Depressed Fairy

Chapter 413: Still worshipping Chen Zu, where can I find the paradise?

"What a loud tone."

Walking in the clouds, Chen Yuan's perception did not converge. He noticed the arrival of the gilded man.

"Another Fortune Immortal, and it feels very strange to me. His power seems to be connected to some kind of power in the void, and he has some kind of extremely high destiny! But because of his extremely high destiny, High, that’s why it was captured by the trapped dragon formation.”

The trapping dragon formation that Chen Yuan used was not a simple formation, but a special cage created by combining many factors such as Qi talisman, luck, fate, and heavenly blessings.

"The stronger the luck, the easier it is to fall into it. Because the key lies in the way of heaven. If it is not stronger than the way of heaven, it will be difficult to escape."

Feeling the gilded man trapped in the formation, he kept trying all kinds of dazzling means to break the blockade of the trapped dragon formation.

"What an amazing method! Magical weapons, spells, magic tools, incantations, talismans, magical powers, great magical powers, mental image mapping, the method of the full moon, and even three different prototypes of the cave! If it were not for the help of Shen Zang Tian Dao, simply using If I use my own accumulated knowledge to set up a formation, I can trap this person for three or four hours at most! Are these the disciples of Zixiao Palace? They really have a lot of cards..."

But Chen Yuan also knew very well that in the face of such methods that kept appearing like violent storms, even with the power of heaven as a basis, I am afraid it would not last too long.

"If the power of this person connecting to the void breaks out, it may not be able to compete with the way of heaven, but there are probably restrictions on how to use it, or there may be a big price to pay. This person doesn't know how to use it yet."

Shaking his head, he didn't care too much. The meeting with this group of Zixiao Palace disciples was originally an accident. The reason why the formation was set up was because of the arrogance and bad mouth of this group of people. Even if the formation was broken, at least here. He also had no direct losses in the world.

"However, these Zixiao Palace disciples seem to have great ambitions and goals in this world. From this point of view, temporarily trapping them will actually make it easier for me to do things."

After just a second thought, Chen Yuan traveled more than a thousand miles. When he looked up, he could faintly see the strongest place ahead where the dynasty's destiny and the brilliance of the Shinto gathered!

There are also several majestic air pillars rising into the sky like pillars of air. The scenes of the mind in them connect the heaven and the earth, constantly affecting the earth's veins, and then interfering with the country and the country of the entire Dacheng Dynasty!

Not only that, there is also a green emerald-like streak in it, reaching straight into the sky, constantly invading the way of heaven!

At the source of all this is a majestic city standing under the dark night!

The lights in the city are brightly lit, but there is an aura of quietness and tranquility, matching the surroundings, like pearls embedded in the vast wilderness!

"This is Jingyang City, the imperial capital of Dacheng? There are really many immortals living there, but..."

He squinted his eyes, layers of brilliance flashing in his eyes, and his mysterious eyes discerned reality and yin and yang.

In the distance, the city under the night suddenly twisted, like a painting being moved by someone, rising and falling like ocean waves.

“The whole city is in the painting!”

After seeing this truth, Chen Yuan didn't hesitate at all. He pressed the cloud head and his body changed with light. Although he was still wearing a gray Taoist robe, there was a whisk in his hand and the hem of his clothes was like a swimsuit. Fang Taoist.

at this time.

Boom boom boom——

Suddenly, there was a strong sound in the void. Correspondingly, the weather was surging in the night sky, and the strong winds in the nine heavens were boiling, and they were constantly gathering towards the west and farther west!

Hua Hua Hua——

A strong ripple, like stars colliding, came from the extreme west, stirring up waves of air and stirring up the endless void!

At this moment, everyone in the entire realm who has achieved success in cultivation will feel it!

Even Chen Yuan was no exception. The difference was that he felt more things. He turned around and looked around. His eyes ignored the distance and captured the source of all changes.

A chaotic, dark and twisted huge black shadow suddenly reflected in his eyes, but soon a mass of fog fell down, covering everything, and even Chen Yuan's eyes could not see anything more.

