Depressed Fairy

Chapter 438 All kinds of changes reflect in the heart, and one palm touches the sky and shakes the s

In the lush forest, two figures walked quickly and took a leisurely stroll.

Behind them, there were several followers who were in a hurry. However, as they got closer and closer to the target, there were fewer and fewer followers. They left separately, seemingly each with their own priorities and doing other things.

In the end, only the two people walking forward were left.

"The immortal who is currently occupying Qishan is definitely a realm master?"

One of them is a handsome, slightly thin man. He wears plain white clothes but is rimmed with gold. He exudes a strange aura from top to bottom, and there is a golden talisman between his eyebrows. He steps forward, his feet Faintly hanging in the air, it is actually untouched by the earth!

"Not bad." Next to him, there was a tall, fat man with a beard. He also had a golden talisman between his eyebrows. He was wearing iron armor, with two arms exposed, and he was carrying two large handles behind his back. He responded angrily with an ax and an urn sound: "This person is the Lord of the Cave Heaven in the New Realm. He was attracted to Chen because of the Five Demon Palace. I heard that after easily defeating the witch Shui Lu, he occupied that mountain gate. . However, there are some news coming from the Heavenly Court, which seems to indicate that this person has a relationship with the Qishan Sect that he occupied, but it has not been completely confirmed. "

"Qishan Sect is not considered a small sect here. Previously, the Giant Spirit God disguised himself as a cultivator and took over this sect. He wanted to convert this sect before others noticed, but he had not yet had time to introduce it. All the rules and regulations of our heaven were taken over by the demonic gates without being enthroned as gods.”

The handsome man frowned and said: "But since the one who took action was the witch of the Demon Gate, it was indeed not something that the giant spirit could deal with, but how could the water and dew be controlled by others? The God of the Chenyuan Cave has only been successful for a few years, so he must not be able to deal with it. Qingjing Neng actually has such a method? Or is it relying on the connection with Qishan Sect to suppress Shui Lu and other demons? "

The bearded man replied: "No matter what method you use, you will know it when you meet in person. This time our Nantian Court will take charge of the situation and hold a meeting of immortals and demons. The main thing is to gather the ascetics together, formulate rules, and agree on the rules." , to strengthen the foundation of heaven! This situation cannot be destroyed by monks who have reached the peak of merit!"

"How come I don't understand this?" The handsome man chuckled: "The immortal who occupied Qishan took the initiative to send people to investigate. He clearly had a plan. Since he has united with the way of heaven, he naturally lost the ability to pursue Dongxu. Qualifications, in order to prevent him from being attracted by others, becoming an anomaly, and disrupting this meeting of immortals and demons, you and I must make it clear to him this time, so that he knows how powerful he is, and he can take heed of his thoughts and behave himself. "

"Oh? What do you mean, you are actually from Shinto? The forces behind it can actually strengthen the foundation of their own power by formulating laws and regulations such as the law of heaven?"

As soon as the bearded man finished speaking, a voice suddenly appeared behind the two of them.


The two people walking suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

What came into view was a few feet away, a figure with flying white hair and flying gray robes.

"Who are you?"

The handsome man asked in a low voice. The talisman between his eyebrows immediately glowed with a faint golden light, and many ripples spread out around him. His heart was full of vigilance and doubts.

It should be noted that these two people are moving forward. It seems to be an understatement. In fact, the divine power is stirring in their bodies, and their spiritual thoughts are surrounding them. Within a radius of thirty miles, not to mention the slightest movement, even an extra mosquito can be sensed. But now the opponent is approaching. Within a few feet, he and his colleagues were unaware of it.

"If this person hadn't taken the initiative to speak out, wouldn't we be able to find him when he arrived?"

At the thought of this, the two of them felt cold and frightened, and each tightened their heartstrings as if they were facing a formidable enemy!

On the other hand, after listening to the words of the two people, the visitor just smiled and said: "Who am I? Aren't you just here to find me when you are waiting for this trip?"

"Looking for you?" The handsome man was startled, then he understood, "Are you Chen Shiji, the master of Chenyuan Realm?"

"Is he Chen Shiji?" The bearded man frowned and subconsciously looked at half of the mountain in the distance. "I am still far away from there, and I have hidden my traces. How did you notice that I was there? Is it really true? Are you planning ahead?"

"Are you planning anything?" Chen Yuan laughed, "What do I have to plan? I want to find the Immortal Demon Conference, and I don't intend to cover it up at all, so what's the point? On the contrary, you two are obviously Shinto monks, but It’s really surprising to be able to come to another world so casually. What kind of force do you think the Heavenly Palace is? Like the Zixiao Palace and the Five Demons Palace, it is also a major sect across the galaxy."

As soon as he saw these two people, Chen Yuan saw through their heel and legs, noticed the essence of Shinto inside, and realized that these were two gods!

