Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 145: bullying

Wang Xuan really doesn't need to worry about crossing the calamity. Although the thunder and fire calamities are skyrocketing every time, for him, he is used to it, and there are many crossing calamities in the mother universe.

He estimated that the last catastrophe should be worth the immortal catastrophe, and he could roughly "become immortal".

However, for now, let's go through the fifth calamity first. The speed of transcending calamity has been a bit fast recently. Although he has spoken, he is not ready to transcend immediately, so as to avoid going too far.

To survive two calamities in five months is a bit too much.

He is indeed very low-key. He has never been out of the academy, and he has been comprehending scriptures. Of course, it is not some thunder and fire six tribulation methods, but slate scriptures, golden bamboo slips, burning lamp pictures and so on.

Of course, he also explored the transcendent source world behind the life soil, where occasionally he could hear the vague whispers of some big people, especially after entering this universe, the voice became clearer.

"Why is there no movement, Du, Qin Cheng, I'm all betting on you, and I must bully the black-faced god. That **** is the blackest. He touched me back then, and wanted to submit to me and obey their arrangements. , Fortunately, I saw that the opportunity was wrong, so I decided to run away and join Fairy Qi Miao's ninth army."

It can be seen that the black-faced **** beside An Hong is indeed a habitual offender, and he has done this kind of thing a lot. Immediately, a bitter master came out and complained anonymously on the college website.

"The black-faced **** is not a thing. When Miss Ben was admitted to school, this **** wanted to use the rules to sneak in me." Some girls also spoke anonymously.

The black face jumped with anger, sternly refuted, refuted rumors, said that there was no such thing, they were all slandering him, and he was really tired of dealing with it recently.

Su Tong and Ling Xuan gather with Wang Xuan from time to time, and they are indeed worried about him. The fifth calamity is coming, and no one has survived this calamity in Haichuanxing for two thousand years.

"I met some sisters in the lower house. One of them has a very good impression of you. I'm not afraid of your death. Would you like me to match you? Anyway, let's leave a descendant first."

Even Ling Xuan persuaded them. It can be seen that they are not optimistic. This is definitely not a child's play. How many extraordinary people's dreams have been burned by this practice?

A mythical planet, no one can cultivate in two thousand years, the cold data has exhausted the danger and horror in it, and it is definitely not something that "genius can break" can penetrate.

Words and exercises have no warmth, but the words of acquaintances are warm, worrying, and caring.

Wang Xuan told them that he was very calm now, and he just wanted to wait for the fifth catastrophe to come, and had no other thoughts. At the same time, he was very confident and told them that he could get through it.

Next, he lived in seclusion, studying the scriptures of the mother universe, and was also reading the first chapter of the forbidden universe, but many words still hadn't been deciphered, this scripture inheritance was too ancient.

At the same time, he was also thinking about what the texture of the strange bone he saw at the house of the Heavenly Demon Suzaku could prove.

Every day he lived a very fulfilling life. The scriptures and the texture of the imperial way were fully arranged by him. This accumulation is very important.

Everything will be turned into his background, absorbed by him, let him go further, until the past is a prologue, his vision is wider, and he looks at the future calmly.

Wang Xuan entered the Pingtian Academy for the seventh month and crossed the tribulation again. It was not the thunder tribulation of immortality, but he was directly asked to go to the Ascension Cliff. It can be seen that a large number of people are paying attention.

"Xiao Qin, I told you that there is something wrong with this mental method, which can entangle people's souls. Look, once you start practicing, you can't stop if you want to. Your path is a bit bumpy. Be careful, be careful."

Outside the soaring cliff, the black-faced **** stood in the distance and spoke with a sincere look.

There were a lot of people coming this time. There were a large number of students in the upper and lower courtyards watching from a distance. Some of the powerful wizards who became immortals were sitting on the flying boat in the sky, covered by immortal mist. Some people were drinking and some people were talking.

"Black-faced god, you are so shameless, do you want to be evil at this juncture?" Someone scolded.

"I am kindly reminding him that there is indeed a big problem with this practice!" The black-faced **** defended.

