Depressed Fairy

Chapter 426: The rising star attracts bees and butterflies, the mysterious bird knows the way and ju

"The realm of mortal world?"

"New Cave Heaven!"

"Another new Cave Heaven was born. I don't know if it is adhering to the meaning of the ancient universe, or someone has occupied the position of the Lord of the Cave Heaven."

"In the past thirty years, only a few have had the opportunity to grow into a complete cave world. Calculating time, it should be one of the two new realms located in the Three Soul Heavens."

"Now that the New Territory has been born, it's time to go record it..."

In the starry sky, after the wills captured the ripples of light, they were either shocked, happy, worried, or planning...

At the same time, Chen Yuan frowned.

"How can you name a realm and advertise it so widely? Although the location of this place is not explicitly stated, if someone is willing to do some calculations, it is not difficult to find this place, so it will be lively here in the near future. But it also means that I don’t have much leisure time, so I have to do what I want to do as soon as possible. Fortunately, the current progress is surprisingly smooth. "

When Chen Yuan left the spirit fairy world, his original plan was very simple.

At that time, he had just obtained the "Method of Cutting Cause and Effect", had the method to practice to the Dongxu Realm, and knew the specialness of the Dongxu Realm, so he thought about returning to the Dongxu Realm and looking for a method to break the situation. However, he expected that if he went to the cave and involved the entire empty realm of the starry sky, the enemies he would face might be beyond imagination, so he planned to leave himself a way to protect himself before passing through. Come to this world.

As a result, due to a combination of circumstances, he achieved half a step of enlightenment, gained the foundation to control a world, and refined the Heavenly Law Body and a spiritual treasure. In comparison, all other The harvest seems not worth mentioning.

"According to the previous induction, the competition related to Dongxu is about to start, and it can be imagined that I am definitely not the only one who knows the connection between Dongxu Realm and Dongxu Realm, so Dongxu Realm is about to become a big stage .

"Going back early allows me to make plans in advance and take advantage of my Dongxu identity; but at the same time, there are many disadvantages. After all, I am entering the venue early. At that time, I will be in the same position as the evil Buddha and original demon who were laid out earlier in this world. Even if there is development, we have to withstand various variables.”

"If I go back later, there are advantages. I have the advantage of being a latecomer. I can see the situation clearly, and then use my own background in Dongxu as an entry point to deal with it calmly. Of course, there are disadvantages. Needless to say, as time goes by, even Dongxuan Sect's The foundation may be usurped by others. If I go back then, I may not have room for development. Moreover, after my cultivation has reached this point, it will be difficult to improve even if I am half a step into the void. I am afraid that the gap between my cultivation and theirs will not be big, no, No, there is actually another way.”

He suddenly narrowed his eyes and was about to think about something, but suddenly his mind moved and he noticed a change, so he moved his hand, and the shining Dao Fruit fragment suddenly flew out.

But compared with before, this fragment was trembling now, like a heartbeat.

"It's not so much a heartbeat, but more like it's resonating with something. This Dao Fruit fragment should be related to the disappearance of the Dongxu Realm, so it appears in the Dongxu Realm, but maybe in addition to that, there are There are other secrets.”

He was thoughtful, first he took the fragment and counted it with his fingers, then showed a look of surprise on his face, and then without any hesitation, he raised a thought and poured it into it.


The next moment, his mind began to change, and his consciousness was pushed by a force, condensing into a projected incarnation. After passing through the colorful corridor, he arrived at a strange place!

There is fog everywhere here, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

"Another way to enter a dream? However, this time it uses the Dao Fruit fragment as a guide to pull a ray of spiritual thought over and condense it into a projected incarnation. Except for carrying a ray of my will, there is almost nothing. Magical powers, let alone borrowing the power of heaven and magic weapons, are weird. "

He touched his face and habitually formed a ghostly mask to hide his true appearance. After Chen Yuan's projection walked a few steps, he heard a vague sound of calling, so he followed the sound and walked forward. Soon we arrived in front of an ancient palace.

The entire palace is made of jade, but these jade stones are not pure white and flawless. They are full of cracks and patterns. Coupled with the dust and dirt stained on them, this simple palace appears to be ancient and dilapidated.

Chen Yuan looked at it for a while and found that the architectural style of this palace was similar to some of the ancient monuments in Dongxu Realm. He paid more attention and walked forward and walked into it.

