Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 214 Unlucky Macao

Macao felt that he had been really unlucky recently.

The experiment was going well and was about to produce results.

The "celestial sphere intersection" that is rarely seen in a hundred years suddenly occurred.

The strong vibration caused by the celestial sphere intersection caused him to accidentally break the important intermediate compound.

The experiment was in vain, and decades of hard work went to waste.

The apprentice who had been carefully trained for several years and had excellent talent died in the mouth of a water ghost because of curiosity about the duel with the demon hunter.


There was no time to feel sad for the experiment and the dead apprentice.

The academy assigned tasks to all wizards because of the king's recent death.

However, the task assigned to him was not bad, just chasing a few apprentices.

What's more, there was Professor Thomas More, who was knowledgeable and had outstanding achievements in genetic mutation, to consult, which was also a gain.

But who would have thought that the two apprentices would be so troublesome?

Who would have thought...

Among the tasks arranged, this task that had almost nothing to do with the demon hunters was actually related to the two demon hunters?

Oh my God!

When Thomas Moreu heard that the apprentice ran away with the two demon hunters, he was like a mad dog and didn't let him stop to rest!

For the experiment, Macao hadn't been out of Ban Ade for more than ten years and almost forgot how to ride a horse.

Day and night, he stayed on horseback for more than ten days.

His waist was almost broken by riding, and both hips were rubbed by the saddle and had blisters and bruises. He just took a shortcut to catch up.

That's fine, just a little tiring.

Who would have thought that Thomas Moreu, this madman, was not targeting the apprentice, but the two demon hunters?


I'm a college wizard, not a combat wizard!

I didn't expect to sacrifice my life for the mission of the school!

What did you think?

Those monsters of the demon hunters are all professional warriors, monsters created by Alzu specifically for killing!

Can we, the two old men, defeat them?

Macao hid behind a tree and watched Thomas More summon four big centipedes and kill the demon hunters from underground.

His psychological activities were very complicated.

He hesitated for a moment.

He looked at Thomas More's face with a sickly flush and whispered:

"Professor Thomas More, the dean just asked us to take these two apprentices back."

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to provoke a dispute with the Wolf School without authorization?"

Thomas More turned his head suddenly and stared at Macao fiercely.

The bloodshot eyes embedded in the eye sockets were like a terrifying hungry wolf.

He wanted to eat people.

Macao was so scared that he took two steps back and almost fell down.

"This is my personal matter and has nothing to do with Ban Ade Academy. I will spare the lives of the two apprentices..."

"Do you have any other opinions?"

What can Macao, who was stared at fiercely by Thomas Moreau, say?

With the current mental state of this madman, if he violated Thomas Moreau's wishes, he might even dare to kill Dean Heng Gedimidis!

"What a madman!" Macao, who knew the inside story, cursed in his heart, "It's obvious that you killed your son, not me..."

"And those demon hunters from the Griffin School took your son away, why did you go to the Wolf School?"


He knew a little about Thomas Moreau's story, but he didn't expect that the wizard known for his rationality would be so crazy.

Of course.

He only dared to curse these words in his heart.

In order to save his life, he could only stare at the battlefield and pray that the four centipedes would be more powerful and not leave the demon hunters a chance to turn the tables.

"Don't worry, it's just a demon hunter master and an apprentice, nothing will go wrong."

"These white widows have been specially trained by me, and their shells are extremely hard. They can't be hurt by the demon hunter's silver sword."

Thomas Moreau noticed the uneasiness of his companions.

Considering that the support of other wizards is needed to eliminate the demon hunter, his face eased and he comforted him.

"That's not an ordinary apprentice. I heard that in the arena, he killed two large monsters called Water Ghost Kings with his own hands..."

"The apprentices watching the game also nicknamed him the Blue Death..."

Macao was afraid that Thomas Moreau would be careless, so he reminded him quickly.

"Hahaha~" Thomas Moreau laughed contemptuously, "Blue Death? This is just a nickname for children to play."

"And that Water Ghost King can't catch up with my masterpiece, the White Widow."

"I hope so." Macao laughed dryly and sighed.

Although the reputation of the Wolf School is good, it is impossible not to fight back after being attacked.

For the sake of his own life, he could only believe that Thomas Moreau would win.


