Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 6 Chapter 58: 7 Brides of the Sea (4)

Ulysses, who had escaped the hunting of the Gore sisters, soon entered the depths of the world of ice and snow, but the further he went, the more strange he felt.レm♠思♥Road♣客レ

Where did these trees come from, where did the soil come from, where did the flowers come from? How could the big white bear who was beaten to death and hummed and crawled into the pond to take a bath, was so like the canyon guard who taught him the correct movements in the past... Everything changed, and the whole ice and snow world began to be full of energy, as if there was a group of jīng Intelligent creatures with so much power that they have nowhere to vent dominate this place, forcibly changing this lonely and cold earth, and completely remodeling the ecosystem here.

Pushing aside the branches that stretched out to the side of the road, and bypassing a few bushes that grew wildly after the rain, Ulysses turned the corner, and the forest that blocked his vision was thrown behind him. A meandering stream appeared in front of him, and several inexplicably floating in the air. island.

It was obviously on the ground, but Ulysses seemed to see the endless blue sky. Every island was full of all kinds of plants. There were many flowers and plants on the ground, but there were also many Ulysses who never Unseen plants.

Red, blue, purple, green, white, countless kinds of colorful plants live on these tiny islands, forming an empty garden.

The soft sunlight shone on these thriving creatures, making this wasteland full of aura. Some little spirits with transparent wings are watering these plants, dancing happily in this green sky.

That is the spirit of the wind, the most comfortable elemental beings in the sky, carefree, and there is nothing to restrain them.

At this moment, the place with the most spirits of the wind is a waterfall that hangs down from the Yaokong Island. In the sound of the clear water, Ulysses saw the Yao messenger.

Yao Shi was not wearing clothes, and a pair of tall and straight snow-white jade bamboo shoots were completely exposed in front of Ulysses. The soft chest is crystal clear and white, with a straight and well-proportioned shape, as dazzling as a perfect artwork that has been carved thousands of times.

Under the washing of the waterfall, the smooth and delicate skin flashed with white lustre, and the round and crystal jade peaks radiated dazzling brilliance in the sun.

The delicate and lustrous jade-white skin has no flaws, the snow-white smooth buttocks, the slender feet, the two pink petals tightly closed together, and the snow-white wings that open naturally, obviously without a strand, but Gives a feeling of incomparable holiness and brilliance.

There is always light around her, the radiance that drives away all darkness and anxiety. As long as you see her with your eyes, your mind will be at peace, as long as you hear the sound of her footsteps with your ears, your body will be at peace, and as long as you touch her light, your soul will be at rest.

She doesn't need wings to show her gentleness and wisdom, because she is light, she is hope, a glorious messenger with all the gods.

When Ulysses saw her, his heart jumped suddenly, not only did he not have any hope, but instead had a sense of guilt that blasphemed his sacred belief, he immediately turned around and chose another way to leave.

The Yaoshi under the waterfall smiled slightly, and continued to let the sacred spring water wash his body. Countless wind spirits danced around her, laughing with her.

Ulysses, who left the strange floating island area, suddenly crashed into an invisible wall, and then entered a wonderful world.

This is a rippling and soft world of water waves. There is no sun, but the water itself is glowing, making it as sunny as a shallow sea. What is even more strange is that the water and air here are mixed together, so that you can hardly feel the slightest water pressure.

On the ground, there are countless gems and crystals that complement each other. In the clear and transparent water waves, colorful fish swim around leisurely, tropical ornamental fish, cold transparent fish, and temperate jellyfish are all found here. The water here seems to allow all marine life to live. .

In addition to these beautiful little beings, there are more other spirits with water wings. They are petite and cute, and they swim around freely with the fish in the water.

They are the spirits of water, the purest element spirits, and they will never approach anyone with a filthy heart. When they saw Ulysses coming, they didn't shy away, but surrounded him curiously like those spirits, touching his body from time to time, and then running away happily.

There aren't many plants here, but there are more gems and crystals, and beautiful creatures that can only be seen from the depths of the ocean.

The most conspicuous of them is a spring surrounded by countless water spirits. In the spring, a girl with long blue hair is washing her body with the spring water. Beside her is a piece of water with strings of water. The harp played the sound of the sea while the girl washed her body.

The blue and clear pool is surrounded by a circle of blooming and colorful flower beds, planted with a variety of fragrant flowers, including roses, margaritas, cosmos, and most of them are a kind of flower that Ulysses has never seen. The transparent water lotus is a special product that only grows in a special sea area, a rare species that has never been seen before.

