Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 383: Hell Riot

, the fastest update to Deep Space Beyond! (Correction, the woman in black who was photographed in the previous chapter should be Shaohua.)

The ripples formed by that ray of light were astonishingly lethal. As Wang Xuan's gaze reached, the alien monster, the tongue, shattered and disappeared.

Standing in the fog, Wang Xuan was a little dazed. After reminiscing about the feeling just now, he realized it again, and he should be able to use it next time.

"Turning reality into nothingness is reflected in the attempt and application of techniques." He concluded.

He felt a little mentally tired. It seemed like a random blow just now, but it consumed a lot, mainly because the level of Dao rhyme involved was a little out of line.

This withered and yellow paper is very mysterious. At present, it is difficult for him to probe its roots and to determine its source.

"Huh?" He wanted to reproduce that technique, but found that the power at the spiritual level was not enough to create another "ripple of light".

Although he hasn't fully tested the attack just now, he is sure that it is a killer, but he can't use it in a short time.

Standing in the thick fog, he looked at the misty, hazy, distant and detached light from the world in the distance, and he knew that he could not get close at the moment.

"How do you feel?" Wang Xuan asked the strange object on the mobile phone. He was in the fog, as if he had escaped from the world full of rotten dust and a bit false.

"It's not simple." The strange thing on the mobile phone responded, floating on the side, the screen glowed with a faint black light, like eyes, scanning the surrounding environment.

"What is that light in the depths of the fog?" For the mystery and puzzlement, he directly asked the phone, it might have an answer.

"I didn't see the light." The strange thing on the phone said.

"What?" Wang Xuan was surprised, is there any area that it can't explore?

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "In hell, I can't fully recover, otherwise there will be an accident. Even so, I also realize that the weirdness around you is a bit outrageous."

It frankly said that even the fog could only see a small piece of Mohu Lake, but more of the rhythm of Dao, surrounding Wang Xuan and the unknown place ahead.

It didn't see the spectacle, but it could feel that Wang Xuan was standing in an unusual place, which was quite strange.

At the same time, its screen is facing the withered page of paper, taking pictures carefully, as if thinking and researching. "What do you think of this piece of paper and scriptures?" Wang Xuan asked again.

At the same time, he summed up the gains and losses of this retreat.

The presentation of the mysterious properties of paper, as well as the change of scriptures, are naturally the highlights. His most immediate gain was that he had just mastered two secret techniques.

The first method is to stand in the fog that others can't see, and temporarily disappear from the world.

The second method is the use of the ripples of light. With one blow, the living beings in this world are scattered and gone.

In general, these are the use of false and real Dao rhyme, of course, this is only a superficial appearance, and it can also get involved in a deeper inner core.

But he can only do so far.

He felt that a third method could be evolved in the near future.

Based on the first two means, "disappeared" or "disappeared", he was thinking, whether it can be transformed into something in the fog? From nothingness, real objects or creatures evolve for his use.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "This page of scriptures has a lot of doorways, and some flavors of nothingness and existence."

Wang Xuan was shocked and said, "You are talking about the non-existence of super-transfiguration prohibited items?"

"Well, that's right, it's like a struggle between nothing and something. It's interesting." A strange mist flowed out of the strange object on the mobile phone, and he looked and looked around the withered yellow paper.

Unfortunately, it found nothing in memory. "It has something to do with them?" Wang Xuan was moved.

The strange object on the phone said: "It shouldn't be them. They only have some similar characteristics. Moreover, your scriptures can be practiced in two ways, inversely, and their paths are still different, and the overlapping parts are not very the same."

Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to be involved in the slightest cause and effect with the super-transformation prohibited items ranked first and second, he really couldn't bear it.

Yes, that's all. No, for so many years, he has disappeared, or he has tossed himself away.

These two are on the other half of the must-kill list. The health furnace just glanced at the monsters in that field in the long sky of history, and suffered a serious mental illness.

He looked up, although others couldn't see it, but he could find that the fog was very thick, rising high, and rushing towards a blue moon in the air.

A huge moon, as if it was about to fall to the ground, was so blue that it appeared unknown when it would appear. "There is also a moon in hell," he said to himself.

Obviously, the blue moon and the slightly reddish sun in **** belong to the Dao rhyme level and should not be real objects. He hadn't seen the blue moon before, but it was new this night.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "The deep blue moon begins to appear. Generally, there is a new change in hell, whether it is good or bad. It is a sign of some kind."

Outside the small town, the cow demon's tensed body and face finally relaxed. Being licked and licked, it was scared to death, and it was unbearably disgusting.