Things don't always go as planned.

It had only been a few seconds since Macao had strengthened his confidence in Thomas Moreau, when he suddenly widened his eyes in shock and exclaimed:

"How is this possible!"


Time went back to a few minutes ago.

The hard black shell was shiny and glossy, and it was hard to break through at first glance.

And among the attributes identified, except for agility and mystery, which were slightly lower, the other attributes of the White Widow far exceeded Aylin.

Her physique was even nearly three times his.


After seeing that the name of the monster matched the one in his mind, Aylin calmed down instead.


After the White Widow missed the attack, she quickly retracted underground at lightning speed.

"Black shell and white belly, has this kind of monster appeared around here?"

Vesemir frowned in confusion.

He held the sword tightly with one hand, and maintained the Quen Seal - the active shield - with the other hand.

He scanned the ground cautiously, not missing the slightest movement.

"Aelin, be careful... This monster looks a bit like a giant centipede, but I have never seen such a giant centipede."

Aylin's mind was always connected to the wolf emblem, and he stared at the four yellow-brown light groups running around underground:

"Master Vesemir, this may be a man-made monster..."

"What?" Vesemir was stunned for a moment.

A monster that even he had never seen before.

How did Aelin figure it out?

he wanted to ask.

But now that we are at the critical moment of the battle, it is obviously not the time to ask why.

With trust in Aylin, Vesemir tilted his head:

"What are you going to do?"

Aylin did not reply immediately, but protected Bogdan, his eyes paying attention to the light group underground while scanning the surroundings.

in game.

When the White Widow emerges from the ground, she will freeze whenever she encounters the magic trap seal of Arden.

So using the Seal of Arden is a good way to deal with the White Widow.

But there are still big risks.

Reality is not a game.

In the game, after using Arden to freeze the White Widow, you can fight him any way you want.

But in reality, the monster's shell is so hard that it must be targeted at the white area on its abdomen.

Without half the attackable positions, this is difficult in itself.

The sharp front legs of the White Widow are still on the abdomen...

More difficult than ever.

But these difficulties are actually not bad for Arryn and Vesemir.

As long as you try it a little bit and get the White Widow's attack rhythm and attack movements right, you won't have any problems.

The point is.

These giant centipedes are most likely being manipulated.

Even Vesemir, who often walked this road, said he had never seen the White Widow, so she must have been summoned by someone else.

This also makes the White Widow's weakness when encountering Arden's Seal almost unexploitable in the game.

What if the controlling wizard has any way to relieve the catalepsy?

At the critical moment, with one slash from the sharp front foot, either the hand or the foot will be severed.

He is still young and does not want to become disabled so soon.

"Found it!"

Ailin's eyes suddenly lit up.

About fifty meters away.

Behind a few dense oak trees, colorful elements gathered there in large and unusual amounts.

The real enemy controlling White Widow must be there!


Aylin quickly turned his head and said:

"Master Vesemir, help me protect Bogdan."

The next second, the active shield disappeared.

Vesemir didn't ask any more questions.

They've been through a lot of events.

Aylin never let him down at critical moments.

He grabbed Bogdan, who was still confused and didn't know what was happening, and put him under the protection of Quen's shield.

"be safe!"

"Yeah!" Aylin nodded slightly, then kicked his feet hard on the ground.

Like a tiger and leopard that has found its prey, it quickly rushed toward the oak forest with its sword in hand.

Seeing the young demon hunter rushing towards him, Thomas Moreu opened his mouth in shock.

"How is this possible!"

"We were discovered?"

Macao also turned his head to look at Thomas Moreu in surprise.

Thomas Morew's hidden skills.

This is a necessary spell for wizards to travel.

It can use magic to change the propagation direction of light in almost any terrain, achieving the invisibility effect and forming an invisible space to block the odor in the space from escaping.

And just by hearing the name, you can tell who invented this spell.

With Thomas Moreu's strength, even if the astute tigers, leopards and jackals passed by them, they would not be noticed.

How did the young witcher find out!

"Tap tap tap~"

The sound of rapid footsteps came.

At Aylin's speed, the distance of fifty meters flew by.

Thomas Moreu didn't have time to think about how his position was exposed.

