Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 137: Lu Renjia

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Is this the real super universe? The peaceful and peaceful cave may one day be torn apart violently from the outside, life is so fragile, and the sight is bloody.

Paper boats, paper people, control two paper lanterns, unscrupulously harvest innocent lives, and absorb the source of the entire cave - the fragments of the decree.

This is really outrageous. It doesn't take life in the cave as one thing at all. It's like mowing weeds. The blood-colored beam is connected to outer space. The paper man sits on the paper boat and looks down indifferently.

The killing intent in Wang Xuan's heart was transpiring, and there was only one thought, to stop him and kill it, what kind of monster is this? So vicious and vicious.

Relatively speaking, the paper man on the smaller two-meter-long paper boat was ignored by Wang Xuan. It stabbed the country and demanded a few female disciples. Although it was hateful, it was compared to the previous scourge. , not an order of magnitude at all.

Silently, Wang Xuan's main spirit penetrated into the first mountain killing formation map, and then the melted part of the mechanical bear's active metal body dripped out without anyone noticing the situation.

In the cold outer space, most of Wang Xuan's primordial spirit entered the active metal, absorbed the pattern into the core, performed a stealth technique, and appeared in the universe.

He appeared from a distance, his body was flat like a piece of paper, and he turned into a "metal man", similar to the other party's shape!

Then, he silently but quickly dived towards the slightly larger pale paper boat, like a meteor hitting the earth, rushing forward like a thunderbolt, with a terrifying gesture of perishing and destroying all things.

"Huh?" On the paper boat, the thin piece of paper stood up suddenly, extremely sharp, and felt an inexplicable feeling in the first time.

In an instant, the blood light that connected to the large cave sky was disconnected, and it could be seen that in the final blood mist, there were a lot of vague figures, men, women and children of all ages.

Some of them are dazed, some are afraid, some are crying, some are extraordinary, and some are children of a few years old. They are attacked indiscriminately, become remnants in the blood, and are deprived of them in outer space.

Now, they are scattered with the wind.

The dazzling light was like a celestial knife slashing through the void of the universe and slashing at the paper boat. Wang Xuan looked at it as a metal paper man, but there was a pattern inside.


The blood-stained paper lantern swayed, and an unparalleled light erupted, illuminating the gloomy void of the universe, densely packed, with immortal textures all over it, giving off a peaceful glow.

?? It is now different from the gloomy and icy look just now, and it has some kind of sacred charm, especially the two lanterns, which are actually some kind of high-level talisman.

"The whole paper boat is the celestial talisman of the fifth realm?" In the distance, someone opened their eyes wide in disbelief, and finally knew why they crossed the universe with a paper boat.

The combination of the Tianfu in this way is more expensive than the starship.

The so-called fifth realm corresponds to the great realm beyond feathering and ascending to immortals. In Wang Xuan's mother universe, it is called the realm of the Mutian realm, second only to the realm of the Royal Dao of the Supreme Treasure.

In this universe, there are also many cultivation systems, and there are various titles. For example, the monsters call this realm a heavenly blood creature, some other races call it a heavenly level, and some ethnic groups call it a robber.

The other party is too extravagant. He used more than one celestial talisman of the fifth realm to form a paper boat, especially the two lanterns, which were stamped with some kind of big seal, which became more and more extraordinary.

The blood-stained lantern glowed like a mirror illuminating the heavens, showing the power of the sky, tearing apart the outer space and blocking the sheet metal people.

After Wang Xuan stopped it from being a disaster, his mood calmed down, and there was no internal killing formation, and he became more and more calm.

Because he sensed that reinforcements should be arriving, probably from the co-owners.

In the distance, a huge spaceship appeared, and a figure holding a giant sword stood under the starry sky, blood qi skyrocketed, the body continued to enlarge, the light was monstrous, and it resonated with the star field and approached at an extreme speed.

"Where did the evil come from, with the seemingly sacred talisman as the carrier, dare to come to my 'Pingtian Xingyu' to create chaos." Pointing away, locked the paper boat.

"The six disciples of the co-host are here in person, and we are saved!" Some people were excited with joy and tears welled up in their eyes. Just now, their homes, those relatives, would be destroyed.

The person who came was a big man with loose green hair and a single horn on his head.

Wang Xuan has stepped back in time, and opened several large wounds on his metal body, with obvious tear marks.

What are you fighting for, fighting against the paper boat people composed of the heavenly talismans of the fifth realm? He didn't have that in mind. He just couldn't watch the tragic scene of him taking the lives of countless people. Now that the people from the co-owner's family are here, he can retire. .

The paper boat with the lantern hung fiercely. It rushed into the sea of ​​stars without retreating. It directly collided with the unicorn. It didn't give up at all. It wanted to repel the six disciples of the co-owner, and insisted on absorbing the fragment of the decree.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, at the same time as the giant sword fell, the fist of the unicorn also fell, the starry sky collapsed, and all the starlight was attracted and gathered towards his fist mark, which was extremely terrifying.

However, the paper ship skyrocketed, and in an instant, it was larger than those super star ships, and it was extremely tough. It was composed of many heavenly talismans.

