Depressed Fairy

Chapter 151 In order to obtain immortality, bow your head and worship the immortals?

"What did you say?"

As soon as Chen Yuan said this, regardless of what others were doing, Mr. Chenghe frowned with surprise on his face.

"You don't want to be on the Immortal Book?"

His tone was full of doubts, and it was hard to understand.

"You don't know what the immortal genealogy means?"

Everyone around them recovered from their surprise.

Su Qian and her two nephews were anxious, but they did not dare to speak casually.

Jingchi Sanren couldn't help but said: "Fellow Taoist, don't be arrogant. The Immortal Genealogy is recorded in the book. Every few years, you can go to the Ancient Immortal Cave Mansion. It is the real immortal relic! Apart from the Fairy Flower, it is the most stable Immortal. The channel for capturing spiritual energy!”

After saying that, he came back to his senses and added to Mr. Chenghe: "Of course, these are incidental. What's more important is that being on the immortal tree is an honor! It's a symbol of status! I seek immortality, If you want to be free, you must also reach the top! This group of immortals is the proof of freedom!"

"Even if I need a status symbol, I'm not rushing to get on any list." Chen Yuan said lightly. He didn't really like Chenghe Jun's attitude, not to mention, he didn't have much past life. It can be confirmed.

"You have such an opportunity in front of you, but you want to let it go?" Mr. Chenghe sneered, "The Immortal Book is the honor of the Dingyuan monks. I don't know how many people look forward to it, just to get there overnight! Only others have always asked for it. , I have never heard of the Immortal Book asking for help!”

He had his own arrogance, and after getting over the initial surprise, he no longer dwelled on it, and turned around to leave, but in the end he felt a little unhappy, feeling that the noble Immortal List had been humiliated by an unknown monk.

So before leaving, he left a message to Chen Yuan: "In less than three days, you will regret what you said now! By then, if you meet me again and say that you want to be on the list, it will not be as simple as it is today!" I hope you won’t regret your ignorant words today!”

As soon as the words fell, the man didn't miss him at all, he took advantage of the wind and flew away on the clouds!

"He left simply! It's a pity that this person never took action, otherwise such an arrogant person would have taken the opportunity to beat him up no matter what he said! As for exposing the strength of his trump card, it may not be a bad thing."

Chen Yuan secretly regretted it, but he also captured the key information from the other party's words.

"According to what this person said, we can meet again in three days at most! So there is still a chance! However, it is best to collect more information. Moreover, this means that there may be a big change in Zangming Country. Perhaps, I can be the first to Let’s settle the accounts with the person behind the scenes and see if we can stabilize the prototype of the personality we have built along the way and solve the situation of exclusion from heaven, otherwise nothing will be done..."

"Alas! Taoist Priest, why did you refuse?" Su Qian came over at this time. No matter how scrupulous she was, she couldn't help but sigh, "How many people can't get the opportunity to join the Immortal Book in their lifetime? The blessing!”

"That's right." Even Luo Zhensheng couldn't help but mutter, "Chenghe Jun is a man whose eyes are as high as his head, and he gets disgusted just by looking at him. He thinks highly of himself in every word, and in his words and deeds, he seems to be showing kindness and charity to others. Even commenting on others seems to be a kind of gift, and others should kneel down to flatter him! However, he is the Taoist Transformation Lord, and his back is the Immortal Residence, and every one of his disgusting words is worthy of his name! The gate of the great sect is guarding the legacy of our predecessors. If we, the casual cultivators, want to live forever, other than working for the great sect, we can only bow to the Immortal Shouju."

Chen Yuan shook his head and said: "On the road of cultivation, I have bowed my head many times, and I have retreated countless times. Strategic shifts are commonplace, but they are all for the purpose of guarding the Taoist heart and seeking immortality. This is fundamental. How can I bow my head for no reason? Being driven by others? Isn’t that putting the cart before the horse?”

Jingchi Sanren sighed: "Fellow Taoist, today is different from the past. The Dingyuan small world is closed inside and outside, the spiritual energy is getting thinner, and the Dharma practice is getting slower. There is an upper limit. Refining the Qi can still support it, but if you want to go further, you will not be able to With the spirit of the fairy or the flower of the fairy, you can't even survive the calamity of the heart! Without the spirit of the fairy, you can't live long. You may die of old age not long after building the foundation. How can you live forever in order to protect the immortal residence? Only by running around, gaining a position, and entering the Immortal Palace can you live forever, and I don’t know how many people can’t even ask for it!”

