Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 386: Into a giant city alone

Tianchao City is huge in scale. Although it is mottled and old, it still belongs to the famous fierce city.

Wang Xuan is here again, starting from the familiar city, and he has only been to this giant city so far.

He watched from mid-air, the blood on the main street in the city had not dried up, but the smashed monsters were gone. He frowned. Although he was familiar with this place, he had no special feeling, and Yaoting had been thinking about it all the time. If the main force came, he would still prefer this place.

He went away, across the wilderness.

"How can it be so fast, don't you have to unlock the light of God's Illumination? However, it is easy to reveal your identity." He couldn't keep up, and his forehead was sweating.

He believed it a little. Kong Xuan was coming for those "famous cities" and wanted to attack them alone?

Some of his dojos have also received news. In the past two days, each family has been active, and they have arranged eyeliners in the wilderness, including domesticated birds and beasts, refined mechanical moths, tiny ants and so on.

Wang Xuan didn't care, he rushed past, and even passed the four giant cities, but he didn't take a fancy to it.

Some cities are so dilapidated that they are almost destroyed. This kind of giant city is used to prevent the sudden attack of Inhuman-level weapons. It is estimated that it is not enough.

For some giant cities, the environment is too harsh. For example, a famous and fierce city - Insect City, the monsters in the city are full of insects, and the **** silkworm is nothing more than centipedes, cockroaches, snakes, and spiders of various colors... Creeping and moving, there are not more than 10,000 types, but also thousands.

The city is full of colorful fog, which is a regularized toxin that can hurt the primordial spirit. Unless all the poisonous insects in the city are wiped out and thoroughly purified, it cannot become a clean and closed place.

The key is that there is a worm, an ancient worm, and a humanoid worm. They are all 5-time limit breakers, and they are not weaker than his other giant cities. It is very difficult to attack and the price is very low.

"This city is not bad, with a rare and elegant environment, like a garden of gods, not like a bad place where monsters are entrenched." Wang Xuan took a fancy to the fifth giant city.

The city was lush green, with giant vines entwined, ancient trees towering, and full of life, but he soon discovered the truth.

When he threw a snow-white hellbird he caught from the wilderness into the city, he let it fly away at extreme speed, soaring into the sky, and he couldn't escape.

The quiet giant city rioted in an instant. Those big trees and ancient vines all went crazy. When they opened their eyes, they saw faces. The branches and vines pierced through the sky, making crazy screams. Bloodthirsty.

All kinds of branches turned blood, the roots of the trees rose from the ground, and the grass and trees flew in the air.

"Forget it, there are no cute monsters yet." Wang Xuan resolutely gave up Baicao City.

Finally, another giant city attracted Wang Xuan's attention. It was huge and magnificent. Although it was old, the city walls were complete, and the formations made it solid and immortal.

There are relatively few monsters in the city, standing in an orderly manner. Moreover, he threw a boulder in from the city gate. It was not a riot in the city. Only a few monsters showed strong hostility and rushed over.

"Very good, the streets are clean and tidy, there is not so much blood stains, the whole city is orderly and not chaotic, relatively speaking, it is very peaceful." Wang Xuan spoke highly of it.

It's a pity that the sense of satisfaction can't last forever. There is no problem with the city, but it turned out to be the Jedi that is famous in the world - the City of Five Immortals.

It has been remembered by various True Saint Dojos, and has a large number of detailed records. It belongs to an extremely dangerous giant city. There are five true immortals who have broken the limit five times.

Among them, there are four true immortals, from different true holy dojos. After careful calculation, this is the city of blood and tears of several families. , left a name in ancient history.

Five Immortals City originally only had one **** native monster that broke the limit 5 times. It is the city owner here. There is no doubt that it is top-notch and powerful. It has only been beaten a limited number of times in history, but it has been restored by hell.

By its own power, it slowly evolved this place into a city of five immortals.

Although Wang Xuan is confident, he has even inspired the bull demon, the yin and yang dog, and others to say that he will not attack the city arrogantly after 5 times of breaking the limit.

After all, he just wanted to find a clean place to retreat. When the dark blue moon rises at night, he will not be attacked by manic wanderers and dead men of the True Holy Dojo.

"After I break the limit 5 times, I will come here to visit the places of interest." He turned and left.

In the end, he came to the city of hell, a city where all the strange things on the mobile phone floated out automatically and looked at it silently.

In the past, the Divine City did not belong here, not in the area governed by the Holy Emperor City and the Mechanical Holy Temple, but at the end of the earth, but it would move and come here in this life.

It is indeed majestic and majestic. The city wall stretches like a mountain. The height is a bit amazing. The wall is cracked and stained with blood that has long been black.

The City of Hell is bigger than the giant cities that Wang Xuan had seen earlier.

The most important thing is that there are still a large number of ruins outside the city, which have been destroyed, leaving only a small amount of rubble and some indelible foundations.

Wang Xuan was surprised and said, "Why do I think that the city of God is just an inner city, and there used to be an outer city. It is huge and boundless, far exceeding its current scale."

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Yes, the city of God is quite special. It is an ancient city that has been destroyed. Only the inner city is larger than those giant cities. Therefore, it was extremely dangerous."

It also added that the current city of God is not so dangerous. It was killed and penetrated back then, and it really completely destroyed the Prowlers who had broken the limit 5 times.

"Even if there are still 5 monsters that break the limit, it is an accident. It is a lucky fish that slipped through the net. In the past, it ran away early. However, there is a high probability that it will be gone."

Wang Xuan flew around the city in a large circle. The city wall was made of black gold stone, engraved with runes, and covered with knife marks and arrow holes. It didn't look like an individual attack, like being knocked out by an extraordinary army.