It looks like white paper, but it is a treasure ship that has smelted Xingsha and other fetishes. The lanterns shine with devastating beams, and the giant sword hums and trembles.

Moreover, the paper man also got up, his body was flat, like a sword, and stabbed towards the unicorn's eyebrows.

The paper people are very strong, and they are sent to paper boats, and they dare to fight to death with the disciples of the co-lord.

Wang Xuan did not disappear immediately, and looked at the other, smaller paper boat, as well as the flamboyant and domineering paper figure. Some elders of the Four Sects were torn in half by it.

Su Tong blocked and was severely injured. The other party intended to humiliate him. When the thin piece of paper attacked, he tore off one of Su Tong's arms and slapped it down, smashing his face and half of his body bursting open.

At the same time, the big stick of the **** ape Qi Sheng was cut off by the thin palm and kicked in the past.

This paper man is not as powerful as the people on the big boat, but he has also reached the level of feathering and ascending to immortals.

It was unscrupulous, sneered, and humiliated everyone, but after it saw the arrival of the six disciples of the co-owner, it also restrained, opened its hands, and prepared to directly kidnap a few female disciples without delaying time.

Wang Xuan turned around and rushed towards here, with the terrible cracks he made on his body, a very miserable appearance, mainly because he didn't want to be too outrageous and pointed.

"Oh, you actually survived, it's not easy, you should have your name among the true immortals stranded in the world." The paper man was indifferent, watching Wang Xuan while paying attention to the war in the distance.

It and the paper boat at its feet are not heaven-level, but are composed of immortal-level talismans. Normally, it is enough to overlook a place like Haichuanxing.

This is an immortal-level paper figure, and it sneered: "Looking at several women, I have been merciful, otherwise how many of their brothers and sisters will survive?"

Having said that, it looked at the people around it and said, "Aren't you going to get out?"

It can be said that the paper man is too arrogant and reckless, it is a fairy-level creature, and now only Wang Xuan is in his eyes, and the others don't care at all.

Wang Xuan couldn't stand it any longer, and he killed him in an instant. His body was also flat, and he swiped over with a slap. The palms and fingers carried divine light, like a scorching sun rising, illuminating the ten directions.

Although the paper man is cold-blooded and arrogant, he takes Wang Xuan seriously and goes all out.


When the paper palm collided with Wang Xuan's metal palm, there was a sound of rules, and a terrifying rune bloomed, sweeping through outer space.

Everyone else retreated, and some starships were hit, collapsed instantly, and then burst open.

When they collided again, the paper man was very powerful, and the five-color divine light bloomed. There were five kinds of immortal talismans assembled into it, which could deprive the enemy of the primordial spirit of the five-element immortal light.

The Paper Man is a difficult opponent, even if the real immortals, such as the Longevity Sect and the Supreme Leader of Zixiao Palace, give up the pursuit of liars, and come back from the starry sky at this time, they may not be able to win it.

However, after a series of confrontations, and after several times of depriving Wang Xuan of his Primordial Spirit to no avail, the Paper Man couldn't bear it any longer, and his thin palms began to burn.

Because it couldn't bear the terrifying strength of the other party, the immortal texture on the talisman paper collapsed, and with a bang, a paper hand with fire light exploded.

Then, one of its arms was torn off by Wang Xuan.

bang, bang, bang

Wang Xuan grabbed the piece of paper by its neck, slapped it across the face, and pulled it up, the piece of paper on its face was smashed to pieces.

"If you insult me ​​like this, we will meet again in the future." The paper man gave up his struggle. It was determined that he was not an opponent.

"When I actually find you" it threatened.

"You are a corpse. If you dare to come, you will be destroyed. Besides, I just passed this starry sky. If you want to find me, go to the co-host of the stars. My name is Lu Renjia!"

Wang Xuan opened his mouth and wrapped himself around him, not wanting the Paper Man to come to the Longevity Sect and Zixiao Palace for revenge.

Of course, his current Primordial Spirit aura has long since changed, and it is far from his true body, and he has searched the Xinghai Sea to find no such person.

He slapped the other party's mouth, and the fanned paper man began to disintegrate from the head and face. After being humiliated by his own way, it made a gloomy voice: "Okay, no matter who you are, whether it is a pseudonym or not, sooner or later there will be One day, my real body will find you"

Faced with this kind of malicious threat like a ghost from hell, Wang Xuan didn't care at all, and said, "There are so many people looking for me, what kind of onion are you, get out of the queue and wait in line."

Then, he began to tear pieces of paper and paper boats, and a light of consciousness rose up, trying to escape, but was caught by Wang Xuan, and he was killed with real fire.

"Burning my avatar, turning it into a curse of evil spirits, and then blowing away the fog in the future, and guiding me to come." Before dying, its avatar wanted to plant a curse.

Wang Xuan lifted his foot and stepped on it, crushed the last ball of light to death, deliberately humiliating it to death, and said, "Are you qualified?"

The next moment, he disappeared from here, and he was gone, hiding his merit and fame. He should not be exposed at the moment, and he did not want to attract the attention of the co-owners.

"It's time to change place." He felt that it was time to leave, Hai Chuanxing lost his attraction to him, and it was not very peaceful here.

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