"The spirit of the fairy..."

Chen Yuan chewed on this word, and then thought of the "immortal ruins" mentioned by this Sanren before.

"The Taoism is limited, but it can live for a long time. It is better than the state, but it is neglected in the secret of protecting the Tao. The root of this may be the immortal ruins. But what kind of ruins can be named the immortal? In the cave In the virtual world, there are indeed many caves, which are called immortals, but they are all people who ascended in harmony with the Tao. Although the caves left behind before ascending are mysterious, I have never heard of any fairy spirit or fairy spirit. of flowers.”

His mind was racing as he recalled the flower in Jingchi Sanren's hand, and he was basically certain that it was the same variety as the white lotus he had obtained in the Shabang's treasury.

But the difference is that Jingchi Sanren only has two petals in his hand, while Chen Yuan's one has nine petals.

Just as he was thinking about it, the two people beside him were still sighing, vaguely trying to comfort him.

Instead, the indifferent Monk Yunqing came over, saluted the two of them, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Xuyanzi has his own ideas, and he has profound knowledge. He can cultivate to the golden elixir state in obscurity! This is such great perseverance. , Great opportunity? There may not be a channel for the spirit of immortality, so why bother to be ranked on the same list? Maybe, if these immortals are not worthy of the name of the Taoists today, they will be unable to reach the level of the immortals in the future! "

"You monk, you are so evil!" Luo Zhensheng frowned, waiting to be scolded.

But Chen Yuan stopped.

"Everyone has gone, there is no point talking about this anymore, and there is no need to worry about it all the time." As Chen Yuan spoke, he turned around and walked towards the carriage, "I am a passerby, and everything I get is just the right time, and it is just a fleeting thing. But. , since someone is plotting this trip, there must be an explanation instead of talking about the Immortal Genealogy here, it is better to arrive at the capital as soon as possible."

"Taoist Priest, do you have plans to travel far away?" Su Qian heard some clues and stepped forward, hesitating and said: "My Lei family has prepared generous gifts for you in Beijing, and there are many other things you mentioned along the way. Files, such as Naxi Whale Island, Eight Sects, etc., have been summarized and sorted, waiting to be presented to you..."

"Don't worry, I'm not a person who just eats up everything and leaves. Otherwise, instead of sitting on the carriage now, I would go to the capital of Zangming in advance." Chen Yuan was not affected by these words at all and spoke frankly. He said: "When I entered the capital this time, I went to wipe out the people who were behind the plan, and I also saved you Lei family from disaster. Those files are my reward. Okay, no need to say more, let's go on our way."

At the end, he added: "If you want to come up with a surprise attack, you'd better hurry up and don't hesitate any longer." He had no interest in the so-called power struggle, but once he understood the identity of the scheming person and connected the experience together, Or there is a chance to condense an identity that can resist the rejection of heaven.

Su Qian's heart trembled. She thought of the letters sent home in the past few days and knew that what Chen Yuan said was true. Although she still wanted to persuade him again, she did not dare to waste time and went to urge the carriage and horses to move forward.

As soon as she left, Jingchi San people said their goodbyes and left. The battle was an anticlimactic one, and the good guys were greatly disappointed and dispersed one after another.

But the relevant news was sent directly to the capital.

"Normally, these monks pretend to be noble no matter how shabby they are. Why are they so cooperative this time?"

The capital of Zangming is the palace of Jinru.

Looking at the latest information in his hand, the man in fine clothes frowned.

After thinking for a moment, he knocked on the table.

Soon, two of his confidants, the Taoist priest who worshiped Zhuan Shu in the mansion and the monk Huchang came in a hurry.

The man in rich clothes showed the secret report in his hand to the two of them.

After reading it, the Zhuan Shu Taoist said: "After spending so much, it really improved this man's reputation."

Monk Chuchang said: "The master's plan is naturally good, but I am afraid that the people below will do something wrong."

"It doesn't need to be said so tactfully. I know that you are worried that it will be self-defeating, and you will really achieve the reputation of that false talker. However, as long as this person wears the name of an outside spy, the greater his reputation, the greater the backlash, but..."

Speaking of this, the man in rich clothes smiled coldly: "I didn't expect this Jingchi Sanren to be so shameless! I thought I knew this person's temperament and knew that he would not be so honest after receiving money. The reason why I wanted to contact him , in order to increase Xu Yanzi's reputation without making him too majestic. After all, he spent a lot of money to support him in order to be able to deal with the Lei family legitimately! As a result, this Jingchi Sanren is also a silver-colored pewter spearhead... "

Monk Chuchang said: "Jingchi San and Luo Zhensheng will not retreat without reason. This will be detrimental to their reputation. Maybe that Xu Yanzi is really a great cultivator..."

