Demonic World: I Pay to Win in Cultivation

Chapter 76 Blue and Red (for subscription)

Xiao Zhuang strode along the path in the forest.

The starlight above his head became dimmer after passing through the dense branches and leaves, but the Eye of Shadow not only gave him the power to see ghosts, but also made the night forest as bright as day in his eyes.

There are also mountains on the island, and there are temples dedicated to the Black God on the mountain. There is one such temple on each of the fifty-four sub-islands of the Black God Archipelago, which is used for the monthly worship ceremony.

The temple has always been garrisoned by powerful envoys. Xiao Zhuo didn't dare to go there before, but under the blessing of the great black god, he has become an envoy now, so he naturally wants to go to the temple, which is the closest place to the gods. .

From the moment he transformed into an envoy of God, the character Xiao has sensed the locations of all the temples on the Black God Islands. According to the instructions of the Black God, he needs to choose a temple among them as the place where he will serve the Black God for life.

The island under his feet was the place where Zhuangzi Xiao grew up, and the temple on this island naturally became his first choice.

Moreover, Xiao Zhuan still has a little idea deep in his heart. In every previous ceremony of worshiping the gods, he can see a tall red-skinned female envoy presiding over the ceremony. His bloated body, red skin, alluring face, and plump boobs all made him never forget.

This kind of woman was once elusive for the role of Xiao, the son of a mortal village chief, but the Black God took pity on him, and now he has also become an envoy of the gods, and finally has the opportunity to suppress the woman who is also an envoy of the gods .

It's strange to say that although Zhuangzi Xiao thought that the goddess envoy was alluring and beautiful before, the unicorn on her head, weird skin color and huge body also made Zhuzixiao secretly afraid. But after also becoming an envoy of God, such an appearance is only tempting in his eyes, as long as he thinks about it, there is always a sense of eagerness in his heart.

The desire in his heart and the complacency of becoming an envoy of God made Xiao Zhuang brisk on his feet, unaware of why, instead of taking the usual road up the mountain, he turned into a mountain path, wanting to get there as quickly as possible. temple.

Because few people walk, the dense thorns on both sides of the mountain road have already occupied all the space above the road. Only the gap close to the ground shows that there was a mountain road here.

The character Xiao kept walking, and walked directly into this path that was close to disappearing. Sharp thorns streaked across the blue skin on his body surface. Even a wound.

As early as when he was just on the road, he had already tested the strength of his body now. With a light punch, he could smash a big tree with the mouth of a bowl in half. Amid the ear-piercing sound of metal twisting, the green skin remained unscathed, but the dagger turned into a piece of twisted scrap iron.

This thorny road that makes ordinary people daunting is a smooth road for him today.

Mist gradually began to rise in the mountains at night. Fortunately, Xiao Zhuan has the eye of seeing the shadows, which does not affect the walking. After walking for a stick of incense on the path, the temple located on the top of the mountain appeared in the misty sight. middle.

Xiao Zhuang hurried forward, and after turning a corner, he suddenly saw a figure standing on the mountain road with his back turned to him, motionless.

This person is not tall, just the height of an ordinary person, obviously not an envoy in the temple, and wearing a coarse linen clothes, he must be a mortal on the island.

Although this figure looked familiar, after going through the whole village fighting, even seeing his own father being hacked and killed in front of his eyes, he was secretly happy that Xiao Zhuo, who lost a strong enemy, would not care about the acquaintances he knew before.

Consciously superior to others, he is no longer a mortal, he immediately opened his mouth and shouted.

"Where did the bold pariah come from, sneaking around outside the temple late at night, what is his intention?"

The breeze blew through the woods at night, and the leaves rustled. The man didn't respond, didn't turn around, just stood there quietly.

Not to mention that the role of Xiao has become an envoy of God. Even when he was a mortal, he was the son of the village chief. Few people in the nearby villages could treat him so disrespectfully. Seeing this person ignore him, he immediately became angry.

"It's so bold. I'm the new envoy Xiao. When the envoy asks you a question, you, a mere mortal, dare to pretend to be deaf. This is a serious crime of disrespecting the gods. It seems that you want to be caught in the temple He took out his internal organs, cut off his limbs, and sacrificed himself to the Black God."

Xiao Zhuang quickened his pace, walked quickly towards the figure in front, grabbed the clothes on his back, lifted it up and said.

"Let me see, which devout believer is this, who wants to dedicate himself to the Black God, ah, you..."

Xiao Zhuo only spoke half of what he said, and then stuttered in shock at the man's appearance.

Because, the eyebrows and eyes sneering at him in front of him are really Xiao Zhuangzi's own face.

The familiar ferocious expression, the scars on his face from fighting with others in the early years, and the familiar clothes all reminded himself that this was what he looked like before he became an envoy of God.

