Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 155: who is invincible

Dare to come to the highest spiritual world to sacrifice to the sky, there is no weak person, a paper knife flew over, and made a direct voice to let the limit breakers of the two camps leave.

This is too domineering. Clearing the field with a paper knife is quite disrespectful, so how can a genius who breaks the limit be so bad? ?

Some people were sneering, but they didn't pay attention, and some people were dancing around with immortal fire, wanting to burn knives, what were they joking, who were they? There were also people who frowned deeply, revealing a solemn expression, and even the extremely ferocious mechanical beast backed away, with a gloomy expression on his face.

While repairing its broken mechanical body, it stared at the nearby woman in the sky.

"Paper Saint's lineage, has a real person appeared this time?"

The Swallow also stopped.

The woman is approaching quickly, her blue silk is flying, her youth is beautiful, and she has a strong vitality, like Fairy Lingbo coming into the world.

Although she is lifelike, she is not flesh and blood after all, she is made of paper, her body is full, not rigid, and her eyes are even brilliance. . Mouth "Paper people are in the same vein, this time with a vivid paper figure?"

Wang Xuan frowned, he really didn't like this vein.

You can meet them wherever you go. They are strong as always. The paper people are in the world, in the fairy world, and outside the highest spiritual world. They are very conceited.

"My lady is here in person, it's nearby. Everyone, please leave." The paper figurine with a fluttering snow skirt and a rather warm complexion was actually just a maid.

"If you say that, I really won't leave!"

The chaffinch opened, surrounded by luminous grains of sand, the power of space flowing.

Qi Miao opened her mouth and said, "This area is now resonating with the real world, and corresponds to my Pingtian star field. You are a foreign force that is really arrogant. After so many years, it's not that no one checks and balances you!"

Even the group of mechanical beasts were dissatisfied.

"I have spread the word. How to choose is up to you. If there is no result, my lady will come in person."

The lifelike and beautiful paper figurine beckoned, the paper knife stuck on the ground with a clang, returned to her hand, and she turned and left.

"Please don't come here.\'\'." Yan Que said, took out a paper cat, and said: "In those days someone burned paper, I once rescued a burnt paper man from the ashes, and it gave me a paper Cat, say it's a paper figurine like you who wants to worship me when you see me, you bring the message back and keep the irrelevant paper figurines away."

Hearing the word "burning paper", the face of this real woman changed, with a real facial expression.

There were violent energy fluctuations in the distance, and there was a woman with an unusually outstanding appearance, extremely beautiful, and her appearance was peerless.

But she is still a paper figurine, and she encountered the two-headed man who came back to TEXTAT. ET-THJPT San Xiao T. The two didn't know what to say, and they fought directly. I have to say, the mutated double head The person, the strength is really too strong, holding the iron rod in his hand, every blow will pierce the sky.

He is extremely powerful, and the iron rod in his hand shines with immortal light.

If the feathered immortal who has not broken the limit, if he comes to him, it is estimated that he will not be able to catch a stick, and he will directly blow up.

He fought with the paper girl, was extremely strong, and took the initiative to attack. After the big iron rod moved, it lifted up the mountains that had not turned into quicksand in the distance.

boom! There is a magic circle on the mountain, and there are shining runes, but when the iron bar is in the air, it still blasts Dayue away with a single stick, unable to block his path.

The mutated two-headed man is stronger than many people expected. Some teams are watching.

However, I have to say that the paper girl is also very outrageous. She is amazingly strong. With just a paper knife, she can hit the iron rod with a clanging sound, and the light of rules splashes.

The two of them fought fiercely! "Haha..." Hong Teng laughed, his black face was full of pleasure, the two were domineering and the other was tyrannical, their needles pointed at Maimang, so it would be interesting to meet.

Yan Que said: "This double-headed mutant in the Chongxingxing domain has a fierce reputation. There are legends that his master may be an ancient great sage, a foreigner who has lived for a long time, and is in the same vein as Zhisheng. Some people are extremely insensitive."

"Miss!\"" The lifelike maid immediately got up and flew into the sky.

The mechanical beast sighed and said, "Since both heads are working, we can't watch it."

Having said that, it flew into the sky with a bang, and the mechanical iron wings smashed into the void. The speed was too fast, catching up with the maid.

It has the body of a tiger and a leopard, the tail of a big snake, a ferocious wolf head, and an icy metal body. It is very powerful. It wants to tear up the paper man. "You dare!" , is quite loud.

