Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 351: 1 letter from the future

Wang Xuan and Jian Xianzi were stunned at the time. Is this the flesh and blood of the mobile phone strange object? Earlier, it was actually indifferent, and even said that it was evil.

When it mentioned this piece of flesh and blood, it said that there was a problem, and that it was not a kind of good. Therefore, it was struck by Chaos Thunder as soon as it was born!

The health furnace was silent, and he became more and more convinced that this inhuman monster was the one with the most serious psychological problems. He didn't even remember his own body?

At the same time, it is deeply terrifying. What is the origin of this monster?

Is the strange object of the mobile phone a super prohibited object incarnation, on the must-kill list, and killed in a certain era, leaving the true spirit?

Or, is it caused by the blood of a certain Supreme True Saint splashing the sea of ​​​​stars, and a part of it remains?

The health furnace pondered, and had some vague answers in his heart.

"No wonder there is some familiarity, it's actually my flesh and blood." The mobile phone strange thing said, there was no change in his tone.

Wang Xuan didn't laugh, it's so abnormal, thinking about it makes people feel terrified.

Whether it is a super-transfiguration treasure or a supreme true saint, this identity is very scary.

"Do you remember the past?" Jiang Qingyao asked in a low voice.

"It's still the same." The mobile phone strange thing said, it was calm and unwavering.

It has no mood swings, and is just as flat and calm as usual.

Wang Xuan doubted again that it might know everything, and it didn't have the so-called amnesia, just didn't want to say it. "Would you like me to send you an inspection to find out what species this is?" he suggested.

Fairy Jian nodded and said: "Yes, let's test, which clan is it from, but you have to cover up the secrets, or you will be struck by lightning."

The strange thing on the phone said: "I thought you two would

Said, go to a pot of broth to make up for yourself. "."how is this possible! Wang Xuan directly denied it. 2 The mini version of Jiang Qingyao muttered softly: "Although it must be a great tonic, what if it is human flesh and blood?" "

"You little thing, do you really think so?" The screen of the strange object on the mobile phone turned into a wisp of black mist, like a flick of a finger, a bang, and a sound on Fairy Sword's forehead, she couldn't avoid it at all, and the pain was so painful that she hurried to go. rub,

Said: "It hurts me to death, you said it yourself, how can you blame me!"

Then, the mobile phone wonders went deep. The palm-sized flesh and blood had white broken bones and bloodshots in it, and it was still fresh as a whole. "Are you...all right?" Wang Xuan asked. The health furnace also felt that although the strange object of the mobile phone was calm, it still attached great importance to this piece of flesh and blood, and it seemed that something had been researched.

"Do you know why it was struck by Chaos Thunder?" After a moment of silence, the phone suddenly spoke.

Evil! Fairy Jian was about to open her mouth, but after thinking about it, let it go. Her mouth was happy, but it would be too worthless to be flicked again.

"Why?" Wang Xuan asked, not wanting to mess with it, but also wanting to know.

The strange object on the phone said: "Because it does not belong to this world, it is not allowed in this big universe, and it should not appear in this space and time."

The health stove looked at the strange objects on the mobile phone and the flesh and blood, and there was a sense of horror when he saw a pair of cold eyes when he traced back the history.

"I have studied it, and this should be a letter written to me. It does not belong to this space and time. Only this kind of earthenware pot that can deceive the sky can carry it. I received this letter."

Yazheng's migration language is true


Dodo frowned,-

Hidden by the stormy sea, it made his mind difficult to calm down,

What kind of means is that?

"Who wrote your letter?" Jiang Qingyao asked. The strange object on the mobile phone said: "I wrote it to myself, to be precise, this piece of flesh and blood wrote it to me."

The health furnace found that the strange thing on the mobile phone was not so calm. It seemed that it was the moment of fate, and he did not read the letter immediately.

Jiang Qingyao felt that it was getting more and more secluded, and it was completely invisible, as if facing an abyss of the universe. "A long time ago, when a certain era ended, it was too tragic. This piece of my flesh and blood was sent to the future. I wanted to see the unknown future, but I didn't expect to receive the flesh and blood letter that it turned into today, waiting for me in the underground palace. arrival."

It levitated, the screen dimmed, it was pitch black.

To see or not to see? It hesitates.

"The future is full of variables. If you look at it, it may change again and again, which means you haven't seen it." It whispered.

However, any creature is full of curiosity, and when an ultimate answer is in front of you, it is difficult not to watch. "I'll just pretend I didn't see it," it said.

