Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 129: floating outside the world

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Wang Xuan didn't move, and let himself be used as a prey. In the golden wind, he was carried all the way to fly over the mountains.

Along the way, the Great Lake is full of spiritual energy, the five-color water mist is transpiring, the mountains and beasts are entrenched, the forests are densely covered, and various poisonous insects are looming.

In the golden gust of wind, the big green bull with four horns was frightened, struggled constantly, and at the same time let out a low roar, but it couldn't hurt the primordial spirit of the golden creature.

As for the corpse of the giant bird, it was more than thirty meters long, floating silently, and followed in the hurricane.

A snake? Wang Xuan wasn't sure if this was a pure-blooded divine beast, but it seemed that even if it wasn't, its bloodline should have been extremely purified.

This snake is only a dozen meters long. Compared to the giant bird that is tens of meters long, and the green ox that is several feet tall, it actually looks very delicate, but its strength is not bad, and it is in the late stage of the master of health care.

Moreover, the suppression of the bloodline made the green ox tremble, and its innate supernatural power - falling soul, was useless and did not work.

The snake has a golden body, the thickness of a bucket, a head like a dragon but no horns, no claws on the body, a pair of small golden wings on the back, high-frequency vibration, thunder and golden wind.

It didn't take long before I arrived at the destination. This is the nest of the snake, which is somewhat like a bird's nest, built on a cliff.

On the cliff wall, there are also several ancient trees with bright red fruits, very strong aura, and the aroma of the fruit is fragrant.

Wang Xuan soon understood that this was originally a bird's nest, and it was a nest of some kind of spiritual bird, even a divine bird, but it was occupied by a snake.

In the huge nest, there are some glowing white feathers, which are very softly spread, and a nest of small snakes. At the same time, they opened their vertical eyes, golden and cold, staring at the arrival of these foods.

At a glance, Wang Xuan found that there were a lot of animal bones, poultry bones, etc. under the cliff. The cubs of the snake were very particular about their food, not swallowing them as a whole, but only eating meat. It may be because they are too small and the food is too large. It may also be different from the habits of ordinary snakes.

Facing this nest of snakes, Wang Xuan didn't care, he landed lightly in the giant nest, and saw a pile of bone books, hanging on the spirit wood, and some among the little snakes.

As soon as he waved his hand, he drew a golden shoulder blade with dense engraved inscriptions on it.

The adult snake's vertical eyes suddenly emitted a terrifying light. It sensed danger and chose to attack at the first time. The whole body condensed the thunder rune and slashed at Wang Xuan.

"Quiet!" Wang Xuan snorted softly and slapped it on the body, causing the bones in his body to crackle and almost shatter.

It was "dislocated". As a descendant of a divine beast, its physique is extremely powerful, far superior to other ferocious beasts.

"Immortal Master, please forgive my disrespect." The snake immediately obeyed. Although he was from a different universe, there was no problem in talking with his spiritual sense.

"Tell me what this place is, what big forces are there..." Wang Xuan sat on the cliff and communicated with the Snake family.

He entered the new universe for the first time, and this place has become a temporary foothold, and will use this as a starting point to understand the extraordinary world.

Soon, Wang Xuan ate the slate beef, which was really hot, and the main health-preserving demon beef was roasted very tender. Unfortunately, there was no seasoning such as salt, and in the end, it was just smeared with some fruit pulp.

However, he is very satisfied, the ingredients are really good, such good beef is rare, and it is shining.

After careful calculation, he has not eaten for nearly 30 years. In 155 years after the end of the supernatural, he left the parent universe and embarked on the fourth road. In the 183 year after the end of the supernatural, he officially broke through the barrier and successfully crossed the big universe.

"You mean, this is a small world floating in the void outside the world. Your ancestors avoided disaster here, and you don't know what's going on outside?"

While enjoying the food, Wang Xuan asked in surprise, this place is completely different from what he imagined.

"People in this world can come in, and there are people who are exploring recently." Snake opened his mouth and told him with his spiritual sense that every few hundred years or thousands of years, someone would break in.

Because, this secret realm will be born, hang in the sky, and open to the big universe.

Wang Xuan showed a strange expression, and he actually flowed along the void and entered such a zone.

Beside them, a few little snakes stopped hissing, and the coldness in their vertical pupils disappeared.

Wang Xuan threw a few pieces, which immediately caused the cubs to **** the snake. He continued to understand the situation, and then let the adult snake come over and teach him demon text.

The snake was reluctant and moved over.

"Huh?" Wang Xuan stared at it, and then simply explored its primordial spirit and searched for what he needed.

Immediately, a fairy light lit up in his eyes. This place is many times more mysterious and important than what the snake said. It is a top secret realm outside the world.

Because, there are amazing things here. Every thousand years, after someone discovers it, they must search for things related to "prohibition".

The so-called prohibition naturally involves the Imperial Dao level.

Of course, in this universe, the names are different, but they can correspond to each other. Forbidden, Imperial Dao... are actually the same level.

"Are there any human beings at the Imperial Dao level, and are there any demon clan?" Wang Xuan asked.

"In my clan's cognition, I seem to have heard that there are prohibited items." Snake replied honestly.

Wang Xuan frowned. The ancestors of the snake came in a long time ago. When it was passed down to this generation, they had long been isolated from the world, and they knew very little. Even the prohibited items were only vaguely heard of.

"Then have you heard of the Old Holy Age?"

