Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 223: Number of poles - 10 crows

Remember for a second【】

69 Net 69, the fastest update to the other side of deep space! What is the turning point? The strongest true immortal he invited, turned his head and went to greet Lu Renjia.

Then, Zhuo Feifei found out that after Lu could not enter the battlefield of Jinshu and Yushu, he glanced at him and explained to Lu Renjia.

〃hiss! ≈t; He felt his teeth choked even when he took a breath. The supreme real immortal he had invited turned his head and went to join the enemy and sold him.

〃Is this the person you invited? ≈t; Zhuo Yanran glanced at him, if it wasn't for the fact that he had no credit or hard work, he would have knocked him unconscious with another punch.

Wang Deng was also stunned, who is this? Don't know at all.

However, he could feel that the other party respected him inexplicably, and could even say respect, salute him, and his eyes were a little hot.

〃You have found the right path, this is the realm I have been pursuing all my life, in the realm of real immortals, I began to become a master of Taoism, and it is suspected that it has penetrated into the bones. Records, not many! "

This is the reason why he showed great respect and came to pay homage at the first time. This is a devout seeker with a very unique sense of spirituality.

Wang Xuan held him and asked secretly: "There are so many people present, there are many strong people in the late stage of heaven, and there are only a handful of people who found that Xuantian and I used the texture of imperial Taoism to collide, you are only in the realm of real immortals, how do you see What? ≈t;〃My eyes have had lesions, and they are a little special. Besides, I have been accustomed to medicine for a long time, and I have become a Taoist for a long time. If I can’t practice it myself, I can also detect some abnormalities.” Lu Wu is also a secret voice transmission. .

What he has to say is no trivial matter. If the news leaks, he may not have a good end, so his face is serious and solemn.

"Huh?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

〃I found a crack in the space under the sea, and the sea water could not flow in, just because of a piece of flesh and blood, it contains a mysterious texture, shining an inexplicable rhythm, supporting the broken space not to be destroyed, I often go there to observe. "

Lu Wu could actually say such a thing, which is very shocking. If it is true, there is no doubt that the cracks in the space under the sea have secrets that are unimaginable for ordinary people.

Even, there may be something behind the crack, connected to an unnamed place.

After coming to the Transcendent Heart Universe, Wang Xuan came into contact with the Book of Imperial Dao and Qigu, and this was the first time he had received the news of the transformation of flesh and blood into the Imperial Dao.

With intuition, he knew that Yihai had great fortunes!

That mass of flesh and blood has never rotted or rotted, and can support a fragmented space to exist constantly, indicating that its stability is quite amazing.

In Lu Wu's eyes, any goddess, descendants of aliens, and famous goddesses in the heavenly realm are nothing but pink skeletons.

Let him look back at Zhuo Yanran, who has a devil's body and an immortal face, rather than the one with Lu Renjia, which is more attractive and can make him addicted.

In fact, he had already looked down.

Wang Fan: "...!"

He kept his head down and carried his double, this is to meet a stubborn and devout seeker on the supernatural road, a pure "martial idiot".

Lu couldn't raise his head, looked at Wang Fan, and admitted that he was extremely difficult to **** on this road. He often visualized the texture on the flesh and blood of the group of suspected aliens or even true saints, but it was always difficult to "get on the road". The texture is too rough.

〃You are actually going to succeed. ≈t;Wang Xuan opened his mouth, his eyes were intertwined with textures, and he used his spiritual eyes to see a piece of flesh and blood on the other party's body, which was a little abnormal.

"Ah, the dawn is finally coming? Please give me some pointers. 〃Lu can't be surprised. He also feels that he is full of flesh and blood recently. He keeps catalyzing and trying to watch the new chapter 22.

Think, but always remain in the same state.

〃True immortals take the road of imperial Taoism, limited by Taoism and foundation, they can only flow on the surface, your texture is hidden in the flesh and blood, so it is difficult to flourish. "

Wang Xuan could see the essence of the problem at a glance. It was unrealistic to want to root in bones or flesh and blood. He had a solid foundation like him.

Later, he continued to comprehend, and its origin was further nourished and strengthened, and then the world changed, and those textures were really born on the bones.

"But you... it seems that you have the texture of imperialism rooted in the flesh." Lu Wu was very respectful to him. The master was a teacher, and he asked for advice there with the courtesy of a disciple.

〃I, something special. ≈t; Wang Fan said that some factors could not be replicated. He penetrated the life soil and found an inexhaustible transcendent source.

