Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 375: The imperial city and holy temple are unfathomable

hell, real fairy area, in the wilderness

A little far from the No. 4 stronghold, a Time Tower is suspended, obviously this is the handwriting of Time Tian.

Camping in the wild, the "small cave dwellings" brought by the people of the True Saint Dojo all have the rules of time flowing, and the defense is amazing.

There is a lot of space in the tower. A woman in black stands on the high platform above the stairs, her black hair fluttering in the streamer, a little cold, but when she smiles, it is as bright as a spring flower.

She looked at the woman in white under the stairs and said, "Ran Ran, do you know that the quality inspector is here."

"Shaohua, you don't have to taunt me with the word "quality inspector" every time, he is Kong Xuan. I was indeed defeated by him last time, and was exiled by the division to explore the way, but you were sent here before me. Ran Ran was dressed in white, showing a little dust, her silver-white hair fluttered in the fragments of time, and her face had an unpleasant color.

Obviously, Wang Xuan underestimated the heritage and determination of the Guixu Dojo. Although he abolished Ran Ran, Jing Zhongyue, and Mu Wuya, the True Saint Dojo did not hesitate to consume the wonders of good fortune to help the disciples recover.

Because this trip to **** is too much, and there will be a list of must-killers, so that the true saints are eager, as long as it can increase the Daoism of the disciples of this sect, what is the creation of strange things?

True Saint Dojo can afford those materials, and is willing to, in addition, there are foreigners who help and help Ran Ran recover.

The black-clothed woman Shaohua smiled, but the corners of her beautiful face were also slightly cold, and said: "The person of the power of the ruins, who has lost the face of our time, actually kneels, shame! You are too embarrassed to talk about me. , I was sent out because the Dao Xing was too strong and hurt my fellow sect, and you were exiled in disgrace."

Ran Ran's face changed, and she said: "Okay, you are lofty, you are lofty, you are a real 4th time limiter, but do you have the power of 3 Ruins? Go and arrest Kong Xuan in person, I will follow you and see you Show off your power! I'm afraid that you will also lose miserably at that time, and you will also be defeated, and it has been verified that the so-called real 4th time limit breaker actually only has the power of a ruin!"

She has been having a hard time recently. She has been run on several times, and now she is provoked. She counterattacks the black-clothed woman Shaohua, who is a powerful core disciple of Shitime Tian.

Black-clothed Shaohua still smiled, nodded reservedly, and said: "Well, you can follow the road in a while, several dojos are encircling and suppressing the quality inspectors, I may not be able to take action, take you, the pseudo-4-time limit-breaker, to go up. experience."

Ran Ran's chest was up and down, and she was stimulated again and again. It was enough to mention the three words of quality inspector, and she also said that she was a fake four-time limit-breaker.

"Okay, I'll go with you, the imperial city sees Miss Shaohua showing her power, you must be careful, don't get caught by Kong Xuan and press it on the ground, it's not as long as I can support!

Heiyi Shaohua immediately reprimanded when he heard the words: "Shut up, several true saint dojos have brought people to harvest Kong Xuan, do you think they are all as useless as you?"

In hell, in the wilderness, a bunch of firelights are very hazy, completely composed of Dao lines.

A yellow paper boat was immortal in the firelight, and not even a corner was burned. This is the cave house brought by the disciples of the Paper Temple.

"Jing Zhongyue, what do you think of Kong Xuan's strength?" A man in yellow stood on the bow of the yellow paper boat and turned to ask the core disciple of the Paper Temple.

Jing Zhongyue's life was also very difficult. The last time he was in Wujie Mountain's other courtyard, he joined forces with Ran Ran and Mu Wuya, and was suppressed by "quality inspector" Kong Xuan alone, and he fell to his knees and couldn't move.

That battle became a stain that he could never wash away in his life. Like Eun Ran, he was recovered from the magical creatures consumed by his division, and then he was exiled into **** to expand his way. Jing Zhongyue bowed her head and said, "Senior Brother Shang Zhou, you are a true 4th time limiter, and your way of doing things is unpredictable. Killing Kong Xuan will not be a problem."

Shang Zhou was very calm and said, "Junior Brother Jing, you are too cautious, there is no need to compliment me like this. However, if Kong Xuan is really here this time, then he will be dead."

He was standing on the bow of the yellow paper boat, with short silver hair that seemed to be beating like a cluster of bright white firelight, flowing with the texture of imperialism.

He looked into the depths of the wilderness of **** and said, "Not only us, but the major true holy dojos, which one will see him? Some people say that he is a quality inspector to test the quality of the true holy dojos who have broken the limit 4 times. It's flattering and killing. Kong Xuan, does he think this is an honor? The way of death, once he goes to hell, he will be immediately surrounded and suppressed, and he will soon be gone!"

