Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 338: Test Sword True Holy Dojo

Being despised by others, considered to be based on family background and ignorance, this is the first time Wang Xuan has encountered such an encounter, and he can't refute it, only action can be done.


The most important thing is that the women in blue clothes, the men in black clothes, and others are very indifferent. Although Fu is very serious, he really looks good for him, so he doesn't want to be the third generation ancestor.


Wang Xuan did not block the road outside the mountain gate. He walked to a pool, stood on a large bluestone, took a deep breath, and began to meditate.


"The descendants of the true sage must have a look. They can't act in a high-profile manner under the name of their ancestors and swagger around. What you represent is not completely yourself, it is also about the dojo behind you. If you have no style, every move, It is shameful for you to make the most supreme beings of your clan face dull face.


The four young men and women were unsmiling, and Jianxiu's sternness, decisiveness, and stubbornness all followed and educated him directly.


"Have you asked me how many years I have practiced in total?" Wang Xuan sighed. However, the four of them looked at him with a single glance, and they stopped talking, as if they were talking deeply and saying nothing, and ignored him.


Even, two people turned around to go back to the mountain gate.


This is completely unconcerned, I like to talk or not, never ask, no matter how confident you are, you will not be given a chance to express, a few people are so cold and stable.


"Hey!\" Wang Xuan sucked in a mouthful of transcendent factors and stopped talking, hurry up to meditate and prepare to break the limit!


He could see it, don't talk too much about He Jianxiu, just put it into action, break the limit, be better than swords, be more powerful than them, better than anything else.


These people's thoughts are not bad, but they are isolated from the world, which makes them seem a little impersonal.


Wang Xuan worked hard in Yihai for 15 years. Originally, his Taoism has steadily improved, and he is very close to breaking the limit. Earlier, he was just pursuing a natural success.


His background is deep enough, facing the ancient dojo in front, there is an indescribable feeling, like facing a broken giant sword, a super prohibited item!


It has an unparalleled edge, as well as a grand and heavy Dao rhyme, which makes Wang Xuan's Daoism and potential somewhat stimulated.


So, he felt very much and wanted to break the limit here.


-In time, the pores of Wang Xuan's whole body dilated, and the primordial spirit shone, and the whole body was full of vitality.


After his eyes were injected with the Daoist rune, the moment they opened, it was like two immortal swords flew out, making a clanging sound of swords.


Looking at the dojo again, he felt that the whole world had changed. In the mountains, there was a big sword. Although it was broken, the cold light split the sky. It was stained with blood and stuck in the mountains. Wang Xuan was moved, this ancient dojo is really not simple, most of its rhythm comes from such a big sword.


At this time, although he was outside the field, he still felt the edge, and he was invincible. He wanted to cut through the vast years, split the sea of ​​extraordinary light, and have the strongest aura that cut off the past, the present and the future. What you can see is the rule. , is the texture, is the real rhythm of kendo.


With a booming sound, a sword energy rose up from Wang Xuan's body, tore through the sky, and went straight up.


As an outsider, it is naturally impossible for him to directly obtain scriptures from such a supreme dojo, but the grand sword intent and rhythm infected him, triggered the sword intent in his heart, and let his flesh and spirit linger. , there is an invincible kendo true rhyme surging and releasing.


He is really not weak in the field of kendo. When he was in the mother universe, he practiced the slashing sword on the golden bamboo slip, and cultivated it into a world-shattering sword wheel, which was invincible.


After entering the super universe, when he and Wu Tian went to copy the backyard of the true saint, they accidentally found a scarecrow, and even got 4 pages of sword scriptures from there, which is mysterious and unpredictable.


Now, Wang Xuanbao's appearance is solemn, and every inch of flesh and blood has a sword light lit up, and then it spews out from the pores.


His primordial spirit is even more dazzling, as if it has transformed into a sacred sword embryo, with a sense of immortality, eternity, longevity, and a sharpness that destroys everything.


The blue-clothed woman and the black-clothed man were stunned. Huo Di turned around, stood on the high ground and looked down. They were all sword cultivators. They were most sensitive to this kind of sword intent and were extremely surprised.


Even the two who turned and walked towards the mountain gate also stopped abruptly, turned around quickly and turned back to look at the tall figure standing by the pool.


"Standing in the real fairy field, such an invincible sword intent is really rare!" One person sighed.


"He is also a sword cultivator? This kind of kendo true rhythm, not to mention true immortals, is also very impressive among heavenly supernatural beings." Another person said.


Around Wang Xuan, a storm of extraordinary factors formed. He began to absorb the super-substances from all directions, and then resonated with his sword intent.


-Time, a huge tornado appeared, accompanied by sword energy, piercing the sky and the ground, the scene was grand, his breath was improving, and his Taoism was growing.


The four of them showed different expressions, this saint grandson is really... going to break the limit on the spot?


The transcendent factor was absorbed, Wang Xuan's body glowed, the storm was weakening, his body was like a bottomless pit, and it was swallowed directly.


In addition, a sword wheel appeared outside his body, and the sword light condensed, like a dazzling divine ring shrouding him in it, making a sonorous sound. His fleshly body is very dazzling, flowing with sword light and sword intent, and the sword wheel of the same rule is of the same origin.


