Depressed Fairy

Chapter 137 The wind blows thousands of miles, heading straight towards the Jiuchong Dynasty

The spirit of Master Xia Xia jumped, and he felt an extremely dangerous and fatal feeling. He immediately transformed into a glow of light and moved around!


The Netherworld sword light flashed through and penetrated the ground he was originally stepping on.

"The rocks on the Immortal Platform shouldn't be penetrated so easily."

Master Xiangxia turned his head and saw the young Taoist not far away, wearing a Taoist robe and gray sleeves fluttering.

"I never thought that you and I would meet under such circumstances, Lord Destroyer."

He was calm and with a confident smile on his face, he picked up the pass and waved it towards Chen Yuan.

"Are you so concerned about this token? Why do you have to break up with me for such a person from another world? You and I are in the same camp."

"I don't remember having the same position as a shameless person like you." Chen Yuan squeezed the seal with his hand, as if he was hiding it.

"With your cultivation and talent, if you had ascended to the spirit world four hundred years ago, you could be my companion! The talents of monks who can break through the shackles of this world are far beyond those of ordinary monks. Once you reach Gouchenling The world will advance by leaps and bounds immediately!" Master Xian Xia pointed out something, and stretched out his hand towards Chen Yuan, "Go forward side by side with me, first calm the catastrophe in the human world, and then go to the spiritual world and carve a legend for us. , our name can become the name of this world!”


As soon as he finished speaking, the token in his hand suddenly shattered like a soap bubble!

"Is this... a spell?"

Master Fang Xia looked shocked.

Chen Yuan let go of the seal in his hand, grabbed it forward, and grabbed the token from the void.

Supernatural power - Star Reacher!

After exhaling a breath, most of the surging aura in his body dropped, but when he opened his mouth to inhale, the death energy of the netherworld rolled in, and the aura rose rapidly again!

"Now, there is nothing to worry about."

He flicked the token, and the layers of restrictions surrounding it were shattered, and a weak soul appeared from it.

When this living soul appeared, he was confused at first. When he saw Chen Yuan, he immediately showed a look of surprise, but then he noticed the surrounding environment and his expression turned worried: "Master! You must be careful, this..."


Putting the token in his arms, Chen Yuan changed his seal, and the Sword of Misfortune flew out of his sleeves, roaring out with the surging death energy!

Cold light flashes!

When death is exhausted, vitality appears, when yin is exhausted, pure yang appears!

Daoist Xian Xia calmly stretched out a finger, pointed it far away, and a misty light flickered on the fingertips, resisting the flying sword!

In Chen Yuan's arms, Wang Fuyin's words came out at this time: "...Zhenxia Zhenren has broken through the shackles for more than a hundred years and practiced the Yin God! In order to return to the divine treasure, he proclaimed his cultivation level and dropped his realm by one level. Only by cultivating yourself as a god can you come to the divine realm!"

Chen Yuan's heart moved when he heard this.

"Refining God?"

Master Xian Xia put one finger against the flying sword and praised: "How can a person like you be born in a small divine treasure! Using Xuan Ming's death energy to cast a method that is close to a magic spell! It's amazing, it's really amazing! And this Did you understand the Flying Sword Technique on your own? Yes, very good."

He raised his head and said with a smile: "If you admit your mistake now, kowtow, and worship me as your teacher, the entire Mingxia Valley will be yours."

Chen Yuan said coldly: "Even if people like you want to worship me as your teacher, I won't accept it." After saying this, his eyes went dark, the seal on his hand suddenly changed, and his whole body momentum dropped again!

"It's useless. You may be gifted, but my realm is far beyond your imagination!" Master Xianxia smiled and shook his head. "The highest realm you can imagine cannot touch my true realm. I..."

Here it is!

The Wo Qiu Sword trembled suddenly, and then completely disintegrated!


Countless sword lights burst out from it!

Each sword light contains a sword thought, interpreting different secrets of swordsmanship, blooming with brilliance, like countless stars exploding from one point, radiating in all directions, exploding at the fingertips of Zhenxia Zhenren!

Yin Shen magic!

Ten Thousand Swords and Stars Deduction Method!

Every ray of sword light seemed to come to life, full of vitality, but also contained the thought of death!

In the blink of an eye, the sword light completely shattered the entire right arm of Master Feng Xia!

That was the most complete destruction, killing all the life in the entire right arm!

"The law has a soul!? How is it possible!!!"

Master Xian Xia's expression suddenly changed. He looked at the sword lights that wrapped around his right arm and felt the strong will and thoughts in them. He showed a look of extreme horror!

He raised his left hand, and the aura of hundreds of colored clouds turned into a long sword, which fell straight down and cut off his right arm. Then the aura exploded all over his body, and he rushed towards the azure light ladder with his body. He walked away without a fight and was about to rush into the void. In the royal palace!

"Still want to leave?" Without saying a word, Chen Yuan directly crushed the last piece of Dream Soul Crystal into pieces!

Boom boom boom!

The natal aura hangs upside down like a waterfall and soars into the sky!

Chen Yuan was sitting on the illusory lotus platform, with four haloes of light appearing behind him!

With a flash of inspiration, he entered the Niwan Palace.

The next moment, the inner demon expands and the starry sky spreads!

In the aura, a vague figure loomed.

He raised his hand and pointed.

The four halos of light trembled and fell on the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger of Chen Yuan's right hand in turn, like four rings, each of which contained a little will.