Soon, he received news from the Transcendent Secret Network. After reading it, he said, "Let's go, we should go too, the other families have already left!"

Jing Zhongyue kept her posture very low, nodded and said yes,

Said: "There are senior brothers and others who take action, Kong Xuan can't escape with his wings, he will be killed by those who have broken the limit four times, and he will become a "wanderer" in the hell. "

In the wilderness, a remnant ruins are very hazy, and there are traces of chaos in the air. This is the cave that Guixu Dojo brought into hell.

"Let's go, don't live, just die Kong Xuan, avenge Junior Brother Yuantian!" The leader said, this is a tall man, with blond hair floating, and a dazzling rune light.

He is the core disciple of the Guixu Dojo, the real 4-time limiter, named Zhuo Tianming, the person in charge of the road expansion in the real immortal zone of hell.

Beside him is a purple-haired woman named Zilin, who is not only a real 4th time limit breaker, but also a descendant of the true saint of the Dojo.

Her snow-white face was cold and she said: "Kong Xuan, self-righteous, do you think he is great? Using the power of a ruin to eliminate me to return to the ruins dojo, this is not young and frivolous but stupid! Shame a true saint dojo, there are people who can survive Is it? Even an extraordinary person has to die! He is about to pay a **** price for his words and deeds, and it is useless to rely on the Five Tribulations Mountain.

She had a beautiful face, but her voice was cold, and said, "Besides, Wujie Mountain can't do it anymore, this rotten ship will be violently overturned and torn apart by the waves of the times in the near future. All of them will die without a place to be buried!"

In hell, in the wilderness, the group of people from Silent Hill was hurrying on their way. The leader was a white-haired woman with a golden light on her body, and her eyes were so deep that they were almost empty.

She is a relatively special person in Kujilling. She lived from a corpse. She was first refined into a golden body, and then she became a human being. She followed the path of the true saint of Kujilling.

Mu Wuya followed her, very cautious. Hell, after getting the news, several of the people from the world outside the dojo set off to surround and kill Kong Xuan, very tacit understanding!

Because, when the power of Yixu became a "hot word", when the three words of quality inspector were shouted out, many of the core disciples of the major true holy dojos felt offended.

Especially the dojo, which suffered a great loss, is now justifiable and has enough reasons to kill him.

Besides, the Five Tribulations Mountain Dojo is dissatisfied, so what if you don't forgive? They're all finished, and in **** who cares about their opinions.

Originally, there was a competitive relationship between the various avenues. Everything was based on strength, and the behemoth that was about to fall was now ignored.

After the fact? If you ask, it is all a conflict between the disciples, and there is no "old senior" end.

Someone posted a message on the **** forum through the extraordinary secret network.

"Everyone, let me make a preview. The quality inspector is about to be surrounded and suppressed. Either he will die tragically, or he will break out of the encirclement. Hell will be turbulent and lively. Well, I hope that the quality inspector really appears, instead of Kong Huanxi, Bai expecting ."

Suddenly, the superhumans in the whole **** were shocked.

Moreover, the person who sent the message also relayed this notice to the universe through the extraordinary secret method, but there would obviously be a delay, at least it would take a few days to reach it. Because, not only is the journey far away, this is simply a cross-universe, and a lot of news has to be sorted out before it can be sent back. At present, some secrets in **** cannot be released to the public.

The strange thing on the mobile phone informed: "Whether it's the true bible text or the must-kill list, I think it should be lost in important places like the Holy Imperial City and the Mechanical Holy Temple."

After Wang Xuan heard about it, he immediately felt a black eye, no future, no hope, where are those? The heart of hell!

Can he get in? Although he has broken the limit, he is only a true immortal, and he is not an alien with the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, and he is not a true saint with unparalleled Taoism.

Besides, the kind of person who comes in and wants to pierce through **** has to die, and there has been more than one death incident.

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "Your interpretation is wrong, **** is so vast, and there is no end. You can regard it as an outer universe that is always adjacent to the transcendent center. The Holy Imperial City, the Mechanical Holy Temple and other places are only important places in the real fairy area of ​​hell. One, it's not a place where there are prohibited-level rules."

Wang Xuan was stunned for a moment, just listening to the name, his eyes darkened, so it turned out to be what he understood.

The strange thing on the mobile phone added: "Of course, it is said to be the real fairy area, but if there are aliens, or even the real saints, it will not be good in that kind of place. This kind of imperial city and holy temple can naturally attract unparalleled masters in an instant. ."

This also leads to the fact that the true saint does not come to hell, and the aliens almost do not show up. It is too dangerous to come here in person.