The hall was empty, supported by a few pillars with ten people hugging each other. There was almost nothing else except a long table in the middle.

The table was a mile long and seemed to be made of ancient wood. There was a long pattern on the tabletop, which seemed to be carved on it, depicting the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, stars and rivers. When Chen Yuan looked at it attentively, he actually noticed this pattern. It is alive, a projection of several realms and a starry sky!

"The method of transforming into a physical form is not a simple method. It costs so much just for a pattern on the table. It's so luxurious that it's almost like showing off your wealth."

With emotion, he withdrew his gaze and noticed figures walking slowly around him.

"Where exactly is this place?"

He collected his thoughts and had doubts in his heart, but Chen Yuan did not think about how to find out the news. Instead, he was ready to collect his thoughts and leave here at any time.

The strange place, the unknown place, the great gods are used to decorate it, and the Tao fruit fragments are just the introduction.

"In such a place, if one accidentally falls into it, there will be a lot of new troubles. I don't intend to cause trouble this time."

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Brother, you look very angry, but is this your first time in this dream palace?"

When Chen Yuan heard the sound, he looked over and saw that the person speaking was a man wearing a short jacket and a mask.

The mask on his face looks like a dragon's head at first glance, with green hair floating on both sides.

Look at the other people who are gathering from all over. Although they are of different heights and clothes, they all wear masks to hide their true faces.

Thinking of the ghostly look on his face, Chen Yuan thought to himself that he had made a mistake.

Seeing that he was silent, the person who spoke smiled and said: "My name here is Bai Ze, and I am considered a veteran. I first came here probably more than thirty years ago, and I also met many new people during this period." , I have seen many people leave, and I know a lot. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me.”

Chen Yuan's heart moved slightly and he said, "That's it. Thank you very much, fellow Taoist."

"Easy to say, easy to say," Bai Ze waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "From now on, we are all brothers here, helping each other. From what I see, brother, you are dressed as a monk. I don't know what kind of cultivation you are. ? In which cave?"

Hearing these words, Chen Yuan was slightly surprised, but before he could speak again, he heard a bell ringing.


Upon hearing this, Bai Ze sighed and changed the topic: "Let's go and listen first. This is the Juxian Bell. We are all here this time. It is the Lord of the Dream Palace who summoned us through the medium. Come together, this kind of thing happens at most once a year, the most recent one was just three months ago, and now there is a temporary increase, there must be something big." As he said this, he led Chen Yuan to the long table and looked for one. Sit down in the corner.

This table is long, with its own gatherings and sparseness, but as long as you come to the table, you can see it no matter how far away you are.

Seeing that Chen Yuan had not sat down, Bai Ze said hello again and followed: "Don't stand there. This Qiankun Yiqi Platform is said to be some kind of spiritual treasure. It is very mysterious. Sitting on the side has many benefits. We cultivators Those who are not very good often rely on such opportunities to practice.”


After Chen Yuan heard this and sat down, he immediately felt something unusual - first there was a force that calmed people's hearts and calmed their thoughts, and then his thoughts became clear, and many problems in cultivation spontaneously came to his mind, and then they were solved.

"How is it? But it's wonderful?" Even though the mask was blocking it, Chen Yuan still felt the other party grinning: "How can such an opportunity usually come along?"

"It's indeed wonderful." Chen Yuan nodded. Even if this long table is not a spiritual treasure, it is at least a magical treasure. Moreover, because everyone present is a projection of one thought and has no body, the true power of this treasure has not been exerted. "If this thing is like That belongs to the Lord of the Dream Palace, and this person can call others through a medium, and everyone’s medium is a fragment of Tao Fruit?”

While Chen Yuan was thinking about it, everyone else had already taken their seats.

At this time, a man wearing a broad robe and a black bird mask walked in.

When people along the way saw him, they all bowed and saluted.

Even Bai Ze whispered: "This is the master of the Dream Palace. He is an immortal who has cultivated himself. He is the reincarnation of a great power. His cultivation reaches the heavens and the earth. He is one of the most noble people in the starry sky and the universe!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and bowed in salute.


Chen Yuan looked over with great interest, squinted his eyes and saw this person sitting directly on the main seat. Then he raised his hand and pointed to the man wearing a candle dragon mask next to him.