In a hurry, he quickly controlled four white widows and rushed towards Aylin.


The vibration coming from the ground suddenly increased.

Aylin seemed unaware and still rushed towards the oak forest.

It wasn't until the tawny light group from the wolf emblem's perspective suddenly reached his feet that he suddenly rolled over.


A huge sound erupted after itself, as if the dwarf's black powder suddenly exploded.

Gravel and sand kept hitting his body, breaking out the Quen shield on the leather armor.

The pale golden light alternates between light and dark.


The sharp and strange roar was full of panic and anger.

"How is that possible!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Thomas Moreu stood up suddenly and exclaimed loudly, regardless of his exposed disguise.

His proudest work is the four white widows.

After emerging from the ground one after another, their bodies suddenly froze.

It turned into stone pillars that were difficult to move.

He could only wave his countless legs in panic, but he could no longer shrink back to the ground.

Under them, two circular magic circles shone with a mysterious purple magic glow.

Arden's magic trap!

Rolling on the ground, he released two seals in succession, freezing the four monsters.

Ailin glanced back to make sure the seal was effective, then stomped his right foot on the ground and continued to rush towards the oak forest.

At this time.

The wizard who secretly controlled the White Widow had revealed his figure.

They were all wearing black robes.

One wizard had an old face, wearing silver glasses embedded in his eye sockets, and his appearance was inexplicably familiar.

The other looked like he was just middle-aged, but his hair was already gray.

"It's the Ban Ade wizard again!"

"Did they find out that I was the one who made the celestial spheres intersect?"

The blue cat pupils that stood up like a needle stared coldly at the two wizards, and Ailin was a little surprised and doubtful.


As the distance kept getting closer, the determination in the eyes of the young demon hunter became heavier.

It doesn't matter!

As long as we catch them, we will naturally know the intentions of the two wizards?

The sharp blade, the cold light.

Quickly approached the oak forest.

The distance between the young witcher and the wizard was only about ten meters.

At this time.

The two wizards seemed to react suddenly, chanting spells with trembling mouths, and waving their hands anxiously, leaving afterimages.


It was too late!

The magic power in the air had just begun to surge, and the young witcher had already rushed in front of the two people.

At this moment.

He was surprised to find that the reactions of the two wizards were very different.

The one with glasses clenched his hands and pounced on Aylin with his mouth wide open.

His whole face seemed to be twisted with anger and hatred, as if he wanted to tear his flesh off piece by piece.

Although the other wizard also gave up casting spells.

But the whole person kept backing away, and his wide eyes were full of fear and begging for mercy.


Why is the difference between the two wizards so big?

Aylin was a little confused.

But at the same time, his hands did not stop moving.

After turning his wrist and dodging the attack of the wizard with glasses, he gently tapped him on the back of the head with the hilt of the sword.

Then he put his free left hand together to form a knife, and cut the artery of the other wizard's neck.



Both wizards fell unconscious.

"A bit weak..."

Alin thought.



A shrill cry sounded behind him.

Alin looked in the direction of the sound.

After the two wizards fainted, the four white widows broke away from the control of the Yarden Sign and drilled into the ground.

It was just different from the previous attack on Alin.

Among the four white widows, two drilled towards Vesemir and the two wizard apprentices.

The remaining two.

One was targeting Alin.

The other was Radek's horse.

"Master Vesemir, use the Yarden Sign!"

After Alin reminded loudly, he stopped caring.

Vesemir was a master of demon hunters, and even if he had to protect the two wizard apprentices, he would not be in danger for a while.



In order to prevent the two wizards from waking up and causing trouble, Ailin directly dislocated their arms.

Of course.

With the way Ailin knocked them out, they had to be unconscious for at least half an hour.

After all, this was a professional skill from the "Cat School Two-handed Sword LV5".

But it's never a bad thing to be more stable.

Losing the control of the wizard.

The white widow with a hard shell and sharp claws is certainly not easy to deal with.

But under the demon hunting skills, all types of defense are equal to Ailin.


It only took about ten minutes for Ailin to clear all four white widows.

The only loss was Radek's horse.


Put the sword back into the sheath.

A satisfying and familiar mechanical sound came to Ailin's ears.


[Monster "White Widow" subjugation! ]

[Reward settlement: ...]

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