Everything is hidden in the mist.

After that, the ripples of terror that stirred up all directions gradually disappeared, and the void returned to calm, as if nothing had ever happened.

But everyone in the world knows that something must have happened just now.

"What a big noise! ​​There is an aura from the source of the demonic path inside. Is that the original demon fighting with people? But he was seriously injured and suddenly lost the foundation of luck in this world. How could he suddenly fight with people? And according to my senses, the location of the conflict is farther west than Louli Country!"

"Besides that, there is the fog that suddenly appeared. Although it is somewhat similar to the fog of mortals, it is different at the same time. It enveloped me in time, as if it noticed my gaze!"

"More importantly, the changes in luck between heaven and earth..."

Thinking about it, Chen Yuan raised his head and looked up at the sky, his thoughts aligned with the heaven and earth. A bright and crystal destiny in his body trembled endlessly, which made him vaguely have some connection with the little heaven hidden in the God of Creation. This allowed Chen Yuan to cross After some obstacles, I realized that in this new realm, some kind of terrifying existence was slowly taking shape!

"It makes the matter somewhat urgent, so we can't delay it even more."

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Yuan's mind was like a knife, cutting off all kinds of messy thoughts, restoring a clear state of mind, and without stopping for a moment, he stepped forward and walked into the painting, as if he had never noticed the mystery of this place.

Chen Yuan's entry was like a pebble falling into a calm lake, causing faint ripples. It seemed insignificant, but almost at the same time, it was noticed by the Qintian Prison deep in Jingyang City, the capital of the Ayutthaya Dynasty.

"Another monk has entered the capital!"

"Cultivation...probably in the early stage of spiritual light."

"The files have been collected and filed, and spies from the Imperial City Department will be sent immediately to inquire and register."

"The common people are suffering, we should strengthen ourselves!"

In the slightly shabby inn, one could vaguely hear a slightly downcast man in the corner, speaking in secret to the young man beside him, saying: "This time you and I go to the capital, if we don't have a few heavenly masters, , the leaders of several major sects are rescued, and the two great traditions of the entire Dacheng Dynasty will end here!"

His voice was low and inconspicuous in the noisy and chaotic inn lobby.

The young man hesitated for a moment, and then the secret message came back: "Master, we...we are alone, and our inheritance is not even recognized by the sect. How can we rescue those people? Moreover, each of those people is more powerful than the other. They were all summoned by the imperial court with official documents, so how can they be said to be trapped?"

The downcast man shook his head and did not explain. He just said: "The world is confused by the world of mortals, so they don't know the truth."

The young man was even more puzzled. He hesitated again and then said: "According to your statement, Master, wouldn't those true immortals who descended to earth want to cause harm to the world? But we have traveled to various countries over the years, and what we have seen and heard are not all Are the true immortals and saints from all sides trying their best to enhance the national strength of each country? "

"Those are all appearances!" The down-and-out man shook his head, "It's all the conspiracy of those outsiders! Just like where you and I are, it seems ordinary, but it's actually all illusion! It's all illusion! Between you and me, this Dacheng Thousands of people and many monks are trapped in the situation. They don’t want to save themselves, but they place their hopes on outsiders. If so, sooner or later they will be defeated like before! "

He was still transmitting the voice at first, but later on, he seemed to be in high spirits, so he spoke out loud, with the smell of singing wildly. He even took out the wine bottle and took a swig of wine.

Fortunately, there were many people talking loudly around them. Although some curious people looked at each other sideways, they all withdrew their gazes after seeing that the two of them looked nothing special.

Chen Yuan was sitting in another corner, drinking wine and eating meat, but he could clearly hear the sounds and conversations throughout the inn, so he noticed the big and small.

He clearly noticed that the down-and-out man contained a strange power that led directly to the netherworld and led to illusions, and there was a familiar charm in it.

"Huangliang Damengjue."

With a slight sensation, Chen Yuan got a glimpse of the true meaning of this power.