"No." Snake shook his head.

"Is there a new saint?"

"Never heard of it."

Wang Xuan was helpless, he was still a mythical beast, but he was so isolated, the impact of the environment was too great, and he cut off contact with the outside world all the year round.

He flipped through the bone slices here and carefully studied the demon texts above. Most of them were demon clan exercises, which surprised him. Some of them were extraordinary.

In particular, the demon scriptures on the golden scapula are a body training method, which can be practiced by humans, and the demons can also use this to purify their blood and enhance their innate abilities.

Wang Xuan studied all the demon inscriptions on the bone fragments, and found records about "prohibition" in them.

In normal times, it is not obvious there. Occasionally, a living being can set foot there and discover the mystery.

Wang Xuan spent most of the day in the snake's nest, got a lot of valuable news, and was ready to leave after a full meal.

Although the adult snake has the blood of the beast, it is not afraid of it. The opponent's strength is unfathomable. Will it get rid of its family before leaving?

Wang Xuan looked and looked, and a few small snakes were also curled up, their heads lowered, and they looked submissive and scared.

"Forget it." His fingers glowed, erasing this memory from their spiritual realm, disappearing from here in an instant.

According to Snake's memory, this place is already deep in the world. In the ancient wood wolf forest, there are some powerful alien creatures in each site.

This world is very big, and it feels much wider than a normal planet.

Half a day later, when Wang Xuan was walking around, he heard the sound of fighting. In the distance, there was a crimson ferocious bird whining, covered in fire, and a creature of the main health care level was blasted down.

"Monster bird, you have good blood, tell me all the secrets of this world." It was an outsider, asking for news.

Wang Xuan became interested and walked forward.

Several outsiders forced confessions, and after the soul search, they just happened to come here, and one of the creatures was holding the corpse of the big red bird in his hand.

They are ferocious and intimidating. They are a few furry humanoid creatures, wearing cassocks, with loose blond hair and wide mouths and fangs. Could they be apes turned into essences?

"A few fellow Daoists..." Wang Xuan greeted him with divine sense.

"Humans!" The eyes of the ape monsters on the opposite side were sharp.

One of the monkeys smiled and said, "Are you from Zhaixing Pavilion, or Zixiao Palace, or Longevity Sect?"

He mentioned several names of Taoism, obviously they should not be ordinary big religions.

The other ape monster opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Didn't some of you humans say that you evolved from the ape genus, why don't you worship your ancestors when you meet them?"

Obviously, with malice, they surrounded them in an instant.

"Ancestor, I love you, come!" The leader threw a golden hoop, shining with divine light, and approached Wang Xuan to capture him alive as a slave.

"Just kill it, what do you do with a live capture? If you kill one, there will be one less human competition." Another ape monster said, turning a mace in turn, and smashing it at Wang Xuan's skull.


Wang Xuan reached out and smashed the golden hoop with one hand, and then he was not afraid of the spikes of the mace, his palm glowed, and the immortal aura filled him. It's broken, and the brains are out.

" Who are you

They are all strong in the late stage of the health master, and as a result, they can kill their companions at will, and the gap between the two sides is a bit large, which is not reasonable.

As far as they know, the incoming human beings will never have this kind of talent.

"Set!" Wang Xuan used the body-fixing technique, and immediately made them all frozen in place.

There is nothing to say, if you don't listen to good words, you still want to be his ancestor. If you want to kill him, then just search for the soul.

Puff puff……

The primordial spirits of several apes burst into pieces one after another, emitting mournful wailing sounds. There was a restraint in their spirits, and they could not be explored.

At the last moment, a golden old ape mark appeared in the heads of several ape monsters, and they opened their eyes, as if to write down Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan waved his mace and smashed it forward, and the imprint of the golden old ape disappeared. Wang Xuan didn't care much, because he was no longer what he was.

When he first came to the new universe, he was very cautious. When he went out, he changed his appearance, and even the aura of his primordial spirit became different from before.

Two days later, Wang Xuan saw several human monks fighting with several spirits. He rushed over immediately, pretending to be a late-stage health master, and joined the battle group.

"Roar!" The two ape monsters and the three-headed snake monster roared in rage, feeling deeply defeated, they blew themselves up, blood splashed on the mountain, and all the mountain peaks collapsed.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist." A woman smiled and stepped forward to give her thanks.

"Both of the human race, you're welcome." Wang Xuan returned the salute.

However, when the woman expressed her gratitude, she threw out a large silver net and covered him.

At the same time, another old man urged a big copper bell, roaring, to shake the soul out of the person and deduct it towards Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan has a cold look on his He helped his fellow clan, but he was not grateful, but wanted to take his life?

At this point, he has a deep impression of the relationship between the various races in this world hanging out of the world, and the creatures who come in are all competitors.

With a stab, he tore off the large silver net, and then slapped the head of this beautiful-faced woman and flew out, bursting open.

With a thud, when the big bell fell, he was punched through, and the fragments flew out.

"You, the immortal stranded in the world, how can you come in?" The remaining people were shocked.

Wang Xuan was indifferent, holding a mace, and smashed several people with a puff.

"The first chapter of the forbidden?" Two days later, Wang Xuan finally knew what the supreme divine artifact was in this piece of heaven and earth suspended outside the world.

It is indeed a great treasure, a scripture, which probably involves forbidden secrets, and may even be a scripture left by the old saint.

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