Suddenly, the yin-yang dog, the black swan, the bull demon and others appeared in front of their eyes, and they could see the deep blue moon in the sky and the surrounding scenery clearly.

Gradually the degraded perceptions came back, and they began to recover.

Around them, all kinds of monsters haunted, and they followed Mohu just now, darkened and almost disappeared.

Obviously, the huge tongue monster was the highest Taoist among them, so he kept his true self and approached the bull demon.

Wang Xuan appeared, and the fog disappeared naturally. He also put away the paper and put it back into the world behind Mingtu.

"It was hit by the ripples of light and shattered into nothingness. It probably had the strength of a true immortal to break the limit 4 times." Wang Xuan made a judgment.

This is very impressive. His magic technique directly kills monsters at this level in seconds. There is no doubt that it is a real killer.

It's a pity that after one hit, it can't be used continuously.

Moreover, the conditions are too harsh to use it. He needs to comprehend the scriptures and enter the mysterious place in the fog, but he doesn't know whether to hold the withered yellow paper.

Wang Xuan looked at the huge blue moon in the sky, and had an urge to get close to it, go to the moon to see what was there, the moon evolved from the rhythm of hell, and whether there was anything in it.

Then, he took action, flying higher and higher, trying to get closer to the blue moon.

But in an instant, he was horrified, turned into a stream of light and flew back quickly, because the supernatural sensor was automatically activated, and he felt that there was something between the clouds in the nearby Dandan ground, which was very dangerous.

Sure enough, as soon as he returned, before returning to the small town, a behemoth appeared in the clouds and mist in the distance, getting closer and closer. It was a rotting dragon with a huge long knife on its back. It was a dragon with a knife. A wanderer, the realm is very high.

In addition, there is an old centipede tens of thousands of meters long, with a thick black and gold body, incomparably frightening, bigger than many heavenly dragons, flying silently, hovering high in the sky, and then going away.

"The centipede is approaching the alien, and the knife carried by the rotten dragon should be refined by the alien." Wang Xuan made a judgment. Rogues, appearing at night, haunt the wilderness.

Therefore, even if it is a true immortal-level area, if you do not guard a city, but rush outside in the middle of the night, there will be a serious crisis of life and death.

In fact, several other dojos are going through it now. They have already gone to hell. As an advance team, they have been going smoothly and have not encountered any crisis.

But today, one after another, everyone in the demon court is gone.

Now, when they returned, they saw a blue and faint full moon, and then they were besieged by wanderers in the wilderness, not just a few monsters, but densely packed, boundless, as if all the wanderers on this land were besieged. attracted.

"We are going to have an accident. We encountered a large number of wanderers in the wild and were besieged. It was like a riot in hell, and even the alien-level weapons were activated!"

Someone is communicating with the headquarters in the safe zone, and they are extremely anxious. If they are a little careless, they may follow the footsteps of Yaoting and die outside.

Over the years, it's not that they haven't walked overnight, and occasionally there is danger, and they can deal with it with Inhuman-level weapons, but tonight is different.

Blue Moon appeared, and **** seemed to be rioting.

"I was locked by a wanderer's divine chain, which penetrated the primordial spirit. This is probably my last word. His attack method is very similar to the top real immortal who died here in the ancient times of our Time Heaven Dojo."

In the flying fragments of time, the chain smashed the person who was talking, causing him to decay instantly and turn into dust under the power of time.

In the safety zone, the person who was answering the phone was instantly horrified.

In fact, at this moment, the headquarters of the various sects received news that the fellow disciples in the wilderness were either asking for help, or leaving a last message. During the call, they heard screams and someone was being killed.

In the wilderness, far away from the city, it will not break the balance rules, the super peerless nature of the true holy dojo has activated the inhuman-level weapons, fiercely fighting against the rot in the sky Next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

Rotten Golden Crows, Flying Silver Ants, Nine-Star Golden Drifting Insects, etc., as well as terrifying wanderers rushing out of the underground soil.

"Quick, kill over there, I remember there is a small town, not very far away, we enter the city, there are too many wanderers here, there is no way to kill them!" Shaohua of Shi Shitian shouted, the black dress was stained with blood, She was covered in fragments of time.

Around her, the rules of time have been transformed into divine chains, fairy swords, interpretation of the realm, and strangulation of rogues. She also has an Inhuman-level weapon that swept away thousands of troops and opened the way in one direction.

Zhuo Tianming's long blond hair fluttered in the return to the ruins dojo, following Chao Peer's side, and also following the sound transmission, asking all the families to unite and kill the small town.

The super peerless paper temple, holding a long spear, the flames of super civilization boiled, burning the sky, and immediately overturned the super peerless rotten golden crow in the sky, and led the disciples and disciples forward.