The same is true of his primordial spirit, which forms a protective sword light and turns into a dazzling divine ring, covering his spirit in it. His parietal bone resonated with it, and the texture imprints of his imperial road were intertwined.


Wang Xuan broke the limit four times, and successfully passed through. He did not meditate to cross the pass, but just stood on the big bluestone of the water pool to complete all this.


When all the regular sword lights, Dao Yun, and transcendent factors were restrained and submerged in his body, the place returned to tranquility.


He still didn't move for a long time, staring at the depths of this ancient dojo, with the blood-stained sword in his eyes, as if he saw the picture of it splitting open the world in a certain era and fighting the extraordinary universe in blood. It is a super prohibited item.


With a bang, his body was like a divine sword, with a sharp edge, causing the void to distort and collapse, and he came back to his senses completely.


\"Several, I'm fine, I will worship the mountain again." Wang Xuan said, and he jumped off the huge bluestone.


The pools and the bluestones were not damaged, and there was a faint sword energy flowing. It was not that he intended to protect them, but that they themselves were difficult to damage.


This is an ancient Taoist site. It used to be a place of worship for all ethnic groups. It looks peaceful, but even outside the mountain gate, it is extraordinary, and there is a flow of Taoism back to nature.


\"I take back what I said earlier and underestimate you. Jianxiu-Xiang Yijian meets friends, do you want to enter the mountain gate? Let's compare swords." The young man in black walked out.


\"Okay!\" Wang Xuan nodded, no longer polite, and no longer low-key talking about looking for people, if you don't want to compete, just follow their rhythm.


With a clanging sound, he held an iron rod in his hand, which he used as a great sword, holding it with one hand and pointing at the opponent. "I'm already a superhuman in the early days of Heaven." The man in black who came from the heights said.


Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "Jianxiu, don't worry about this, just talk about swordsmanship, and pay attention to the opposite direction. Come on, speak with the sword in your hand and express your heart!"


Even if he is not human, the Jianxiu present understands his current self-confidence. This is a sword in hand, and he has completely entered into that kind of self-respecting kendo artistic conception.


According to past experience, such a person is not stunned, and if he wants to become a sword madman, he really has the aura of giving up on me, who can push the enemies of all directions horizontally, and can reverse the transcendent who is higher than his realm.


Of course, it can't be too outrageous. The gap between Daoism and practice is too big. Even if you are a genius of the world, your soul will be broken by a sword!


The man in black who came over stopped talking, and his aura changed suddenly, a ray of light suddenly burst out, all the voices disappeared, and the other scenes disappeared. Only him and an divine sword were left in the mountains.

His endless sword intent, as well as the texture of the royal road, were all integrated into this sword, lashing out, as if shattering the shackles of time and space.


At this moment, all things in the world are silent, only this person in the world is moving with a sword, drawing a beautiful and splendid trajectory, and slashing to the front.


I have to say that the revived Chongxiao Dojo is very terrifying, and Wang Xuan is moved. The first person who competes with him can show such a field of swordsmanship, which is really extraordinary.


Everything disappeared, and it was dissolved by the sword light, as if it had cut off all people's cognition and memory of the original world. Only this sword traversed the world.




Wang Xuan used an iron rod in his right hand as a big sword. He was truly amazed. After the sword was used, it covered everything, and even the real world was blurred. However, he was not affected. Now his whole person is like an unsheathed divine sword, and even his primordial spirit is blooming with sword light. The moment he started, the world returned to its original state, and everything in the world was still there. So vivid.


With a thud, a majestic sword light radiated from the black iron rod, extremely thick, as if a mountain was swept out, meeting the opponent's sword intent and the divine sword itself. In this area, the sword light smashed through the sky, split the void, and the amazing Dao rhyme expanded, sweeping out with the two at the center, like a galaxy bursting with infinite light, where it was born and destroyed.


In the end, the man in black was covered in blood and flew out. The divine sword in his hand was full of cracks, and his mouth was full of blood, and he slammed into the distant mountain gate.


"Senior brother!" The other three rushed over and helped him up.


Obviously, the man in black has a high prestige and status in this dojo, and is a powerful person.


Wang Xuan nodded secretly, as it should be, if anyone who came out could catch his powerful sword intent right now, this Taoism would be too terrifying.


\"I have been taught, the sword is grand, sturdy, and invincible. It is indeed incomparably powerful.


Harmful. \" The man in black wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.


Wang Xuan nodded, stuck the iron rod on the ground, and clenched his fists to express his apology.


Here, the vegetation is not alarmed, and it has not been destroyed by the two swords.


"I'm here to learn and meet friends with swords." The woman in Tsing Yi came off the stage.


"Please!\" Wang Xuan is no longer humble this time, and has figured out their style. If you say anything polite, maybe he will be regarded as a prankster, so let's fight!


Even if it was a woman, he didn't intend to show mercy, let the water go, and come as he pleases.


