Zuo Feng could fully feel the changes behind him, but his physical condition was extremely bad at this time. Not to mention turning around to watch, he couldn't even twist his neck a little, so he could only stand there like a wooden stake.

Although Zuo Feng couldn't see behind him, he could clearly see the expressions of the people surrounding him in front of him. It was a pure fear. Regardless of the level of cultivation and the faction of these people, their expressions were surprisingly consistent at this moment. Everyone couldn't help but raise the weapons in their hands to protect themselves. This was a subconscious expression of self-protection.

Their bodies were tense and their mouths were wide open, so wide that an adult's fist could be stuffed into them without any effort. Their eyes were bulging outwards, and Zuo Feng could even see their pupils shrinking to the size of pinholes at this moment.

He knew that he had finally reached the end of this world, but Zuo Feng didn't show any panic or fear. Because the situation in front of him was what he expected, he might be the only one who remained calm among all the people here.

‘You idiots, you still have time to be dazed and afraid at this time. The only option is to flee in a scattered manner. But the longer you stay in a daze, the more people will die.’ Zuo Feng gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain all over his body, thinking fiercely.

The strange breeze kept blowing over. It was obviously a very slow breeze, but when it blew on the skin, you could clearly feel its quality. You could even feel that after the breeze rubbed against your body like a stone, there was still a dull pain on the surface of your skin.

This was the feeling of all the people present. The only special thing was Zuo Feng, who was surrounded in the center. When the strange breeze blew over his body, he actually felt an indescribable sense of comfort throughout his body.

Zuo Feng frowned slightly, because the feeling of comfort was only a flash. What followed was the more violent explosion and collision of the restless spiritual energy in his body, and the pain in his body doubled.


A dull gasp sounded behind Zuo Feng, followed by a gust of wind. It was hard to imagine that this huge wind pressure was just a long gasp. Zuo Feng could no longer stand under this huge wind pressure. He stumbled forward a few steps and fell to the ground.

"Damn, how could I provoke this monster? Run." A voice that became extremely sharp due to fear rang out in the crowd.

"Run away..."

"Shut up, what are you panicking about?" The rat-faced man pretended to be calm and growled at his men, but at this time his body became a little stiff because of the huge fear. At this moment, he had to stabilize his men first. If they ran around in panic, he was worried that he would attract another such terrible existence, and then this group of people would have no chance of survival.

"Take the boy away as soon as possible, he is no longer able to survive." Captain Sun among the gray-clothed men was still calm at this time and found that Zuo Feng had no ability to resist now.

When the rat-faced man heard his words, a complex color flashed in his eyes. He also wanted to take the boy away, after all, the secrets of the boy were very coveted by them.

But after a little hesitation, he gave up the idea of ​​fighting. In the current environment, it was unwise to fall out with the Yin Group, so he finally gritted his teeth and waved his hands to let his men gather together temporarily.

After hearing the captain's order, a gray-clothed man quickly rushed to Zuo Feng and stretched out his hand to grab Zuo Feng's neck. His original intention was to pinch the other party's neck, so as to control him and take him away.

But just after he pinched Zuo Feng's neck and lifted him up, he fell to the ground with convulsions before he could take him away. This weird scene almost made everyone forget that there was a powerful and almost perverted monster right in front of them.


A low voice like a human sounded at this time, and everyone, including Zuo Feng, was shocked, because the human voice came from the monster's mouth.

They had all heard that high-level monsters could even speak human words, and their wisdom was no less than that of ordinary humans. But this time, they saw it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears. This direct sensory shock almost made them collectively dumbfounded.

Zuo Feng was no longer lying on the ground with his back to the monster because he had just been picked up and dropped. He was now lying on his side, and he could see part of the monster behind him with a slight turn of his eyes.

This was a monster as big as a hill. From its size, he could tell the difference between it and the beasts he had seen before. The biggest beast he had seen before was the violent bear, but the size of the monster in front of him was like a giant and a child standing in front of the violent bear.

The monster had thick snow-white hair all over its body, and in the middle of the white hair, there were thick golden stripes wrapped around its body. These golden stripes were the same as those on the giant wolf he had seen before, but the golden stripes on the monster in front of him were much thicker and more golden, and they were almost indistinguishable from the white hair.

