Depressed Fairy

Chapter 470: The true body is indestructible to all means, and the correction results are spotless.

"Based on the words of Taili Sheng and the elders of Xuanqi Sect, the general structure and characteristics of this ancient clan are almost clear. This is a clan closely related to time, time, and the long river of time. It has a very long history, or He said that according to the information currently available, they may be a group that has been born with time, and it can no longer be described as long-lasting. "

Sitting in the quiet room, Chen Yuan thought about the information he had just received and calmed down.

"The Kuroshio anomaly that appeared earlier is also related to this ethnic group, but what the old senior said at first was that the Kuroshio disaster originated from the ancient human race's understanding of the heaven and earth, thus shaping the ancient clan, but this The rhetoric is different from that of Tai Lisheng, and there is also the distinction between the Jie clan and the Jie clan. However, one thing is clear, this ethnic group is the enemy of the human race, and from a certain perspective, it is still superior to the human race! The struggle with it not only caused the Dongxu Realm to cease to exist, but it still exists today, but..."

He recalled Qing Lao's words and recalled the ocean that he reached in the depths of time and space when he fought with General Jie.

"This war should not be in the starry sky, but within time! In other words, the place and battlefield they talk about is located in time!"

Realizing this, Chen Yuan took advantage of the situation and grasped the attitude of those higher-level human monks towards him.

"If what I expected is correct, practitioners who have grown up like me will be led to the battlefield to fight as long as they show enough fighting power. Even those at the pure level will not be exceptions. Therefore, such characters It's not common, but there is a question here. What is the situation with the two masters of the Formless Realm and the Demon Lord? The former seems to have been sitting in the starry sky so that he can come to seek revenge in time after his son's accident, and the Demon Lord? …”

After thinking about it, Chen Yuan found more questions, such as why he couldn't pull people out of the timeline at will and send them to the battlefield, or whether the person who was sent to the battlefield voluntarily or on the basis of Other rules? Is Qingjingxian subject to restrictions?

"Perhaps it is also related to the fact that many of today's Qingjing Immortals have skipped the Dongxu Realm, but in any case, judging from the reactions of Qinghuazi and others, they must have come with a higher will, and the reason why they are like this to me I'm so polite, probably because of my unimaginable fighting ability."

After thinking about this, Chen Yuan's attention turned back to himself.

At this moment, his body was empty, his mana and aura had all been exhausted. Even the energy and blood that filled his body were on the verge of exhaustion, and his entire body was close to losing strength.

In contrast, the Yuan Shen in Niwan Palace was still full of excitement, perfect and complete, covering the physical body with the power of the Yuan Shen. This was why he was able to behave as usual when facing the immortals and demons just now, without letting everyone notice. His own physical body is empty.

"Speaking of which, the essence of the universe of heaven and earth is refined into the flesh, and the power of the battle power exploded is a bit outrageous. Not only is it nearly invincible, but the various magical powers of the formless realm master are almost unable to shake the Xuanhuang Zhen of heaven. Even if the body is extremely powerful, it will leave at least a few traces and cannot even break through the defense! Moreover, no matter what mystical changes are, they will not have an effect on my Xuanhuang Zhen..."

When fighting, he was fully focused and could sense all kinds of powers. When the opponent made a move, Chen Yuan could capture the strength of the magical power. He could tell at a glance whether he should dodge or resist, and because he was not distracted, he did not think about many details. But now after the battle , recalling the situation during the battle, this sense is completely different.

"Xuanhuang's real body is not only unaffected by magical powers and has extremely strong defense, but a pair of fists can even damage magical powers. It's as if the various mysterious methods of the Lord of the Formless Realm and even the ever-changing Tribulation General are like paper. Once encountered, The fists of Xuanhuang's real body have become fake, and with one punch, his true colors are revealed!"

The defense cannot be broken by others, and magical means can be directly destroyed. Therefore, even if the strength of Tiandao Xuanhuang's real body is similar to that of Tiandao, it can show a higher level of combat power! Moreover, there is no need to go to great lengths to display and refine the power, simply, it is an unbreakable defense and an invincible attack!

"It's like it's a completely different system from the law of heaven, but it's all condensed through the essence of heaven. It's just that this Xuanhuang real body is a bit stronger, but the consumption is really amazing. The energy I have accumulated so far The death energy and yin blood, which is already close to the peak level of merit, has been strengthened by the essence of the first world, and it can only last for a cup of tea at most, and is almost completely consumed now. Only after a day or two of cultivation can you regain your strength."

Before, he was invincible in the starry sky, almost always injuring his enemies with one blow, but in fact this was the only feasible fighting method for Tiandao Xuanhuang's true form.

