Depressed Fairy

Chapter 179 Xu Lian entrusts his life to follow the heart of the furnace

Since there are cracks in the golden elixir, the inside and outside are no longer the same as the Hunyuan.

During the forging process, the fire light penetrated both inside and outside, as if the molten iron had been smelted, just waiting to be shaped.

However, what Chen Yuan wants to refine is not an ordinary incarnation, but a magic weapon. Therefore, although the golden elixir is cracked, it is still forged in the furnace and filled with fairy spirit.

Seven days in a row.

On the seventh day.

In the surrounding forest, several figures suddenly shuttled back and forth. The leader was none other than the handsome and female Crown Prince of Dragon Palace, Aoling.

He led a group of soldiers to search for a while, and then ordered them to disperse and search individually.

After searching for a long time, nothing was found. Instead, two soldiers fell into the cracks in the rocks due to a moment of negligence and were slightly injured.

"Your Majesty! We haven't found Taoist Master Xuyanzi!"

"My lord, I didn't find that gentleman!"

"No trace found."

Listening to the replies from the soldiers, Yao Ling's face became increasingly ugly.

"How is it possible? Are the rumors true? The Taoist priest was really killed in Zangming City? This doesn't make sense..."

"Your Majesty, these are all trivial matters." Suddenly, a deep voice sounded, followed by a little old man with a hunched back, stretched out his neck, and a small goatee on his chin, walking with figure eight steps. He came over and said, "The painting must be found as soon as possible. As for the way you praised the fictitious son in your letter earlier, it actually doesn't matter. There is no need to take the sarcasm of the other princes to heart..."

After hearing the words, Bao Ling lowered his head in thought, and finally shook his head: "I don't think Taoist Master will be defeated so easily. There are different opinions now, but there are no examples to prove that he fell into the hands of the swordsman!"

"Many people have seen it with their own eyes, how can it be false?" The little old man shook his head, "I know that you praised that Xuyanzi too much before, but now the situation has turned and you are a little embarrassed, but this is what happens in the world of spiritual practice. Sudden destruction is common. I have lived a long life and have seen a lot." He pointed to the surroundings, "You said that person should be in seclusion here, but this time we even took a few magical tools for exploration. A dozen people searched and found nothing. Could it be that he had set up a dragnet to prevent others from inspecting? Does this make sense? "

Speaking of this, he lowered his voice and said, "Could it be that the people on West Whale Island can lie?"

Aoling frowned and remained silent.

"What happened? Someone pretended to be me? Was he caught by people from West Whale Island?"

In the cave, through the contact with the formation, Chen Yuan knew everything about what happened in the forest, and he quickly assembled the truth from a few words.

"In my situation, someone else would pretend to be me? What good can this do? It's really chaotic outside. I have to speed up. It will probably be unsafe here soon. I need to peel off all the constraints of the fairy spirit as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble. Fortunately, it’s almost time to move on to the next step.”

At this moment, Chen Yuan's physical body was slightly thin, and he had injected most of the fairy energy in his body into the furnace and connected it with the fire.

However, most of the fire that was originally dyed pure white has receded, leaving only a thin layer of white.

In contrast, the golden elixir wrapped by the power of time seems to have really turned into a ball of water, flowing in the light of the moonlight, sometimes condensing into elixir pills, and sometimes spreading out like silver amalgam.

On the contrary, the dark obsession, which seemed to be a burning and transparent relationship, combined with the crystal thoughts, became more and more solid, like a dark eyeball.

Gold, silver and mercury, obsession and dark eyes, although they are separated on two sides, they are attracted to each other and difficult to separate.

"The obsession has not been burned out, but has become more solidified. To refine the incarnation of the three corpse magic weapon, this obsession must eventually be included."

Watching the changes in the furnace, feeling the immortal energy in his body that could not be eradicated like tarsal maggots, Chen Yuan raised his hand and flicked the furnace twice, and suddenly the fire jumped, and the golden elixir and the black eyes called each other. Yuehua, which contains the power of time, is on the verge of collapse.

"Since it can't be destroyed, let's add more thoughts to dilute it! We can't delay it anymore. If I don't truly refine it into an incarnation, the fairy spirit energy in my body cannot be cured! Disease!"

The seal on his hand changed!

In front of the furnace, thirteen sacrificial vessels of different shapes shook together, and the last bits of incense contained in them all flew up and hovered in the sky!

This sustenance thought originally contains the believers' expectations and desires for the gods. They have unrealistic expectations for the gods. At the same time, they also contain the most intense emotional thoughts and desires, which are guided into a whirlpool!

In the stove, the thought of incense that had long been integrated into it was vibrating, resonating with the whirlpool of incense!

When Chen Yuan saw that the heat was coming, he took a few tips!

A jade book flew out!

This jade book originated from the Eight Sects and was used by the elder Xingzhai who invaded Shenzang. It was never refined after being confiscated by Chen Yuan.

"The treasure of the incarnation of the three corpses carries distracting thoughts and desires. This time, it is also mixed with the golden elixir of immortality and death energy. It can be said that it is a neat collection of evil ways and extreme thoughts. Other magic weapons are used as sustenance and carrying objects. I am afraid it cannot be suppressed. Stay away from this evil spirit. Instead, this jade book records the way of learning, inherits the teachings of the saints, and tends to be conservative and stubborn, which is perfect for restraining the evil ways!"