Not only the two of them, but all the changes around them, all within the natural way of heaven, were now reflected in Chen Yuan's heart, transparent and clear, and he could see them at a glance.

"Compared to the thought gods in Dongxu, these two people are actually more similar to the gods in the God of Creation. They have flesh and blood, divine power washes the flesh, and they have a full moon in their chests. They are actually two gods at the level of merit! I originally thought , Most of these gods are restricted by region and authority, and are not as free and unrestrained as monks. I didn’t expect that there could really be a descending god!”

Since he freed himself from the mortal world, the number of meritorious immortals and demons he has seen has increased, and they are spreading all over the world. But Chen Yuan didn't find it strange. No matter how rare these meritorious immortals are and are scattered across the starry sky, in the end they are immortal and last for a long time. In addition, the mortal world is fighting for the way of heaven and condensing the seeds of the cave. It's not Fudexian is not even qualified to be on stage! It can naturally gather the immortals scattered across the starry sky.

As for the Gouchen stage, it involves the realm of Dongxu, and those who seek the realm of Dongxu are naturally those who have stayed at the peak of merit for a long time. Even if there is only one of these people in a star field, they have been there for thousands of years. I don’t know how much they have accumulated. After gathering in one or two caves in just a few years, doesn’t it seem like they are all gone?

But even though Chen Yuan had figured out the truth a long time ago and condensed the laws of heaven in advance to deal with it, he never expected that he would encounter gods from the outside world!

The handsome young man opposite, after the initial surprise, immediately calmed down, then he counted with a snap of his fingers, then groaned, and his face turned pale.

"It's hard to predict fate. So, it's really possible that it's that Chen Shiji!"

His eyes suddenly became profound, and then he said solemnly: "Since Your Excellency is here, it's just right. I originally wanted to visit you, make a powerful statement, and sort out the relationship. It's the same everywhere. I am a member of Nantianting, a star patrol envoy. Zhang Zhineng, this is the evil-destroying god General Chikane! I have met the Realm Master!"

The bearded man, Chi Jian, also cupped his fists and saluted, and said in a loud voice: "A certain family has met Master Chen!"

While the two were saluting, they also looked at Chen Yuan. They thought that the other party had arrived behind him silently and could detect the arrival of themselves and others from the mountain. They couldn't help but become more vigilant and surprised at the other party's ability to hide and detect.

"Are you here to visit or to warn?" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, "I'm afraid you two are uninvited guests." He said this while relishing the name "Southern Heavenly Court" in his heart.

He had heard this name before, and knew that it was indeed a major sect on the same level as Zixiao Palace, Five Demons Palace, and Kunlun Mountain. When he heard the word "Tianting", he thought it was probably related to Shinto. Now that he saw it, it was indeed the case. .

"It's just that as a result, in this world of Gouchen, as far as I know, three major sects are involved. I'm afraid it will become more and more lively."

"The Realm Master is joking." On the opposite side, Zhang Zhineng shook his head and pointedly said, "If the conversation we just had caused the Realm Master to misunderstand, then I might as well speak clearly and thoroughly to save the Realm Master from being embarrassed for a while. Misjudgment leads to mistakes and regrets in the end.”

He seemed polite, but neither his tone nor the meaning of his words was friendly at all: "I think the Realm Master already knows about the Immortal Demon Conference, so I won't beat around the bush. If this matter can be accomplished, it has a lot to do with my Heavenly Court, but The ones that the Heavenly Court entertains are those who have been trapped in merit for many years, but are still able to resist the temptation of higher realms with great will and perseverance, and maintain their realm, like the Realm Lord, who has already decided on the way forward. Those who are consistent with the way of heaven are actually not suitable to go there..."

As he spoke, Zhang Zhineng changed the subject: "I heard that the Realm Master has only been practicing for more than two hundred years, and he has extraordinary qualifications. Now, in the new unified world, it is time to calm down, understand the mysteries of heaven, and strive for Why bother coming here when you can attain enlightenment and peace as soon as possible? Why not..."

While the person was about to continue talking, Chen Yuan suddenly interrupted him and asked: "Is this Gou Chenjie from your Nantianting family?"

Zhang Zhineng was startled, shook his head and said: "Gou Chen has no owner. There may have been one in the past, but after experiencing some disasters..."

"Then it's over? This Gouchen doesn't belong to your family, so what does it have to do with you whether I come or not?" Chen Yuan grinned, "If you want to hold a conference in the east and invite others over, that's your fault too. I happen to want to go east, why can’t I go?”

"Chen Jiezhu, you probably didn't understand what we meant," Chi Jian frowned and said, "The purpose of the meeting of immortals and demons is the realm of Dongxu. You have joined the Dao realm and have no hope of Dongxu for the rest of your life. It has nothing to do with this matter! No matter who else wins over you, after the Heavenly Court makes a covenant and binds all parties, no unrelated people will be involved in this matter for the sake of fairness!"

When He spoke, a strong sense of oppression surged from his body, suppressing all directions!