"It's actually another cause and effect, but it's not a specific interpersonal inheritance, but a connection involving a technique?"

The Great Dream Technique is originally a gate-holding technique on Huangliang Road in Taihua Mountain in the realm of the Creation God. Although it is not of a high grade, it is extremely mysterious. Chen Yuan's Dream Pen and subsequent techniques all refer to this technique. Due to the decline of his sect skills and the lineage of Huangliang Dao, he originally ranked among the three authentic sects, but because of Chen Yuan's attack, his prestige and reputation declined.

All in all, it naturally became the sect that founded Chen Zu's reputation, and it was certainly a big cause and effect.

"Someone has come to help me practice again, but looking at the appearance of the two of them, I don't know what the situation is. But at least compared to other people, I can see that everything in front of me is actually a real illusion, which is a lot smarter. Yes Because of the mystery of the Great Dream Art?"

Thinking of this, he turned to look out the window.

Outside the inn, there is actually a large wilderness and a road that is almost covered with weeds. From time to time, you can see passing scholars, generals on horseback, merchants coming and going, etc., all of them are wrapped with a rich scent of The smoke of incense carries heavy cause and effect on your shoulders.

"Every person outside the window has a very important cause and effect. As long as time allows, certain dramas will be staged, such as a scholar staying in a temple at night and encountering a ghost fox, generals growing ambitions when coming and going, merchants having their own plans when advancing and retreating, etc. But …”

He looked beyond the crowd outside the window and landed ten miles away, where he could just see the majestic city.

Jingyang City!

"Although there were many wilderness areas outside the city at this time, with dense forests everywhere and many birds and animals, this was within the scope of Gyeonggi Province and on the edge of the capital city of a country. The distance of ten miles was like a wilderness that had been abandoned for many years. , not to mention that the Chidao, which has so many people coming and going, seems to have been abandoned for a long time, which is too deliberate. "

He didn't even need to deliberately investigate, but he knew that there were actually many good people hiding in this inn. Soon there might be a scene of bloodshed and martial arts vendetta in the inn.

But there is actually a hand behind all these stories.

"The lives of all living things in and around the capital, even the monsters and ghosts, seem to have been accelerated by others. They are constantly undergoing various changes, and the stories of ten, ten, and decades are unfolding in one place. It was all completed within two months. The reason behind this is that some people need to use this to practice! This is how to imitate the way of heaven to control everyone's fate!"

At this thought, Chen Yuan shook his head, feeling that some inexplicable will was constantly enveloping the inn. The expected drama was about to take place, so he lost interest, took a few coins, stood up and left.

But at this moment, he heard the down-and-out man he was paying attention to say: "Back then...the Chen family destroyed the inheritance of our sect, but it did not disturb the foundation of the sect, let alone bring harm to the world. In the end, it was free and easy Leave and leave behind the myth of ascension! Although he is a villain, he is also admirable! This is the magnanimity that a person with great supernatural powers should have. In contrast, those who come to various places now only want to manage the affairs of the country and hold the country in their hands. How can a person be regarded as an immortal?"

"Oh?" Chen Yuan stopped slightly, and then heard something again, which made his expression change slightly -

"In addition, the inheritance and legacy he left behind can be regarded as promoting changes in the world. Even the few named disciples and inheritance people at the beginning are the pillars of various places, maintaining various orders and resisting external invasions. ! There are even people like Emperor Chenghua, who do not hesitate to harm their own Taoist foundations to control the capital's territory, so that Dacheng will not completely fall and become the plaything of immortals. It is a pity that the sacrifices and struggles of these benevolent and righteous people are nothing more than letting them down. The world is dying, and we are in prison ourselves. If we can't rescue them this time, even if the Chen family comes back, we may not be able to save them! "


As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the inn burst open, and several tall men wearing feathered clothes and holding sharp knives broke in!

The leader took out his token and said loudly: "The Imperial City Department is handling the case! If there are any important criminals among you, don't leave. Come one by one for us to identify!"

What was originally a lively situation has turned into something new in the blink of an eye.