In fact, Wang Xuan didn't care at all. The fifth thunder and fire catastrophe arrived, the sky was full of fire, and the thunder and lightning were dense, so he stood there to resist.

Everything is so natural, there is no accident, in all kinds of terrifying electric light, his eyes are deep, reflecting the essential power of thunder tribulation.

However, he did not perform too prominently. He should have shaken his body, split his body surface, and even spit out some blood.

"Why do I feel like he's spitting?" Qi Sheng asked.

Someone refuted it and said, "Don't talk nonsense, who can perfunctory and deal with this kind of catastrophe? His blood will be chopped dry, and he can only cough out a little real blood."

Everything ended peacefully, and Wang Xuan successfully survived the fifth calamity, causing many people to discuss.

The black-faced **** looked at him, and he was really uncertain. Can this work? The catastrophe that people can't pick out the slightest fault is approaching the immortal catastrophe, and he just passed it?

He was a little worried about An Hong, the figure of Tianzong he followed. Even if he was a peerless genius in the upper court, he would still be hurt if he wanted to exchange for the first volume of the Nine Transformations of Ascension.

What's more, An Hong also bet with Qi Miao on "Yuanshen Map". If he loses, it will be a big collapse. The cost of two scriptures will consume all his contribution value, and he will be heavily in debt. .

"Five months later, I will be the last calamity of the Six Tribulations of Thunder and Fire." Wang Xuan announced this directly before leaving the Ascension Cliff.

At this moment, some powerful figures in the upper court, those who have already become immortals, realize that this new student is very likely to survive the last catastrophe.

"The light of creation has begun to condense. It was very thin in the past, and now it suddenly springs up. This new born is a bit difficult." An Hong frowned.

Afterwards, all parties were talking.

Su Tong, Ling Xuan and others naturally came to celebrate Wang Xuan immediately.

"Brother Qin, don't you really want to break my Haichuan star dust record? You have practiced this terrifying technique in a very short period of time."

"There is still the last calamity. If you succeed, you will turn into a dragon and ascend to the nine heavens. If you fail, you can't be careless."


A few days later, someone found Wang Xuan, mentioned it to him euphemistically, joined forces to make a game, and harvested the massive contribution value of those people in the upper house.

"Oh, how?" Wang Xuan asked.

The person who came to become an immortal in half a step has similar strength to the black-faced god, but he is obviously only a middleman, not even a broker, and is not qualified.

"We have a divine pill here, which can dissolve the six tribulations of thunder and fire in your practice without leaving any sequelae. In the future, you will not accumulate thunder tribulations as usual because you stop practicing it. This is a miracle pill, extremely rare, without any Hidden danger." The person said with a smile.

Wang Xuan didn't want to pay attention to him, how could he casually take an unknown Qidan transformation method, and he still wanted to practice the nine transformations of feather transformation after Consummation.

"In the academy, it is not only the top secret tome of Yuhua Nine Transformations, but also the Six Paths True Solution, Yuanshen Atlas, etc., which are not weaker than it."

The visitor euphemistically stated that this time they were going to set up a plate, adding the option of Wang Xuan's tribulation that neither succeeded nor died, and harvested the contribution value of some powerful people in the upper court.

"Well, we can even introduce An Hong, Qi Miao, Chengtian, Cai Wei and others into this game, and the plate should be bigger."

Wang Xuan frowned, what kind of monster is this? I have a great appetite, and if I want to take away the contribution of some geniuses who have become immortals, it is estimated that there will be many arrangements.

However, there is no reason for him to gamble with them on his own cultivation path. Why? An inexplicable person came to guide Jiangshan, and did not take his future road seriously.

Therefore, he directly refused.

"Don't worry, talk slowly, you won't suffer, it's just someone who wants to play at will, you don't have to worry about anything." The half-step true immortal who was in charge of the message was named Meng Zelin, and said with a smile.

Wang Xuan was even more angry. Obviously, this group of people is really powerful, they are just playing casually, and they want to make a big bet? He refused again.

"I am practicing seriously. In the future, I will practice the nine transformations of feathering. It is related to my path. It is not a child's play, nor is it a tool in your gambling table."