The man in rich clothes smiled confidently and said: "Do you think that the golden elixir monks just jumped out of the stone? In order to pass the golden elixir, you have to go to the human world, or seek the spirit of the immortal spirit. You can't hide it no matter what. ! To take a step back, even though he is a great cultivator, no one knows the skills he performs, which makes him known as a spy! Don't forget that there are a lot of capable people in the capital, otherwise how could I choose this person? Are you ready to attack the Lei family?"

Taoist Zhuan Shu asked in confusion: "Why go to all this trouble? If this spy is exposed to the public, won't the Lei family be brought down?"

The man in rich clothes shook his head: "Do you think that dealing with the Lei family depends on justice and morality? Even if the Lei family associates with spies, as long as public opinion does not rise, no one will think it is a big deal, and the big thing will be trivialized. On the contrary, grasp one point. , use a name that is simple enough that everyone can understand, everyone knows it, and then turn it around and everyone will know that the Lei family is collaborating with the enemy and treason, even if the Lei family is innocent, it is useless! Judge them!"

He took a deep breath and his eyes were cold: "An unknown spy is definitely not as shocking as a famous one! As long as it can stir up public opinion and shake the foundation of the Lei family's reputation, not to mention a spy, even a dog, will The key is to kill them! Now, the opportunity is at hand!"

At this time, a servant suddenly came in and told about the Lei family's carriage and horses arriving in Beijing.

"Good come." The man in rich clothes smiled slightly: "The stage is set up, just waiting for them to come." Then he ordered: "Put out the posts according to the arrangement of the orphans. Remember, when you visit the big monks, you must Be humble and don’t take the airs of the palace!”

"Your Highness."

Suddenly, a soft female voice came from outside——

The face of the man in fine clothes suddenly changed, and he walked to the backyard with barely a smile on his face.

A frail woman in red clothes walked over and asked as she walked: "Your Majesty already knows that something happened to Hei Chan. He also knows that Hei Chan has been working for you recently. This person died suddenly..."

"Ling'er, listen to Gu, there is a reason for this, it's not Gu's random instigation..."

"Don't worry, His Majesty doesn't care whether Hei Chan is alive or dead. He only cares about whether things can be done. As long as it can be done, everything is easy to say. If not..." The woman smiled sadly, "I have no choice but to send His Highness on his way. ”

The face of the man in rich clothes froze, and then he forced a smile: "With the help arranged by the Venerable Gu, how could he miss it? Gu has already given the order to search with all his strength! The results will be available soon!"

"I hope so, but don't forget the deadline." The woman chuckled and turned around. She took two steps forward and suddenly stopped again, "By the way, I forgot one thing. The venerable was very angry about those false words, and I don't know what he said. Why did you anger the Venerable? Don’t you want to use him to deal with the Lei family? You must remember that he must not be killed, but must be captured alive, and he must be sent to the Venerable to deal with him personally.”

The face of the man in gorgeous clothes changed, and he immediately said: "That man's cultivation level is not low. Jingchi San people will retreat when they see him. If they want to capture him alive, I'm afraid..."

The weak woman covered her mouth and said: "Don't worry, I have added a few helpers for you. I will come to the house to see you later. Those people are not ordinary. You must treat them well and don't show any royal airs." "

"Ling'er, don't worry. You're in the right position." The man in the rich clothes said eagerly. When he raised his head and looked over, there was no woman anywhere.


Crushing the teacup in his hand, the man let out a long breath.

"As soon as the Lei family is overthrown, Gu will be able to take control of the power. At that time, we must invite the family's treasures to come out and bless Gu. By then..."

the other side.

In the Lei Family Courtyard, Lei Chongli hurried over with an invitation. When he saw Chen Yuan, he said, "The Taoist Master has a wonderful plan! I really got an invitation just after I entered the house!"

"This is the man behind the scenes introducing himself." Chen Yuan accepted the invitation. He had been plotted by others along the way, and it was not all bad. He had vaguely gained a prototype of his personality, and now he was just about to take the final step. As soon as he thought about it, he lowered his head and looked at the invitation, skimming over the words and only staring at a name.

"King Jinru."

ah! It’s the line pressing again, alas...

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