Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 324: night fishing king

The courtyard is full of moonlight, it is a soft night, quiet and peaceful,

Now it smells bloody.

A squirrel was sucking moonflowers from a tree in the courtyard, but now it's terrifying. The fluffy fur stood up, and it turned back. It was the only creature who witnessed the truth. It was seen that the kind demon king who fed it several times was covered in blood and was caught in the night sky.

"Squeaky..." it screamed, but to no avail.

Wang Xuan's body was in severe pain. The huge fishing structure was as thick as an arm, and the tip was sharp and sharp. It pierced through his flesh and blood, and penetrated through his heart, forbidding his entire body of Taoism.

The blood flowed and tickly fell into the night. In fact, he didn't even have the strength to roar. Rumor has it that this kind of fishing tackle is the karma fishing rod of the ultimate alien. And it is reported that it actually has a more mysterious source, from the old holy period. Wang Xuan's spirit was also suppressed and hurt, and he couldn't move.

There was no blood on his face, and there was white sweat all over his body. This kind of pain was indescribable, making him unbearable, like stabbing his soul.

His vertebrae were broken, and the hook was mercilessly pierced and cracked. The sharp hook came out of his heart, and the tip was bent upwards, straight to the side of his head, flowing runes.

After all, this is a tool that can catch aliens. As a true immortal,

No matter how powerful it is, and its strength is particularly outstanding, it cannot resist.

His Primordial Spirit was stinging along with it, making his spirit a little dazed.

Almost passed out,

Most of his body was stained red with blood, and the moment Wang Xuan was banned, he was taken away, giving no time to react at all. He disappeared into the night sky and disappeared.

Wang Xuan wanted to struggle and sent out a little vibration of his primordial spirit, but it was useless.

Has entered the void of Mohu and disappeared from the real world.

He realized that even if he could send a message, it would be useless. At the moment, no one on the Black Peacock Mountain could stop this enemy, because the old man from the Black Peacock Clan was in Wujie Mountain and had only come back twice in the past 20 years.


Obviously, this was not an accident, it was specifically aimed at him,

A secret and successful hunt was made against him,

Who is the enemy? Wang Xuan endured the severe pain, and for a while, he thought of some people, but he was not sure.

The problem is very serious, he can't even wake up the sleeping Yudao flag, and his spirit can't convey any fluctuations.

Phone oddities? I can't count on it at all, I'm not around!

For 20 years, he has been in retreat, and his mobile phone wonders have traveled the world from time to time to experience the so-called "temperature".

Moreover, it is here, and it is estimated that it will not help. When it was free, it also took the initiative to find trouble, adding various difficulties to Wang Xuan and letting him go.

Wang Xuan's soft white clothes at home were dark red, and blood was oozing out constantly.

At this moment, he deeply realized that all external forces are empty,

Only one's own strength is fundamental.

There was no way for him to be caught just like that.

Between the ups and downs of his thoughts, the time is actually very short. In an instant, the stars change, the time and space change, and he comes out of the void.

Obviously, he was caught in an unfamiliar starry sky, and he didn't know how far he was from the Black Peacock Holy Mountain.

Wang Xuan entered the world again, and as the Karma fishing rod was pulled up, he was pulled away and approached the source area.

It was a magnificent mothership, far larger than a planet. It was suspended in the dark universe, blocking a large area of ​​starlight. The icy hull gave people a heavy sense of depression, like a steel continent traversing the star sea.

He was pulled closer.

On the cold giant ship, there is a man standing above the hull, really fishing in the starry sky!

"Fish, I caught it, it's not bad!" he said, his spirits fluctuating little.

He was wearing long-barreled dragon leather boots, which were retro, but the trousers and coat were modern, and the material was rather special.

"Immediately make a space transition and stay away from this star field where the Black Peacock Holy Mountain is located." He has short black hair and looks about thirty years old. He looks ordinary, cold and serious.

"This trip is really smooth!" From the ships larger than the planet, a woman's crisp laughter came out, and the mothership was activated.

Wang Xuan was silent, enduring severe pain, and found that the opponent's lineup was huge, and the two people who showed mental fluctuations should be extraordinary!

Which force is this? People who own a causal fishing rod are anything but ordinary. He thought of the last time when the strange thing on the mobile phone took the initiative to let him face the line of fate and karma, and then someone used it to anchor him.

But at that time, the line of cause and effect was messed up, and Wei Bo cut him off. He took Wang Xuan away with a treasure cloth bag that covered the sky and covered the earth, and put it into the Garden of Fortune.

This time the hook is reproduced, and the owner behind it has such a huge mothership.

Wang Xuan was taken into the ship's cabin, and the fishing rod was violently smashed into the metal chamber.

The huge force hit him so fiercely that he couldn't make a sound even if he wanted to groan. His mouth was full of blood foam. He hit the metal wall. , and suddenly dyed the walls red.

"The old peacock is not at home, and the mountain guard is still so strong. Fortunately, there is such a fishing tackle, otherwise it would be really difficult to take him out."

A woman walked in, with long fiery red hair and a red dress, she looked very gorgeous, her face was fair, and she had a happy smile.

Her face was full of spring breeze, her eyes were like water, and she was very soft, but Wang Xuan was full of disgust towards her.

Although it is in the mothership, this metal secret room is full of immortal charm and has nothing to do with technology. Both the walls and the ground are made of rare secret gold, and are engraved with regular runes, which are specially used to imprison the extraordinary.

The woman came and squatted down, looking at Wang Xuan lying on the cold ground, and said, "Demon King Kong Xuan, although he has been out of sight in the past 20 years, he is still in the dozens and hundreds of nearby star fields. , you are still very famous, you have the reputation of the first true immortal vaguely, and you are not necessarily weaker than the distant Sun Wukong.