"Impossible, where are the monsters pretending to be ghosts?"

The residents of Heishen Island were, after all, plundered from the waterway by Mr. Black Horn, and they were not real islanders.

Even though he was confused by magic and distorted himself, he still had some insight. Xiao Zhuang immediately understood that someone was messing with him, and he punched the demon in his mouth.


The smiling face in front of him was shattered by a punch, like a piece of cracked porcelain, and under the peeling debris, a sticky shadow was revealed. The remaining half of the face of this "Character Xiao" was still smiling, and the exit was Xiao character's own voice.

"I'm not a demon, I'm the original you. If even my appearance is considered a demon, then what is your blue face and fangs?"

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Responding to "Xiao Zhuangzi" was a series of three heavy punches, and all the camouflage on his appearance was broken bit by bit under the fist containing demon power. In the end, what was left in Xiao Zhuangzi's hands was only a wriggling shadow with no fixed shape.

"I am already an envoy of the gods, and the Black God will protect me in her divine kingdom. Even with a muddy thing like you, you dare to trouble me. Tell me, who ordered you to come? What are the plans of Black God Island?"

When character Xiao was asking questions, his fists kept hitting the mud-like shadow, not giving it the slightest chance to breathe.

But this mud-like shadow, no matter whether it is mud or a shadow in nature, cannot be hurt by the little strength and monster power of Xiao Zhuang. His own voice continued to sound on the other party without rushing.

"Xiao Zhuang, you can't kill me, because no one can kill your own past. And I was just abandoned by you, as a human past."

"It's full of nonsense, cutting out the past is a power that even Lord Hei Shen doesn't have. My character Xiao He Dehe deserves to be targeted with this kind of power. Don't confuse me with nonsense, you should be a strange monster or weird Spells, who is coming, there are foreign enemies invading, and the newly promoted God Envoy Xiao character asks for help..."

Xiao Zhuang was still talking to "myself" in the first half of the sentence, and then began to shake his voice with his voice in the second half.

Loud shouts echoed in the mountains and forests, and the temple lights in the hazy mist not far away were still on, but there was no support that Xiao Zhuan was expecting to come out of. He didn't realize that something was wrong until he yelled a few more times, but no one responded, and no one walked out of the temple.

"Hey! It's really not that easy to deceive. There are not many real fools in this world. When will I have the ability similar to the mentally retarded halo?"

A strange voice sounded from behind, and Xiao Zhuang, who was tense because of the current strange situation, was so shocked that his hair stood on end. He subconsciously wanted to turn around, only to find that his entire lower body had become immobile at some point.

Looking down, a layer of frost spread silently from the ground, freezing his legs and waist, and continued to climb at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When! Who are they? Xiao Zhuangzi's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly thought about the escape strategy, and soon thought of the only light in his life, his own one-horned black god, and quickly opened his mouth to pray.

"The merciful and merciful one-horned black god who saves the suffering, the god sent Xiao Zhuo to pray to you, I hope you can save me from suffering, save..."

A layer of frost spread rapidly over Xiao's head, freezing his unspoken words in his mouth, and the frost spreading from bottom to top and top to bottom merged on his waist, turning him into a frozen iceman.

The dark black face pulled its slender tail from the iceman's neck, and happily flew back to Du Kang's hands. After being scratched by Du Kang's fingertips for a while, his little bald head laughed happily.

"I almost let you communicate with your gods, but it will disrupt my plan."

Holding the black face, he walked up to the tall iceman, stretched out his fingers and touched the shadow caught by the iceman, the shadow flowed over his body surface like running water, and finally fell under his feet, blending into the dark In the faint shadows under the starlight.

Du Kang's Yazi avatar was formed by the fusion of the seeds of spiritual thoughts split by the Yin God, the body split by the three-headed six-armed method, and a Yazi method. In addition to the power of the Yazi method, the avatar also possesses all the abilities obtained from the three-headed and six-armed method to transform into a giant spirit, and practice the Yinshen method.

What was acting on the character Xiao just now was the ghost mist that isolates sound and senses, and the new skill [Shadow Follows] obtained after the Yinshen method advanced to level five.

As the name suggests, this is the ability to control others by manipulating shadows. Although it is the first stage, with the support of Du Kang's avatar's powerful Yin God, it can already exert its power.

"Go ahead and manipulate this body."

The shadow under Du Kang's feet, which had just stabilized, squirmed and stretched under his will, and extended a long tentacle to connect to Xiao's shadow.

There is no sound.

The shadow of character Xiao also swayed abruptly, as if it had become a living creature. In the silent starlight, like a puddle of fluid, it climbed up his body along his legs, wrapping him in the shadow.