"The current situation can be called the 'real man with a cup of tea' mode. Once the Tiandao Xuanhuang True Body is activated, the enemy must be crushed within the time of a cup of tea. Beyond this time limit, I will Once the weakness of the mysterious body is revealed, the strength of the attack and defense will change! Even when we are actually facing the enemy, we cannot really delay the time limit. We must defeat the enemy in as short a time as possible, making it difficult for people to understand the depth and guess that it still exists! Time limit is the safest way to fight.”

To put it simply, the fighting method of Tiandao Xuanhuang's real body is to kill people in seconds.

"It takes seconds for an enemy, and a group of enemies also has to wait seconds, and then exit the state of Tiandao Xuanhuang's true body, in order to maintain enough physical strength and blood, and even recover quickly to maintain the battle. But this involves another situation..."

Thinking about it, Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes.

"In everything, consider defeat before winning. I can't rely on the enemy to be defeated in seconds. Looking at it now, enemies at the quiet level can be defeated, but there is also the premise that the master of the phaseless realm will underestimate the enemy. If he is more cautious, By delaying or retreating immediately, my weakness may be exposed, and there is only one enemy this time. If there are a few more, I may not be able to kill them all."

He thought quietly, mentally sketched out many possible battle situations, weighed the pros and cons, and formulated a plan.

"Besides, this is an enemy of the Realm of Peace. If it is at the Taixuan level, there is a high probability that this will not be the case. It is very likely that I can only remain undefeated or even barely resist. At that time, I will have to consider strategies. transfer situation."

In the final analysis, Chen Yuan has never seen anyone at the Taixuan level, so he has no way of estimating the opponent's combat power. He must base his guesses on the worst-case scenario.

"Again, we may face more enemies of the ancient clan in the future, and the weird time method is also difficult to guard against. From this point of view, in addition to finding ways to increase the combat endurance, we must also have a method that can control the situation. If the situation is unfavorable, just leave and move in time without anyone’s interference.”

The image of the prehistoric mirror appeared in his mind, and he had many plans.

"The research and use of the Great Desolate Mirror must indeed be put on the agenda, and then we need to further enhance the foundation of the mysterious body. In this way, it can last longer after the Heavenly Dao Xuanhuang True Form is unsealed. There is actually a breakthrough in this aspect. At the beginning, I By condensing the mysterious body, one has mastered a magical power that can slow down the body and mind, reduce spiritual thoughts and spirit, and enhance physical strength and vigor. Now that the realm has been improved, the magical power is a little weak, but as long as it takes time, it may not be impossible to apply to the immortal body. …”

As soon as he thought this, Chen Yuan concentrated on his body and carefully felt the changes in his body. He mainly concentrated on the illusory seed in the depths that condensed the essence of the world of heaven. He slowly gained some understanding and the embryonic form of the great supernatural power of body and mind transformation in his heart. Already thought about it a bit.

"I always feel that my mysterious body can actually carry the essence of heaven. If the power of the two realms merges, the power of this body should be even higher! Maybe I can fight against Taixuan..."

Then, he shook his head again.

"It's difficult to condense the second one of the laws of heaven. This Xuanhuang real body of heaven may not be able to carry two heavens. To be on the safe side, I have to slow down first. What's more, I just want to find the essence of the third heaven, and suddenly I Where to look for it? It’s better to regain your physical strength and resolve this matter first, so that you can deal with the matter of Dongxu with ease!”

Thinking like this, he calmed down and gathered his breath.

The entire Gouchen was at peace at this moment, with spiritual energy surging and starlight flowing. Even though it was experiencing a realm shift, there was a sense of tranquility between heaven and earth, which made people feel at peace.

"Heaven and earth reflect the true heart!"

On top of the building, the nameless female fairy felt the changes in the world, and her surprise became more and more intense.

"When one thought is in harmony with the sky, all the breathing and breathing are in harmony with the heaven and the earth! This man's cultivation is too amazing. It would be great if I could ask him for advice..."

She was sighing when she suddenly noticed something in her arms trembling slightly, and was stunned.

"There is movement again at this time! In recent times, the summons to the Dream Palace have become more frequent. Could it be that the time of catastrophe is really approaching?"

Almost at the same time that Chen Yuan was meditating again, some undercurrents surged in the starry sky. Not only did the palace in his dream appear again, but there were also many actions from many other forces.

For example, Yizhi Buddha and others also fell into the Gouchen Realm and came to visit Chen Yuan under the name of Lingshan. After learning that Chen Yuan had gone into seclusion, they did not stay here, but said goodbye and left, agreeing to come back in a few days. .