"Hell God City is a bit mysterious." He glanced back at the destroyed outer city.

He came to the city gate and stood here, feeling that he was small. The city gate tower was like a big mountain. The scarlet city gate was tall and heavy, made of blood and gold.

The city gate is open, and there is fog and chaotic matter in the city, which is very mysterious.

Wang Xuan glanced back and said, "The real son of the super-transformed prohibited item is really chasing it down? There are some ways, the speed is not slow."

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "It's a descendant, it can't be a descendant within the five generations."

"Why don't I go and weigh him to see if he is a 5-time limiter." Wang Xuan turned around and looked at the end of the horizon.

"I advise you not to conflict with super-transformed prohibited items at the moment." The mobile phone reminded.

"Where do you want to go, I just want to get to know each other, not to pick things up."

As soon as Wang Xuan finished speaking, the figure at the end of the horizon flashed and fled away, decisively and quickly.

"Shenjue is so keen, even with the light of divine light to protect his body, he is aware of it." Hell 5 Poxian frowned, feeling that this Kong Xuan was very strange.

"Run away, then forget it." Wang Xuan turned around and walked towards the city gate. He was very curious about the super-transformed prohibited items, but he understood that that kind of existence was too dangerous. through its descendants.

The layout of the city is exquisite, and Wang Xuan suspects that this place was once an imperial city!

The buildings are in pieces, the bronze pavilions are tall, and there are giant palaces one after another. The palaces in the center are as majestic as mountains.

"Are you sure there are no more monsters that have broken the limit five times?" Wang Xuan asked. In this case, he has missed it, and no one else has discovered it yet.

Hell God City, it should have just flew over not long ago.

"What is killing through a city? That is to really clear it, get rid of all the monsters, strangle the prowlers who have broken the limit 5 times, and completely destroy them, so that **** can't revive those monsters, she did it back then!" said solemnly.

"Very powerful." Wang Xuan nodded. In other cities, even if he killed those city lords, that is, monsters with 5 broken points, they would still be resurrected by **** after many years.

The most obvious example is Tianchao City. Yaoting thought that there was only one Lu Heng left, but it turned out that the other two destroyed city lords appeared again.

The city of God is quiet, with normal stone walls, secret gold pavilions, and bronze mother palaces, etc. It seems that no one has set foot here for many years. Left and right, from the chaotic fog of those buildings, a shadowy figure came out and surrounded him.

"Are you sure that this place was killed and emptied back then?" Wang Xuan asked. Now he is not afraid. After entering the city, he realized that there is a hidden space between the chaotic fog.

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "It was indeed emptied back then, but, you must know that there are many wanderers in hell, such a large city without a master, there is a high probability that some monsters will be attracted to enter and live in, but the limit is broken 5 times. Different monsters have their own territorial cities and cities, and generally do not change cities."

"I feel like I've been tricked by you again!" Wang Xuan said.

The entire **** city is no longer quiet, completely rioted, densely packed, with figures everywhere, countless monsters roaring, roaring, many rotten giant beasts and birds of prey, covering the sky and drowning him.

He summed up his experience. At some key nodes, the strange things of mobile phones are consistent and unreliable.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "I'm telling the truth, you see, this rotten dragon, the flying silver ant, and this powerful magic ape are all monsters in this area, and they should have just entered the city not long ago. , is completely different from the prowlers and fierce beasts of that era, they are all new arrivals. You picked up a big bargain, there are so many defenders,

However, there are no monsters who have broken the limit 5 times, which is really lucky. "

Wang Xuan didn't stop, he killed all the way towards the center of the city of God, piercing a **** road with superb road, along the way the remains of various giant beasts, the broken wings of raptors, and the flesh and blood of humanoid monsters, paved the road. , which is **** opening.

If you want to advance in this divine city, you have no choice but to fight with real strength and fight all the way in. He wasn't very afraid. If something were to happen, if it couldn't be done, he would just kill it.

If other people know what he thinks, they can only be amazed and then silent, how can the special giant city of **** be so easy to enter and exit.

In hell, in the safe zone, various dojos are studying the current situation. If the main force does not come, they really cannot conquer a city.

Even though he chose a medium-sized city, he still lost. Someone sighed: "As long as the next one can be built, it can grow like a snowball."

Some dojos have been studying the cities and monsters of hell.

This time, the true sage gave the magic in person, and after some dojos were ready to take over the city, they wanted to try to use monsters for themselves! "No one who breaks the limit five times will come, and no one can win a city." Someone sighed, really unmoved at the moment. Soon, the organization responsible for building the extraordinary secret network informed the major venues, and the news could not be suppressed.

"The news of the failure of the siege in **** is transmitted back to the world!" The outside world initially heard the wind.

In this world, in the sea of ​​stars.

"Really or not, all the true saint dojos have been defeated?"

"All the dojos went to the gates one after another, but they all came back in vain. At present, none of the cities above the medium size in **** have been knocked down!"

The world, shake! God City, the giant beast roared into the sky, and then the huge head flew out, with a large amount of blood. Then, just as a celestial dragon belt swooped down, with a puff, it was split vertically, its thick and long body split into two pieces, and it fell into the city.

"It's so fierce, he really attacked a giant city, and he's about to kill it in the center of the city." The 5 broken immortals of **** appeared again, watching from a distance, he frowned and said: "What city is this? It's a little different. , It was dead silence earlier, but now the city is full of riots."

While he was talking to himself and watching, in the city of **** gods, pieces of fierce birds fell and were blasted through by fist light, rotten golden crows, a group of fighting **** sparrows, and densely packed **** eagles, all burst open, blood and bones Susu fell.

There is a dazzling light in the city of God, cutting through a **** road and advancing rapidly.

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