The ** blue-haired girl has the same impeccable beauty as the girl in the empty sky just now. It seems to be a crystal body carved from jade ice. The skin is soft, smooth and delicate, the curve of the body is soft and smooth, and the full beauty is in the chest. The front gently rippling, slender feet and smooth belly are particularly attractive.

The dreamy and fascinated face is fair and delicate, the cherry lips are delicate, and the cheeks are soft. When the surrounding spring water flows through her body, it naturally turns into countless blue light spots and diffuses in the air, forming an incomparably wonderful scene.

The pair of crystal-clear peaks that any man would only dream of, the smooth and soft ones that seemed to melt in the water, and the bare feet like ice and snow, which made Ulysses unable to open his eyes.

Compared with the envoy I met just now, the girl in the fountain was less sacred, more gentle, and even more urge to get close.

no! Go out quickly, and Ulysses, who is well aware of his self-control after losing control, forced himself to turn his head and fly through this world of water waves to go deeper into the world of ice and snow.

After realizing how popular he was in the hearts of the ladies of Warcraft, the next part of Ulysses was all cautious, and even used some new abilities in the Book of Demons, and finally broke through all difficulties and returned to the most zhōngyāng in the world of ice and snow. before the peak.

In the inner area of ​​the ice and snow world that has been changed, only this area is still white and flawless, just like the color Ulysses first saw.

This place is covered with ice and snow that will never melt for ten thousand years, representing the authority of the world of ice and snow.

The moment Ulysses stepped into this realm, the master here sensed the return of his child and flew out of his lair excitedly. The little guy who came home was brought home.

"My little darling, my little sweetheart, my little darling..." Ice Phoenix, who had changed back into the form, rudely took off his child, and after checking his body, put him from the head to the head. Feet kissed.

Even after doing such a thing, in the eyes of Mother Ice Phoenix, her child is still that young little guy.

Although he did bad things to her... but it doesn't matter, no matter what he does, a great mother will forgive her children, her love for him is beyond the world, and she forgives and allows whatever she does.

She loves this child more than anyone else, and this love transcends everything.

So go ahead and do what you love, sweetheart.

Even if it's a bad thing, it doesn't matter... So, Ulysses really did a bad thing. In his own Ice Phoenix mother's lair, in the fiery and shy cry of the Ice Phoenix mother, the returned Demon King once again Zero distance felt the love and warmth of the mother's love.

Ice Phoenix's lips tightly kissed her lovely child, sending her ice and snow into her child's mouth. And Ulysses also kissed Ice Phoenix's lips, and made her greasy moaning kisses into murmuring whispers, he felt the fresh red lips and the sweet and delicious lilac, and soon lost control.

Because everything is allowed.

Because, no matter what bad things he did, he was forgiven and tolerated by Mother Ice Phoenix.

In front of Mother Ice Phoenix, he has nothing to hide. He is not a devil here, but a child who is infinitely doted on by his mother.

The two snow-white beauties on Ice Phoenix’s chest swayed with the rhythm, trembling back and forth, left and right, Ulysses bent down and kissed the pair of plump white and tender rooms, put the head in his mouth and sucked frantically. . A blush appeared on Ice Phoenix's fair and smooth face, but she hugged her child even tighter.

Then there are the taboo tales of doting mothers and spoiled children too much.

After the forbidden happy was already the second morning, Ice Phoenix stretched and showed her soft and plump beauty to Ulysses, almost letting Ulysses Do bad things.

"By the way, my little darling, your sisters are back." After putting on her ice and snow feather coat, Ice Phoenix told her youngest child the important news.

"Sister?" Ulysses didn't remember that his Ice Phoenix mother had a daughter.

"It's the little world I nurtured in the past. They suddenly came home a few days ago. From now on, you have two sisters. These two naughty little guys, I punished them to go to the special class." Ice Phoenix thought of her own children. After so many years of running away from home, I couldn't help but complain.

"Special class, that bride cram school?" Ulysses was dumbfounded, and had a premonition that the world was about to collapse.

"Of course, your mother has become your bride, and of course they will be your bride too."

"They will come to meet you later, the older one is Gabriel, the angel of water, the younger one is Raphael, the angel of the wind, and the third Michael has not been born, so let's talk to him now. You're engaged..."

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