Then this group of people went all the way east, moved mountains and reclaimed the sea in the outer sea, and created a large island. Then the spiritual energy surged and gathered on it. After a few hours, a spiritual spiritual land was created. It is clear that he wants to establish a sect in the Gouchen world and leave the Lingshan branch!

How could such a change escape the perception of all the immortals and demons!

"Good guy!"

Qinglao's eyes widened and he came to his senses: "After all, these Buddhist people are rich in experience. How could I not think of this!"

Xia Fei murmured, "Didn't you, old man, establish a branch of the Xuanqi Sect a long time ago?"

"That's different. It's just my residence, but it won't be the foundation of the sect." Mr. Qing shook his head, and then ordered: "Go and find a good place, and set up the mountain gate in a serious manner. It’s better to negotiate and communicate with Master Chen.”


As Lingshan's power took root, other parties also came to their senses at a loss, took action one after another, and established their own mountain gates.

In the void, there were already several pairs of eyes staring at Gouchen, some with goodwill and curiosity, while others with malice and jealousy.

"This person is our compatriot, and he also has a void destiny?"

"This rebellious man has become the master of two realms! What good luck!"

"Now that he has two realms on his back, he appears to be tyrannical. Only when he enters the void and has no realm to support can he show his true cultivation. Only then can we truly determine who is the son of the void of this generation!"

Amidst all this commotion, a figure suddenly appeared outside Gouchen one day later.

The figure of this man was blurry, and only an outline could be seen. He seemed to be covered in white clothes.

He first glanced at the place where Chen Yuan was fighting.

"It is true that he has the power of the Qing Dynasty. This newly emerged junior does indeed have the combat power to span an entire realm. But even so, there is still something difficult to explain in being able to suppress and defeat the Lord of the Phaseless Realm so easily and quickly. , and since he has become the Lord of Dongtian, he still insists on participating in the battle of Dongxu. Is it a coincidence that he has obtained some kind of method to achieve Dongxu from the spiritual world? "

Thinking of this, the man's eyes sparkled.

"If this is the case, then our purpose of leaving behind the realms of spiritual immortals can be considered to have been achieved. Perhaps the answer can be found in the Dongxu Realm. In that case..."

He took one step, crossed the starry sky, and arrived outside the realm of Dongxu!

"I didn't want to interfere in this matter, but if they were allowed to fight, there might be complications. Now the situation on the battlefield is complicated and urgent. Since the Chen family may be the hope for perfecting the method of refining Qi, we can't waste time and get the answer. Show up early!”

After the thought fell, the man waved his long sleeves, just like flicking his sleeves to flick the dust.


Thousands of stars dimmed together, and a ray of light came out from the void, covering the entire cave world!

In this huge realm, inexplicable changes unfolded, and countless worldly obstacles fell from it...

While Chen Yuan was in retreat, changes in the outside world came one after another.

Not to mention the thoughts of several major sects and the various reactions of various major sects, let's just say that the two warriors from the divine martial arts world became restless after realizing Chen Yuan's abilities. They wanted to seek help from Chen Yuan as soon as possible, but were worried that Chen Yuan would refuse. , and dare not go there rashly, for fear of disturbing Chen Yuan and causing trouble.

Therefore, during the three days of Chen Yuan's seclusion, these two people did not think about food or food. Even though their bodies were full of energy and blood, they had already reached the state of fasting and could not eat for seven days, but they still looked haggard and suffered in their hearts.

When Chen Yuan showed up again, they hesitated for a while and explained their intention.

"There is no need to worry." Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, and with a thought in his heart, he said: "I have heard about the Shenwu world for a long time, and I have long wanted to find out. After all, the Qishan sect who brought the two here is originally I arranged it.”

I don’t know what the situation is like with the way of heaven in the world of divine martial arts.

His words naturally made the two Shenwu warriors ecstatic and thanked them repeatedly.

As for Ching Lao, Qing Hua Zi and others, they were a little confused. In their view, now that the opportunity for Dongxu has appeared, the restrictions that originally restrained and excluded outside monks in the Dongxu world will weaken. It is the time to set foot in Dongxu. If there is an opportunity in the world, if you are interested in Dongxu, you should use the connection between Gouchen and Dongxu to go straight to Dongxu!

But facing Chen Yuan, no one dared to ask rashly.

"I wonder when the Immortal is going to leave?" But the two Shenwu warriors couldn't hold back and asked anyway.

"When we go outside, we must mend the sky first!" Chen Yuan smiled at the two of them, then stood up, straight to the sky, and stood before the sky was broken and the stars were turning, and he raised his hand.

The dazzling fate flies out of Niwan Palace and shines brightly!

"It's time to kill this fate!"


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