The dark cave stretched far into the distance, with a faint light at the end looming. Zuo Feng couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the faint light, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

Although it didn't look far away, it was not close to walk, and a fact that made him very depressed appeared. From a distance, because the whole environment was shrouded in darkness, he didn't realize that it was a steep slope that was slowly tilted upward, and the slope of the steep slope was getting steeper and steeper.

But thinking carefully, this was also reasonable. He fell from the trap over there, and judging from the time he fell, he should have fallen about dozens of feet high. It was normal for the secret room to be underground, but if the secret room was also built dozens of feet underground, it would be a bit unreasonable.

It would be too much work to dig out a secret room in such a deep place, and it would take a lot of time to enter and exit the secret room every time, so it would be more reasonable to build the secret room not far from the ground.

In this way, the existence of the steep uphill slope in front of him seemed extremely normal, but every step Zuo Feng took upwards was accompanied by a sharp pain like a tear in his thigh. He also tried his best to focus on observing the surrounding environment. If there were any traps in the current situation, it would be difficult to be as lucky as last time.

Getting closer and closer to the cave entrance with light, the slippery cave made it extremely difficult for him to walk. Zuo Feng walked for nearly an hour before he finally finished this steep road.

The cave entrance in front of him was very different from the one where he fell before. The cave entrance here was obviously repaired by humans, while the place where he fell before looked like a natural cave. Zuo Feng was not very interested in these. After all, this place had been occupied by bandits before he was born, so it was not surprising to have such a magical natural cave.

When he walked into the cave entrance, he found that this was a corridor. There were several spiritual stones on the walls of the corridor. The light that Zuo Feng saw was emitted by them.

Zuo Feng had only heard of this kind of stone before, and he had never seen it with his own eyes because it was very valuable. At this time, looking carefully at the wall, there was an emerald green stone the size of an adult's eye engraved in the wall every few feet away. Zuo Feng had heard that this kind of spiritual light stone was also divided into grades. The higher the grade, the brighter the light and the lighter the color.

The emerald green spiritual light stone in front of him should be considered the lowest grade of the goods, but even this lowest grade spiritual light stone is probably enough for the expenses of the whole village of Zuojia Village for more than half a year.

Thinking of this, Zuo Feng took out a dagger and carefully dug out the spiritual light stone from the wall. The corridor was not very long and there were only five spiritual light stones in total. He kept one in his hand for lighting, and the other spiritual light stones were already in his arms.

Holding the spiritual light stone in his hand in front of him, he could illuminate a distance of about three meters in front of him. Although it was not as bright as a torch, this kind of spiritual light stone was easy to carry and not afraid of rain, and it did not need to be replaced frequently like a torch for long-term use.

At this time, Zuo Feng was more looking forward to the things stored here. A bandit's lair was actually illuminated by such a precious spiritual light stone, so the items stored in it should naturally be more precious.

On one side of this corridor is a rough stone wall, and on the other side are three heavy stone doors. The material of this stone door is exactly the same as the surrounding stone walls. It is estimated that the stone door was made directly from mountain stones when digging a cave here.

After a careful inspection, Zuo Feng found that this stone door did not have any door lock-like device at all. It's just that this stone door is very heavy. If you want to push it open, you can only sigh at the door without a certain strength.

He tried to push the stone door with all his strength, but the stone door just trembled slightly. Zuo Feng tried to push the door hard again unwillingly, and immediately felt a tearing pain in his leg. Zuo Feng didn't dare to push the door hard again. If he tore the wound that had just been sutured, he might not only not recover in a short time, but also have hidden injuries that are difficult to recover on his legs.

Giving up the method of using brute force to open the stone door, Zuo Feng looked around the corridor to see if there was any mechanism that could easily open the stone door. After searching for a long time, he finally confirmed one thing, that is, the owner here should use pure strength to push the stone door open every time he came to this secret room.

After a fruitless search, Zuo Feng returned to the first stone door and sat down on the ground. He wanted to leave but was unwilling to do so. He didn't know how much risk he had taken that night, and he almost died in the trap before, all for this secret place. When he was really here, he was blocked by the damn stone door in front of him. But what else could he do if he didn't leave? He couldn't just sit here and wait for the injury on his leg to recover.

He shook his head and sighed, suppressed his reluctance and prepared to get up and find a way out. At this moment, his heart suddenly moved, and he reached for a hard object on his calf. When he pulled it out, he could see that it was a short blade that was completely black in the weak light of the spiritual light stone.

When Zuo Feng was about to get up and leave, the short blade on his calf hit his ankle. This made Zuo Feng suddenly remember that he still had such a strong short blade, so he still had a way he hadn't tried.

Zuo Feng used the thin part of the tip of the short blade to forcefully insert it into the gap of the stone door. This time he didn't dare to push the door like he did just now. Instead, he just sat on the ground, using his buttocks as the point of force and support. His left hand pressed against the stone door and pushed forward slightly, while his right hand gripped the short blade and lifted it upward with force.