Where the shadow passed, the pale ice outside the body was stained black, and the black went all the way up, up, blackening the legs, abdomen, chest, and finally the ferocious head.

When the entire ice block was completely blackened, the shadow under the opponent's feet had completely disappeared, and the connection between the shadows of Du Kang and Xiao's characters was also silently broken and retracted.

After closing his eyes and perceiving for a while, Du Kang could feel that an extremely small part of his own shadow was permanently left in the opponent's body. As long as he didn't take the initiative to take back that part of the shadow, the opponent would be controlled by him forever.

Of course, such a powerful technique also has its price. Those who are manipulated by [Like a Shadow] will lose their own shadow forever. No matter what kind of light they stand under, there will no longer be a shadow.

The cost is entirely borne by the subject, and he only loses a small shadow. This kind of selfish skill is a good skill in Du Kang's eyes.

In addition, [Shadow Follows] has some other limitations, that is, with the first layer of Shadow Follows, it can only control the creatures who have reached the first level of the divine way at most.

Xiao Zhuan, a ferocious soldier who reached the middle level through the ceremony, is pitifully weak, and only one step stronger than ordinary mortals can Du Kang succeed.

If the target is changed to a monk who practices orthodox spells, even if the spells are weak to the improvement of the divine way, as long as he can become an intermediate monk, under the mutual nourishment of the three elements of spirit, energy and spirit, there will be no divine way cultivation base that is too weak The presence.

The Fierce God Rampant Soldiers, who are strong in Dao cultivation but weak in Divine Dao cultivation, are exactly the high-quality troops that Du Kang urgently needs now.

Therefore, Du Kang will be so excited after seeing the successful ceremony of the Xiao character. Although he doesn't know how many monster soldiers there are on the Black God Islands, there is no reason why the monster soldiers picked up for nothing are too few. earned.

The control has been achieved, and the black face flew to the Xiao character again, and the frost all over his body immediately turned into streams of water vapor, and the undead demon soldier also thawed out smoothly.

The blue-faced and long-toothed character Xiao opened his eyes again, but at this moment, the target of his fanatical faith has quietly changed to Du Kang.

The fog in the mountains dissipated in good time at this moment, and Xiao Zhuo walked straight to the temple not far away without verbal communication.

Going forward for a certain distance, the overgrown path turns into a main road. At the end of this wide and straight road is the Temple of the One-horned Black God on the island.

Seen from a distance, the temple has mahogany, red walls and red tiles, and the whole building is red, with flying eaves and corners, withered beams and painted columns, all of which reflect the majestic and majestic atmosphere of the mortal place of the gods.

Two rows of dense stone lanterns were erected on both sides of the main road, and thick whale oil candles were burning inside, emitting warm fire light to illuminate the road thoroughly.

The character of Jing Xiao has seen this scene many times, so he doesn't think there is anything special about it, but to Du Kang, who saw this temple for the first time, it doesn't look like a temple, but more like a palace.

Xiao Zhuo walked along the road paved with blue bricks, all the way to the temple gate, and shouted loudly: "Today, the Black God came to my village, and blessed me Xiao Jiao as a new envoy of God. I dare not delay, I will come immediately Come to the temple to serve, and please accept it.”

When the Xiao character stood at the gate of the temple, the prompt on the panel also sounded.

"The shadow puppet came into contact with the Black God God's Domain and obtained information about the Black God."

[Name]: Mr. Black Horn/One Horn Black Ghost/Black God

Level: Chibai Edict (God)

Skills (Divinity):

Refining Rampant Soldiers (Five Layers), Fierce Horns (Five Layers), Chains of Myriad Ghosts (Five Layers), Resentful Winds (Four Layers), Soul Devouring Resentment (Four Layers), Flame Worship (Four Layers), Various Martial arts (triple)...

Divine Soldier: Ghost Head Broadsword (low-middle tier), Spirit Slaying Saber (lower-middle tier)

Promotion conditions: Mr. Black Horn is a fierce god, you need to gather 1,296 rampant soldiers, brand the rampant soldier tiger talisman into the acupoints of the golden body, and then sacrifice a living heart of the same level as yourself to the ghost king , can be promoted to Chi Chi God.

As soon as Xiao Zhuang finished speaking, a tall red figure appeared at the gate of the temple, looking at Xiao Zhuang who was dressed in blue, and responded in a low voice.

"As soon as the sun set today, the Black God has issued a decree, explaining your origin. Xiao Xiao, congratulations on becoming the 423rd envoy of the Black God, and also the seventh person in this temple to serve the Black God Angel of God."

The person who spoke was also a ferocious soldier, but unlike the Xiao character, she was red all over, with a slender and well-proportioned figure, erect breasts, and a beautiful appearance. She turned out to be a woman.

This fierce and rampant soldier turned out to be a young man and a red woman!

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