Demon Development System

Chapter 169: Finalize

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"You would think that it should be the highest grade, right?"

"But I tell you, there is a lot of room for ambiguity in the scores of experimental exams only among Shonan players."

"Theoretically, their team leader can basically decide who will go."

"This is the internal competition of internal competition."

"It can be said that Xiangnan candidates' path of competition is quite tragic."

"Therefore, as the dean in charge of admissions, I also pay special attention to the candidates in southern Hunan."

"Every Shonan province one or even province two, I will focus on inspection."

"Just at the scene of last year's National Judgment, I met what they called the God of Delight.

"She is a very serious Shonan girl and the best high school in Shonan. She is an absolute leader in the Ace Middle School. She has extremely active thinking and very strong mathematics."

"Her preliminary results are the highest in Hunan and the first in the country."

"Plus it's a girl, so she has a great reputation, and she's called her a god."

"Here, her story is basically the same as yours, Shi Yang."

"But she has a problem--"

"Experimental performance is very unstable and often explodes."

"She knows it herself."

"Hence, she actually doubts her chemical talent."

"But others will not consider this."

"Whether it is her school leader, the leader of Shonan, or the Chemical Society, it is very hopeful that a female player can win the world gold medal."

"Therefore, from the selection of the provincial team, all the experimental assessments gave her a green light all the way."

"In some experiments, she obviously had an explosion, and she had to give her points."

"This **** all the way, eventually extended to the national decision."

"That year, in the top ten, Xiangnan had four."

"She also won the first place in the country by all expectations."

"And with nine other teammates, selected for the national training team selection."

"The night after the training theory test ended, she found me."

"She said that their teacher had talked to her, and she only hoped that she would be as conservative as possible during the experiment. As long as she didn't make any obvious accidents, she could definitely enter the national team."

"She asked me what it meant."

"I said, don't think about it, just play normally."

"She also said that she has a younger brother. Although the theory is always a bit lower than hers, the experiment is much stronger than her. If you can't find an accident, you will lose."

"I didn't talk about this matter anymore, and then I started to talk about the topic and talked with her about it, so I coaxed her away."

"Actually, how could I not know her troubles?"

"How could I not know that she had been ordered?"

"She came to me...just hoping to be treated fairly, and to be honest and pragmatic..."

"She did not have conservativeness in the subsequent experimental evaluation, and the final result was very general."

"However, the total score of the final selection is still the first in the whole training team."

"She is very angry, just like you, Shi Yang, she started to make trouble, to retire, to give the opportunity to others."

"Because of this, from her teacher to the school leader, to the competition organizing committee, I don't know how many teachers have taught her again."

"I'm in it, too, saying a lot of sounding words and taking into account the overall situation."

"In the end, she said, ‘I knew it was wrong, Dean Zhou... No more trouble, no more trouble.’”

"A few months later, in fact, earlier this year, I took the team to Thailand to participate in the finals. She didn't say anything to me."

"Until the last experiment."

"She...ahh... it burst again."

"After she came out, she rushed to me, holding me and crying."

"Sorry for that student, sorry for the school, sorry for the country, sorry everyone."

"The younger brother should be here."


"She was the number one in the country all the way, and she finally won the international silver medal, ranking 46th."

"We have won two consecutive team championships and have been taken away."

"The circle of chemical competition is very small, and people from all walks of life began to scold her."

"The teacher at her school scolded her for not being content."

"Hua Jingsheng of the same session scolded her for taking the relationship."

"Even people like Shi Yang who don't understand the situation will scold her for losing the group first."

"Ultimately, she didn't choose chemistry, and she left the circle forever."

"This is the story of Yueshen, from external competition, to internal competition, and then to internal competition in internal competition." Zhou Yi said at the end, his eyes were wet.

"All of us are responsible for this matter, except that she is innocent."

"Failure to stand on her side is probably the biggest regret of my education career."

"So now, I need to make it clear to you two."

"The rules are for adults, you just play your best."

"Quiet your mind, review it carefully, don't leave any regrets."

Having heard these, Li Zheng and Shi Yang are equally sad.

Compared with previous Xiangnan candidates.

Think carefully about your own point, these cheap justice.

It's too small.

"That's right." Zhou Yi rubbed his eyes and suddenly laughed again. "Her schoolmate is also coming this year. Wei Dongyang, should you be familiar?"



Li Zheng and Shi Yang suddenly looked stunned.

Unexpectedly thought of garbage words in the toilet.

——Laozi lost a little last year and lost to himself. This time he must go to Prague.

——Icho dare not say, anyway, I also lost to myself, and I will never lose to those two.

This... isn't it rubbish?

Wei Dongyang, a real blooded man?

"Okay, the story is over." Zhou Yizhong put on his glasses again and returned to the smiling baby face.

"The complexity of things must be far beyond your two children's imagination."