Obviously, this woman in Tsing Yi is not ordinary, her senior brother has been defeated, she is still as confident as before, standing on the high ground to shoot. With a bang, thousands of sword qi swept up, and she held a hundred thousand swords, densely packed, and a large number of "flying swords poured toward Wang Xuan like a torrent.


At a sudden glance, the sky was crowded and covered by flying swords, as if the stars were falling from the sky, all of them lashing down, this scene made one's scalp numb.


A dazzling sword light erupted from Wang Xuan's body, turned into a divine ring, and enveloped him, the runes circulated, and the defensive power was amazing, but his most important thing was to attack.


Holding an iron rod in his right hand, he performed the first form of the four-page sword scripture obtained from the backyard of the true saint. Today is different from the past. His understanding of this article has improved several levels and he has realized the true meaning.


When he swung the **** iron rod with one hand, the sword intent was vast, as if it slashed through the large cosmic space at once, and then the sword solidified the time and space silently.


The densely packed flying swords that poured down like a torrent were all frozen, and the whole world seemed to fall into absolute stillness.


Even the woman was struggling, and she was imprisoned.


Of course, when Wang Xuan himself was urging this sword, he was also under great pressure, sweating on his head. The more he understood the true meaning of this sutra, the more he sighed. explore.


Wang Xuan swung the pitch-black iron rod with difficulty, dripping sweat, disturbing the tranquility of the still time and space, and it seemed to break the balance all at once.




The 100,000 flying swords and the immeasurable sword energy were all pushed out by his iron rod and big sword, like a monstrous wave rolled out, shaking the clouds in the sky.


The woman in Tsing Yi coughed up blood, accompanied by her flying sword, flew upside down, and smashed onto a huge stone pillar in front of the dojo, causing a glow to rise from there, blocking her castration. \"Pfft!\" After falling to the ground, she spat out another mouthful of blood.


"Promise, who else wants to make friends with swords?" Wang Xuan clasped his fists and changed his style. Whether it was a man or a woman, he swung the sword directly, and the effect was good.


These people's eyes changed when they looked at him. Their expressions were solemn, but they were not malicious. This was a kind of gaze when facing a real opponent. There was no contempt, and some just paid attention.


Wang Xuan thoroughly understands their pulse, come here to compare swords with heart, respect the opponent, then defeat them in an open and fair manner.


Outside the mountain gate, there were two people left, and they didn't do it again, because they realized that they were really not opponents.


"Please!\" This time, the man in black and the woman in blue directly invited Wang Xuan to enter the mountain gate. Wang Xuan didn't want to see him earlier, so he drove him away, and now let him enter the dojo surrounded by high-level magic circles.


In his heart, he asked the strange object of the mobile phone, how is this dojo, is it dangerous?


"From the current point of view, their true saint should not be in the dojo, and the style of the Chongxiao Palace has not changed. It is still so rigid and hard, and it will not count against you."


\"If you have any questions, take me away!\" Wang Xuan said.


Then, he walked generously and followed them into the mountain gate.


As soon as I entered this grand dojo, I walked out not far, and someone came in front of me, and someone made friends with swords and wanted to compare swords with him.


Come on then! Wang Xuan does not refuse anyone who comes, and immediately accepts it.


This is a pair of men and women, who are going to end at the same time, and it attracts a lot of people to watch. Obviously, these two people are not small in Chongxiao Hall.


After the fight, Wang Xuan immediately knew their extraordinaryness, this man and a woman, the man used the true solution of the sun, the woman used the true solution of the yin, the sword light of yin and yang flew out, and they were invincible.


At this time, Wang Xuan used the 4-page Sword Sutra which was obtained from the backyard of the true saint, and combined with his own understanding of the Primordial Spirit Warfare, he extended the Sword Sutra to the spiritual realm, and visualized the sea of ​​stars in the universe. At the end, around him, the galaxy is vast, the sword light is ten thousand, and the dark iron rod sword runs through this sea of ​​stars and smashes out, as if carrying the power of the sea of ​​​​cosmos, and descends.


puff puff!


The yin and yang sword lights of the man and the woman were scattered, and their bodies were covered in blood. Even their primordial spirits were suppressed and fainted.


Wang Xuan was invited into the dojo and walked all the way forward, facing eight masters in a row. They were all famous people in the dojo, and all of them were defeated by him, and those people were actually very powerful. \"That's it, if the realm is similar, or a part higher than him, the pure kendo field can't suppress him, and if you want to defeat him, you can only rely on the high level of Taoism." The man in black who was injured earlier said.


"Let the four-time limit-breaker in our dojo end up fighting swords." Someone suggested.


\"Forget it, at present there are no four-time limit-breakers in the real immortal realm in our dojo, and they have already been promoted to the middle and late stages of the heaven level, so it is meaningless to compare swords in this way."\"


Finally, when no one made another move, Wang Xuan calmed down and said immediately, "Brothers and sisters, I'm here to find Jiang Qingyao. Is she in the dojo?"


"Are you looking for little junior sister?\" Someone responded to him, it was the woman in Tsing Yi who had discussed with him earlier.


Wang Xuan was shocked. He had the same name and surname. Was he the same person he was looking for? Fairy Sword is here and became the little junior sister of this ancient dojo?


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