Its appearance was somewhat similar to that of a fox, but it was much bigger and had six long horns on its head. That huge head looked even more ferocious than the fox. Compared to the huge head, its eyes were much smaller, and its deep blue pupils were the most eye-catching, looking like two balls of ghostly fire.

The white hair on his body trembled slightly as if breathing, and as it trembled, the strange breeze blew around, and Zuo Feng finally knew where this breeze came from.

The huge monster in front of him was looking at Zuo Feng with his blue eyes, as if Zuo Feng was the only one who could attract his attention.

"Go and catch the boy, use a rope, and don't touch his body." Captain Sun gave the order again. He knew that the monster's attention was on the boy in front of him. But the secret of the boy was too important to them, so he had to bite the bullet and order his men to do it again.

The gray-clothed man paused for a moment at the captain's order, but chose to obey the next moment. Two gray-clothed men rushed out of the team, quickly took out the rope and rushed towards Zuo Feng. When they were more than ten feet away from Zuo Feng, they stopped and threw ropes to Zuo Feng's hands. These gray-clothed men should be very good at catching people like this, and their moves were fast and accurate.

Their actions finally attracted the attention of the monster, and it slowly raised its huge front paw. Zuo Feng could clearly see that the huge claw was not much different from an adult's body. There were six fingertips on the claw, each as sharp as a knife. It just kept its body still and swung at the air.

The two gray-clothed men were trying to lift Zuo Feng's body and turned to run away. The fierce wind brought by the claw came from behind like a knife.

One gray-clothed man instinctively took out his weapon to resist, but the other gray-clothed man was much more agile than him. He had already judged from the sound of the claw tearing the air when it was swung that it was impossible to stop it. He immediately chose to throw away the rope and give up Zuo Feng, and took a heavy step and leaped forward quickly.

The claw wind attacked the gray-clothed man who was blocking with a weapon at this time, and the weapon in his hand was instantly shattered like paper. Then in a cloud of blood mist, the gray-clothed man's body was also torn to pieces. Although the other gray-clothed man who was running away with all his strength threw away the rope, he still couldn't catch up with the speed of the claw wind.


After a light sound, the gray-clothed man who had discarded the rope was torn into pieces by the claw wind and fell to the ground. This scene finally made everyone present feel real fear. They finally understood that the word "horror" should be created for the monster in front of them.

Zuo Feng's body lost the pull of the rope and fell flat on the ground. The collision between his body and the ground seemed to be an opportunity for the spiritual energy in his body to completely explode.

At this moment, the violent spiritual energy in the body not only traveled and collided in the meridians, but also eroded into the muscles and internal organs. This piercing pain was something Zuo Feng had never experienced before. The next moment, he fainted. Before he fainted, he had only one thought in his mind: "Let's die together."



The two orders were issued almost at the same time, and it was the rat-faced man and the gray-clothed captain Sun. Only then did the two of them truly see the true strength of the monster in front of them. Not to mention their group of people, even if there were several times more people, they would not be able to stand up to this powerful monster.

The body of this terrifying monster has remained in the same place so far, and the casual attack just now seemed to be a joke.

After hearing the order, everyone fled for their lives at a speed many times faster than when they came. At this moment, the essential difference between the two teams can be seen.

The bandits were like a pile of loose sand with no formation. Everyone was afraid of falling behind and becoming someone else's scapegoat. On the other hand, although the gray-clothed people were also very panicked, they still lined up as they did when they came. This kind of crisis can better show the overall quality of a team, but Zuo Feng no longer feels anything.

The terrifying monster seemed to have aroused his ferocity when they attacked Zuo Feng. The aura on his body also became violent in an instant, and he stared at the group of humans fleeing in panic with fierce eyes.

As his eyes turned, he glanced down at the motionless Zuo Feng. After a short pause, he slowly chased after the fleeing person.

Although it was very slow at first, like a leisurely walk. But in less than a breath, its speed reached its limit, like a huge white lightning that disappeared in an instant. As it accelerated, a sharp sound that tore the air gradually became louder.

On the ground that Zuo Feng regarded as gold and iron, a deep claw mark was left. A huge wind pressure wave spread out in all directions. Zuo Feng, who lost consciousness, was blown to the ground by the wind pressure and rolled endlessly until his body hit a small black tree and stopped.

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