The two forces seemed to be in different directions, but after acting on the stone door in front of them, they both converged into a force pushing inward. This time, after the stone door trembled slightly for a few times, it slowly opened with a series of harsh "clicks".

What relieved Zuo Feng was that the stone door was not equipped with an automatic closing device, so he didn't need to worry about the stone door closing automatically after he pushed the door open.

The stone door slowly opened, and the scenery inside gradually came into his eyes. In fact, he didn't need to use his eyes to see, just his nose, and the smell of herbs that came to his nose was very strong.

Zuo Feng couldn't practice body training that year, and all his time was used to refine the method of making medicine. At this time, the familiar smell of herbs came to his face and made him shiver, and his spirit was also shocked, and his excitement was beyond words.

Medicinal materials are very useful no matter when and where, whether they are used by themselves or in the auction house in the market, they will be exchanged for a lot of money. There is only one spiritual light stone in this stone chamber. With the dim light, it can be seen that there are four sets of large cabinets.

The large cabinets are made of golden silk green wood with excellent moisture-proof properties. In such a humid underground, it can not only isolate moisture, but also maintain a certain temperature, so that the efficacy of the medicine can always maintain the best effect. Zuo Feng drooled at the sight of these large cabinets, and he wanted to move the medicine cabinets and the medicinal materials inside.

Looking at the cabinets on the outside one by one, some cheaper medicinal materials were scattered outside. What Zuo Feng smelled when he pushed the door was actually these cheap medicinal materials. Seeing a cabinet of good medicinal materials at this time, why would he care about those unsightly resisting medicinal materials.

After a brief pause, Zuo Feng took out the black short blade again, picked a few cabinet boxes from them and pried them off with a dagger. Then he cut off a few wooden boards and made five large wooden boxes in a few strokes. The precious medicinal materials in these cabinets were classified and stored in the five large wooden boxes he made, and then rolled them up with cloth and tied them around his waist.

After doing all this, Zuo Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly looked up and glanced at the Lingguang Stone on the wall. He smiled and murmured, "Hehe, since we have taken it, let's be thorough." Then he raised his hand and took the Lingguang Stone off the wall and put it in his arms, and then he left the stone room with satisfaction.

When he went out, Zuo Feng looked at the stone door in confusion. He couldn't figure out how the owner of this secret room closed the stone door, but now was not the time for him to study these things.

Then he came to the door of the second stone room, still learning the previous method, sitting on the ground, taking out a dagger, and started pushing and prying for a long time before opening the stone door. This time, after the stone door opened a little, there was no aroma of medicinal materials, but a slight musty smell came out.

Zuo Feng's heart sank slightly, and he kept cursing in his heart: "These people will not let the medicinal materials rot like this, right? They should really drag them out and chop them up."

Just as he was thinking, the door opened wider and wider, and the things inside came into view. A spiritual light stone in the room emitted a faint light. There were also four sets of large cabinets, but these four sets of large cabinets were bookshelves for books.

Seeing the books on the shelves, Zuo Feng's eyes lit up slightly. He had already guessed what most of the books stored on the bookshelves were. He came to the first bookshelf and picked up a book at random. He looked closely and saw that it was written "Middle-grade Body Refining Technique" and followed by a line of small words "Practitioners can go from the strong body stage to the late bone refining stage".

He frowned slightly, not because the book was not good, but because the book was a bit useless to Zuo Feng. It was of no use to him at all, but if this level of book was put on the market, it would probably make many warriors fight for it. After all, body refining techniques that can be practiced from the strong body to the late bone refining stage are not common on the market.

‘Usually, even if there are any, they will be left for their younger generations to practice. Anyway, this can be taken back to give the young people in the village more choices.’

Thinking in this way, Zuo Feng flipped through a few more books on this shelf and found that they were all body-refining techniques, but there were no books on the Qi-refining period, so he walked to the next bookshelf. He took down a book casually. The handwriting on it was a little blurry, but he could vaguely recognize "Middle-grade fifth-level long sword martial arts, Broken Waves and Spinning Slash".

After putting it back, he took another book and looked at "Middle-grade eighth-level double whip martial arts, Sixteen Styles of Spirit Snake". After understanding what type of books are on this bookshelf, he didn't stay for long and looked at the remaining two bookshelves. He already had a general understanding of the books in this stone room.

The first bookshelf is the method of body refining, the second bookshelf is martial arts, the third bookshelf is some cultivation experience, and the third bookshelf is some anecdotes from the mainland. Although the books in this stone room are not priceless, they are not inferior to the value of the medicinal materials in the stone room next to it.

After carefully searching the third set of bookshelves, Zuo Feng actually found a book on the experience of elementary alchemy, which also recorded several prescriptions.

Zuo Feng was happy, but his mind had already flown to the last stone chamber.

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