The terrifying aura dispersed, and invisible power enveloped the space in all directions!

Ahead, Zhenxia Zhenxia was already on the Qingguang Stairs, but his whole body froze and he was frozen in the distance!

"It turns out that Dharma has a spirit! He is a monk from the lower realm who has not ascended, has not washed his body, and has incomplete blood. How can he cross the realm and master the spells that can only be cast by Yin Shen monks? This doesn't make sense! My Taoism has fallen now, isn't it? Opponent! Damn it! My level is clearly above his! But as long as I can reach the Xuwang Palace..."

In the midst of rage, strong desire filled his heart, and aura erupted from the pores all over his body. A bit of hatred and unwilling will grew in the aura, allowing him to break free from his confinement all of a sudden!

Master Xiang Xia was overjoyed, feeling the wisps of spiritual light and will, and evil thoughts gave birth to a wave of madness!

"After all, I am a god-refining monk, and I came from a self-proclaimed realm! How can I let you compete with me? How can I let you grow up! Die!"

As soon as Master Xiuxia turned around, colorful clouds rolled around him, turning into a colorful brilliance that filled the sky!

On the water, on the smooth stone walls, between the clouds, and in the depths of the eyes, the little rays of light reflected suddenly turned into substance, all rising up and converging into one!

"Wonderful rays of light!"

Rolling clouds cover the top of the mountain, and are about to descend on Chen Yuan!

But Chen Yuan just looked at the four-finger halo.

"not enough."

he said.

next moment.

The entire Shengxian Platform trembled, and the ghostly aura inside and outside the mountain roared like a tidal wave, all moving towards Chen Yuan's right hand, and finally condensed a circle of pitch-black halo on his thumb!

The five fingers were surrounded by light, and Chen Yuan raised his hand to grab it.


The strong wind roared across the entire Immortal Platform, blowing in all directions, and swept across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the blink of an eye!

Great Sumeru Seal!

The halo overlaps, and a towering mountain peak rises from the ground!

Like a pillar of heaven, it pierced through the clouds and hit the majestic palace!


The palace roared and was lifted upwards!


Invisible ripples broke out, and the strange connection between Shengxian Platform and Xuwang Palace was broken!

Shock, shock, shock!

Up and down the mountain, there are cracks everywhere!

"What's wrong?"

All twenty-seven souls of the past were awakened and appeared from all over the mountain.

"Who shook the foundation of Shengxian Terrace?"

"Who is absorbing the energy of the netherworld? This is to suck out all the yin energy in this place where yin and yang meet!"

"It's so cruel! What kind of Taoist magic is this? Can you create realistic shadows of mountains and rivers out of thin air!?"

"This is the Immortal Platform? Why is there such a strong aura of the underworld? It's like a giant wave! No, this wave is receding! What is that? A mountain within a mountain?"

Monk Sheep, Ma Zhen, and Po Ding, who had just arrived outside the valley, felt the changes and hesitated for a moment.

At this moment, a black wind blew over, and there was a Shinto thought shining brightly in the wind!

"I'm late, I'm late? Someone is already fighting on the Immortal Platform! This aura seems to be like a tiger-destroying king! Destroying mountains and mountains! Sure enough, it's fate! He's really here! Hahaha! Just in time, I didn't prepare in vain! Um?"

As soon as he entered the valley, a surging force surged in, directly knocking him back from the hurricane!

Ahead, in the gate of hell, thousands of ghost thoughts are boiling again, attacking a glazed soul, but not only does the soul not fade away, but it slowly merges into its body, creating a young man in white.

He came out of the seclusion in a daze, looked at the majestic mountains piercing the sky, put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "The majestic man is soaring into the sky, the sky is majestic for thousands of miles! How majestic, Mr. Chen!"

On the mountain trail, Taoist Fox raised his head and looked at the sky, his face full of shock.

"Supernatural power? Supernatural power! Someone in this world has developed magical power!?"

Boom! Boom!

Deep in the swaying palace, a will as vast as the sea was shaking, waking up from the deep fugue meditation.

The ultimate evil thoughts slowly emerged...

On the top of the mountain, strong winds blew, and fragments of light and shadow were scattered in all directions. Every time they landed on one place, they were annihilated!

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the three Shinto emperors changed drastically.

"This is no longer a fight that we can intervene in. Let's retreat first and wait..."

Emperor Dongyue was speaking when he suddenly trembled, and the other two divine monarchs also looked the same.


Amidst the thunder, the huge mountains disappeared, and the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed.

The real person Xia Xia, whose whole body was covered with cracks, fell from the green light steps, and one after another rainbow light burst out from the cracks!


His body suddenly collapsed!

Endless vitality and glow bloom from it, illuminating half of the sky!

"My Dao body!"

With screams, the brilliant golden elixir was wrapped in a misty light, and Cang Cang rushed towards the Xuwang Palace in panic!

"As long as I can enter the Palace of the Void King, and through the changing realm of reality and reality in the palace, I can briefly recreate the true realm of cultivation in the palace, and reproduce the power of the god-refining monk! Then no one will need to be afraid!"

A hand as white as jade reached out, tore through the misty light, and held the golden elixir.

Chen Yuan held the leak-free elixir in front of him and asked quietly: "Do you think that by entering this palace, you can recreate your true state of cultivation?"


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and a black lotus fell into the hall.

"Hahahahahaha! This is the fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman wins! I will finally perfect my magic today!"

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