Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 340: Unique time period

"Captain, let me answer this question." Li Zhendong raised his hand and showed his research results.

"Our research institute explained some of the salvaged items a few days ago. How could it be a black box? There are a lot of difficult places to crack, but there are still a few things cracked. Please look at the screen. "

There is a lot of content in this black box, including a lot of miscellaneous things, including the operating status of the enemy mother ship, the entire interstellar course, and some crew logs, which describe in detail what has been seen and heard along the way.

"This is really a good thing!" Zhang Yuan was shocked.

Li Zhendong said: "First of all, at the last moment, this spaceship did not send out a distress signal on a large scale. I think it should be too late, and it was blown up by our nuclear bomb before it responded, so we are temporarily safe."

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

According to the data of the Information Research Institute, the parent star of the Badit civilization is indeed more than fifty light years away from the current position of the people. In addition to the parent star, this civilization has two colony stars, and they are all near the cosmic string. The one next to the parent star.

"The whole message is consistent with what the Bardites have revealed, and they have not lied on this point."

"It looks pretty honest."

All commercial fleets are sailing along the cosmic strings. When encountering a planet with intelligent life, they will investigate and record at will.

Of course, even if you encounter intelligent life, under normal circumstances, you will not destroy or interfere with its normal operation for no reason.

"It's really a commercial civilization, but only occasionally robbed it and met humans."

Li Zhendong analyzed: "The population of the Badit civilization has a hibernation habit. Under normal conditions, the life expectancy can generally reach more than 5,000 years. They are not particularly intelligent races in terms of logical ability and thinking ability, but their The brain has a very powerful memory ability so that it can match a long life. Every Badit person has the ability to remember. "

Five thousand years of life! Everyone felt a real mystery. Is this the interstellar civilization that naturally developed?

"In the long course of development and long-term exchanges, they developed the Barsad ram engine technology, also known as the interstellar ram engine. Near the cosmic string, the speed of the spacecraft can reach the speed of light of 2030. So in theory, exploration The surrounding 100-year-old site is not a problem. "

"So, Glizzard 5 should have been explored long ago. Of course, being explored does not mean that they can fully grasp the movements in it. The site of one hundred light years is really outrageous, and they are not in control of it. The conventional investigative methods cannot be seen so far. "

"Their main areas of activity are the trade between the planets near the parent galaxy and one fourth-level civilization, four third-level interstellar civilizations, and seven second-level interstellar civilizations. Fortunately, there are a total of 13. The thing is, these interstellar civilizations are different from our Glizer 5 "

Everyone was relieved to hear the good news. In other words, was the probability of enemy forces near this place very low?

In this way, the base of the new civilization, Glize 5, is still quite safe.

The distribution of cosmic strings extends like spider webs. The farther the exploration distance is, the greater the risk to the fleet.

The population of this interstellar civilization has a long life span, unlike human beings, which lacks innate life span, so their rise is easier and easier. From the perspective of "race value", they are far beyond human beings, but they also cause natural laziness.

Li Zhendong finally came to a conclusion: "To put it bluntly, even if the other party knows this information, will it even organize a fleet to retaliate against humanity after 50 light years, which is not realistic from an ideological point of view. Plus This fleet is just a commercial fleet of princes, and disappearing in the stars is also normal. "

"However, just in case, we still have to leave this place and inform the humans of Glize 5 to take corresponding defense measures. This is my point."

The entire meeting room was silent for a while, and everyone was thinking about Li Zhendong's analysis.

Next, the military representative Ye Jun often expressionless and touched his glasses. "Well, guys, based on this information, I still tend to reach the target planet 18732. Our Kunlun Mountain has a full production capacity, no need Fleeing home in dingy. As long as there are enough resources and time, it is not difficult to repair these injuries. "

"In the 11 years of voyage, as long as the shift is working, Kunlun Mountain can be repaired almost. As for the material resources consumed, it can be replenished in 18732."

"Mrs. Ye, please listen to me. The situation is not as simple as you think."

A leader of the propaganda department was speaking, "Because of this war, many people have developed panic. During the war, Kunlun Mountain was too fragile to compare with the planet at all. So they desperately wanted to return to themselves. The call to get back to a safe harbor is familiar. "

"Glitzer 5, with a complete defense system, railguns, and the resources of the entire planet, where the people think it is very safe is basically what they think. They only care about actual safety, not like us. Think like that. "

Because of this war, humans have developed a skeptical mood towards the interstellar expedition. Most of the younger generations grew up in a very peaceful environment. Everyone was very gentle and kind. Suddenly facing the sense of oppression brought by the war, they would not be able to accept this cruelty for a while.

Even though the war has passed and humanity has won, it is impossible to stop panic.

Zhang Yuan also has a headache. This feeling, how to say it is like when the entire civilization was full of enthusiasm, suddenly a large basin of cold water was poured, causing this enthusiasm to completely extinguish.

This is the real universe. It is always full of crises and never knows when it will capsize in the gutter.

Even a robber on the roadside, suddenly holding an inexplicable unknown weapon and not knowing where to pick it up, can cause a huge disaster in the "Kunlun Mountains".

All controversy was born out of this unknown, even though human beings have indeed improved a lot.

"Everyone makes sense," Zhang Yuan said solemnly, "but after one question goes back, he can almost declare the wandering plan to fail."

"Our civilization will never be able to launch another wandering project again. It will be difficult for us to get out of the Glitzer 5 galaxy. Even if we have a new way to advance ~ ~ better technology There is no longer such ambition. "

"We are likely to take the home star as the center of development and extend slowly to the surroundings like this Badit civilization. This model is not bad, but it must be driven by interests, not from the heart. Exploration and curiosity. Despite the slow development, the ideology of the people is easily the same as that of the global civilization. "

Almost everyone had a heavy meal.

Yeah, even if human beings return to Glitzer 5 smoothly and completely repair Kunlun Mountain, can they really launch the second wandering plan?

No, there will no longer be 8 million people willing to board the spacecraft.

Whether there is 800,000 is still a problem.

The human star dream of the sea will be completely extinguished.

Any great cause has its own unique time period. Once you miss an opportunity, it will never be possible to seize it. It is like the beginning of the reform and opening up of the Daxia Kingdom, which created countless billionaires, but with the gradual development of the society, the chances of getting rich overnight will be less and less.

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