Buzz buzz——

From all directions, there are spiritual thoughts responding to it, as if there are many incense believers hidden around the flag mountain, and the spiritual veins in the mountain, the earth veins underground, and the mysterious energy in the sky are all faintly responding to it.

Among the layers upon layers, a large net and formation are vaguely taking shape!

Seeing this, Chen Yuan calmly raised his hand slowly and said: "Did you use the few people who were traveling with you and others as nodes to set up the Shinto formation in the air? After all, you still haven't escaped from the incense. Bureau! What do you mean?"

Zhang Zhineng still said in a calm tone: "My Heavenly Court has always been reasonable, abiding by rules, and abiding by agreements and orders. We do not bully the weak or punish without teaching. But if we treat others calmly, If you can't get a response after explaining things rationally, you can't help but enforce the laws of heaven to maintain order. However, world lord, don't worry, you are the master of the cave and responsible for the order of the world. We will not harm your life! !”

"You are really domineering! But it doesn't matter. After all, I didn't have any good intentions when I came here this time! My original intention was to arrest a guide, but if I arrest one, I will arrest both." Chen Yuan said, holding on to his hand The seal formula has been completed, "and it also allows me to try it out and see how powerful the newly learned formula is."


A gust of wind blew up into the sky!

Inexplicably, Zhang Zhineng's eyelids twitched, and there was a warning sign in his heart!

"Do it!"


While speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed, and the talisman between his eyebrows suddenly glowed, and the magnificent and sacred Shinto dharma emerged from his body, joining the surrounding Shinto formations and communicating with the void!


The sky trembles, cracks appear, and a piece of beautiful buildings and jade can be vaguely seen!

Powerful divine power, divine thoughts, and thoughts of sustenance spilled out from it, entwining towards the two gods in the world. The thoughts originating from all living beings in the starry sky were suddenly refined into the purest blank thoughts, like a blank sheet of paper, which can be used as desired. Books alone shape thousands of things!

In the magnificent palace, thousands of thoughts are like burning flames, covering the sky!

Under the sky, Chi Jian holds two axes, his whole body shines with golden light, and his momentum is unparalleled. Step by step, the Shinto dharma on his body is getting bigger and bigger, like a golden-armored war god, shaking the world step by step, running straight towards Chen Yuan!

Zhang Zhineng is making seals with his hands, his long hair is flying, and his Shinto Dharma sign points to the sky with one finger and the ground with the other, which matches the building in the sky!

"We also know how powerful we can be. We can gain the authority of a realm and suppress the female queen of the Demon Sect! But in our heavenly court, we have gained the power of the starry sky. Now that we have established the roots of the Taoist court here, it will be like the heavenly palace descending. There is no way to escape. , unless you can breathe..."

Chen Yuan didn't even listen to what he said. His eyes suddenly became sharp and he pointed the sword in his hand!

"Tian Qing!"


With Qishan as the center, within a radius of thousands of miles, spiritual energy suddenly boiled, the sky circulated, and the clouds dissipated!

Immediately afterwards, a huge aura fell from the nine heavens, and the entire sky matched with it, and actually tilted towards the two gods!

In an instant, the canopy covering one side was smashed by the sky, and the already formed formation was broken open by the sky!

In the cracks, Qiong Tower is in chaos!

On the earth, the two gods were shocked!

"This is...the power of heaven? What's going on? Isn't this person the Lord of the Cave Heaven in the mortal world? How can he mobilize this power of heaven? And this heaven's power..."

"Since you know that I have a connection with this world, haven't you looked carefully?"

Chen Yuan interrupted the two of them again. He pressed down with his palm, connected with the Qingtian, turned into a thousand-mile palm, and pressed directly towards the two of them!

Click! Click!

Nazhi Jian roared angrily, raised his two axes, and his golden armor expanded, turning into a giant, but in the blink of an eye, he was crushed to pieces by the Shinto Dharma!

"You know my record, you know a little bit about my life, and you even know the outcome of my battle with the Demon Sect, but you still feel that you have it all at your fingertips. Just because you can communicate with the Heavenly Palace, you have no scruples and come here to enforce the law without a license? How arrogant! The little god of heaven!”


The earth trembled, and the physical appearance and divine bodies of the two gods were all suppressed by the palm of the sky!

Chen Yuan put his hands behind his back and slowly fell down.

Whirring whirring--

The strong wind and yellow sand, broken veins and flying green, radiate into the distance!

Thousands of miles away, on the top of the mountain, the old man was waiting for an opportunity to watch the battle, his eyes widened with strange colors.

"Master the way of heaven and earth, declare the Qi of heaven and earth! Good, good! No matter whether the evil spirit is reincarnated or not, with just this hand, you can get the essence of my Xuanqi, the essence of Xuanqi! If it hadn't been reminded by the mysterious mirror, and the old man came to see it personally, how could I have done it? Don’t miss this great talent!”


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