This night, when several dojos entered the wild, they were severely impacted, and some people lost their lives.

Fortunately, the small city is in sight. On this night when the blue moon was lifted into the sky, they finally did not fall into a desperate situation. The so-called **** balance rule also applies to wanderers.

Wanderers who surpassed the level of true immortals can naturally follow into the city, but once all Taoist activities are activated, they will be self-destructed.

"What's the situation, it's so lively?" Wang Xuan came to the gate of the small town and pulled a few guards aside. He looked at the end of the horizon.

At this time, he didn't dare to take off, and stayed near the small town. This night was too dangerous.

He saw that the end of the horizon was densely packed, the sky and the ground were full of creatures, and they were chasing and killing a large group of people, which was quite tragic.

Including the rotting dragon with a long knife that swooped towards him earlier, and the 10,000-meter-long old centipede, they were all attracted, emerged from the clouds, and chased after them.

"People from several dojos, is this late-night training? It's really dedicated." Wang Xuan muttered to himself on the city gate, and then kicked several wanderers who rushed towards him into Chengzhong.

Under the city, bull demons, yin and yang dogs, and black swans are all slandering. That's escaping for life, and the quality inspector can really speak nasty words!

At the same time, they can see that they are worthy of being quality inspectors. They don't care about anything. They occupy the gates of a city so strongly that they are not afraid of causing a riot of monsters in a city.

Of course, several demon immortals are more worried about themselves, when will they be silenced? After seeing the withered paper, they felt that there was no way to live.

Several dojos rushed towards a small town that was not very far in the distance. The town where Wang Xuan was sitting was regarded as a twin city on this plain.

Heaven-level masters and super peers suddenly restrained their breath, fearing to break the balance rules of hell, a group of people took the real immortals as the sharp sword team and rushed into the city.

Fortunately, this is a small town, and there is only one four-time limit-breaker sitting in the town, and the number of teachers will definitely be able to win it together. Of course, there are too many monsters in the city, which is quite troublesome and requires them to clean up with all their strength.

In the middle of the night, the city was rioting, shouting to kill Zhentian. Although they had an absolute advantage and the upper hand, they still lost a lot of energy in the face of the monster attack in the city, and it took a long time for the place to quiet down.

Wang Xuan watched the whole process. At this time, he no longer pulled and kicked the wanderers who were guarding the city. He wore the holy relic fragments obtained from Wu Chengdao, which was very shocking to the monsters on the city gate.

He regretted that those wanderers, including the 10,000-meter-long old centipede, and the rotting dragon with a knife, did not go to attack the city and flew away.

After the small city opposite the Twin Cities was completely clean, some people stood on the gate tower, looked out in all directions, and looked at the environment of this plain.

Immediately, someone was stunned, and with divine eyes saw the situation of another city in the Twin Cities, there was a familiar face, it was Kong Xuan!

He seemed to be very leisurely, sitting on a rattan chair with a table, making tea and drinking on the city gate, while watching the situation on their side.

"Kong Xuan is not dead, all the people in Yaoting are gone, he is still alive, and, it's too hateful, is he laughing at us by drinking tea and watching the fun?"

In the current Xinghai, a lot of waves were caused, and the demon court advance team was completely wiped out. This news really scared many people. "Could it be that the quality inspector Kong Xuan did it?" Many people doubted this.

Hell 5 Broken Immortals introduced the details, mentioning various bloodstains outside the city of chaos, as well as the fragments of super peerless weapons.

Many people were discussing it, because it was indeed a coincidence that Yaoting had just provided information about Kong Xuan's whereabouts and information to various dojos, and in a blink of an eye, they died by suicide.

"Everyone, Kong Xuan is very likely to be dead, and he has never appeared. And tonight, there is a sudden change in hell, the blue moon is lifted into the sky, and the rogues riot."

Hell 5 Po Immortal told him that he went to investigate the situation tomorrow morning. Under the terrible upheaval of hell, even the people who entered the wilderness of several True Sacred Dojos may have an accident, and the quality inspector Kong Xuan walks alone, which is probably enough.

Hell, one of the twin cities, Wang Xuan looked at the end of the earth, and the strange object on the mobile phone told him that when it lifted off, it saw a familiar city.

A very special city that can move, the city of hell!

Back then, the women it valued could look down on all the people in the True Immortal Domain, and had fought fiercely in that legendary city.

"It shouldn't be the city of God now." The mobile phone wonders sighed, where there had been a very **** battle. "Oh?!" Wang Xuan was surprised.

The girl who never forgets the strange things on her mobile phone, the city of **** she once fought, made Wang Xuan interested, and he wanted to take a look after dawn.

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