In a flash of thought, the jade book followed the Three Corpses Technique and fell into the whirlpool of incense, just like boiling oil falling into firewood, causing a crackling sound, and the two gradually merged!

On the jade book, rows of seal characters emerged, blooming with brilliance and releasing magic, like a highly respected old scholar who wanted to tell old truths, but the billowing thoughts were like a group of Guizhou die-hards who only had extreme thoughts. , rushed into the jade book, and shattered the magic weapon's glory!

The seal characters are distorted and the brilliance fades!

The entire magic weapon is being reshaped!

Chen Yuan saw the opportunity and raised his hand to point on his forehead.

There was a sound of tearing silk, and a corner of Xingkong's inner demon was torn apart by him, and along with other distracting thoughts such as hesitation, indecision, hesitation, and indecisiveness, they fell into the jade book!

In an instant, the group of incense thoughts seemed to have gained the backbone, and their momentum immediately surged, completely suppressing the brilliance of the jade book, and rubbing a strange pattern on it!


Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and patted it, and the incense and jade book finally fell into the furnace!

The flames in the furnace were rising, the smoke was filling the air, the moon was twinkling, gold, elixir, silver and mercury met, and all gathered in the jade book in an instant!

In a daze, the scene in front of Chen Yuan changed, and there was another scene of mountains and ruins!

But he remained unmoved and took pictures again!

This time, a bright yellow mist surged out, four soul beads surrounded it, and a severed finger inside was trembling!


The remaining fairy energy in Chen Yuan's body suddenly became chaotic, and there was a stabbing pain in his head. The illusory realm in front of him changed one after another. The scene in the ruins instantly became clear. A vague figure could be seen, sitting cross-legged among them, bowing his head in silence. Silent, full of death energy.


Chen Yuan's heart was beating, and there was an unspeakable impulse in his heart - the desire to find out!

"This is? The corpse of an immortal?"

The moment this thought fell, a "click" sound suddenly came from his kit, and then a ninth-grade white lotus appeared on its own and bloomed!

The white lotus flew and hung over Chen Yuan's head, spinning in the air!


The next moment, energy and blood surged all over his body, and the death energy swarmed out from all parts of his body. There were even white hairs protruding from the surface of his body, and fangs loomed in his mouth!

Gurgling gurgling——

In the furnace, the jade books trembled, and the gold elixir and silver mercury boiled!

"I knew this White Lotus was a variable, but I didn't expect it to break out of control at this time! However, it is better to lose control now than when you fight with others! Besides, the fire is booming, so we can practice together! Come!"

He took a deep breath, suppressed the strangeness in his body, ignored the changes in his body, and took another shot!

This time, a glowing cloud flew out!

The mist gathered between them, like a haunting soul crystal, was one of the essential soul crystals in the wooden box given by General Feng!

The light mist turned and was swallowed by Chen Yuan!

Then, a ray of light came out from the chest and abdomen!

Four halos of light surged out from behind his head, directly surrounding Bai Lian!

Two more outer elixirs appeared, one was white and cold, and the other was bursts of rays of light. The true energy intertwined to suppress the spiritual energy in the cave!

"Get everyone in!"

With a low roar, Chen Yuan endured the discomfort all over his body and stuffed the white lotus, spiritual light, merit yellow cloud and the severed finger into the refining furnace!

"Gather it for me!"

The three corpse arts were circulating in his heart, the inner demons were surging, and his thoughts were boiling. He visualized a figure, carried by thoughts, and thrown into the furnace!

Suddenly, the billowing incense thoughts seemed to be guided, and they all thought of this figure.

Boom boom boom!

The fire suddenly rolled in the furnace, shooting out a dazzling light!


A little crack appeared on the surface of the furnace!


Outside, suddenly there was thunder in the void!

An inexplicable pressure descended on the world!

Yao Ling and others who were about to leave the dense forest were trembling with excitement, and then their expressions changed!

"Is this?" He suddenly turned around and looked into the forest. What he saw was a pure white thunder splitting through the clouds and falling into the forest!

"Is there someone trying to survive the tribulation?" The hunchbacked old man saw this and his eyes widened, "Is there really someone hiding in the woods?"

"Xuyanzi, Xuyanzi, when it comes to bluffing, you are really powerful. You are not wrong! I thought you were a worldly immortal who could conquer mountains and seas, but I didn't expect that Kenshin Gong would be able to capture you as soon as he took action. Nowadays, many people have to spend money. Let’s see what you look like like a loser. Unfortunately, Lord Kenshin is in the way, but he is about to leave for Tuo Xuan Mountain! This silver will still fall into my hands!”

In Zangming City, a skinny young man stood guard outside a wing, muttering to the gray-clothed Taoist in the room. The latter's injuries had slightly recovered, but his cultivation had been crippled by 70% to 80%, and due to his reputation, All destroyed, Xuan Gong backfired, and there was no trace of his body and conduct, so he was dejected, but there was resentment and hatred hidden in his eyes.

"West Whale Island, Kenshin Envoy. They just want to capture me, but they still humiliate me like this..."


He trembled all over, and ripples suddenly appeared on his body, like a reflection in the water, a bit distorted and dissipated!

When Niu Falcon saw this, he was startled at first, and then understood, and was surprised and happy!

"That Zhenxuyanzi actually appeared outside the city!"


On the top of the pavilion, the swordsman who was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes!

Barely catching up...

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