Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 233 There is something wrong with Aedin!

Chapter 233 Aden...there is a problem!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Aylin was a little distracted when he heard the name of the little monster, Mary asked curiously:

"Is there anything wrong with the name Yennefer?"

The little monster's body also tensed up, and its ears moved.

"No problem," Aylin shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "This is a good name..."

"A great name with notes of blackcurrant and clove."

Blackcurrants and cloves?

What does this mean?

Mary gave Aelin a strange look.

However, the young witcher smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

When the little monster heard this, his body immediately relaxed.

Although she didn't know what the young demon hunter meant, she heard it as a compliment and whispered timidly but proudly:

"That's the name my mother gave me!"

Then he lowered his head after saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

Aylin and Mary looked at each other and sighed after hearing this.

I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart to varying degrees.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Aylin changed the subject and said:

"By the way, Mary, do you know how to test your magic talent?"

Mary was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked at the little monster:

"you mean?"

Aylin nodded and said:

"I think Ms. Vera might be able to get another apprentice."

Mary's tone faltered.

Let’s not talk about Ms. Vera’s admissions standards.

Even if it is magic talent, not everyone has it.

Among the tens of millions of humans in the entire northern continent, only a few hundred people have magical talents.

How is it possible that you could just buy a random kid and have such a rare talent?

Mary thinks Aelin is dreaming.

Even Vesemir, who was leading the way, turned his head when he heard this.

Although he thought it was unlikely, and in such a short period of time, Aylin did not have time to predict it.


Aylin can even come up with alchemy formulas while riding on horseback...

What if?

Mary wanted to retort, but she noticed the little monster's gaze hidden by his hair.

After thinking about it, it seems that the physical deformity may indeed be caused by the magic of chaos.

And no matter how likely it is, it is not convenient to say it in front of the little monster at this time, so he said:

"Uh... I don't know how to detect talent magic, but Ms. Vera must know it. We can wait until we return to Kaer Morhen before testing it..."

Seeing Aylin nodding his head and seeing the little monster's expectant eyes...

Mary couldn't bear the loss and sadness because their talent was not detected afterwards, so she took a precaution in advance:

"There is only one person with magical talent, so don't have high hopes."

"I know." Aylin nodded.

But the smile on his face did not fade at all, which made Vesemir and Mary feel a little confused.

Is he really that sure?

But before they could ask, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from ahead and interrupted them.

Not long after.

"Da da da~"

The sound of horse hooves is getting closer.

There were about a hundred heavily armored cavalry approaching them.

The flag of Aedirn with a red and yellow arrow on a black background made a strong sound and floated at the head of the team.

It is followed by the same red and yellow arrow on a black background, but with a crown and lance flag embossed in gold thread.

"It's the King's Knights of Aedirn, let's get out of the way."

After Vesemir explained in a low voice, he pulled the reins and led the horse to the roadside.

Avoid blocking the path of the Knights of the King of Aedirn.


When the leading middle-aged knight passed by, he did not ignore the three people on the roadside and walked directly over.

He raised his right hand and shook it, and immediately there was a messenger beside him shouting with full strength:


The two columns of cavalry stopped almost instantly.

The middle-aged knight squinted his eyes and took a closer look at Vesemir, Aylin and Mary.

His eyes were especially fixed on the head of the great gryphon hanging on the side of Aelin's horse, and then moved to the double swords carried behind Vesemir and Aelin.

After a few seconds.

As soon as he pulled the reins, the shiny black horse under him immediately walked slowly towards the three of them in tacit understanding.

"I am Trik, the deputy leader of the Knights of the King of Aden..." The middle-aged knight paused, pointed his riding whip at the head of the great gryphon, and asked with a serious face:

"Witcher, is it the monster that attacked the caravan?"

Vesemir nodded, not caring about the knight's somewhat rude tone.

In the past few years, the two countries surrounding Ban Ade Academy have been deeply affected by the attitudes of wizards, and their acceptance of witchers has been declining.

