Defection Starting From Cp9

Chapter 33 The Letter From The Messenger Bat

Pedassos is a legendary island with a fountain of youth that can lead to immortality.

According to legend, the gods rely on the fountain of youth on Pedassos Island to maintain long lifespans, and occasionally grant heroes among humans so that they can also gain long lifespans and become warriors of the gods.

For hundreds of thousands of years, countless people have gone to sea to search for this island, but they have found nothing.

Even the World government has sent people to search for the existence of Pedassus more than once.

It's just that Xi Luoke never expected that someone actually went to Pedassos and drank from the Fountain of Youth——Although this man who should have a long life is relatively unlucky and only lives.

He fell into the sea and drowned due to drunkenness at the age of ten.

However, he did not doubt the authenticity of this matter.

The reason is simple, this is an extremely magical world!

Since there are races such as giants, little humans, fishmen, and three-eyed races, it is not surprising that there is an additional elven race.

Moreover, this world is also connected to other alien spaces.

For example, the underworld after death.

This was verified when Brooke returned from the underworld after his death.

There are also other-dimensional worlds that can only be opened by those with the Song Fruit ability, different spaces that can be traveled through by those with the Gate Fruit ability... There are even those with the Time Fruit ability, which can allow themselves or others to travel from the past to the future.

Among nature, there are Sky Island which is more than 10,000 meters away from the sea, The fish men island which is 10,000 meters under the sea, and the final island Raftel, which can only be found by collecting four road signs and historical text, and so on. A hard-to-find Pedathos would make sense.

As for the Fountain of Youth that can make people live's just another thing that can give people a long life after Op-Op Fruit's "Immortality Surgery" and the Heart of Gold's "Pure Gold" .

What's more, Brandt also handed Montblanc Green's voyage diary to Xi Luoke. After reading it, he didn't think that Montblanc Green had made it up.

Because this navigation diary records in detail all the things that happened after Montblanc Green followed Montblanc Nolando to the sea.

This also includes the fact that they saved the Sandia clan from the "tree fever" attack on Gaya Island, and that when they saved Sandia, they cut down all the "sacred trees" of Sandia and were misunderstood by the Sandia people. The sinners who violated traditions and beliefs were so expelled by the "Great Warrior" Kargra that they were driven away.

Xi Luoke does not know whether the various things written by Montblanc Green in the voyage diary are true or false, nor whether they are exaggerated. But he knew about the Shandia clan, and he could also see that Montblanc Green did not make any falsehoods or exaggerations in this matter, and recorded it completely truthfully.

As the saying goes, you can only see the leopard in the tube - from this one thing, he could judge that the authenticity of Montblanc Green's voyage diary was quite high.

Then the records about Pedassos, the Fountain of Youth and the elves were authentic enough for him to explore.

However, there are also things that are wrong in Montblanc Green's voyage diary.

Because it is described in the voyage diary that Montblanc Green lived in Pedassos for three years, but there is no relevant detailed record in it, it is just a passing glance, which is inconsistent with his previous records in the voyage diary.

In this regard, Xi Luoke has reason to suspect that if the records about Pedassus and the Fountain of Youth are true, then there must have been some big change on Pedassus that forced Montblanc Green to leave.

Or maybe Montblanc Green did something bad on the island, so he deliberately did not record what happened in those three years and the reasons why he left Pedasso.

If the Fountain of Youth is really as described in the legend and can give humans a long life of immortality, then it must be the most precious thing among the elves, and it is impossible for an outsider to drink it casually.

Therefore, after Montblanc Green learned the truth about the Fountain of Youth, he became greedy and deliberately lived in Pedassos for three years, painstakingly trying to gain the trust of the elves. In the end, he still couldn't get what he asked for, so he lost patience, did some bad things to get the fountain of youth, and then fled Pedassos for fear of being hunted by the elves. This is also very consistent with human greed.

Of course, these are all unfounded speculations by Xi Luoke without any actual evidence. Even the records of Pedassos, the Fountain of Youth and the elves are doubtful... After all, without personal experience, , it is impossible to completely believe in any legendary thing.

However, just as Xi Luoke and Jonah were studying the voyage diary and the map with great interest, a bat flew in from outside, attracting their attention.

For a moment, Xi Luoke's pupils dilated as he stared at the familiar bat and said in surprise: "This is... the government's messenger bat?!"

The bat was seen circling twice in mid-air, as if after confirming Xi Luoke's identity, it dropped a letter clutched in its claws.

Jonah was a little surprised. He looked at the bat and the letter that fell on the coffee table curiously, and said strangely: "The world government actually uses bats to deliver letters? Well, I don't know. But why did they deliver letters to us? The captain was obviously not long ago. Thousands of Marines were opened in Alabasta just now in China.”

"Who knows."

Xi Luoke shook his head with a puzzled look on his face and reached out to pick up the letter on the coffee table.

He opened the letter and after reading the contents carefully, he was so shocked that his eyes almost dropped.

Because he had no idea that this letter was not only addressed to 363 himself, but the content was also extremely shocking. It was actually a letter from the World government inviting him to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the signee was one of the Five Elders [Legal Warlord] Topman Wauchuli Saint!

After a moment, Xi Luoke looked strange, turned to look at Jonah next to him, handed over the letter in his hand, and said, "You should also take a look."

Jonah looked at Xi Luoke's strange expression, a little confused, and quickly read the letter in his hand.

As a result, a few seconds later, he looked stunned and exclaimed: "Inviting the captain to become Seven Warlords of the Sea... This letter is fake!"


Xi Luoke slowly exhaled a breath and said in a deep voice: "No, it's true. Moreover, I probably understand what World Government means."

Jonah still shook his head in disbelief and said loudly: "But, this is too outrageous! The captain betrayed the world government, robbed the gold from the sky, escaped from the deep sea prison 'Imper', and killed the king of the world's alliance country. Tens of thousands of Marines and government officials have been killed...can this be accepted by the world government?"

Xi Luoke smiled, reached out and took back the invitation-like letter from Jonah's hand, and said sarcastically: "Although this matter is very magical, according to the nature of those politicians, as long as they show enough value, Nothing is impossible."


Jonah glanced at Xi Luoke and hesitated: "Do you want to accept it?".

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