Whoosh, whoosh... other aliens also moved, some wanted to follow the mechanical beast to kill, and some were ready to rush to the double-headed mutant to support.

At this moment, Menglong came back and said that it was from the highest spiritual world, visualizing the land of sacrifice to heaven, and returning in an instant, he didn't know that he and the paper figurine were also fighting, and he attacked and killed Wang Xuan as soon as he emerged. .

As a result, it failed to attack Wang Xuan, but was smashed by Luoxiangong, and the Tuen was immediately bloody, and even a large piece of dragon scales fell off.

It turned its head and disappeared, heading towards Cai Wei, making a quick sneak attack, no matter what, it wanted to kill an opponent and was very vengeful.

In an instant, the melee broke out.

"Menglong, you scumbag!" The mechanical beast couldn't help scolding. It had separated from this group of people who were very difficult to mess with, and had already met the paper figurine. . As a result, the return of the pure-blooded dream dragon caused a three-way melee. "Don't try to run away, bring the chess pieces!" Hong Teng said, he caught up with an alien, and killed a man with demon horns, burning the demon's flesh with black fire.

Chengtian mobilized the broad sword and continued to fight fiercely with the swordfish from the monster sword fairy from the Shenhai Sea. The swords were like rainbows, and they kept colliding.

The demon sword fairy was defeated, and a part of its body, the demon sword, had been cut open by a broad knife like a door, and the immortal runes continued to explode.

"Okay, come and help me!" The lifelike paper maid, seeing the two sides fighting again, was overjoyed and sent a voice transmission to Wang Xuan who was very close to her.

How could Wang Xuan have a favorable impression of the paper figurines? I killed a boat with my own hands, but after hearing the words, I did not say a word,

Soaring into the sky, approaching her.

The paper maidservant was more satisfied and said, "Very good, although the paper saint has not appeared for a long time, the world has almost forgotten, but the paper temple is still..." Boom! Wang Xuan was just an invisible Primordial Spirit Slash, suddenly slammed into her head, the dazzling light erupted, and she screamed.

She had already realized that Wang Xuan had shot, and she was so frightened that she was about to kill with a paper knife, but the mechanical beast was also entanglement and confrontation with her.

taste! The mechanical giant beast wagged its tail, the tail of a giant snake, with a cold metallic luster, pierced the paper figurine.

At the same time, Wang Xuan attacked the mechanical beast, and the nine-color thunderbolt slammed into its body, burning its entire body red, as if it was about to melt into a metallic liquid.

One of the nine-color thunderfires spread directly along its tail, covering the paper figurine.

"You" the paper maid was angry and frightened, such a nine-color thunder and fire simply beat her to death! The tail of the mechanical beast exploded, which was caused by the thunder and fire of the paper figurine and the mechanical beast king Xuan, and the three parties fought together. The paper figurine also burst, and was killed by Wang Xuan with a secret slashing spirit sword wheel, and a thunderfire ignited her and turned her into ashes.

"Come on!\" The mechanical beast blew itself up once, and because it was an active metal, it regrouped in the distance, and greeted the limit-breaking powerhouses in the heavy star field to retreat quickly.

Yan Que, An Hong, Qi Miao and others all inflicted heavy damage on their opponents and began to hunt down.

"Leave the chess pieces, or you won't be able to leave!"

Chengtian shouted, that broad sword cut off the head of the monster sword fairy, Yi Jianyu. It was very powerful. He walked with the sword, and then cut off the next opponent.

"If you don't leave the imperial chess pieces, don't even try to escape!"

"If you don't leave the imperial chess pieces, don't even try to escape!"

An Hong rode the lightning, holding a silver spear in his hand, and rushed to the front, killing his opponent.

"For you!" The mechanical beast was shocked and helpless. It was blocked by Yan Que and Hong Teng, and was blown up again.

It spat out two pawns. It has to be said that their team is very strong, and even it has two on it. It is conceivable that the mutant two-headed man who is the leader should have more on it.

As for Wang Xuan, he stared at the pure-blooded dream dragon and broke one of its horns to study whether it was a great tonic. Is there any theory of dragon velvet? ? It has to be said that Menglong's escape ability is the first in the same rank. The moment he visualized it, it disappeared again. It was extremely resentful. If it came back a few times, the parts on its body would be dismantled.

Reverse scales, tails, dragon horns... It heard it, and the grand thief was talking about making a dragon scale inner armor, and if it caught it again, prepare to cramp and make a belt.