There are also some rumors about demon hunters, and they are most widely spread in these two countries.

So Vesemir is used to it.

"This is the great gryphon. It was he who attacked the caravan on the road."

"Great Griffin!"

The knight had obviously heard of this kind of monster, and looked at the monster's head next to Aelin's saddle with a somewhat suspicious tone.

"Is this a great gryphon?"

"I heard that the head of a great griffon is much larger than that of an ordinary griffon. How could it be so small?"

Hearing that some people doubted Aelin's victory after going through a life and death crisis, before Vesemir could speak, Mary pulled the reins and pushed out.

"It's a reduction technique..." Mary explained angrily from the side, "I used a reduction technique on the head of the great griffon..."

"This spell can shrink the target object to one-third of its original size..."

Trick saw that the person who was speaking was a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. After a second of silence, he interrupted:

"Who are you?"

"I am the apprentice of Ms. Vera, the sorceress Margarita Laux Antille." Mary replied bluntly.

Ms. Vera...

Trick was a little confused for a moment.

"Some people call Ms. Vera the bloody red fox..."

Vesemir reminded him from the side.


Trick's face changed.

Unlike the Wolf School witchers who always adhere to neutrality, the bloody red fox was a great contributor to the second full-scale conflict with the elves.

Countless elves died under her spell.

The blood flowed enough to form a river.

The middle-aged knight grew up listening to her stories.

Of course, more importantly, her alchemy skills are superb, especially good at potions that prolong life, so she knows many big figures in the Northern Kingdom.

In addition, her methods are weird and bloody, she is moody, and she is particularly vengeful.

If you want to rank the person who you can't offend the most in the northern continent, Vera must be at the top of the list.


Trick immediately straightened his body, sat up straight on the horse's back, and then said:

"Sorry, respected Ms. Margarita, I am rude."

In response, Mary snorted and asked:

"Do you still need me to undo the spell and show you the true face of the great griffin?"

"No, no..." Trick waved his hands repeatedly.

He didn't doubt Mary's identity.

After all, whether it is a hunting griffin or a great griffin, people with such strength must have a name.

And the more powerful a person is, the less likely he is to pretend to be a bloody red fox.

"In that case, please follow me into the city. His Majesty the King will be very happy to see you."

Trick bowed slightly to invite, and the cold and hostile expression on his face disappeared immediately.

Even when facing Vesemir and Arlin, he had a little stiff smile on his face.

Ms. Vera's name is so useful?

Arlin looked at Mary in surprise.

Mary raised her head proudly, thinking that Arryn was thanking her for protecting their spoils and reputation.

Vesemir nodded to the middle-aged knight, and then motioned Arryn and Mary to follow.

After entering the cavalry, Trick whispered a few words in the adjutant's ear.

However, Vesemir and Arryn, who had extraordinary perception, heard them all.

"You take a team to look for the monster's body in front..."

"Whether you find it or not, return to the royal city to inform me."

It was obvious.

The middle-aged knight did not completely believe Mary's words, but out of respect or fear for Ms. Vera, he did not let Mary restore the head of the great griffin to its original appearance.

However, the two demon hunters did not show it, and pretended not to hear it.

After all, it is normal to be careful when working for the king.


They did not lie, and the body of the great griffin was still lying in its original place.


They followed Trick and observed the overall appearance of the Royal Knights of Aedirn as if nothing had happened.

"Da Da Da~"

An adjutant led four knights and galloped towards the road that Ailin came from.

Another, under the instruction of Trick, ordered the team to turn around and march towards Vengerburg.

"How rude."

After Trick arranged the team, he suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Vesemir:

"Except for Ms. Margarita's name, I don't know the names of the two witchers."

"Wolf School, Vesemir."

"Wolf School, Ailin."

The two witchers reported their names one after another.

"Vesemir?" Trick said in surprise, "If I remember correctly, you should be the youngest witcher master of the Wolf School, right?"