"Imperial City Secretary?"

Many people's legs trembled.

But there were also a few people with sharp eyes who touched the weapons on the table.

Chen Yuan shook his head and walked forward as if there was no one else around.

The strange thing is that the ferocious spies from the Imperial City turned a blind eye to this and allowed Chen Yuan to come and go.

In the corner, the down-and-out man and his disciples were still huddled in the corner, but when they saw this scene, their eyes widened and they felt terrified!

"Who is this?"

The capital of the Dacheng Dynasty was named Jingyang City.

When Chen Yuan walked on the streets of this city, he didn't feel like he was revisiting his old place. Instead, everything seemed strange.

Although this city is named after Jingyang, which seems to reflect the Chen family's title of Marquis of Jingyang, its location is neither the Jingyang County of the past nor the ancestral or prosperous place of the Chen family.

Similarly, this is not the capital of the Daning Dynasty, although from a distance perspective, this place is actually located northwest of the capital of Daning.

not to mention……

"This is actually just a painting, a painting covering the northwest corner of the ruins of the capital of Daning."

He had already noticed it when he was outside the painting. Now that he was in the painting, after realizing it personally, he became more and more certain that the capital of Daning was probably destroyed by war or something, but it still left behind the dragon veins of the Middle Earth. source.

But now, somehow, together with the capital of the Dacheng Dynasty, they are all included in a painting and controlled by others.

"It must be some kind of great magical power, but its purpose is quite simple..."

After walking and walking, Chen Yuan had reached the center of the city, where the three streets intersected. Farther away was the high wall of the imperial city, but here, there was a statue.

It was a young man wearing a Taoist robe, with flying long hair and a high-spirited look.

Statue of Chen Zu!

In front of the statue, a group of people knelt down, kowtowed and prayed, chanting something.

Look at the costumes of these people and their luck. They are farmers, tenants, traders, and lackeys. They all have their own appearance, but they all respect this image respectfully and place their thoughts on incense.

However, before these thoughts landed on the stone statue, they were taken away by the depths of the imperial city and disappeared.

"Theft was so blatant and unjust."

Shaking his head, Chen Yuan turned around and looked behind him.

A Taoist priest and two monks were behind him at some point.

Seeing Chen Yuan turn his head, the Taoist leader smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, please. It is already a sin for you to enter the capital without permission. Please go to the Taoist Yamen with us to register the origins of your disciples and explain them clearly." The purpose of going to Beijing, and then waiting for the fate.”

"I am a Taoist from the Fang Dynasty. I am here to collect stories. What do I want to tell you?" Chen Yuan still shook his head.

Then a young monk said: "You Taoist, do you really not know the rules? The Taoist practice sects in Dacheng are all under the jurisdiction of the national preceptor and are in charge of our Taoist priest. If you don't want to register, you have ulterior motives. You can't tell. I can use my means!"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes. The three people across from him were about to take action, but suddenly their hearts felt cold and they all stopped thinking.

But then, Chen Yuan smiled and asked: "If I leave for you, can I go to that Taoist Yamen where I can see the so-called Imperial Master? If possible, I can go there and save some tedious procedures. That’s fine.”

"Do you want to see the Imperial Master?" A clear voice came from the side.

Chen Yuan looked back and was startled. If it weren't for the difference in aura, just looking at the appearance and demeanor of the girl who was talking, he would have thought that Chen Shiji's sister had appeared again.

However, the girl's subsequent words made Chen Yuan's face darken.

She said: "Not everyone can meet the Imperial Master, but I don't think there is any need to take action. You have been standing in front of the stone statue of my ancestor for a long time. Could it be that you are a person of admiration? Then I will tell you, the Imperial Master is my ancestor." The reincarnation of the human being comes back to earth this time because he knows that the great calamity of heaven and earth is coming, and he has come here specially to lead the people of the world to a paradise where there will be no more wars. If you are willing, you can register with the Taoist priest first. If you are lucky, you might be able to see him one day! Go to the ancestors of the country!"

The pressure is on, post first and change later...

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