"In the past hundred years, many incidents have occurred all over the starry sky. Not to mention the changes in the spirit fairy world some time ago, which weakened the aura of the Liewai Cave Void Immortal. The conflict between the Zixiao Palace and the Five Demons Palace is increasingly intensifying. There has been a big fight in some star fields, and many of us are involved. We should understand that the battle and fighting between the two behemoths will be the main axis of the next three hundred years, so we must grasp the peace and harmony. Only by grasping the context can we plan for the future.”

The man in a broad robe wearing a candle dragon mask spoke in a clear and serious voice. There was even a kind of cleanliness unique to a young man in his voice, mixed with a certain vicissitudes and old charm.

After this sentence, he talked about several wars in the star realm and cave sky, conflicts in Huangzangtian, Baizhijie, Fallen Broken Star Belt and other areas, and introduced various actions of disciples of Zixiao Palace and Five Demons Palace. , were all things Chen Yuan had never heard of before. As for the sects and names in these caves and realms, they were even more unfamiliar.

But in the final analysis, they all happened in distant places. Although they were valuable, they were ultimately limited. He sat in the corner, listened and memorized, and soon came back to his senses.

"Listening to what this person means, the people here seem to be distributed in various forces, and there are methods of communicating and summarizing between each other, so even across many caves, he can keep a close eye on what happened. Well, it is probably because of this special They have their own goals for the changes in power in the starry sky, and they want to plan it out based on the centenary period. What goals do they want to achieve? Also, can they gather in dreams? Are you relying on Dao Fruit fragments?"

He looked around and saw at least thirty people. Although they were all the incarnations of a thought, and each of them concealed their identity, it was impossible to tell their cultivation level. It could be seen from the various expressions and demeanor of these people. Look, he can still tell that the people present include immortals, ordinary monks, and even warriors who are not completely extraordinary, such as the "Bai Ze" next to him - Chen Yuanyin is very knowledgeable in Qi and Blood Martial Arts. Understand, so I can make preliminary judgments from some movement habits.

"If they are all immortals, then just think about the changes in the power of the starry sky. There are actually people with lower cultivation levels. It is not to look down on them. After all, most people have cultivated from a low level, but their cultivation levels are not high. You may not have seen much in the cave, so how about the changes in the starry sky? Therefore, this group of people should not have been recruited, but got the path to come here due to chance and adventure! This is a place to gather resources and exchange information, but for those monks who have just entered the path of spiritual practice, it is a great opportunity!"

Thinking about it, Chen Yuan recalled the mysterious organization that the Demon Lord mentioned last time.

"Could it be someone from this palace?"

He was still thinking that the "Zhulong" who had been introducing the battle report finally stopped talking, but his last words brought Chen Yuan's attention back -

"In recent years, changes have been getting faster and faster. In addition to the changes in the Dongxu world that carry the concept of Dongxu and the concept of Dongxu, and the overflow of the underworld, whether it is the sudden closure of the spirit fairy world or the birth of today's mortal world. , all occurred in the Three Soul Star Realm, but now that the expansion of Zixiao and Five Demons in other star regions is becoming more and more intense, the two in the Three Soul Star Realm are silent, as if something is brewing, so this star field, in fact, The most dangerous thing is that it may very well be the starting point of the calamity predicted in the prophecy!”


"So fast!?"

"This is inconsistent with the prophecy we made!"

There was chaos in the palace.

Three Soul Star Territory?

Hearing that several realms he was familiar with belonged to this, Chen Yuan remembered it in his heart, and then became curious about everyone's reactions.


Seeing that Bai Ze was also standing up in shock, he planned to ask him something later.

At this moment, the man wearing the black bird mask spoke up.

"I have told you that according to the calculations of ancestor worship, the calamity will be opened by a large-scale collision across the star sea. We, adhering to the afterglow of Tao and Fruit, should have risen in the calamity, made a difference, and redefined the universe, but now many Our colleagues have not even ascended together yet. If a catastrophe occurs at this moment, it will be difficult for us to not only turn the tide, but also to protect ourselves wisely. I have thought hard about the reasons and finally got some clues. "

As soon as these words came out, the palace returned to silence.

Xuanniao followed and said: "I have summarized the recent events, especially the changes in the Three Soul Star Territory, and have come to a conclusion that the source of calamity and the source of all evil must have been born! And it is causing trouble, stirring up right and wrong, and disturbing cause and effect. , please take a look..."

With a flick of his finger, a ray of light flew out, hung above, and then quickly unfolded, turning into dots of stars, outlining a starry field.

Chen Yuan took a closer look and his expression became a little solemn.


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