"This kind of joint writing is of no significance except to arouse the sensitive nerves of the organizing committee and cause you to lose your eligibility."

"In order to give you peace of mind, I promise you that after the Prague finals, I will immediately implement the action and strive to cancel the hard rules of one person per province."

"Of course, if I can get back 4 gold plus the group first, I can be a little more stubborn when I speak. Haha."

"Okay, let's stop here."

"You two, let me believe Zhou Yi and Zhou Chenghuan, O is not OK?"

"OK!" Shi Yang got up and nodded desperately, "No more troubles, no more troubles in this life, I'm just a quarrelsome mentally retarded...I will immediately apologize to Yueshen..."

Zhou Yi smiled and rubbed Shi Yang's head: "Have to say, Li Zheng's performance is much more mature than you."

"Yes... he kept persuading me not to make trouble."

"Huh." Zhou Yi turned to Li Zheng, "stare at Shi Yang, don't let him diarrhea."

"Mr. Zhou is assured that he only eats noodles at night." Li Zheng smiled. "Teacher Zhou is bothered. Let's go according to the old rules today. I only hope to make progress next year."

"Not necessarily next year, maybe the next year, the biological competition has been changed, and the chemistry will be changed sooner or later." Zhou Yi waved his hand and walked out. When he walked to the door, he stopped suddenly and turned his head back with a straight face. , "You two have so much chaos, I don't think it's too much to ask you to be in the top five?"

"Not too much, not too much." Shi Yang chuckled.

"Don't be too happy too early, I can't take Li Zheng, can't heal your kid?" Zhou Yi pointed at Shi Yang with a smile and scolded, "I've written this book on your disciplinary issues. I'm going to raise the standard of delivery for you. Yes, the top three in the country, or go to Jinghua."

"Oh, don't do, President Zhou!"


The door closed.

Shi Yang panicked again.


The next day, the third day of the camp, the theoretical examination day.

The atmosphere of breakfast is no longer active for the first two days, which is quite depressing.

On the one hand, it was the tension before the exam.

On the other hand, the leaders of the provincial teams all verbally criticized the joint letter. The failure of Shi Yangzhu Zizi is well known, and many signed players have also been scolded.

On Jijing’s side, Shi Yang’s teacher Yu Zhiqiang even criticized him. Fortunately, Yu Hong came forward in time without letting him approve it for too long, otherwise it would affect the next day’s examination.

The only thing that is thankful is that the evidence of the joint letter was carried out by Zhou Yi early and was in Li Zheng's hands.

Therefore, who has signed the teams, and now it has basically become a pending case, and will not be picked out one by one.

But some people are still very conspicuous.

"Brothers... I beat the bowl of soy milk to thank me." Wei Dongyang carried the bowl and sat heavily between Li Zheng and Shi Yang. "Laozi really diarrhea yesterday... sorry."

At this time, Li Zheng and Shi Yang looked back at his uninhibited head again, thinking about the tragicness of their southern Hunan candidates, and the past of joy and sorrow, but they felt a bit empathetic.

"It doesn't matter, it's not easy for you, brother." Shi Yang bumped into a bowl with him. "There's nothing to say, we won't be able to move this rule this time, everyone depends on their own skills, Shonan!"

"Come on." Li Zheng also raised the bowl. "Sincerely, Xiangnan, come on."

"The two are really...oh! Yesterday it was my injustice, Jijing cheered, I did it!" Wei Dongyang watched the battle and said nothing, raised his head and gave the whole bowl of pulp Dry.

But when he swallowed, he saw his face stretched, his face flushed, and his tears ran down.

The whole bowl was swallowed, and it was already tearful.

Shi Yang quickly persuaded: "What are you crying, and nobody blames you."

"That's right." Li Zheng also persuaded, "It's no big deal, don't think about it, take the exam."

After a few seconds, Wei Dongyang opened his mouth fiercely: "Your mother...Ludong... also drink soy juice?"


At 8 o'clock, the theoretical examination officially starts in the auditorium of the Nanjiao Hotel.

Seats are randomly allocated, and calculators and draft papers are officially provided.

4 hours, not only test strength, but also physical strength.

In the process of distributing test papers, Li Zheng closed his eyes and rested his mind as before.

This, of course, is not to close your eyes and recuperate, but the final inspection.

【Chemistry: 327】

If it were before, he would never believe that one can master chemistry to such a perverted degree.

But step by step, it is done.

Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, polymer chemistry, experiment, reverse synthesis...

Unconsciously, he has already traveled to the territory where his horizon is visible.

Now, it is difficult to find public teaching materials that can provide him with learning and improvement.

Further up, you can only study papers in the subdivision direction.

Or enter the chemical school of a prestigious school and follow a famous teacher to study a certain direction.

It doesn't make much sense to continue studying in the middle school.

"The exam begins!" the examiner ordered.

Li Zheng immediately opened his eyes and raised the pen.


It's time we come to an end.

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