The messenger Meng Zelin didn't like listening to it anymore, so he said coldly: "Oh, in life, who doesn't want to be high-spirited? Everything is up to you, but real life is a step-by-step process of compromise. What state are you in? It's too early, and the tone is a bit loud. Even the heaven-level creatures are kowtowing to people and paying tribute in areas where you can't see. Even when the dean and the co-owner are powerless, they are often silent. Compromise. You are a little health caregiver, show me integrity here, show stubbornness, talk about the road, a bit too much? "

Meng Zelin sneered, stretched out his finger, almost touched Wang Xuan's forehead, and said, "You don't even think about it, you have a lot of history to make such a game just because you are so excited. It's you. Can such a low-level person be able to afford it? If I really want to touch you, I will crush you to death with one finger, and you will be crushed to pieces, and no one will care in the end!"

Wang Xuan kept a low profile, but he didn't come to get angry. Seeing that he was just a messenger in the middle, he was so unscrupulous that he wanted to poke his finger on his forehead.

He grabbed it directly, grabbed Meng Zelin's shaking finger, and snapped it off.

"My jerk!" Meng Zelin screamed and roared in a low voice. Was his finger cut off?


Not only that finger, but the other four fingers were also broken by Wang Xuan. Then, Wang Xuan even punched him in the face, causing the bridge of his nose to collapse, his teeth to fall out, his face flattened, and blood spurting from his nose and mouth.

In fact, Wang Xuan really wanted to slap the head of this person, but after thinking about it, he restrained it. After all, it is in the academy, and it is not good to kill people as soon as you enter. the rules.

"Old students bully newcomers!" Wang Xuan shouted.

Meng Zelin was about to die of pain, tears streaming down his face. When he heard his words, he was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

"I... do you want to be embarrassed?!" He growled angrily, then turned around and ran away. He couldn't afford to lose this person and was bullied by newcomers. If it spreads out and is seen by others, he will be shameless. .

Someone bullying a freshman? No promise, some old students looked here from a distance, feeling a little too much.

"Look at the back image is Meng Zelin, he went to stand with the black-faced god? It's a bit shameless." Someone commented.

"Shh, keep your voice down, Meng Zelin and Hei Mian Shen are not the same, and some of the people behind him are huge."

Meng Zelin carried a **** cauldron and ran away in severe pain. He swore that this matter was not over. In fact, he didn't need to say more and fight the fire. He felt that someone would teach that ignorant freshman how to behave.

A few days later, someone asked Wang Xuan to meet in a modern bar in the academy.

This is a young man with no immortal spirit. Judging from his clothes, he comes from scientific and technological civilization. The clothes are not feather clothes, immortal robes, casual clothes, short hair, and ordinary appearance. After ordering two glasses of wine, he naturally greeted Wang Xuan for a drink. .

"Nothing else, I just think you have a very good personality, you are very good, follow me in the future." The ordinary-looking young man said.

He took a sip of wine, sat on the sofa, and received a message from a paper crane. He quickly folded a paper cat. It swooped away in white mist, and the cat disappeared instantly.

Wang Xuan looked at him without saying a word, then glanced at the paper cat that ran away like lightning in an instant, thinking in his heart.

"Haha..." Seeing that he didn't respond, the ordinary-looking man stood up, smiled, stopped talking, and left directly.

Two days later, someone sent a challenge letter and asked Wang Xuan to fight. He glanced at it and ignored Soon, Su Tong... was beaten.

His nose was bruised and his face was bruised. He is angry, why? He didn't provoke anyone, and he was glared at him inexplicably, and he was countered, saying what are you looking at? And then got hit!

Five days later, Wang Xuan received another challenge letter. He stood up and said coldly, "Are you courting death?"

Obviously, someone arranged it properly and started to trouble him, trying to "educate" him how to behave.

"Those who want to challenge me, don't use those who become immortals. I will visit them one by one when I become an immortal. If you are a health care master, life or death is a matter of life in battle. I will accept it." Wang Xuanhuo took out the Falling Immortal Bow, What challenge? Whoever jumps out, he shoots.


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