He had told his acquaintances about that kind of origin, but none of them could manifest it, and they could not open up the world behind the land of life.

After coming to Chaofanyang's world, although he was also exploring the rear of the life soil, but now he prefers his own body and spirit.

Because he is not sure whether those source worlds can finally rely on eternity.

He will not give up, but let himself approach the treasure,

The transformation of the whole body into the Dao is also one of his pursuits, because when this path goes to the extreme, it can be determined that even the power of chaos can be used.

At that level, there is no fear of transcendent exhaustion and mythical decay. Any energy, any substance, can be transformed into transcendent power, which can be mobilized and utilized by oneself.

In particular, the time when Wang Ju and a few pieces of Supreme Treasures fought together against the Dark Sky Heart touched him a lot, and both the Happy Boat and the Life Pond were almost destroyed.

On the day of the war, the dark heart was just a broken body, just reorganized, far from being completely healed, and it was incomplete, missing a piece.

But it is still so powerful, mainly because it can mobilize the

^0^ One second to remember【】

The power of chaos, in the depleted universe, still has the dominant power.

If it rests for a while and waits for the cracks on its body to disappear completely, then it is estimated that there will be nothing to do with Wang Xuan and Yu Daoqi now.

In that battle, what Dark Sky Heart said made Wang Xuan alert. It was mentioned before, but it was not that he had never seen a person with a power space pool. It had killed a person with a body pool!

The so-called Alien Space Pool refers to people whose flesh and spirit are connected to the supernatural source.

Of course, Wang Ju is also somewhat different, he is connected to multiple sources.

When he came to the Transcendent Central World, he planned for himself, and he had to explore both directions, but now he is temporarily biased towards the improvement of the body and spirit.

The world behind Mingtu, he will not give up. And the transformation of the whole body into the Tao is also the ultimate goal of his desire.

〃It's difficult, you should go one step at a time. 〃 Wang Xuan said.

〃Yes, I'll keep my feet on the ground and hit the road before talking about other things. 〃 When he saw a living example like Wang Xuan, he was very excited and had a goal.

Because, although Mohudi mentions in ancient books, the true immortals may have the texture of the royal road born in the bones and flesh, but it is not clear.

All kinds of signs show that it is only a special creature that was achieved in a special historical period, and the combination of various external and internal causes.

Wang Deng was calm and didn't tell him that in fact, he had already created his own unique texture of Imperial Daoism.

If this kind of secret is leaked, it is estimated that foreigners would like to dissect him to see what happened.

"Lu Wunan, you were invited by me, what do you mean now?" Zhuo Feifei couldn't help it.

Lu couldn't turn around and said: ≈t;As you said, you are equivalent to 15 blue crows, and I am equivalent to one blue crow, but Lu Renjia he...≈t; The blue crow is blown up, immediately He interrupted him and said: 〃Wait a minute, who said this, who started first? I'm his..."

He just can't stand it, has he become a measure of combat power?

Earlier, when Zhuo Feifei and his cousin were talking like this, Qing Ya had already been knocked unconscious by Wang Xuan without knowing it.

Now, all the acquaintances near the different seas, the "fishermen" of all ethnic groups are present, and he actually heard this comparison, which is very hurtful and insulting.

"Zhuo Feihan, 15 blue crows? You roll over to me, and I'll kill you!" Blue crow is anxious, if this kind of measurement unit spreads, he will really become the biggest joke.

"What's the matter? Compared with you, many geniuses are only 06 blue crows. There are even 02 blue crows." Zhuo Feifei quibble, not feeling that he has humiliated the blue crows, it depends on who to compare with.

〃Then why don't you measure it yourself, your name is Zhuo Feihan, and it is more suitable to be a unit. For example, Lu cannot be equal to 2 Zhuo Feihan. "

〃 I'm not taking care of your face, using me as a comparison object, aren't you 06 Zhuo Fei? It's not an integer, so it's hard to say. "

〃I...! Come here, let's fight! ≈t; The blue crow is anxious. Under the watchful eyes of the public, many of the descendants of the alien race are here. If it is really defined as a unit of measurement today, it will not be removed in this life.

〃To shut up! ≈t; Zhuo Yanran's pure white fist shone, and she knocked her cousin down with one punch, which made him perform a lot of honesty, and this calmed the chaos.

"Lu Wu, you're sorry for me!" Zhuo Feifei shouted.

