wake up before they die of old age. When they know their roots, it's too late."


Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun walked relatively steadily and prepared various back-ups. The most serious one was in the later period of this mythical age.


Yan Mingcheng and Bai Jingshu came to "borrow" unexpectedly, but they woke them up. Otherwise, it would be many years later for them to regain their past consciousness.

Even, there is a certain chance that they will completely become mortals and will never be able to wake up.

"Yan Mingcheng and Bai Jingshu are both good, maybe they also felt something in the final stage." Wang Zesheng said.

Wang Xuan was speechless, thinking in a different position, imagining the mood of the demon master's parents, it would be very shocking and speechless. Instead, he was observed and watched silently.

"My mortal brothers and sisters..." Wang Xuan asked.

"That era of mythology is gone, the seas are vicissitudes, the wind and clouds are scattered, and everything is long gone." Jiang Yun's eyes were filled with memories and nostalgia.

The descendants of those children from generation to generation cannot be traced back in the change of time.

In these years, they have traveled far and wide, perhaps looking for the missing bits, sitting on the planet where they lived in the past and watching people come and go.

During the conversation, Wang Xuan mentioned to them whether or not to go to the Transcendent Central World.

"There is indeed more splendid than here. Whether there are vague rumors in the Old Holy Era or now, there must be terrifying masters. Otherwise, the dark heart will not be so miserable, ancient and modern will not be so passive, that world is very mysterious, The depths are unfathomable.”

In the eyes of the two of them, the transcendent central world deserves to be the center, and myths all radiate from there. The rise and fall of transcendent is related to the change and deviation of the central universe of the past dynasties.

One day, they will set foot there, talking about this, there is murder in Old Wang's eyes!

The two suggested that Wang Xuan should go. He has not experienced the infinite splendor of the age of mythology. Now there is no one to communicate with, and he is groping alone, which is too "autistic".

The world of practice should be one where hundreds of flowers compete for beauty, and ten thousand paths compete, requiring the collision of different bright lights.

Of course, they also warned that Wang Xuan should keep a low profile, otherwise, if he passes by at his level, it is very likely that his appearance will be the end game.

After Life Pond's recovery, he had been observing Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun, but couldn't help but asked, "What era are you from, and do you have any names?"

It is sure that neither of these two people has been seen in history, and it is seriously suspected that the two have pseudonyms.

In particular, they are actually Wang Yusheng's parents. In theory, they should be famous all over the world. As a result, they didn't know that the "passer" standing on the top of the immortal realm had hidden strange parents.

"We have always been unknown and not well-known. Even in the period of successful cultivation, it did not attract too much attention." Wang Zesheng responded, adding that even if they shot, it was only for self-protection.

Life Pool was speechless, and felt that when he met two ruthless characters, he couldn't believe the two who had come this far. There was no moment of killing and arrogance.

Wang Xuan is also quite curious, what kind of identity his parents had in the age of mythology, and what kind of past they had.

Zhao Qinghan pursed her lips and smiled. The parents are probably good at hiding, and they like to stand behind the scenes. The so-called self-protection, it is estimated that they killed all powerful characters and did not let them leak the news.

"You have indeed misunderstood. Most of the strange people are unknown. The famous strange people are all dead. We are more cautious and just watch other people on the stage compete." Wang Zesheng said.

Life Pool suspects that it is not that it has never been in contact with strange people. At first, they were the strongest of their respective super civilizations, and they became famous all over the world.

It sent out a wave of consciousness and said: "The predecessor of the strange man, not to mention the strongest in the previous era, but at least the top three in the ranking, all of them have amazing identities!"

For this reason, it also deliberately gave an example, naming two people.

"The two you mentioned come from two different super mythical eras, and they are indeed like thunder, but they both died in the end?" Jiang Yun said.

Life Pool thought for a while, and was speechless for a while. There were various signs that most of the two or three strange people it touched turned into dead bones.

"Dad, the strange man has no name, you should keep a low profile in the future." Wang Ye persuaded seriously.

Wang Xuan originally wanted to laugh, but seeing his white hair, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The Pool of Life stopped talking. Instead, Wang Zesheng mentioned the treasure and warned Wang Xuan: "In the future, whether it's the prohibited items in the outer universe or the treasure in the mother universe, you have to be careful, and you can't believe it all."

"Can't we be trusted?" Life Pool was unhappy.

Wang Zesheng ignored it and said, "In history, some of the strange people I know were killed suddenly by the treasures that were brought by their side."

When Wang Xuan heard the his pupils contracted, and the treasure suddenly turned back?

Life Pool retorted and said, "It's just an example. I also heard that there are some strange people who want to swallow the treasure and replace the treasure consciousness with their own consciousness!"

Jiang Yun also opened her mouth and said, "The seals, inkstones, paper cutters, etc. left by the old sage period are all psychic, sanctified, and mysterious. There must be a reason for later generations to destroy them. I don’t understand, I can’t judge. Correspondingly, does it correspond to the new holy era, new special items, etc.? If there is contact in the future, you should be on guard.”


This time, after Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun came back, they were not in a hurry to leave and tried to find a way to extend their lives for Zhao Qinghan and his grandchildren.


130 years after the end of the extraordinary, Wang Xuan entered the deep space of the universe and crossed the great catastrophe. The momentum is magnificent, and it is extremely terrifying, comparable to the great catastrophe of becoming an immortal.


On that day, the thunder light seemed to drown the entire starry sky.


After he completed the ninth stage of the health master, he has now gone a step further. In theory, it is the catastrophe of feathering!


He was able to bear it in the thunder, and was reborn from the ashes. His body was not shattered, and it was impossible for him to emerge.


This year, Wang Xuan resisted the great catastrophe and became the health care master of the tenth stage of breaking the limit.


Also in this year, he further studied how to prolong life for mortals and achieve longevity. He discussed with Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun, and combined several methods that they had worked hard for for many years.


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