"In the True Immortal area, are there many core places at the same level as the Holy Imperial City and the Mechanical Holy Temple?" Wang Xuan asked.

The strange thing on the mobile phone responded: "Not much, but there should be some. The pattern of **** changes quickly, and every era is changing. It's hard to say this time."

Wang Xuan said: "Holy Imperial City, Mechanical Holy Temple, if it is a city of true immortals, can I kill it directly and pierce it in one step?"

"Courage is commendable, but are you sure you want to do this?" The mobile phone sighed and said, "The true saints don't dare to be so direct, they have to join forces."

"Imperial city, holy temple, what are the horrors in that kind of place?" Wang Xuan asked.

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "Take the Holy Imperial City as an example. Among the big cities below it, each city has 5 times the limit breaker sitting in town, or the monsters of **** or the wanderers left in the past. money!"

It added: "Furthermore, in some big cities, there may be more than one person who has broken the limit five times, all of which are accumulated in history and consist of the living and the dead."

Wang Xuan became serious, **** was more terrifying than the true holy dojo that was singled out.

At the very least, so far, the Outer Worlds have not dispatched 5 Limit Breakers.

Even the strange objects on the mobile phone are very solemn, saying: "The main reason is that, one era after another, the accumulation of **** has become more and more unpredictable, and no one has been able to clear it. At present, it has developed into a deformity."

Wang Xuan frowned and said, "Can the imperial city, holy temple and other places be understood as black holes, and those who break the limit will not be able to fill it up?"

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "The imperial city, the holy temple and other places are really unfathomable. If you kill yourself in it, you will definitely be besieged. The 5 breakers there are absolutely terrifying. Moreover, it is conservatively estimated that at least There are a few creatures with the most precious resources. Moreover, it can mobilize the city lord to support from the big city below. The living and the dead come out together, and the monsters and the wanderers attack together. You can imagine that kind of scene."

Wang Xuan is speechless, those who have broken the limit 5 times, the former heavenly figures in history, the famous true saint disciples, etc., will reappear in the imperial city, holy temple and other places. This is really very tricky.

Before he continues to break the limit, that kind of place is indeed a dead place.

Being surrounded and suppressed by a group of limit-breaking creatures of the same level, who wouldn't be concerned? Even the mobile phone wonders, they dare not revive the power of the forbidden level in hell.

Wang Xuan said: "Hell is a big pit. For serious 5-time limit-breakers, it is enough to go to those big cities to grind. Once you go to the imperial city, you will die."

"Can you be an unruly 5-time limit-breaker?" asked the strange thing on the phone.

Wang Xuan said: "I am very serious, but I am determined to penetrate all the core areas of hell!"

Suddenly, he looked up and saw a large group of strong men flying over the distant mountains, saying, "What's wrong with those people, are they sick? It's okay to practice in the wilderness."

Soon, he felt something was wrong, not long,

Another group of people passed by, among them Chao Peerage followed, covering up their murderous aura.

"Probably, it's not that they're crazy, but they want you to be crazy." The strange thing on the phone said.

Wang Xuan naturally realized the seriousness of the problem. He joined the two groups of people in the past. Looking at the direction, he should be heading towards the dilapidated small town earlier.

"More than one True Saint Dojo wants to encircle me?" Naturally, he didn't stay on the spot, he was always on guard, and he was not far from another city.

His face was a little ugly. The people from Yaoting were the first to find him, and they chased and killed him all the way. Now they have retreated, and other homes have come.

"Speaking of which, my elder brother, Wang Yusheng, is wanted by the true sage of your demon court. I haven't settled with you yet. As a result, now, inexplicably, he has come to provoke me again. You are forcing me to wait with you in **** for a while!"

His eyes became deep. Before coming to **** this time, he had no contact with Yaoting. He just learned from the health furnace that the true saints of this Taoist lineage may come from the mother universe like them and belong to the "pioneers".

"It didn't matter to you at It's enough for you to provoke me. You also provide information to other dojos and let people hunt me around. Do you feel that you are very detached, looking down at me from the outside?!"

Wang Xuan left quickly, entered the wilderness, and then rushed towards the area where he encountered the demon court earlier. He wanted to touch it secretly and find a suitable opportunity to hunt this group of people.

"Actually, you should pay attention to the **** forum, um, someone gave an advance notice just now." The strange thing on the mobile phone said on the road.

Wang Xuan glanced at it quickly, his brows were deeply furrowed, it was definitely news released by a true saint disciple, and he looked at this matter from a so-called detached perspective and accurately predicted it.

And, this person is posting on the **** forum again.

"It's confirmed, the various avenues have been dispatched, and the quality inspector Kong Xuan is being surrounded and suppressed, and a big drama has begun!" At the same time, the poster also sent this news to the current Xinghai.

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