Wang Xuan stared at her, unable to speak, motionless, looking at her quietly.

"I'm very dissatisfied, aren't you? In the realm of true immortals, in the hundreds of stars, you are quite a bit difficult to defeat, but what can you do? You haven't been caught like a fish."

She looked down with a smile and said, "It's useless to look at me like this. Your eyes are very calm. Are you calm in your sheep's clothes, or are you thinking of revenge on me in the future? You have no chance!"

As she said that, she patted Wang Xuan's face with her right hand. This kind of behavior was quite humiliating. If it were normal, according to the character of the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, it would definitely blow up.

"Young, the demon king Kong Xuan is in a stable mood, his eyes are not turbulent, this is different from the legends in the outside world, so calm, I thought you were going to explode wildly in an instant.

The woman looked at him, then began to search.

Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, his eyes changed, and he stared at her stubbornly.

"Oh, my eyes are finally turbulent. It seems that there is something good on me. Let me look for it. Well, I hate your unfriendly eyes." The woman said, poking his finger on his forehead, warning: "When you get here, the number one true immortal in the Hundred Domains is just a prisoner, so please give me a better attitude.

She quickly turned over the fragments of blessed land that Wang Xuan used for storage, and then probed for his life soil.

Wang Xuan wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move at all. He sighed silently in his heart, this time he really fell into a big trouble.

Other things are easy to say, things related to Demon King Kong Xuan, such as the mace, etc., he takes with him, even if it is taken away, it is nothing.

Important books, great medicines, etc., as well as the black iron rods and Yixian bows related to Sun Wukong, were all put into the void area behind the life soil by him, so don't worry.

However, the most important utensil, the Imperial Road Flag, was planted on the life soil by him!

According to his original intention, if there is a crisis of life and death, he will wake up the flag when it is finally necessary, but today is too unusual.

The karma fishing rod originating from the old sage period, silently breaking through all obstacles, he did not react, so he pierced him, imprisoning his body and primordial spirit, and he couldn't even wake up the sleeping Yudao flag. .

"The power that does not belong to oneself will always leave serious flaws, and sooner or later there will be accidents." He muttered to himself, but the urgency was useless at the moment, and he was powerless to change anything.

Sure enough, the life soil was probed, and the Yudao flag was pulled out by the woman in red.

"Strange, this little flag is a little unusual, and I can't see it through." The red-haired woman muttered to herself.

Wang Xuan's eyes showed cold eyes, staring at her intently, hoping to show that he was very concerned, so that the woman could further explore the flag, thus awakening the sleeping killer.

"Don't activate it, and don't use your primordial spirit to investigate deeply. I have a feeling that this may be a great weapon, probably a rare treasure that can only be held by the most extraordinary people."

A man in a black coat walked in, reminding him that he was ordinary in appearance, with a stern face, looked at Wang Xuan, who was on the ground, and asked coldly, "What is the origin of this flag?"

Saying that, he personally took out some of the bright fish hooks,

It made Wang Xuan feel a lot better and was able to speak.

Wang Xuan endured the pain and wanted to use his Primordial Spirit to attack the Imperial Dao Banner and wake it up.

However, with a bang, the man attacked first, blocking his spiritual power with the light of the primordial spirit, and kicked the fish hook, pierced him completely again, and completely imprisoned him.

Then, the man in black picked him up, smashed him directly on the metal wall, and said indifferently, "Don't play tricks in front of the super peerless world, I feel your primordial spirit will fluctuate, in front of me, don't move your spirits The power of the realm, I only allow you to open your mouth to speak."

He slammed into the metal wall engraved with runes so fiercely. Wang Xuan's other parts were fine, but the fractured vertebrae were even more painful. He felt that his whole body had been cut in the waist, torn into two pieces, and his blood was stained red. ground.

After coming to this universe, he has never been so humiliated.

The red-haired woman said, "There is something wrong with this flag,

Let's not move. When the master returns to the mothership, we will hand it over to him.

Now put it into the Demon Sealing Room, an absolutely quiet space to avoid problems.

"Would you like to take a look at that eldest lady?" the man in a black coat said.

"No, if the legendary item is recognized and taken away by her, the loss will be too great. Even if the master asks for it, it may not be able to get it back."

Soon, they disappeared from here.

Wang Xuan's heart sank, these two are extraordinary, and their master is likely to be a stranger!

This kind of Taoism is no trivial matter. There was originally an alien on the mothership, and I don't know where it went.

If he wants to fight back, he must act before the aliens return, otherwise,

Most likely there is no chance at all.

In addition, who is the eldest lady mentioned by the two people? Wang Xuan's heart was heavy, and he had a very bad premonition. Could it be from the True Saint Dojo? !

After all the teacher of the two may be a different person, and he also called another woman like that. This time the trouble is big, and he is in an extremely bad life and death danger.

What can he do?

If the other party kills him immediately, then he really doesn't have any chance, but it seems that the two of them have no such plans for the time being, and have other purposes.

"Don't give me a chance, if the confinement is lifted, let's settle the account!" Wang Xuan silently waited for the opportunity.

"How is it? This is a thorn in the Five Tribulation Mountains, and it has a great reputation." A pleasant voice came from outside the metal secret room, from a young woman.

"Just fished out, and haven't been carefully interrogated, the process that should go will be gone, continue immediately, and then look at it at the end, so that he can make the most of it perfectly." This was the voice of the red-haired woman.

Wang Xuan's heart tensed. This does not seem to be his personal grievance. It may involve Wujie Mountain. The woman who asked the question should be the eldest lady, who is suspected to be from another True Saint Dojo.

He allowed himself to meditate, hold his breath, and just give him a chance to pull the hook, whatever they were.

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