"I have heard your story from my father..."

"No wonder... No wonder you can kill the great griffin..."

The youngest witcher master?

Vesemir smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying:

"I am not the youngest demon hunter master now..."

"I am not the one who killed the great griffin..."

Trick saw Vesemir staring at the demon hunter apprentice who was at most sixteen years old and was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, he saw him patting the young-looking Aylin and said:


"He is the youngest demon hunter master of the Wolf School, and he must be... the youngest in history, and..."

"Aylin is also the demon hunter who killed the great griffin..."

"Ah?" Trick was stunned for a moment.

"Aylin is the youngest demon hunter master, and the demon hunter who killed the great griffin!" Vesemir thought he didn't hear clearly, and repeated it proudly.

Seeing Trick's jaw-dropping expression, Aylin was secretly happy and waved his hand modestly:

"I didn't kill the big griffin by myself."

"Without the help of Vesemir and Mary... Lady Margarita, I might not be able to deal with it by myself..."

Not necessarily...

That is to was really this man named Aylin who killed the big griffin...

And he didn't deny the first half of Vesemir's words.

Trick looked at Aylin's young face, his mind was still confused.

Majestic Cliff!

What Vesemir said was actually true!

This young witcher who looks no older than his daughter turns out to be a master witcher.

Trick looked at Aylin's blue and warm cat eyes with a dull expression, his throat tightened in surprise, and he instinctively swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


Trick suddenly remembered something and glanced at Vesemir again.

blue eyes…


It’s the Wolf School again…

"You are the Blue Death who killed six large monsters in Ben Ad on the day of the Black Sun Curse!"

Trick couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Has the news of the Apprentice Fighting Competition reached Aden?

Aylin was a little surprised.

But thinking about so many wizards and apprentices who left early at that time, I understood.

They were probably the ones who spread the news.


Blue Death?

What kind of lame title is this for a kid?

"I don't know about Blue Death," Aylin shook his head, "but on the day of the Apprentice Fighting Competition, I was the one who killed six large monsters..."

"But the last four actually lost their fighting power when they were in the hands of Soy, the great master of the Wolf School. I'm just finishing them off..."

So the Blue Death is really him.

Trick looked into Aelin's eyes again.

It feels different.

There seemed to be an ocean hidden in those calm blue cat eyes, and just the sound of wind could set off huge waves of destruction.

Without the team coming back to report, he believed that the ferocious eagle head hanging on the black mare was the head of the great gryphon.


He thought of a more important question.

"Is Kaedwen's Big Maw really dead?" Trick asked.

Aylin was stunned for a moment when he heard this. After looking at Vesemir, he nodded seriously:


"I saw it with my own eyes!"


Like all big cities in the northern continent, the city gates and walls are grand and solemn, and the fierce guards are armed with sharp blades...

Of course.

The most similar place is the crowd at the city gate.

Even compared to Ban Ad, as one of the richest metropolises in the Northern Kingdom, Vengerburg has a much larger population.

It can be said that there is a rush of people.

However, with the Royal Knights leading the way, it was naturally impossible for them to line up behind the civilians and traders to enter the city like Hitomi did when she was in Ben'ad.

After riding past several sacks filled with the fragrance of grain, Aylin, Vesemir and Mary entered the city gate one after another.

But what makes Arryn a little strange is that since he answered Trick's question about the death of King Kaedwen.

Vesemir had been frowning slightly along the way, as if he had encountered something that troubled him.

Only when Royce - the son of Arryn's destiny - is about to wake up, will he be given an yakshi.

And after entering the city gate, his eyebrows even knitted into a small ball.

"What's wrong, Master Vesemir?" Aylin's mouth moved slightly, "Is there something wrong?"

Hearing Aylin's voice, Vesemir glanced at Trik, who was walking in front and arranging tasks for his subordinates, and said softly:

"Wait until the hotel tells you..."

After hesitating for a few seconds, he added:


"There's a problem!"

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