When the rumbling sounded, thousands of majestic and majestic immortal mountains rumbled, and thousands of majestic and majestic immortal mountains disappeared, turned into sand and dust, and disappeared with the streamer.

This means that all the strange objects, those chess pieces, have fallen into the hands of different teams.

Immortal family important place, after the majestic mountain disappeared, it suddenly became very open, there were a total of eleven teams in this place, most of them were stained with blood, the original camp was more, some of them were crippled, and they were forced to stay. The pawns leave the field.

There were even several teams that were completely destroyed, leaving blood and bones all over the ground; they failed to leave. "Everyone, how about we read the scriptures together? Gather the chess pieces together. Otherwise, if you kill like this, you don't know you're going to die. How many people..."-

A beautiful woman in white clothes spoke up, she was the leader of a team.

"However, I prefer monopoly. Even if I can't really clear the scene in the end, I have to drive away some people who are overcharging."

Bar? "

A man in the sky spoke up, he had strong radiant energy, his practice system was a bit scary, let a man in the surrounding high air speak, he carried a strong radiant energy, his practice system was a little scary, let the opponents around him speak All frown.

In fact, all members of the team behind him are like this, with strong radiation and abnormal immortal energy.

Yan Que said: "He is probably from the Luofu Star Territory, where the practitioners, many people take the road of devouring strange things. There are a lot of fairy ore in that star field, which produces violent but extremely high-level energy. Immortal crystals have strong radiation properties, causing all kinds of abnormalities in the supernatural beings there, but the whole thing is indeed very strong."

In the sky, the man's perception was extremely sharp, he glanced here, and then pressed down with a slap, saying, "First try if you are qualified to stay."

Yan Que and the others did not shake hard and disappeared from the spot, dodging the big hand.

With a bang, a huge canyon appeared on the spot, or a five-fingered abyss. It was a large handprint more than a hundred miles long appeared in the shape of a person's palm, and it collapsed into the depths of the earth. . Fall back into the depths of the earth. . At this moment, the mutated two-headed man and the paper girl stopped fighting and stopped fighting.

Because the surrounding environment has changed, and the edge with splendid textures has emerged, spread rapidly, and then intertwined in the entire immortal family.

The entire empty dojo has become a huge chessboard! Then, the fog filled the air, and the place was blurred all of a sudden. Even if he had divine eyes, he gradually lost his opponent's figure.

At this time, the vague sound of scriptures sounded, lingering in the chessboard.

"One of the secret scriptures of Imperial Taoism will be given to those who are destined." This is an obscure fluctuation, an imprint left by an unknown age, telling the scriptures to appear soon.

"Haha, okay!" Someone laughed, then disappeared from the spot in an instant, shot in the fog, and hunted in cold blood.

In an instant, there was a scream.

Yan Que, An Hong, Qi Miao and others gathered together, all on alert, always ready to face all kinds of enemies! Obviously, there are relatively unique people here, there are three-time limit breakers, and there are team leaders, all of whom are extremely powerful and may want to clear the field.

Wang Xuan turned around and entered the thick fog.

"Qin Cheng, where are you going?" At the rear, Yan Que hurriedly called Dao Wang Xuan and responded, "That damned Menglong,

With its special ability, it came to kill me Unforgivable, I will kill it! "mouth"

The pure-blooded dream dragon did come, and it was hiding not far away, but it really didn't make a move. After hearing the words, I wanted to scold me, Sun Thief, you wronged me! But it held back, thinking that the wicked just wanted to provoke it and let it speak out so that it could hunt for it. The fog is now engulfing the place, blocking the eyes of the limit-breakers and their supernatural senses.

Wang Xuan didn't go towards it, he walked peacefully alone, in this big environment, he might be able to "unlock"

Collect chess pieces. . "Be careful, people from Zhisheng's lineage are nearby, they are very terrifying. With one knife, the powerful people who break the limit twice will be killed in an instant."

Someone was on guard in the distance and said: "The mutant two-headed man is extremely terrifying, and the realm is quite high. In addition, the limit is broken, and it is almost invincible in the realm of Ascension to Immortal."

"Liuguang, Nian Mo, and Los San, whose body has strong radiation, are all unfathomable..."

- Some teams were whispering and waiting.

boom! In mid-air, someone was fighting. The mutant double-headed man and Luo San, who had strong radiating energy, faced a violent confrontation with their horses, and then the two teams retreated abruptly.

Not far away, Wang Xuan was alone, walking on the huge chessboard in the thick fog. He was calm and quiet.

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