Then, it activates Flesh Letterhead!

The flesh is glowing, the bones are snow-white, and the dazzling runes are extracted by the strange objects of the mobile phone, forming the rhyme, which evolves into handwriting, and the words are short, only four words.

"Maintain the status quo!" The strange object on the mobile phone was fascinated and read it out directly.

The word appeared, the sound fell, the flesh and blood, including the bones, exploded on the spot, turned into fly ash, and then completely disappeared from this world.

The body of the supreme creature, the forbidden-level flesh and blood, just disappeared, Wang Xuan looked and looked.

The strange object of the mobile phone is hanging in the air, and the screen is foggy, as if thinking about life.

"There is another object in the flower pot, do you want to look at it?

Look, is that another letter for you? "Wang Xuan asked.

"Take it out."

Under the soil, another object was pulled out by Wang Xuan. It was much lighter, and it had nothing to do with flesh and blood. It was a dry rhizome and had no life.

Moreover, after it was exposed to the world, it did not attract Chaos Thunder, and there was no response.

If this rhizome was thrown on the ground, no one would notice, it was very common, but since it was put away in a flowerpot, Wang Xuan felt that it should be unusual.

"What is this, it's nothing unusual." Fairy Jian took it and looked at it again and again, but found nothing unusual. The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Let's put it away first. This should be the strange object that should be in the flowerpot. It is probably the roots of some great medicine in the old holy period."

"Plant the place where you grow the tea tree." Fairy Jian said to Wang Xuan, this is for him to put it in the world behind the life soil and try to plant it.

"I'm leaving, I'll see you later when I have time." Wang Xuan said, preparing to leave this dojo, because he felt that the true saint of Chongxiao Temple was coming back soon. Neither he nor the mobile phone wonders want to meet the supreme creature.

"Ah, is this gone?" Jiang Qingyao felt very suddenly. After being together for half a month, she left a lot of laughter and laughter. She was very happy, but she was a little disappointed when they suddenly had to part.

Since entering the new universe and far away from her homeland, she finally saw an old friend, and she never thought that they would be separated again so soon.

The universe is very big, and across the sea of ​​stars, it is not easy to meet each other, and she is a little reluctant.

Wang Xuan said: "Don't worry, we can get together when we're fine. Don't forget, the mobile phone is the best at hurrying."

Then, he seemed to remember something and said, "Are you looking for the plaque of Chongxiao Temple? Maybe, I have some solutions here."

"What's the solution?" Jiang Qingyao was puzzled. Even the true saint was still in the process of investigating, but he has not yet found it. "Is there anything related to the plaque in the dojo? It's better to have a bigger cause and effect." He asked Fairy Sword.

Jiang Qingyao said, "I'll go ask." She was about to go down the mountain. "Let me ask directly." The health stove opened its mouth, and it triggered a ripple, which can directly communicate with aliens in the distance. After all, it is a treasure, and its divine power is unpredictable.

Soon, it received feedback that a piece of material with the same origin was originally reserved for repairing the plaque, but it was never used.

"Get it and use it." Wang Xuan said, he was in a hurry and didn't want to delay here, hoping for a quick solution.

This time, he was only exploring a general direction, and he didn't dare to fish. That thing was the core object of the most advanced magic circle, and it was very dangerous.

Moreover, it would be even more terrifying if it fell into other True Saint Dojos.

Of course, for this vague detection method, he had to consult the strange objects on the mobile phone.

"Visualize the target, when the karma fishing rod changes slightly, stop it immediately." The strange thing on the mobile phone ended the state of thinking about life, and it also urged, leave as soon as possible, the true saint is going to return.

Everything is ready, and soon the materials are sent. In addition, there is a real photo of the plaque, which is provided by the mobile phone, which was taken in the past.

The health furnace was shocked. This monster has the courage to record everything. Before the sixth century, the Chongxiao Hall, where all the ethnic groups worshipped, and the core of its magic circle, did it take pictures?

Wang Xuan held a pot in his arms to cover his breath. He held a fishing rod and threw the hook violently. 2 After waiting for a long time, the fishing rod reacted, and the fishing line appeared, glowed, and trembled slightly.

Wang Xuan resolutely stopped and did not dare to continue. If he fished into the True Saint Dojo, the fun would be great, and he might be re-fished, and he would die without knowing how. "There are more than 4,000 stars apart, the coordinates..." The mobile phone is too professional, and it is extremely sensitive to space. ! Jiang Qingyao quickly recorded it and left it to the true saint to explore.