Although Lu Wu was a young man, he was sloppy and a pure seeker. He didn't care much about other people's feelings when he spoke, and said again: "How to fight? I am equal to a blue crow, and Lu Renjia is equal to 10 blue crows. Of course, 9 green crows. Even if it is a pole number, 10 blue crows are virtual fingers, it can be 1, it can be 15, even 25, etc. ≈t;〃我#! The blue crow is really so angry that its lungs will explode. .

〃Lu Renjia is... so powerful? ≈t;Many people were stunned by the shrinkage of the child's hole.

Zhuo Yanran and Ye Lin looked at each other. They had already realized it. When Wang Xuan and Xuan Tian used the Imperial Dao transformation to fight against each other, although the two of them didn't have special eyes, they also came first by virtue of their extraordinary sense of spirit. Time has noticed.

A group of top celestial creatures showed strange expressions. In whispers and discussions, many of them were incomparable to the road when they were in the real immortal realm.

"Is he that strong? Equivalent to 10 blue crows, or even more than 20 blue crows?" Zhuo Feihan couldn't believe his ears.

"Shut up!" Blue Crow glared at him, feeling that the day was over, and it was about to become a basic unit.

Lu couldn't nod his head and said, "Yes, in fact, 10 blue crows or 10 Zhuo Feihan are the same, because these two basic units, Lu Renjia must exceed the extreme number.≈t;〃..." Zhuo Feihan has no After speaking, I felt like I was on fire, and after a short pause, I hurriedly said: 〃You think I didn't say anything, don't mention me. "

Then, Lu was unable to salute Wang Fan in public again, it was according to the half-master's target, and many people were stunned.

Wang Deng didn't want to accept such a big gift from him, but he soon heard his voice transmission.

Lu couldn't think of inviting him to comprehend the texture of the aliens in the cracks in the space and even the flesh and blood of the true saints, and he would ask him for advice at that time.

If that mass of flesh and blood were to rely on his own visualization, he would not be able to fully understand it.

〃it is good! Xuan nodded, he had no reason to refuse, he was desperate for this texture now, and he didn't want to miss such a meeting.

〃I heard that there is an amazing real immortal who can overwhelm the immortals in different seas. I will take a look. "Outside the golden book and the jade album, someone came walking on the starlight, and the white clothes came out of the dust. This young man was full of heroism, calm and calm, and his eyes were deep. It has a lot of origin, and the whole body is surrounded by Dao rhyme.

^0^ One second to remember【】

〃Zhou Xuan, it turned out to be him here. It is reported that he has swept across a star field, and he has nothing to do with the real fairy field in the next starry sky. If the ability is undefeated against the real fairy of the five realms, his real name is likely to be left on the golden book and jade book. . 〃 Someone spoke.

Even the top sky-level high is moved. The person who comes here is definitely an amazing person who belongs to a rising star.

Zhou Xuan in white arrived, looked at Wang Yi, and challenged him.

〃I'm going to fight him. ≈t;Lu couldn't speak, he wanted to stop this famous descendant of aliens for Wang Xuan.

"The texture of your flesh...≈t; Wang Xuan looked at him.

"It's really changing, I should be more than a blue crow now, and I'm steadily improving, thanks to your guidance.≈t;Lu Wu really didn't regard him as a peer, and he respected him very much.

His behavior made many people in the distance look shocked, how could Lu be serious?

"Okay, you can go." Wang Xuan nodded.

Everyone became solemn. The strongest true immortal in Yihai regarded Lu Renjia as a half-division, very formal and serious, and now he was going to represent him to face the supreme true immortal Zhou Xuan who came from the adjacent star field.

Xuantian's snow-white tortoise shell was stained with blood, UU reading www. said: 〃 This little brother Lu Renjia is not simple, what is equivalent to 10 blue crows, it is far less than accepting one of the strongest true immortals as a disciple, it is extraordinary. "

When this battle broke out, Lu was unable to face off against Zhou Xuan in white.

At first, I have to say that Lu Wu was clearly falling down and was covered in blood, but as his flesh and blood became more crystal clear and his combat power continued to increase, he gradually stabilized.

In this battle, the two of them were evenly matched after they were killed. The sky and the earth were eclipsed by their shopping. The sun and the moon were dull.

puff puff!

At the end, both of them vomited blood, and each stumbled back. It ended in a draw, and they could not fight any more, otherwise some people might die, and some people would lose their origin.

For a while, the people watching the battle were silent, and many people were not looking at the two supreme true immortals after the end of the battle, but looked at Lu Renjia.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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