"There is a specialization in the surgery industry, I'm just good at running, and the rest is ignored." The mobile phone strange thing is still low-key.

The health furnace does not believe that the other party's past background must be terrible, and it is very likely that it is a super prohibited item of transformation. For it, transformation and flesh and blood are the most insurmountable mountains in the treasure field.

"Seeing that you are so diligent and conscientious, meeting is also a fate. I will pass you a form of transformation. Practice it first. If you can hit the road, come back to me later and follow up for you."

When parting, a sacred texture flows on the screen of the strange object of the mobile phone.

The heavyweights also left Ruohao Zhisheng Huiluyuan: I am here, what to say and what not to say, you can decide for yourself. "Wang Xuan said, and then let it take care of Jiang Qingyao.

Although he has a good impression of Chongxiao Palace, he is able to help in this way because of Fairy Jian's face. She wants to practice here, and this place will become her new teacher, so that she can find those beautiful and warm memories of the past, as if Back to the master gate where the old soil of the mother universe was destroyed.

"You have to take care. The universe is very big and dangerous. After all, strange things on mobile phones are monsters with big problems, and they are very likely to be unreliable."

As they parted, Jiang Qingyao whispered to him, no matter whether the phone could hear it or not, it had to be told. "I know, when you're gone, take care of yourself and practice well." Wang Xuan turned around.

The golden vortex flashed and he stepped in, waved his hand with his back to her, and disappeared from the True Saint Dojo in an instant.

"Wait, the situation here is reported anyway."

In the deep space, there was a separate dojo in Silent Hill, and the two aliens were afraid for a while. Not long ago, they had to bite the bullet and sacrifice prohibited items.

That is really an adventure. If a true saint comes here, after being provoked, the two of them have nothing to do, and they will die instantly.

Fortunately, the worst thing did not happen. Although the Chaos Golden Lotus was lost, there was no supreme being to exude coercion against the two of them.

However, the five-layer alien-level magic circle was not damaged at all. How did the opponent get in? If it is not the advent of the true saint, it is a bit unreasonable.

On that day, this dojo was suddenly overwhelmed by dazzling rays of light, and the stars in the sky were about to fall. Everyone in the dojo was blank, their thoughts were stagnant, and the entire time and space were still.

After a while, the two alien talents recovered, feeling extremely shocked, the true saint of the Silent Hill has come! 1

"Unexpectedly, that extra-world zombie actually came out of the burial ground in Silent Hill. It's a bit too much. Is this going to end in person?"

In the deep space as far away as possible, the strange object of the mobile phone opened, and it hung beside Wang Xuan. They haven't left completely, and are following the follow-up events.

Originally, the strange object of the mobile phone was left to determine who the true sage of Chongxiao Temple was, and whether the incomparably strong person who died in the sixth century had a miracle and recovered.

It did not expect that before the return of the true saint of Chongxiao Temple, the zombies of Silent Hill came out.

"Will Chongxiao Hall be in danger?" Wang Xuan couldn't sit still. The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "No, he is the master of the great cause of the family. He dares to destroy the Chongxiao Hall, the disciples of the Taoist lineage of Kujiling, and there will be no left in the future."

Even if the true saints are opposed to each other, they seldom hunt and kill each other's disciples, etc., and do not resolve the true saints.

Level opponent, UU reading www.uukanshu. com to do those things, it will also attract the right

reciprocal revenge.

Wang Xuan asked: "He is waiting for the return of the true saint of Chongxiao Temple, will the two supreme creatures fight?" "It is not until the end of the era that the true saints easily do not fight, and the impact is too great. He came in person, it is estimated that Like me, I want to determine the palace of this era of Chongxiao Palace.

Who is the HL master, wait. "

After hearing about it, Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to see Chongxiao Temple being broken into and turned into ruins, and he didn't want to see Fairy Sword and experience the blood and pain after the slaughter of the teacher.

After half an hour, the strange object on the mobile phone had a feeling and said, "I'm back!"

Wang Xuan suddenly became energetic, and he was also curious about the origin of the true saint of Chongxiao Hall. Above the sky, the sea of ​​​​stars seemed to be extinguished, and it was completely dimmed. There is only a sword light, boundless, penetrating the world, vast and magnificent, the brilliant sword light covers the universe, like spanning the past, the present, the future, everywhere!

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